Vampires Were Not Suppose to...

By tmgowan

5.6K 145 34


Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (1)
Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (2)
Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (3)
Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (5)
Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (6)
Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (7)
Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of my College Experience (8)

Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (4)

685 19 3
By tmgowan

Cadence's POV

Midnight Eclipse I said over and over in my head as I drove down Broadway. Where is it? Mapquest said it was on Broadway, now where the hell is it.... Oh, there it is. I found a parking spot about a block away and quickly walked to the door.

"ID please..." said a giant bald headed man

"Oh, um, ok, hang on a sec..." I fiddled through my bag. I showed it to him and he looked at it then looked at me with kind of a shocked expression

"Răcoros?'m sorry mam, please, please go on in..." he stammered. Did he just bow a little bit? Ok that was weird. I walked through the door and looked around.

Hmm, I think I like this place. Very...different...almost kind of gothic style. How come I never knew about this place? Oh, that's right, I'm a hermit, a loner, a loser who keeps to their self. I looked in front of me and saw chance coming toward me. I smiled.

"Hey" I said

"Hey you," he said "so how was that class?"

I laughed a little bit "Oh you know the wonderful world of Economics."

He smiled that smile again. I almost melted into a puddle right there.

"How about a drink...what would you like?" he offered me

"How about a water?"

"Coming right up"

I watched as he went up to the bar. I hate to admit it but.... damn he's fine. I caught myself looking at his ass, as he turned around. I quickly diverted my eyes else where. I could feel all the blood in my body rush to my face...

"Here ya go," he said handing me a bottled water


"Wanna go sit down?"


I followed him across the club, weaving through the crowd. We went into the VIP section of the club and sat down.

"VIP?" I asked him as I adjusted myself on the black leather couch.

"Make you uncomfortable?" he asked me

"No, no, just curious, are you someone special?"

"Let's just say I come here a lot, they know me, what can I say?" He said taking a drink of something red

"What ya drinking?" I asked "smells kinda good."

"What? Oh, um, it's a Bloody Mary"

Hmm. I think that's the first time I ever heard him stammer. Almost as if he was paranoid about something. Hmm, whatev-.


Chance's POV

"What?" oh no she noticed my drink "Oh, um, it's a Bloody Mary" that's partly the truth anyway...

"So, tell me more about yourself" I ask her

"Well, what do you wanna know?" She said. Is she flirting with me? I'm pretty sure she is.

"What's your family like?"

"I told you this morning, crazy."

"Well, I got that much" I chuckled "Whose family isn't?"

"Well, I'm an only child" she stated

"Oh yeah, how come? Parents decided they wanted one perfect daughter?" I teased her

"Trust me, I'm far from perfect. No, actually my parents couldn't have children for whatever reason that may be. I'm adopted"

"ADOPTED?!" I said a little to abruptly "I mean....adopted? Really?"

"Yeah, my parents adopted me when I was just a week old. They said that the agency told them that my birth mother was killed just after I was born, and my birth father took off. They have no idea where he went, or where he is, or if he is still alive."

"So Răcoros, that is your adoptive parent's name?" I asked trying to get some information without looking too nosy.

"Actually, my adoptive parent's last name is Buckman. For whatever reason they opted to have me keep the last name of my birth parents, well actually I think it's just derived from my birth mother's last name...or something like that." She explained

This is just too weird. So that means if she is Princess Catalina's daughter, then she is Princess Cadence of the Musatei coven. Meaning she is next in line for queen, since there were no other heirs after Catalina died.

"Do you know anything else about your birthparents?" I asked her

"Nope," she said taking a drink of her water "why you so interested?"

"No reason," I said "Wanna dance?"


Cadence's POV

"Dance?" I said panicky " Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I do not dance."

"Of course you do," he said and dragged me to the dance floor

Paramore's Pressure started playing. Well, at least they played good music, I love them. I watched as Chance started dancing. God, he looked so good. I loved how his hair hung just over his eyes. Dancing came natural to him, you could tell. He looked at me with that smile.

"Aren't you gonna dance?" he asked

"I can't"

"Everyone can dance," he said and pulled me into his rock hard body. "just follow my lead."

After a while I started to let loose. Stand Up by Firefight came on. We danced for what seemed like hours and all the while Chance never let go of me. I was having so much fun. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I could definitely get used to this.

"Need a drink?" he ask me

"Yeah, can we sit down for a little while?"

"Sure, no problem,"

He grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined, my heart fluttered and he led me back to the table that we previously occupied.

"I'm having a great time," I said

"Me too," he said

I took a drink of water. It was probably the best drink of water in the world, and at that point, I would have believed it.

"So, what about you?" I asked

"What about me?" he said

"Well, we always talk about me, but I don't know anything about you."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"How old are you?"

"Oh, I dunno, 628, give or take a few years"

"Wow, you look pretty damn good for your age?" Wow, did I really just say that, man, he really does do something to me.

"Yeah, well, I try," He smiled and shrugged his shoulders in a cute and smug kind of way.

I laughed "How old are you for real?"


"Any siblings?"

" one, her name is Addie"

"And your parents?" I ask

"What about them?"

"What are they like?"

"My father, Nicolae. He is well, let's just say that he is a very powerful man and you don't want to make him angry."

"I see, and your mother?"

"Ahh, my mother, her name is Elisabeta. I don't see her often. She travels a lot."

I sat and listened to Chance talk about his family. He loved them dearly, you could definitely tell that much, just by looking into his eyes. There was almost a sadness in them, but I couldn't quite place it.... I glanced around the club and realized it was almost empty...

"Oh, my gosh, what time is"

"Um, about 3 in the morning why?"

"I have class in the morning, ugh, I'm never gonna get up in the morning," I said frantically grabbing my bag, "I'm so sorry, I really have to go."

"Can I at least walk you to your car?"

Aww, such a gentleman

"I'd like that."

He picked up his glass and drank the rest of his drink and we headed for the door.

"Have a good evening Ms. Răcoros," I heard the bouncer guy say to me.


Chance's POV

I was sorry to see her go. But all good things must come to an end I suppose. We walked through the nearly empty club toward the door.

"Have a good evening Ms. Răcoros," I heard a deep voice say. I stopped and looked to the source.

"You know who she is?" I asked the bouncer

"Yeah, we all do," said the bouncer.

I looked around the club and everyone who was left was staring at us in awe. This can't be good. They all know who she is and yet she has no idea. I looked in Cadence's direction, and she looked terrified.

"What do they mean they know who I am?" she finally spoke

"Cadence, I need to tell you something." I sighed

Cadence looked at me in fear. That's the last thing I wanted. I did not want her to fear me.

"Who are you people?" she said frightened, her eyes all wide. She began backing toward the door.

"Cadence, please don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I begged taking a step toward her

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed and ran out the door.

"DAMMIT, now see what you did." I said looking at the bouncer

"Damn, what the hell did I do?" he said looking confused

"She doesn't know yet." I said to him

"Whatdya mean, she doesn't know, how can she not know she is Princess Răcoros of the Musatei coven of Romania.?"

I rolled my eyes. "After Princess Catalina gave birth she was murdered. The baby was then taken and put up for adoption. She was raised with a human family."

"But why?How?" the bouncer pressed

"Why? Because the father was human, I guess that is reason enough. How? As in, how did she not kill her family and suck them all dry, because her father was human." I repeated

"So that means..." the bouncer started to say

"Yes, that means she is half vampire half human. I know extremely rare and unusual. Which I am guessing is why she doesn't crave blood like the rest of us. But I do know that she has a keen sense of smell. She smelled my drink earlier this evening and said it smelled good, and that means something. Any more questions?" I asked getting very annoyed.

The bouncer as well as everyone else in the room shook their heads.

"Good, now if you don't mind I'm going to go find her and see if I can't set things straight."

I ran out the door after Cadence. I could sense which way she went from her perfume of vanilla and cherries. Mmm, it smelled so good. Gah, I need to focus. I ran about a block up the street and saw a car screeching out of the parking lot. She was headed toward the campus. It's a good thing I'm inhumanly fast. I ran after her, but stayed just close enough to keep an eye on which way she was going. I didn't want to scare her anymore by letting her see me move like a super freak. Once she pulled into the parking lot and got out of her car I called after her.


Cadence's POV

I had no idea what they were talking about but I did know they were scaring the hell out of me.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed at Chance and ran out of the door. I had to get to my car. I had to get away from here. I knew it was too good to be true. Good things never happen to me. That's why I keep to myself so I don't get hurt. I got to my car and fiddled with my keys. I couldn't get the key in the hole I was shaking so badly. I finally got in, slammed the door and locked it. I backed out of the parking spot and squealed out of the lot slinging gravel.

I replayed what had just happened in my head. "You know who she is?" "Yeah, we all do," what the hell does that mean? They know who I am? I'm Cadence Răcoros from Augusta, Maine. I'm a nobody. I am the loser loner girl who has no friends. Tears streaked down my face taking my mascara with it. I made it to the campus parking lot and got out of my car.

"CADENCE!!!" I heard someone yell at me. I turned around to see Chance running toward me.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted and started running toward my dorm

"CADENCE, PLEASE, please just let me explain."

I felt arms close around me. I began kicking and screaming with all my might.

"GET OFF ME...HELP....HELP!!!" I screamed

Really what was the point in yelling for help. It was after 3 in the morning on a school night, odds of someone being out were slim. But it never hurts to try.

"Cadence, please just calm down. Let me explain."

"NO!" I yelled again and butted my head against his face. He let me go and I took off at full force. I am so glad I use the stairs to get to my room. I could run forever.....Ugh, maybe head butting him wasn't the best idea. I don't feel so good anymore. I started to feel kind of nauseous, and then all went dark.


So what did you think? I think this is my favorite chapter so far. I decided to put in some links of Cadence and Chance. It's what they look like in my head... except Cadence...but it was the closest I could find of what my ideal image of her would be...let me know what you think....



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