The Diary!

By Lizzie-v-lover

34.6K 674 318

Leon reads Violetta's diary and they have a fight because of her trust has been betrayed , but will they get... More

That night
The morning after
How could you !
Dad to the rescue
Leon tries to make it right
A memory.
Violetta comes back
Tini , Getting back together ,Italy :Tini el gran cambio de Violetta
On the Island with Leon
Caio returns.
Ouch! Twisted Ankle (exploring the island)
We haven't done this in a long time
Good morning.
Big Decisions, Back to Buenos Aires , The Mile High Club ?
Fun in the Jacuzzi +Angie And German congratulate Violetta
Angie has BIG BIG news
The Gender of the baby is revealed !
Moving in together ?
Red Carpet Premiere (dirty)
Apartment hunting!( with pictures)
Reunited with the girs ! (Details about Vilu ,Leon , Cami and Broadway etc )
Traveling to Portugal,German spying on them,Performing together!
Moving into the Apartment (with pictures)
Portugal! ⛲️
Fun in the water!
Swimming Pool fun (last day in Portugal+pictures)
Luxembourg !(W/pictures)
In Madrid .One last Adventure ,Barcelona + a memory (Pictures)
Dinner wirth German and Leon! (+a memory)
Baby shower!(w/pictures)
Home decor disaster
The baby's coming! (Angie&German are new parents)
Does Leon get to meet the baby ?
Bringing the Baby Home ⚽️
Spending the night at the Castillo Home
German's Angry!
Do you even know what you're talking about??
Making out on the dinning table 💋+Going Dancing 💃🏽
Meeting Francesca and Diego's puppy!🐶
~Wanna get married ?Sebastian's 1st birthday🎉~
•Happy anniversary ! • 10 Years Later (W PICTURES)

You haven't told them?

620 14 4
By Lizzie-v-lover

-phone rings-

"Violetta your phone is ringing! " i hear camilla say through my sleep but i turn around and ignore her

" No ..i don't wanna" i mumble with my eyes closed

"Fine " Camilla says

Leon's POV

"Hola hermoso!" I hear somebody say through the phone

" Cami?" I ask confused

" Yes , it is in fact Camilla ! What can i do for you ?" She says and i hear somebody laughing

" What are you doing ? I haven't heard from you in so long ! Where's violetta ?" I ask

" Oh i'm doing just fine Leonsito , Violetta is not here she's of with some guy .. I don't know what was his name .. Hmm can't rember , no sorry !" She says and i laugh

" Stop playing, put her on the phone!  " i chuckle

Violetta's POV

I hear Cami talking to Leon and I instantly snatch the phone from her hand

" Cami , what are you doing?!" I say to  her and they both laugh

" Leon? " i put the phone to my ear

" Hi baby , what 's going on in there  ?" He says laughing 

" Nothing , they're just fooling around , stepping on my nerves !" I say the last part louder so they know i'm talking about them

They just continue laughing their ass off

" I had no idea you met up with them
you haven't seem them in such a long time  !" Leon says

" Yeah .. I missed them , last night , not now !" I say and they stop laughing and pretend to be annoyed, i laugh at their faces

" Hahaha , how's Angie doin , she okay ?" Leon asks

" Yeah , she's fine , a little bit tired that's all " i say

" I missed you last night " he said in a lower voice giving me butterflies

" Me too.. " i smile through the phone

" Oooooh! " i hear Francesca mocking me

" Stop it! " i say with my hand over the phone

" Listen, i'm gonna drop by in a few hours ,okay? " Leon says

" Yeah , sure !" I reply

" Okay.. Love you baby " he said

" Love you too " i say and hang up

"Ohhh! You 're so smitten with him !" Francesca says teasing

" Fran stop it , it's not nice to rub it in her face that she's so in loooooove "Cami says teasing me as well

"You guys ! Will you stop ?" I laugh and get out of bed

" Come on , let's go eat something , i'm starving !" I say and head out the door

" It's probably just the butterflies you're feeling Violetta ! Geez get it together! " Francesca jokingly says

" Stop teasing me already !" I say embarrassed and they both  laugh at me again

-in the kitchen-

*they're all having breakfast in the kitchen *

Leon walks in.

"Cami! Fran ! " Leon the enters the Kitchen and hugs the girls

"Hey , Joaquin called me , we got the apartment ! " he says exited and comes over to me and hugs me

" What? What apartment ?" Francesca asked  confused

" You haven't told them ?" Leon looks down at me , quite upset i would say.

Leon's POV

It bothers me that Violetta hasn't told them yet ... Is she having second thoughts ?

" Oh yeah..." She looks down and up at them again

" Me and Leon are gonna move in together .." She barely smiles looks down again

What the heck?

" Wow ! Congratulations Vilu!" Francesca says and hugs Violetta

" Yes ! We gotta buy you guys a new house gift!" Camilla says

" What? " i ask confused and quite amused

" What is that ?" I laugh

" You know ...when someone moves into a new house , you get them a house warming gift ! " she explains

" You didn't know about that ?" She asks

" Nope.. No idea . I mean it's my first time moving into a new place anyway " i say look down at Violetta

"Right?" I ask her

" Yes.." She says quite shy and plays with her fingers

" Amiga are you okay ? " Camilla asked Violetta

"Yes , yes of course! I'm just a little bit tired , and hungry ! I've only had orange juice ! Not even coffee ! And i need to eat something !" She rants and laughs nervously

" Leon do you want something ? " she asked me

" Nope , i had breakfast at home-"

" Oh look! Bagels ! Fresh bagels ! Yum! " she interrupts me

She's acting weird..

"Cream cheese ! We need cream cheese ! " she said and headed towards the fridge and i move  out of the way so she cold open the door and grabs  the cream cheese

" Cami which one do you want ?" Violetta asked and Camilla

" Uh , bluberry!" She said and pointed to the blueberry bagel

" Uh.. I hate sweet bagels .." I say with a disgusted face and laugh

" Fran?" Violetta asks

" Onion , please " she smiles and says

" That 's more like it " i wink at Fran and she laughs

" Yeah blueberry bagels are disgusting " she says and sticks her tongue out at Camilla

" Hey ! " Camilla said offended and Violetta laughed

"I'll have the plain one" Violetta says and takes the bagel and cuts in half and started spreading some cream cheese on it

" Well .. I guess that just leaves me with the rye one "i say and reach in-between Francesca and Violetta and grab the bagel and take a bite from it

" Aye!" Violetta yells as she sees me bite the bagel

" What ?" I shrug and smile at her , knowing that i've crossed the line , not putting cream cheese on it

"Where's the cream cheese ?!What are you , wild or something???" She says shocked and i laugh

-2 hours later -

*the girls have left *

Violetta's POV

" What was that about?" Leon asks

"What was what? " I ask confused

" You didn't even tell them that we're moving in together , did you at least tell them that we're engaged ?" He asked quite pissed off

" Whoah , Why this tone ? I just forgot to tell them " I say defending myself

" And of course i told them about our engagement !" I continue

" Oh , okay , i see , you told them about our engagement but you just hoped we wouldn't  get the apartment, right ?" He says angry and gets up from his chair and walks over to the sink near the window

" Why are you acting like this Leon ?!What's wrong ?" I ask worried and walk over to him and grab his arm

"Why would you think something's wrong ?" He asked  trying to stay angry but he had tears in his eyes , he looked away and snaped his arm out of my gentle grip

"Hey , hey what's wrong ?" I ask and put my hand on his cheek turning his face , so he can look at  me

He avoids my eyes and keeps looking at the floor

"Are you having second thoughts ?" He barely asks after a few moments of silence

" What ? No , i'm not , i just forgot to tell them , that's it .. Leon why would think that ?" I ask worried

" It's not just that you didn't tell Francesca and Camilla , you hesitated when i asked you and it took a lot to convince you and when we picked apartments you only liked the one that was close to the house-" he says but i cut him of

" So? I just wanna be close to Angie and the baby, it's a big step  for me Leon and i would  feel more comftarble if we would move near here , that doesn't mean i don't wanna move in with you "

" This is my little brother we're talking about .. I wanna be close to him , i've never had a sibling before and  now that i'm old enough and i can move out of this house and live on my own , well with you , which is very exiting , there's this little baby that i'm really exited for too and it makes me not wanna go because i wanna be close to him whenever i want , that's why i want us to live close to the house , that's it , stop worrying , please " i say and hug him and he hugs me back nudging his head into my neck , i can feel him smelling my hair and i smile to myself

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