Peter Pan

By Lolyesilikecats

141K 3.3K 840

I was lost, and I continue to stay that way. Everything is my fault, I know it is. I am happy though. Yes, I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Hey! Please Read!
Hello, Very Important!

Chapter 10

5.8K 140 13
By Lolyesilikecats

His features soften as soon as I mention her name.

“How do you know her.” He says expecting an elaborate answer.

“Everyone knows your story.” I say with an equally evil glare. “Everyone knows Wendy.”

Giving me a light chuckle, “Oh but Hazel, you know that’s not the correct answer.”

“At least it’s something.”

“Who’s your mother, Hazel?” He says simply.

So close Peter, but she’s not my mother.

“No,” he smiles looking up at me, “who’s your grandmother.”

Shit. Okay, uh. No. You know what screw it. I give up. I’m not playing this “badass game”. I regret this. I regret coming here. What was I thinking. I would never admit it though.

“Okay, god, you win.”

“Yes, Wendy is my grandmother, yes, she told me your story, both of them.” By both I meant the fake story about how everything was rainbows and unicorns, and the real one, on how Peter and everything here is a giant shit hole.

“Now, was that so hard.” He says raising his eyebrow, while giving me a evil smirk.

“Yes,” I say under my breath,“ I hate losing.”

Yes, he won, but I wasn’t done.

He forcefully grabs my wrist and leans in toward my ear, “Close your eyes.” He whispers.

I give him a nervous look before slowly closing my eyes.


When I open them we were back at camp. Alone.

Peter’s POV

So that’s why she was here. She was Wendy’s granddaughter. It still didn’t make sense. Yes, she was the same age as Wendy, when she came to Neverland, but she’s special. Enless.. yes, she is one of the two.

I could see she was a little frightened. I wouldn’t blame her though, I scare the shit out of most people.

“Where is everyone..” She says in a soft voice.

“There back at the Hollow, sleeping, probably.”

She looks at me confused, “The tree,” I finish.  She nods now understanding.

“Uh,” she looks up at me, “could we maybe not walk..” It was so cute the way she would act towards me. At one point she would be enraged, but then at another point she would be completely innocent. It was like I could control how she acted. It was.. she was cute. The way she would look down in embarrassment, or the way she would answer me was..cute. What is wrong with me? What am I towards Hazel? I feel strange around her, like the way that I used to feel around Wendy.

Hazel’s POV

“Don’t want to walk, eh?”

“Well, I mean I would, it’s just my jeans are a little too.. tight and I can’t really walk or run in them..”

Peter now scanning my lower reign, “I think they fit fine.” He says smirking.

“Yeah, ha, ha, ha, keep your eyes up here, Pan.” I say rolling my eyes.

Making no comment he grabs my wrist, again, and suddenly we are at the Hallow. I didn’t close my eyes just now, but why did I have to the first time..

We walk towards the tree, and Peter says the password, flying sparrow. We walk inside and it was quite peaceful, and dark. I could see the long table from where we ate before. We walk towards another section of the tree without making a sound. I see two doorways up ahead.

“Here,” Peter points to the first door on the right, “you can sleep in my room tonight.”

“What? No, I’m-”

 Quickly Peter covers my mouth with his hand, “Shh,” he whispers, “you’ll wake them up.”

“I don’t care!” I say uncovering my mouth from his hand.

“I’m not sleeping with you.” I say crossing my arms.

“God, relax I’m not sleeping with you.”


“You’re not?”

“No,” he says clearly annoyed, “not unless you want me to.”

“Bye Peter.” I say opening the wooden door. I quickly shut it before he could say anything else. I re-open the door knowing he was still there.

“Not even a good night?” He says with a cocky face, and posture.

I smile, “Not even a good night.” I then shut the door for good.

I look around the room noticing it was really nice. It had a pretty large looking bed, a small carved table, some animal skins, and a small mirror. A mirror? I didn’t really expect that piece of furniture. I also notice a small candle that gave light to the room. I take my boots off, and I quickly strip off my skinny jeans. There was just no way that I was sleeping in them. I look back at the mirror noticing I was a mess. Not only that but I smelled like I just rolled in shit. It was about two o’clock in the morning and I was freaking tired. I rub my eyes and I jump on the bed. I give a quick yawn before I slowly drift into a silent sleep. Ever since I arrived at the island I haven’t felt at peace until now.   

 || Hey! Sorry I updated so late xd. I just really wanted to update even if it took a while, and so yeah! Here it is! (: Oh and if anyone is confused on a certain part, it was meant to be that way because, well you'll find out later c;

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