The Unknown Clans - The River

By ashdel2004

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Sootkit waits to become a paw of Night clan and she has no clue what she's capable of. Dewpaw, an apprentice... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three

Chapter Two

8 0 0
By ashdel2004

           Dewpaw see's a prairie he knows he is dreaming though he has never had one as peaceful as this. He stops thinking as he smells a cat she looks at him with shining eyes.
           "Hello Dewpaw I am Mothwing , I have a message to you and it might not make sense now but you and 2 other cats are going to save the clans from the worst threat they have seen in many moons and I want you to be prepared "she meows.
                Dewpaw was about to respond befor he was interrupted.
            Dewpaw awakens as his mentor Fishtail prods him with his paw "Wake up you lazy apprentice it time to feed the clan" He orders Dewpaw.
      Dewpaw stretches and pads out of the apprentice den, which was very empty since he had no one to share it with. He runs up to the camp entrance to see Fishtail waiting."what a weird dream"he says to himself.
      "We should head by the river" he meows as he flicks his tail in that direction and starts walking on.
       Dewpaw nods his head and fallows him through the forest. As they approach the river bed he notices something is wrong, the river looks as if it has shrunk. He looks to Fishtail "What happened to the river?" He asks his mentor.
        Fishtail shakes his head "it looks as if the river is drying up" he meows. He observes the river a little longer "We still have to feed the clan so catch what you can" he meows before he dives in.
         Dewpaw watches his mentor dive under the water and observes his mentors tail which swished back and forth like a fishes as he swims through the water.Dewpaw dives in the water after his mentor.
          Dewpaw opens his eyes he see's that there isn't as many fish as usual but he pushes through the water and grabs the nearest fish then swam up to the surface. He swims to the shore and gives the fish a killing bite.
           Dewpaw and Fishtail finish fishing and start heading back to camp.Dewpaw caught 4 good sized fish and his mentor caught 5 that was enough to fill the camp for the day.
           Dewpaw and Fishtail drop their prey in the center of camp and Fishtail heads to Their leaders den Dewpaw eaves drops on their conversation "Riverstar the river it's drying up and fast, the last time it rained was the flood" Fishtail meows.
            Dewpaw doesn't remember the flood but he was there, that was the night he was born. He shivers as he could picture it though he's only heard stories. They say it had rained hard for three days already and the camp started to flood and so did the dens. No one could hear his mother crying for help as she gave birth to four beautiful kits, but she lost too much blood and three of the kits drowned in the den , but eventually someone heard him mewling as He lay on his dead mother barely staying afloat. His father never spoke to him sometimes he felt like he blamed him and maybe that's why he won't talk to him.
               Dewpaw shakes out of his thoughts as he hears his belly grumble and realizes how hungry he is, he looks back to where Fishtail and Riverstar were and then turns back to the prey pile and grabs a small fish.
           Dewpaw finishes the fish  and walks over to the elders den  "do you need a bedding change?" He asks. The elders nod , he changes all of their bedding and just sits in the camp wondering what to do.
           Eventually Fishtail walks up to him "it's time for battle training I'll meet you at the clearing outside of camp " he meows as he dashes out of the camp.
           Dewpaw  fallows at a slower pace and eventually see's the clearing but before he enters he is tripped and in a instance pinned down on his stomach.
           "Always be prepared for anything, and be more aware of your surroundings if you were you would have seen me behind the bush"Fishtail meows and hops off of Dewpaw.
          Dewpaw gets up with a grunt and licks his flank then enter the center of the clearing, he watches at Fishtail steps forward.
          "Attack me, claws sheathed" Fishtail meows.
          Dewpaw cautiously steps forward getting ready to attack, He gets in a pouncing position but instead  trips Fishtail with a swipe of his front paws and throws two hard aimed swipes at his mentors flank with his muscles rippling with strength. Dewpaw felt as if he had been fighting his whole life , but with a swipe of a paw Fishtail  sent him tumbling
           "That was good but you have a lot to work on , I'm surprised by your strength" Fishtail meows.
            After a few hours of training Dewpaw is too tired to do another swipe and they walk back to camp. Dewpaw sits by the elders and looks around camp and sets his eyes on his father Graystream, he heard his father and mother use to be the cutest mates before she died.
             He turns to a She cat "How come my father never talks to me "he asks the elder
             The elder looks confused "well because he isn't from this clan " she meows

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