Fall For You - l.h

By xKelsey5SOSx

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❝Those four idiots changed my life❞ © xKelsey5SOSx More

Fall For You
01 - The Decision
02 - The House
03 - New People
04 - Phone Call
05 - Back to Melbourne
06 - Well... That Was Unexpected
07 - Day In The Pool
08 - The Truth
09 - Sing Me A Song
10 - Cute
11 - Dreams
12 - Thank you
13 - Trust Me
14 - Those Three Words
15 - Don't Worry I'm Here
16 - Big News
17 - This Could Get Interesting
18 - Truth Or Dare
19 - Emergency
20 - Tears
21 - Two Weeks
22 - I Missed You
23 - McDonalds
24 - Happy Birthday
25 - Ice Cream and Surprises
26 - Wake Up
27 - Apologies and Pizza
28 - Presents
29 - Beautiful
30 - Confessions
31 - Please
32 - Forgive Me?
34 - Studio
35 - Insecurities
36 - Proud
37 - Pains
38 - Lies
39 - Hospital
40 - Text Messages
41 - Caught
42 - Dinner
43 - Missing You
44 - Party
45 - Headache
46 - Help
47 - Singing
48 - Loving You
49 - Different
50 - Formal
51 - Mall
52 - London
53 - I Would Never Leave You
54 - I Love You
55 - Stop It

33 - To The City

19.8K 360 188
By xKelsey5SOSx

"What a bitch!" Juliana said loudly as we walked over to Calum's house to meet the 4 boys so that we could go into the city for the day since neither Juliana or I have been there yet. I just explained to Juliana what happened with Amy on the weekend. Juliana absolutely hates Amy. It's quite funny how much she hates her sometimes.

"Yeah I know" I said before knocking on Calum's front door. Calum opened it with a bright smile.

"Hello ladies" Calum said before giving us both a hug. We walked into his warm house. The three of us made our way into the lounge room where Michael, Luke and Ashton were sitting. When Luke saw me he jumped up off the couch and engulfed me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Luke picked me up and spun me around.

"Hey beautiful" Luke said as he kissed me. We heard the others groan and Luke and I laughed. Luke put me down and grabbed my hand. "So when are we leaving?" Luke asked as he sat down on the couch and pulled me on to his lap.

"Soon, the train doesn't get to the station for another half hour" Calum said. I laid back on Luke and leant my head on his shoulder as they all talked. I played with the charms on my bracelet as they did so. I smiled as Luke laughed at something Ashton said, his laugh is such a beautiful sound. I love Luke so much and ever since everything that has happened with Amy our relationship seems to have grown stronger.

"Olivia?" Juliana said. When I looked up from my bracelet I realised that everyone was looking at me.

"What?" I asked them. I turned to Luke and he smiled at me. "We are going to leave in a minute, are you okay?" Luke asked me with a confused look on his face. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled at him as I stood up. Geez I seem to be zoning out a lot lately. Luke stood up next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up at him and he still looked worried.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

"Us" I told him with a smile.

"Good things I hope" Luke said playfully. I laughed and hugged him. "There are no bad things to think about" I told him with a smile. Luke laughed and kissed my head.

"Come on, lets go" Calum said from the doorway into the lounge room. When I turned to look at him a realized that Luke and I were the only ones in the room and we hadn't noticed the others had left. We were to lost in each other that I guess we didn't notice.

Luke grabbed my hand before we made our way to the entrance of Calum's house where we met the others. We decided to walk to the train station because if we drove we would have to take two cars and only Ashton has his P's so that wouldn't exactly work. It's only a ten minute walk though so it's not to bad.

"You took your time" Juliana said as she stood next to Michael. I laughed and so did the others. Michael especially. It's quite cute actually because I think that Michael has a bit of a crush on Juliana and I think that Juliana has a bit of a crush on Michael. They would be the cutest couple though, because they are so alike.

We all piled out the door and started to walk down the street. Even though it's sunny, it's freezing. I tightened the scarf I was wearing around my neck and moved closer to Luke because he was warm. I held his one hand with both of mine as we walked.

"Are you cold?" Luke asked with a smile. I nodded.

"Frozen" I told him.

"Don't worry we will be at the train station soon" Luke told me. We walked and talked to the others until we reached the train station. We paid for tickets before waiting for the train. Five minutes later we all piled on to the train that just arrived. We all sat down near each other just as the train began to move again. 5 minutes later some girls about our age came up the stairs on the train to where we were sitting. As they begun to walk down the isle they stopped and squealed when they saw the 4 boys.

"Hey, your 5SOS" One said with a massive smile on her face as she looked between the 4 of them. All 4 boys smiled at them brightly at them.

"Yeah, that's us" Calum said. The girls squealed again before asking for photos and talking to them. Juliana moved next to me so we could talk while the boys talked to the excited girls. A few minutes later one of the girls, who hadn't even bothered to talk to Luke, moved over to us.

"Who are you?" The girl asked us quietly but rudely. Juliana and I looked at each other a bit confused as to why she was talking to us not the boys.

"Excuse me" I asked her.

"I said who are you? And why are you with them?" She said and nodded her head in the direction of the boys.

"We are both friends with them and-" I told the girl who had too much makeup on.

"Even Luke? He is so pointless and ugly, like yeah he started it all by putting covers on youtube but the others don't need him to be successful. Luke is just going to weigh them down and he is a pathetic excuse of a musician" The girl finished with a bitter laugh. I looked up at Luke who had heard the whole thing and it was obvious from the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes and down his cheeks.

"Luke is my boyfriend and you are just a stupid bitch that should walk away right now! No one ever bad mouths the ones I love! I love Luke more than you could ever imagine and no one will ever say anything to me that could potentially hurt him! I don't give a shit who you are but you are a horrible person! Leave right now! I don't want to ever see you again so leave!" I stood up and screamed at her. She looked surprised as I screamed in her face. "I said leave!" I yelled and the girl scurried off over to her friends. Quickly, the three girls left.

Luke was about to cry and I couldn't stand it. He walked back over to me and I wrapped my arms around him. I leant up and kissed him quickly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. "I love you" He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too" I whispered back at him. We sat back down in our seats. Everyone was looking at me. It was kind of intimidating. "Why are you looking at me?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Are you okay? You kind of just exploded in anger" Michael said.

"Look, she said some pretty hurtful things about Luke so I yelled. I would have done the same thing if she had said something about any of you, so I don't get what the big deal is" I told them all. Luke grabbed my hand and I looked at him. He gave me a small smile, which I returned.

"I love you so much" He said before kissing me again. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"I love you Luke, I really do" I told him before I leant my head on his shoulder. We sat on the train for another few minutes before it stoped at our station and we got off.

Once we were off the train our time mainly consisted of us all walking around and enjoying the city. For Juliana and I this was the first time we had been in the city. After living in Australia my whole life you would think I would have come to one of the most popular cities in the country but no.

We walked around and shopped for a little while before we all got hungry. We went to a little cafe near the harbour and sat down to eat. We ordered our food and drinks and talked as we waited for the meals to arrive. Luke had been awfully quiet since the incident on the train.

"Luke, are you okay?" I asked him as I placed my hand on his knee. His hand covered mine before he laced our fingers together. Luke looked at me with sad eyes and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine" He said with a fake smile. I stood up.

"Come on" I said to Luke. He looked confused. "Come on, we are just going to get some air" I told the others as Luke stood up. Luke and I walked outside and the chilly ocean air whipped around us. We walked over to the railing that allowed you to look at Sydney harbour.

"Luke what's wrong?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked away from me out to the beautiful view.

"Nothing" He mumbled. I knew he was lying. This boy can lie to anyone but his mother and I always notice. She may have told me what he does when he lies but I haven't told him that.

"I know that something is wrong Luke. You can trust me baby, just tell me. You will probably feel better once you let it out rather than keeping it bottled up inside" I told him as I cupped his cheek in my hand and moved his chin so that he would look at me.

"It's stupid" Luke told me.

"I'm sure it's not" I said with a small smile.

"Was it true?" He asked as tears brimmed his eyes.

"Was what true?" I asked him as I brushed some hair out of his face.

"What she said on the train?" He told me as tears started to pour down his cheeks. "Is it true that I'm ugly and that I am a pathetic excuse of a musician?" He asked me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and burried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Of course it's not! You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are drop dead gorgeous. You have the voice of an angel and holy shit you are the best guitar player that I have ever seen! Don't you dare let anything that she said get to you. You are you, nothing can change that and if they can't accept you like that than they don't deserve you" I told him. He pulled away from me and smashed his lips against mine. Once he pulled away he looked at me with a worried expression spread across his beautiful features.

"What if I am weighing the boys down though? What if they could do so much better with out me but because i'm there they don't get those opitunitues?" He asked me.

"Luke stop! Those boys need you! 5 Seconds Of Summer wouldn't be 5 Seconds Of Summer with Luke Hemmings! Instead it would be 3.75 Seconds of Summer" I joked to try and make him smile as I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you Luke and I will always be here for you. I believe that you can take on the world with your music and that you will sell out tours and sell millions of records but that can't happen unless you believe in your self Luke" I told him before pecking him on the lips.

"I love you so much Olivia" Luke said with an adorable grin.

"I love you too Luke, now lets get inside. I think our food will be there" I told Luke as I kissed his cheek. Our hands entwined once more as we made our way back to the cafe. Once we got there our meals were only just been placed on the table.

The rest the day Luke was a lot happier. He never let go of my hand unless he needed to and it was quite adorable. He was laughing and smiling like he normally would and it made me happy. His smile brightened my day and made me smile as well.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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