Sweet Little Butterfly (Black...

By knightwolf11

185K 6.7K 1.2K

Young Earl Ciel Phantomhive has just sold his soul to one hell of a butler, but unknown to these two, a sweet... More

Sweet Little Butterfly (Black Butler fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Friend or Foe?
Chapter 3 Battle with the Butler
Question time
Chapter 4 Contract
Chapter 5 Introduction
Author comment
Chapter 6 Dance lessons Part 1
Chapter 7 Dance Lessons part 2
Chapter 8 Meeting the Fiance
Chapter 10 Fixing What Was Broken
Author comment
Chapter 11 Social Butterfly
Author comment
Chapter 12 A Change of Scenery
Chapter 13: An Unsuspecting Emotion
Chapter 14: The Skeleton and The Butterfly
Chapter 15: Dog Treats and Tea
Chapter 16: What do Butterflies Joke About?
Chapter 17: Master Ciel is Wearing a Dress
Chapter 18: A Butterfly At The Ball
Chapter 19: Roses are Bloody
Chapter 20: A Useless Sentiment

Chapter 9 Let the Ball Begin

7.7K 279 5
By knightwolf11

Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, I only own my OC and any others that may join.


Shizuka P.O.V

Some how I ended up in one of the Masters spare rooms. I looked around and found lady Elizabeth feverishly looking through a chest, throwing different kinds of garments over her shoulder.

I just shook my head in amusement, she sure was a ball of energy. It was a pleasant change from my always scowling master.

I just waited patiently for her to find what she wanted, already deciding that I would allow her to dress me as she pleased. It was only clothes and if it made her so happy, who was I to deny her?

After about five minutes she let out a squeal. "Found it!!" She pulled out, to my surprise, a kimono. It was beautiful, which was surprising because of the monstrosities the other staff were in.

I glanced up at lady Elizabeth to see her looking at me with a very smug grin. I shook my head a little and giggled. "It is beautiful lady Elizabeth, you have quit the eye for fashion." She blushed and grinned even wider. "Thank you!! I try to be the best"

I nodded, and then she started walking toward me with a freighting face. She looked upon me with a look that said she thought that I was her life size doll.

"Lady Elizabeth, would it be alright for me to change into it myself?" I tilted my head to the side a little and smiled a closed eye smile. I knew the way to her heart was to play the adorable card.

And to my calculations she nodded eagerly "Why of course!! Just call me when you are done!" And with that she set the kimono down and flounced outside of the room, making sure to lock it on her way out.

I just shook my head in amusement, humans were just so amusing. It was shocking to me how some other worldly creatures would want to destroy them.

I walked over to the kimono and got a better look at it. It was truly breath taking, the predominant color was black, with red trimming. There were flowers of different verity adoring it. (Picture on the side --->)

I got dressed quickly, making sure everything was perfectly in place. Once that was done, I put on the socks and geta that went with it.

I could sense lady Elizabeth right outside the room so I walked over and open the door gently.

"I'm all done lady Elizabeth." She looked at me and froze. I was getting kind of worried for her when all of a sudden she squealed and ran toward me with arms out stretched. I quickly side stepped out of the way and she ungracefully fell to the ground.

"Oh my, I am deeply sorry milady. You just caught me off guard." I quickly went over to her, and helped her up.

"Don't worry about it!! You are just sooo adorable!!! You are like a little Japanese doll!!" She had her hands clutched in front of her, her eyes gleaming with sparkles. I sweat dropped, smiling a little at her over zealous enthusiasm.

"Thank you lady Elizabeth" I bowed to her, showing her my respect.

"Ehhhhh!! I just want you for myself!! I will have to ask Ciel, he shouldn't have a problem with it." She went off on a tangent, talking to herself. I just kept silent, allowing her to be with her thoughts. I looked over to the side and seen some hair ornaments. I picked out one that was a head band, that would compliment my kimono.

I brought it over to the vanity and sat down in the chair. I brushed my hair until it was as smooth as silk, and placed it on my head. Tying the string under my chin. It had a lace base with pink flowers on the right side. It was delicate and beautiful.

I made a couple of adjustments until it was perfect and then stood up and walked over to the door. "Lady Elizabeth, let us join the others." She looked up startled that I was all ready, and smiled. "You truly are adorable Shizuka" She walked out of the room, making her way to the ball room.

I followed behind her, keeping about two paces away. Once we reached our destination, she squealed yet again (I was beginning to think that was all she ever did) and ran over to Master Ciel. He was dressed in a royal blue outfit that looked quit dashing on him.

Elizabeth seemed to be talking his ear off, throwing her arms this way and that. I gracefully made my way down the steps and went over to where they were. Master Ciel turned his steal blue eye on to me, keeping his bored expression in place. But I knew that I seen a sliver of surprise in his eyes. Probably due to the fact my outfit suited me.

I just smiled at him and bowed "I'm sorry I could not greet you when you came in Master." He just waved his hand dismissively "Don't worry about it, I already guessed that Elizabeth would do something as outlandish as this."

Elizabeth just puffed her cheeks out in childish anger. I just nodded and made way over to the other staff members. I wanted to give the Earl some time with his Fiancé, even if his aura said he didn't want any.

To my utter amazement, Elizabeth even got her hands on Sebastian. He was wearing a pink bonnet, complemented by the flowers that adorned his raven black hair. I attempted to stifle my laugh behind my sleeve covered hand but sadly it did no good. He just glared at me with his eyes glowing a soft red. "It is not that funny." I just shook my head at him "Forgive me for laughing Sebastian"

He just glared at me for a moment more before sighing, "It is all right" We then both turned our attention back to the couple in the center of the room. Elizabeth seemed to be angry about something, so I ease dropped onto their conversation.

"Ciel! Why aren't you wearing the ring that I gave you? do you not like it?!" Ciel just sighed "I already have a ring that I wear Elizabeth, I have no need for another one" Elizabeth faced screwed up in anger "WHY DO YOU LIKE THAT OLD RING!?!? You should wear the one I bought you!" And with that she pulled off the Phantomhive ring rather fiercely. I knew nothing good could come from this situation, and I was proven right when the ring broke into pieces.

Everybody held their breath, Master Ciel looking furious. He raised his hand to hit lady Elizabeth and faster then Sebastian could react I got in the way. The echoing sound of the slap filled the room, and I could hear a collective gasp of shock as everyone seen that I had gotten in the way.

My cheek hurt but it was not that bad, Ciel looked shocked and Elizabeth looked near to tears.

"Master Ciel, it is never polite to raise your hand against a lady." I reprimanded him gently, allowing a small gentle smile to appear on my lips. Ciel became unfrozen due to me speaking and started shaking slightly. "W-why? Why don't you look mad?" The soft whisper that came from his pale lips was confused.

I just shook my head lightly "There is nothing for me to get angry at, I was the one that got in the way. Plus I know how much that ring meant to you." I said it soft and gentle. I knew he was not used to this kind of treatment. He looked at me a moment more, his cold blue eye looking at my reddening cheek with cold detachment. With that he strolled away to settle his anger.

I just turned around to Elizabeth, to see Sebastian already there comforting her but he also told her how important that ring she just broke was to Ciel. I could see the crystal colored tears well up into her eyes, So I just stepped forward and allowed my comforting aura to embrace her. Calming her frighted and guilt ridden nerves. "Lady Elizabeth it is alright, you didn't know how important the ring was. So do not cry." I smiled at her reassuringly. She sniffled and nodded hesitantly, becoming better due to my calming presence.

Sebastian was looking at me with an intense stare, I glanced up at him and could see the interest clear in his eyes. He knew what I had done to settle Elizabeth down so quickly. I just looked back at Elizabeth to see her calmed down, but she still had sadness in her green eyes. But before I could say anything, Master Ciel's voice was heard.

"I am sorry for raising my hand to you Elizabeth, I should have never done that." I glanced to the side of me to see him with the pieces of the ring in his hand. Elizabeth looked at Ciel with such guilt "No, I am sorry Ciel!! I shouldn't have even touched the ring!"

Ciel just walked over to the open balcony window "It is alright, this ring means nothing to me. It was just some old ring that I held onto." And with that he threw the tiny fragments out into the surrounding woods. I frowned a little, knowing the truth on how important that ring truly was, but I kept my lips shut, knowing that Ciel was trying to comfort Lady Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looked shocked, and became even more shocked when Master Ciel walked over to her and held his hand out to her. "May I have this dance?" he asked in a slightly gentle tone. She looked at him for a moment more before smiling and placing her hand in his. They both begin to dance, music filled the room. Sebastian playing his violin, Grell singing, and me playing the piano.

My thoughts though, remained on the masters ring. I knew that I would go out and find it; but during my moment of thought, I did not notice a certain cold blue eye watching me.


A Long chapter for all of my readers!!! Hope everyone enjoys :)




Ta~Ta for now


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