Fate Of The Twelve (Completed)

By thebadgirl05

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Completed 'Big sister... I'm scared.' A little one whispered as we hid in a cramped alley, trying to escap... More

Chapter 1: Blacker than the night
Chapter 2: Portal
Chapter 3: Trouble
Chapter 4: the council
Chapter 5: first day
Chapter 6: Dumb
Chapter 7: the fallen
Chapter 8: Collapse
Chapter 9: Battle Start
Chapter 10: Battle for the throne
Chapter 11: Demon
Chapter 12: Oh no
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: Fall
Chapter 15: Generals
Chapter 16: encounter
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: Unravel
Chapter 19: Nightmare
Chapter 20: white
Chapter 21: Visit
Chapter 22: please let me
Chapter 23: amidst the palm
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Zephyr's Best friend
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Waking up
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29: A dip in the 'pool'
Chapter 30: not again!
Chapter 31: scary kid
Chapter 33: Painful goodbye
Chapter 34: fly
Chapter 35: Idris
Chapter 36: Snowmen
Chapter 37: Shall we?
Chapter 38: Imperial King
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42: cave?
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: the demon queen
Chapter 45: heart beat
Chapter 46: not over yet
Chapter 48: Reflection
Chapter 49: the void
Chapter 50: Carving
Chapter 51: depart
Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow
Chapter 53: Three pairs
Chapter 54: Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: forgiveness
Chapter 57: yet another revelation
Chapter 58: merpeople
Chapter 59: visitor
Chapter 60: attacked

Chapter 32: Agony

110 27 0
By thebadgirl05


   "Where am I?" I asked out loud as I sat up and stood, looking around but not seeing anything because of the darkness that surrounded me. I couldn't see anything. Just where the hell am I?

       Wait---- the last thing that I remember is that that mad scientist injected me with something when I was trying to save Ryouta. But where am I-----

         I looked around when a blinding light made me shut my eyes close as I shielded it just the same with my hands took a few steps back. Where am I?

          Squinting a little, I finally saw that the light vanished. But right now, I wasn't in the dark anymore. I was now in a room.

          A room that contained so many holes on the floor filled with glowing golden liquids like the ones I dived in for Ryouta and Mikael. What the heck is-----

         "Arrrgggg! You are so annoying! Why can't you let me be?! You've already given me so much pain for waking me up only to suffer in this damned place!" I turned around, searching for that familiar voice which sounded absolutely mad.

           My eyes didn't fail me as I finally saw the one I was searching for. Mikael... He was a kid this time and I don't know what the hell was happening but I know too well what this sensation felt like...

         I was in someone's memory...

         Mikael wasn't alone though. In front of him stood a kid version of Ryouta. What caught my eyes though were the bandages wrapped all around their bodies up to there necks. What is this place?

        This place makes me feel queasy and uneasy that I was feeling nothing but negative feelings from all around the place.

          "I have apologized a thousand times! That I didn't mean to wake you up in this hell hole! I tried making it up to you! I didn't intend to wake you up just with MY ANNOYING voice to make you suffer the same way as me!!! If I could turn back time then I wouldn't have even tried!" The shorter one, being Ryouta screamed out.

        They looked like they were in an argument. I could see the hate and despise in Mikael's eyes but they faded when he saw the tears on the other one's eyes who was obviously holding them back.

          "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to drag you in to my misery. I only wanted a companion..." Ryouta mumbled, so faint it was barely audible as I slowly walked towards them.

           Before Mikael could talk though, Ryouta spinned around and ran out of the door, grief and pain etched on his face as he turned, the tears falling as soon as his face was turned away from the other.

          I watched as he ran out the door, leaving Mikael with a face full of sadness and regret as he slid down on the ground, hugging his knees and burying his face as he angrily cursed himself.

       Feeling something drawing me towards the door that Ryouta went out off, I opted to follow my instincts and ran, following Ryouta who turned just around a corner, furiously wiping his tears away as he ran.

         The place was simply a maze and I immediately understood why I hated the place.

       Everything was white, so cold and reeking of the smell of chemicals and medicines, no different than the base of the mad scientist that we had infiltrated to save the other rankers, Ryouta,  Mikael and the human captives.

           The place was a maze as I jogged along, steadily closing in to Ryouta who still kept on running.

         Amazingly, I didn't pant nor sweat, in fact, I didn't feel a single feeling of fatigue even after a long run, but maybe, it was just because I was in a memory which meant I was simply not using my physical body.

      As we were still continuing along, slowly reducing the pace and now walking along, Ryouta had finally calmed down yet his eyes were puffy and red, symbolizing that he did cry.

        I wanted to comfort him. Really I did since I can now grasp some things but I knew it would be to no vain since he won't be able to hear me. This was just a memory, possibly his.

        Suddenly, he stopped, his head turned to the right and I followed his gaze, finding a large black door which was in front of us. It was gigantic and from it, I was feeling a strange vibe... A strange sensation.

       It was like I could hear whispers that I couldn't comprehend and understand, coming from behind the doors and it was creepy but anyways, I was still drawn to the place, like it was urging me to push the door open and follow the imaginary voices.

       "They said I am not allowed to enter here. I would be punished if I was found out but...." I can hear Ryouta mumbling to himself, but it seemed that he was just as curious as me.

       His little hand pushed the doors a jar slowly, taking a peek as if he was checking if anybody was inside and I did the same.

      My forehead creased. I see nothing at all special in this place, other than that, no one seemed to be inside as of the moment and Ryouta took that advantage and finally entered inside with me following before he closed the door after him while I passed through him like a ghost.

       I looked around the room. Nothing seemed to be strange but just as I said earlier, the place was creeping me out, there was also a faint putrid strange scent that makes my stomach churned but when I looked above... A scream tore it's way out of my throat.

      Up there, bodies wrapped in cloths from head to toe hung inside glass cages.

       Beside me, I can see Ryouta, just as horror struck as I am.

        "W-what is----" words failed him as his eyes were stuck on the bodies hanging from the ceiling.

         We stared in horror, our eyes glued to the gruesome sight where that faint putrid smell came from.

         What is this? Who were those people? What were these bodies doing here? Why are they here?

      I whimpered inaudibly when Ryouta flew upwards, muttering something about a voice he heard. I didn't want to follow but something drew me in and the curiosity was too intense to ignore.

        I felt myself and willed what they called wings as I slowly rose into the air and flew upwards, following the kid version of Ryouta.

       He particularly flew towards one which was near the center. Judging by the wrapped petite body, which was bound in bandages from head to toe, it was a female...

         I looked at Ryouta who was staring at it in wonder and I saw his small hand, slowly reaching forward to touch the glass cage.

          I sighed and at the same time, we touched the glass cage, a blinding light enveloping us...

       And never have I expected to see something as abominable as this as tears streamed down my face. Memories of someone rushing towards me like a wave and I was drowning...


         I opened my eyes and saw that I was in yet the same room, the horrible memories rushing back to me. How could they----

        "Ryouta! Where are you?!" I screamed, searching and standing up after remembering that we both saw that before we were slowly swallowed by the terrible darkness, his cries of agony before everything faded to black.

         I looked around and my fists clenched when I saw the people that I hated most. Those horrible men in white coats which had haunted me since the day I found out their true natures... Their greed for power to the extent to make other people's lives miserable and destroy them, not minding if they died.

        Humans... So despicable at times, when their two conflicting nature appears and the black one prevails.

          "Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!" I bolted up right and dashed towards them, screaming for them to stop torturing the boy whose loud screams filled the room.

         But they couldn't hear me. I can only watch from the side, sliding down the floor as my tears streamed out. I feel so helpless, not being able to do anything at all.

       All I can do is to sob and cry for them to stop but my cries fell on deaf ears.

        I shut my eyes and covered my ears, despearately wanting to block away everything, but when I did, it made only matters worse when I remembered I have seen earlier, adding up to all the hate, anger and pain rising in me.

          "Stupid idiot. Why are you so hard to find?" That voice, that voice alone made me open my eyes.

        It was none other than the first ranker who was kneeling in front of me as he expected my tear stained face.

         "Idiot. You shoudn't cry. It only makes you uglier." He muttered and he flicked a finger on my forehead making me flinch at the slight pain but I merely grabbed for him and hugged him tightly.

        I knew I was shaking. I always hated it whenever it had to be him to see me in my most despicable states. Why my mortal enemy?

        But right now, I can only be thankful for him being here, at least there's not a reason for me to go insane.

         I heard him sigh as his hand patted my head gently as if assuring me, before he pulled me up, pulling from the embrace which made my fear to come back but a gloved warm hand took my left hand for reassurance.

         I looked at him, but his gaze was on Ryouta, who was still screaming, making me do the same.

         Bolts of electricity tormented him and I bit my lip while I watched. Pain etched on the kid's face.

        Much to more of my anger, I saw that mad scientist amidst a lot of other cloaked men in white. He was much younger, but the evil and the cruel look on his face was just the same.

       The torment went on for a few more minutes, before finally, one of the scientists stopped the painful process, as Ryouta lay on the stone table, his feet, neck and arms bound by metals as his bare chest rose and fell faintly.

         I noticed a certain woman in the group, who was biting her lips, her eyes filled with pain and it looked like she wanted to save Ryouta but can't.

        But all was taken aback when the boy suddenly began laughing... A cold and empty laugh like one which came from patients of asylums.

          His laughs reverberated inside the room, echoing all over the place, everyone questioning if he had indeed gone crazy.

          But his laugh was soon cut off, a scary grin on his face as a cruel and cold glare sparked in his eyes as he tilted his head to the side and looked at the men who in return were also looking all back at him.

          "I had a family... I had a life... I died as someone noble and was able to pass on peacefully... But you lower life forms dared disrupt our peace." Ryouta said in a low tone, that even if he was just a kid, he was able to scare the hell out of me.

        "Insolent humans! Who gave you the right to bring us back to life to be your damned weapons?! How dare you?!" Ryouta showed his hate then.

        He screamed and thrashed around, the scraps of metal binding him, threatening to break and everyone was now in a panic as a turbulent wind began to form.

        One guy rushed to a machine and turned on the electricity bolts, therefore stopping the boy's movements by force.

          But the woman I saw earlier couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. Like a mother caring for her precious child, she dashed forward and pushed her fellow scientis away and turned off the electrifying machine.

             "Look out!!!!" I tried to scream a warning but I wasn't heard and a man successfully wrapped his arms around her neck and started choking her.

            "You damn traitor. Tsk, we should've eliminated you and your husband before." The guy spat as the woman helplessly struggled to break free and I was so mad since I could only stand, watch and do nothing.

           "Get your hands off her!"

       My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my free hand as I saw blood splatter all over the woman who was just as shocked.

         A loud thud was heard and the woman turned to see the guy who held her captive a minute ago now in a pool of blood.

          "Marian. Get out of here and bring back your husband and Mikael. Hurry!" Ryouta ordered as a gentle wind pushed her towards the door.
     We saw the woman take off as Ryouta now faced the people who had made his life miserable.

        Leirum was swift enough to pull me against his chest, ordering me to close my eyes as Ryouta proceeded to kill them with a sword he conjured.

        I could hear the screams and begs of mercy all too well but I didn't even feel any pity for those whose blood was drunk by Ryouta's sword. Maybe because they deserved it after all the horrible things that they had done. They had to pay for the price of everything that they have caused.

             I heard everything even when more guards entered the room only to be slayed until all noises ceased, and silence reigned.

          I slowly let go off Leirum and looked behind me,  not at all surprised when I saw the lifeless bodies on the floor,  blood,  a crimson red color pooling around them.

          Ryouta only stood at the center, his gaze focused on a certain glass cage above, just near the one we had approached earlier and I immediately understood. He was in there...

         "Marian, Mikael.... Drew." Ryouta said, his eyes passing through us and we turned around, we saw the woman from earlier, a guy in a lab coat but he seemed to be the woman's husband.

       But the woman was holding a little boys hand and I saw a kid version of Mikael. The three looked more of surprised rather than horrified at all.

         "Oh my God! Ryouta! Are you alright?" Marian,  the woman said worriedly and O can see a motherly love from her as she scooped Ryouta in a hug, the other two joining them.

         "Go now. Get Mikael away from here, you two too. I'll stall time and follow after you."

        Leirum and I just watched everything happen. When Mikael angrily screamed, said that he didn't want to leave him alone, when Ryouta put him to sleep and wiped away all of his memories. When the male adult took Mikael and his wife through the portal, Ryouta cutting up the horrible bodies above and burning them, when he went to the room where he woke up and burned every body contained in those pools of golden liquid.

          He was caught by the mad scientists but they couldn't contain him after he woke up again, he killed everyone but without him noticing, the mad scientist was able to escape. Ryouta then burned the whole place down, and went outside,the darkness of the starless night greeting him. He didn't know where to start.

       He had sent Mikael away along with the other two and he was all alone.

        Tears fell down his beautiful face and we watched as he poured his emotions out. I heard words that I understood but Leirum didn't as I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from giving Ryouta away. I plan not to tell anyone about, Ryouta has the right to keep it as a secret to himself if he wanted to.

         Walking towards a cliff, he yearned to go back to Azeroth at least, to be able to go home to the place where he had come from.

        His memories flashed in front of us like a fast forward..

      I came to understand then the story he had told me when he did the generosity to take me to the orphanage was all made up to hide what really happened.

     He wasn't chased by any beasts at all, he himself made himself fall, hoping to finish his pain but fate hadn't allowed it. He soon found himself flying as he stared at his back to something we all couldn't see.

       He lived in Azeroth and he never expected to see Mikael on the day he entered Wingardium Academy but he kept it all too himself.

       We watched him cry himself to sleep at nights, how he and Mikael became comrades. He then met the other rankers and kept his painful secret.

        I had always known Ryouta as the most happy-go lucky one inside the group who was all smiles... Never had I expected that behind those smiles, were so many secrets and hidden pain.
         Someone's Pov

         I stood before his presence, my head bowed low as a sign of respect as I awaited his order, the place shrouded with nothing but darkness. I can smell blood from every direction wafting under my nostrils.

          I was awed,  feeling honored to be able to stand before someone so powerful.

         "Kill her. She is too much of a threat. Now." The deep voice resonated around and I nodded before vanishing in thin air.

          Well well well. Looks like I'll be giving Earth a visit.

          I chuckled darkly as the darkness guided me and the cold winds carried me away.

     Someone needs to die.

           Well, that's it for now. Hope you like it guys.

         Please, vote, comment and follow.

         -thebadgirl05 at your service

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