The Lost Son (Overwatch X Nar...

By Weebtactics

53.1K 310 174

Angela and Jack were once the ideal happy couple, married, lived together, and had a beautiful baby boy. Barl... More

It happened..
..Painful Rememberance..
...Where He's Been. And What will He Do Now?...
..Passing Time & A New Start..
...Just A Bit Curious of You...
...Who's this Guapo Chico?...
...Unexpected Visit...
...The Fights and The Love Triangles...

...Burning Petals of Reunion...

7.4K 35 28
By Weebtactics

Inspired by this video on youtube to try and make a beutiful chapter for you guys. I hope you love it and please support the stories and my Youtube channel at Anime Multiplays

It was a relitivly distructive morning in Hanamura. The Overwatch had been patroling along the area when a group of haywired omnics went amuck and began causing distruction. The citizens evacuated and all left were all 21 members of the Overwatch family.

"Reaper, wanna make a guess of what the hell is hapening here!?" Yelled 76 as he continued shoting down rouge Bastion Units on the front lines with Reyes.

"Hell if I know idiota! But if i guess, they were gathered by something in Hanamura. But what?" Replied Reyes as he continues to shot and grab new shotguns from where ever he has them stashed. 

"*Tracer Here! Hey pops, where is Zenny at? We can us his healing over here*" Tracer said in a struggling voice, their were too many of them along Tracer's group to handle.

"I don't know, and I'm not a old man! Genji report, where is Zenyatta!?" 76 yelled as he kept firing helix rockets at the Bastions.

"* Mada Mada! I've been trying to contact shisho but is is no use. Bastion also tried to call for him but he says he cant get a signal.*" Genji said over the intercom.

"What do we do now Morison? We're low on healing and Zenyatta is MIA." Reyes said as he teliported behind the omnics and unleashed Death Blossom.

"~Sigh~* This is 76 reporting in! All units fall back I repeat all units fall ba-*"

"* Hello? Helloo, thank you for calling Zenyatta, how may I be assistance?*" Zenyatta inturupted 76 as he finally was able to get signal.

"*Zenyatta! Where have you been? You went missing for a month, never mind that. Where are you, were in Hanamura and could use healing over here.*" Mercy said as she began to heal and Roadhog.

"*Apoligies, but I had to check up on someone my brother had saved along time ago.*" Zenyatta said as the sounds of him and another person began to run to their ETA in Hanamura.

"* Well who is he? And is he with you right now? I can hear someone elses footsteps on your com.*" Winston asked as he used his barrier on Ana to better protect their sniping healer.

"*Ha ha ha! You'd be surprise at who he is Jack, Angela. Yes he is her and believe me he can fight. We'll meet you up in Hanamura and provide assistance.*" With that the com call ended and the others held the lines and begin to wait.

"*You heard the omnic, hold the front lines till he arives. Come here you Bastion looking bastards, no offense Bastion.*" Zarya said as she began shoting partical grenades left and right.

"*How do we know we can trust this guy Zenyatta's bringin'. He's a stranger but on any case if he's a fighter, then hes open in my book.*" McCree said as he quickly High Nooned 50 omnic units out of comission.

"*Well whatever, we need all the help we need to take out these omnic tin cans!*" JunkRat said as the sounds of several explosions filled the com.

The heroes were slowly but shurley lowering the numbers of the Bastion units but they still struggled to stay alive. As they continued the seemingly never ending fighting, they too were being pushed to the Shamada's garden entry. The Bastions marched onward as they still tried to pin them back againts the wall. Dispite this the heroes never died once and tried to hold point.

"Everyone heal up! We need to hold point so that Zenyatta can arive with back up!" Soldier 76 yelled as he placed a healing unit to help those holding the line. As he did this a Bastion aimed his automatic rifle right behind his head.

"Soldier! Duck, enemy on your six!" Widdowmaker yelled as she aimed and fired at the Bastions head.

The Bastion was soon reduced headless and their its minigun still in perfect tact. Able to be useful aid. Torbijorn grabed the minigun withthe aid of Roadhog and began to work on attachment with their Bastion.

"Thank You WidowMaker!"

"One shot, *Sniper Fire* one kill. Won't even hurt a little." Replyed Widdowmaker as she kept firing rounds of poision grenades and bullets.

"Everyone get to cover! Self distruct iniciated!" D.Va said as she ejected out of her mech and got behind it. Her mech exploded, wiping out a good portion of the Bastions but not before one injured her.

"Hana your hurt! I'm coming!" Mercy said as she was about to run to her side.

"Angela wait! You can't-"Jack didn't even finish as Angela shot him a look. Remembering what happened that day.

"I've lost one child Jack, I can't lose another." She said as a tear fell from her eye and flew off to Hana.

Seventy Six, Reaper, Hanzo, McCree, and Winston remembered the heartbreak of that day. Refusing to let ether of them die. Their eyes filled with fore and a new will and reason to fight even harder.

"Reyes! McCree! Hanzo! Cover Angela until she reaches! Winston provide barriers for everyone if possible." Soldier Seventy Six said as he ran off away from the point.

"Where are you going, Morison!" Reyes shouted as he watched his old friend run pas him as he kept shooting Bastions to give Mercy more time to heal. Jack kept shooting Rockets and fired his Pulse Rifel to make a path. 

"I couldn't do anything that day Reyes! The least I can do, is to protect my wife! And protect the kid! Rahhhhhhh!" He yelled as he began bashing the Bastions heads and tore appart their turrents. He became a bloody mess, yet Jack didn't yield. Finally he made it over to Hana and Angela.

"*Gasp* Finally, made it. Angela, D.Va run while theirs still time i'll cover you! Go hurry!" Seventy Six breathed out as he continued to shoot a path for them to run.

"Jack! Oh my goodness! Where does it hurt? Hold on I'll heal you." Angela was about to use her healing stream on him when Jack stoped her. He looked to her eyes and nodded no. She wanted to argue, but this wasn't the time to argue. Even if it was, he was too stuborn. Jack paused his firing for a moment.

"Angela, please, just go. I can't lose you just as i lost him. Call it selfish, but I value your life more than mine and want you to live. Please Angela. I wasn't able to save him that day, this is the least I can do in my time." Jack said as tears fell from behind his visor, looking at his wife and D.Va.

 "Kid, before you run, I wanna let you know...your the daughter we've never had. I mean that the best way possible. You were always the highlight of this old mans day." He said as he still cried and smiled. It was true, in a way, Hana was like a daughter to Jack and Angela. But sadly he was letting her go, and not in a wedding day.

"Jack..." Angela cried as she looked at her husband. Reluctantly deciding wether to actually listen to him. Or stay with him by his side.

"Old man *sniffle* your gonna get your wrinkley ass back with us. You're comming back with us old man!" Hana hugged her 'surrogate' father tightly. Not wanting to let him die or leave her.

The sounds of Bastions marching were getting closer and closer with every second. Jack, Angela, and Hana were scared but never left eachothers side. Deciding this was the best, the three of them held hands, tightly, never leting go of one another.

"Well...look at it this way...well finally get to see him again." Jack said to lighten the mood a little.

"Hehehe, perhaps but i'd hope he'd would at least be with us." Angela said wit tears and laughter in her voice.

"Old Man, Doc, thanks for everything." Hana said as she pulled them in a close hug.

The Bastions readied their turrents and took aim. Some took form into their Tanks and aimed at the three heroes. The sounds of rockets and bullets filled the wind and speeding up twards them.

'Thank you everyone.' Jack thought as he braced himself and the girls for the impact coming...but never came. He waited a bit longer but to only feel warmth rays of sun. He looked up to see a glowing familliar omnic monk.

"How did Tracer put it? Cheers love the calvary is here! Sorry for the wait Jack." Zenyatta said as he shelded them from the firepower.

"Zenny! That's my line! If your gonna steal someones steal Widdowbitchs' line!" Tracer yelled at Zenyatta.

"Thank you Zenyatta. But what took you so long and where is backup?" Jack said as he helped Zenyatta take out more Bastions along with the aid of Angela and Hana.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, my student is taking out most of them right about..."

*Kabooooooom* *Explosion Noises!* *Car Sirens* 

"Now. You'll be shocked to see my latest student for various reasons. Angela. Jack." Zenyatta said as he continued to shoot Discord and Orbs of distruction at the remaining Bastions.

The Overwatch members saw the explosion of over 1500 Bastions. And amungst the debri, stood one thousand people. All with exact same hooded faces and stood upon walls, trees, water. As if he were a ninja.

"Those tequniques, Hanzo.." Genji said as he wanted his brother to confirm his suspicians.

"Hai, their is no mistaking it. He is a ninja." Hanzo said as he witnessed many of the clones shoot out fire and molded the Earth.

The Original of the clones walked over to Zenyatta casualy to talk with him. The rest of Overwatch were able to be at ease and rest up a little since all of the fighting was done for them by this mysterious blonde teen.

"Well aside from the burning buildings, renigade omnics, and distruction of property. I'd say this is a pretty butiful place shisho." Said the hooded blonde with a smile. "Does this happen alot or every now and then that we have to fix?"

"Yes this does happen but not so often. You will do more when you start geting use to it." Zenyatta replied as he began meditation with his orbs began to chime. "By the way, how many clones did you summon and are most of them done with the work?"

"Yup! All Bastions aside from ours is eliminated!" He said as he began to sit down next to Zenyatta and meditate along side him.

 The Overwatch members gathered around Zenyatta and the hooded blonde with Jack, Angela, and Hana. They began to question Zenyatta and information of his new student. Hana was trying to get a good look as the guy who helped them out. Yet for some reason, the hood of his was doing a good job at hiding his face.

"Ah! Where are my manners, Jack ,Angela, everyone. I'd like you to meet the person my brother saved long ago and my new student. He is the reason I left, I wanted to search for him and bring him back here." Zenyatta said as he introduced his student to him.

"Well that's why yo were away for a month. Hello I'm Soldier Seventy Six. Welcome to Overwatch young man." Jack put his arm out for a hand shake but the blonde refused and told him to put it away.

"I know who you are Jack, or should I say p-"

*Bweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp! Bwoooooooop! Bweeeeee!*

Everyone looked behind them and their along the coast rose a giant Heavy Mech Bastion. They all knew of this one. It was the exact same one as it was that day. Fuled by rage Morrison began to fire at it. So did Reaper, McCree, and the others did as well. But it had no efect. The Mech raised its fist preparing for an attack. The others were about to shield themselves, until the blonde mystery teen waved his hand out in front of them.

"Relax, I've got this. You all need rest since you've been having to deal with the Bastions. Let me handle this." He said as he steped a few feet forward.

"How the hell are you going to handle that thing!" Reyes yelled, but soon was blown back by a gust of wind as was everyone else.

The spot where the teen stood was now a small crater in the ground. The looked up to see him heading twards the Huge Mech with his fist clocked. 

"Alright you stupid bastard! You took me away from my home. You took me away from my parents! You took away my life from here! You not taking anything else away from me you fucking rust bucket! Lets go Kurami!" He yelled as his fist was covered by blue fire.


"Look out dumbass!" "Get out of their!" "Get Away!" The member yelled at him thinking he was about to die. All of them looked worried but Zenyatta who was sipping some tea.

"Master! Do you not worry of your students' life!" Genji asked as he was shocked his master didn't react.

"I need not worry for I believe in my student Naruto." Zenyatta replied. As soon as he said his name Reyes, McCree, Reignheart, Winston, Angela,  and Jacks eyes went wide. The other were shocked, thinkin it was the same person that Jack and Angela lost.

"Did you just say his name was...Naruto? Are you sure its his name? If it isnt ill make you regret saying that name." Angela said as she threatened Zenyatta while McCree and Winston tried to hold her back. They did but still ended up with beatings of their own.

"Hey look up their! The kids' not movin away! He's actually gonna take that Mech down! Hooly Dooly. His fist is on flames, whats he planin?" Junkrat said as eveyone turned to see Naruto prepare for an attack.

"Here we go! Say adios you pathetic excuse of a tin can! Fire Style: Demon Sage Art: Burning Petals! Rahhhhhhhhhh! See if you survive this when your in hell!" 

His fist turned to a blue flame. Leaving a tail of fire following him. Embers fell from the tail as light blue embers that seemed as if they were cherry blossoms falling. His fist grew to more of a darker blue. intensifying the heat of his attack. The closer the embers were with his fist, more deep color embers fell gracefully down in Hanamura. He was closing in on the mech, five more seconds, he braced himself.  Three seconds, two, one, It made contact before the mech had a chance.

The sight was truly beautiful. The mech was compleatly burned to nothingness. Disolving in the embers and wind. Seeming as if the mech was filed with blue petals and in a moment, burst out and out came the traped petals. They scattered all of Hanamura, laying gently on buildings and trees. Restoring them to their previous state but as if it was just newly built. It gave a warmth of love.

Naruto laughed as he was soon falling to the ground not afraid since he did a meditive stance and began to float down twards the Overwatch. Meanwhile (In our universe lol), the members looked around them as the petals restored Hanamura. Hana recorded the fight with her mech filly powered up to capture the most beutiful fottage for her channel and her fans. Junkrat was amazed of how this kid could make fire to a beautiful sight. A few other were paralyzed aththe sight of such beautiful embers. Jack and Angela were together and held out their hands, hoping to catch one. 

A dark blue petal landed on Angela's hand, never fading away. She closed her hand and held the petal to her heart. She cried with joy, a smile on her face as she leaned closer to her husband.

"Jack...he's home. *Sniffle* Our little baby *Sniffle* is home Jack!" She cried out as she hugged him.

"See. What did I tell you? Their is nothing to worry about. I have faith in my student and your son, Angela." Zenyatta said as he flashed one of his smiles at her.

"Oh it appears he is floating this way." Zenyatta said as this put Angela and Jack into shock.

"What Now!? Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD! Im not ready yet i cant be ready after this battle, what do i say what do i do this is the first time since he was born i get to see him and hes already an adault what do i say.." Angela paniced as she paced back and forth with a nervious expression. Jack calmed her down as he held her in place and placed his arms around her sholders.

"Angela, don't worry about it. He's ours, you don't have to worry about it all by yourself you know." Jack said.

"Morison, get ready. Hes coming back down now." Reaper said as he got a good look at his nephew.

Our favorite blonde protaginist of the day landed softly on the ground of the Shimada garden. Dusting himself off a bit and looked around where he landed. He looked in front of him and saw the Overwatch members looking at him. They staired back and began to make a path to three people in the center. Zenyatta, his master, and the two people he discribed as his parents.  Angela Zygier and Jack Morison, his parents. He looked at Zenyatta, his master nodded yes as to see if they were his parents. He soon floated to the side to give them space. It became a bit awkward for a few seconds, yet his body moved on its own. He noticed as his body moved, his hood was down, exposing his face to the others. Shocking them at the resemblence he had with his parents. Hana finally got a look as his face and she blushed until her face envy a tomato.

'This guy is too handsome to be the old farts kid! It can't be, he looks like a god damn Adonis carved from stone!' Hana thought as did some of the female members of Overwatch around his age,

Naruto shivered at the stares of lust he was receving. He kept walking without knowing he was. He got board and decided to just gun it and run. In a flash he ran past the members and headed for Angela and Jack. He engulfed them in a hug that almost toppled them down. He said nothing for a few minutes and he wanted to savor this feeling. The feeling of hugging his parents and the feeling of them hugging back. Tighter than a child holding a stuffed teddy bear. More warmth than being wraped up in a blanket while drinking hot cocoa in winter. It felt, it felt like Naruto finaly found what he wanted since he was a child.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home. Im back home." Naruto said as he cried on their sholders and smiled.

Angela and Jack cried on his. They had finally found him. Or he found them. It didn't matter anymore who found who. All that mattered now, was their son was with them. 

"Mama's her Naruto. Mama's glad your home." Angela cried as she caressed her sons back in a soothing manner.

" Welcome back kiddo. Welcome back." Jack said as he cried more. Finally his family was whole.

The members of Overwatch were happy for the small family as they moved on to the ship. Hanamura now seemed to be showered by blue petals. Giving it a nice newly fresh glow. Since they were tired, most of them fell asleep as they headed to a nearby base in Nepal. The small family were bundled up together. Angela layed her head on Jacks lap as he layed his head back and snored away. Naruto was aside his father, leaning onto his sholder and fell asleep. And surprisingly Hana snuck under Naruto and slept againts his warm body. 

Taking advantage of most members sleeping, Zenyatta took a few pictures of them as they slept. More on Hana sleeping on Naruto and drooling a little on him.

'I am happy for you Naruto. Reunited with your family, must be a nice feeling. Though if you are to be proved as a 'lady killer' then Angela is gonna have her work as a mother cut out for her.'

This was trully a happy end of the day...or was it?

Hidden Lands: Konoha

"Jaraya! I blame you for this! If you hadn't gone off peeping and actualy train him, he wouldn't have left the village! Now only Lord Kazekage knows where he's gone to and he won't talk!" Tsunade yelled at the white pervert. 

The Konoha Thirteen, the kages aside from Gaara, the contestaints, and the senseis of the Konoha Thirteen were in the office of one verry angry Hokage. They were gathered to report on any sightings of Naruto in the Land of Fire. When they came back empty, Tsunade became worried at the missing of her surogate son. She then now began kicking Jaraya in the balls and toss him out the window. 

"I need your help in finding him, everyone will still continue missions but be looking out for Naruto. I can't have you going unpaid on a long term mission." She said as everyone nodded.

'Naruto where are you? Why would you leave me? Don't you know I love you?' Thought one Hinata Hyugga. Oh how wrong she was. Thinking Naruto loved her.

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