Nobody into a Somebody(Becsti...

By Mahone_is_forever2

2.7K 104 30

"I'm a nobody." "I'm better off as a fucking ghost." "Invisible.. that kid didn't even see me." ***** "Tha... More

- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22
- Chapter 23
- Chapter 24
- Chapter 25
- Chapter 26
- Chapter 27
- Chapter 28
- Chapter 29
- Chapter 30

- Chapter 18

52 2 1
By Mahone_is_forever2

"I don't know just this guy who keeps appearing in my dreams. He had a name tag that said Austin on it so I assumed that was his name." I lied once again.

"Hmm... okay." Ava said in a curiosity tone.

"Let's just get going to finish the project." Jordyn says to Ava. They both get up and walk out,

"Yell if you need anything!" I hear Jordyn yell from the stairs.

********Jordyn's P.o.v.*********
"Ava... why do I get the feeling Rebbeca is lying to us." I say in a low voice as we walk down the stairs.

"I have that feeling too." She says.

"Just don't bring it up again, she looked really hurt when we mentioned his name." I said as we picked up the buckets that had been laying on the grass.

"Okay, I won't. It's just she has this whole past that we don't know about." Ava says leading me to the storage room out back.

"Yes, I am aware of that Ava. We just have to be careful what topics we bring up, she could be really stressed over it or have a panic attack that can hurt the baby." I said setting all the paint cans in order to start painting.

"You're right." she says as she began to hand me a paintbrush and got to work.

*********Becky's P.o.v.*********
I scrammed to my closet and pulled out the box of Austin and I. Looking at the picture of us at the park where our very first play date happened.

"I miss you so much." I whispered to the photo. Why did this have to happen? I sighed... maybe I should go back.

No. I shook my head and threw the picture back into the box. Once I put it back to where I had it in the first place I wiped the tears away from my face.

"You can't Becky. He's happy living life without you anyway, probably having fun getting wasted at parties with Alex. Doing the things he wasn't allowed to do with you in the fucking way." I said.

Why was I such a low life? I need to change my act and have some fun for once in my life. Teach my kid how to live life to the fullest instead of wasting their high school life doing nothing but worrying if they were worth "fitting in".

***********Austin's P.o.v.************ As I walked around with a red solo cup in my hand, I looked at this pretty blonde and sent her a smirk.

"Hey Austin." She says coming closer to me.

"Hey pretty lady." I slurred.

"Want to get out of here?" She asks grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.

"Yeah s-sure." I smirked. We got into my car and she crashes her lips onto mine, this is going to be a fun night.

**********The next morning**********

I heard light breathing coming from someone laying on me. I woke up immediately and looked down to find a blonde girl laying on top of me. Before I said anything the sun blared through the window and shined into my eyes. I groaned massaging the temples of my head.

How much did I drink last night?
I need to stop doing this.

"Hey, wake up." I said pushing the girl lightly off of me.

"Hmm?" I heard her mumble as she opens her eyes. She quickly gets up but hits her head to the roof of my car.

"Ouch!" She says massaging her forehead. I chuckled lightly and looked at her,

"Where do you live? I'll take you home." I threw my shirt back on along with my black jeans.

"24th and Carillo. What happened?" She asks.

"We were drunk and we fucked. Pretty much sums it all up. Here's your shirt." I said as I threw her top to her, she quickly pulls it on and turns to face the mirror.

"Oh, nothing new then." She murmurs.
I sighed and started the engine... yeah, nothing new.

***Becky's P.o.v.***
After my lessons of kickboxing I went to my room and got ready to jump into the shower. As soon as I took my shirt off I looked down at my pregmancy belly and smiled,

"I can't wait to see your little face, Audrey. You're little hands and feet. I can't wait till my room fills up with that sweet baby smell. I'm really excited for you to get here." I said placing my hands onto my stomach. I felt a little kick and jumped a bit back,

"Woah, I guess you're excited as well!" I laughed. As soon as I ran the water and I got in, my calves began to cramp up. I bit my lip and stretched them out, soon when the pain went away I reached for the soap and scrubbed my hair. I felt sharp pains attack me from the side of my stomach.

"HM!" I mumbled. I tried to talk but the pain was unbearable. I tried to walk out slowly but it wasn't working, the next thing I knew... my water broke.

"JORDYN! AVA!!" I yelled in pain. I heard footsteps run up the stairs and into the room,


"M-My water b-broke!" I said breathing in and out little by little.

"Quick Ava! Help me get her out of here!" She says, pulling me up from one arm as Ava grabs my other arm.

"She needs a shirt first!" Ava says, she reaches for the shirt I had on the counter and threw it on me.

******6 Hours Later******
I'm now currently in a hospital bed and still not have given birth. When I had thought my water broke it was a false alarm. Just strong contractions that had made me think I was going into labor. Jordyn was sitting next to me and kept asking me how I was feeling every 10 minutes.

"Are you sure you're alright?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm fine for now." I laugh.

"Okay, I have to go back home to get clothes to stay the night. Doesn't look like you're going anywhere, docs said that you might go into labor anytime soon." She says.

"How so? I thought I had a few months to go!" I worried.

"Calm down, it will be fine. You're dilation is at 5 cm, docs predict that you will be going into labor anytime soon. If your contractions keep coming you are probably going to be at a 7 cm which would mean labor time!" She says.

"So.. my baby is going to be a pre-mature?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's only a little bit early. That just means she's ahead of the game." She smiles.

"I just don't want anything to go wrong. I could lose her.." I said, just the thought of losing Aubrey after everything I've been through... horrible.

"Okay, just bring me back a muffin pleeeaase! I'm hungry!" I smiled sweetly till she nodded and left.

////////A\N\\\\\\\: Chipmunks! I updated so here ya go! I hope you all like it! Please vote and comment!:) I will be updating on my other stories so please check them out as well! <3

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