My Dearest Sensei (Male Yande...

By RandomGypsies

3.9K 71 38

'I never thought the small boy I met that day would turn into the beast standing before me today.' (Y/N) (L... More

1st Day of Classes

Our Meeting

1K 19 9
By RandomGypsies

(A/N) Hello everyone. Welcome back for the second chapter. The picture above is how Katsuo looks. (Picture belongs to its rightful owner) It was pretty difficult finding a picture that looked close enough to how I imagined him, but I'm glad I was able to find at least one. Since it takes a lot of time to draw and edit.

Key: (The new ones in this chapter)

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

Ok! I'm done here. Enjoy. ^-^

Katsuo's POV

I sat with my head resting in my hand as I stared at the front of the classroom completely bored allowing a sigh to escape. Oh how time seemed to drag on without her near. 'I miss (Y/N)' I thought not even listening to the teacher standing in front of the classroom. (Y/N)'s class had ended sometime ago and I was forced to go to my next class, but all I really want to do is stay by her side forever. 'Why must this class be so long?! (Y/N)'s class was much shorter.' Or at least that's what it felt like. Time flies by so fast when I'm with her. I let out another frustrated sigh just before class had ended. 'Finally.' I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed out of the room. I headed straight towards her classroom, standing by the door I let the rest of the class file out before I entered.

"(Y/N) let's have lunch together." I gave her a huge grin, in which she returned with a bright smile. Oh how I love that smile.

"Sure." She replied taking a seat at her desk and pulling out a plastic bag.

I pulled a chair to the front of her desk and sat down across from her. Seeing what she pulled out for her lunch I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Don't tell me that's what you're eating."

She looked at me questioningly. "It is. Why? It's just rice balls."

"The store bought kind. I thought you would start taking care of yourself better once you started living on your own, but I can see that I was wrong." I sighed at her putting my hand over my face. I'm really worried for her. She's a terrible cook so she avoids doing it by buying already prepared food, she can be very absent minded too, and winds up staying up all night without even noticing. She can't live on her own if she's like this. I sigh once again.

"It can't be helped. You know how bad at cooking I am this is my only option if I want to eat." She said so matter-of-factly. I opened my mouth to speak.

"(Y/N)" A cheerful voice called from the doorway of the classroom. There was a man there, most likely a teacher, he wore a grin as he greeted her with her first name. I gripped my pants with a clenched fist trying to contain my anger. 'Who does he think he is addressing my (Y/N) so familiarly. Oh how I want to rip his throat out.'

(Y/N) smiles in his direction. 'I want to stab him in the throat with my chopsticks.' "Haruki. Good afternoon. What brings you here?" She asked him, her (E/C) eyes fixated only on him.

"I just came to check how you were doing and wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch with me, but I see you already have company. Sorry. I'm not interrupting anything am I?" He asked looking in my direction. I glare coldly at him not speaking a word.

"Ah, no. It's alright. This is Katsuo Nakahara, he's a friend of mine from my home town." She explained motioning towards me. "Suo this is Haruki Oshiro, I've been in his care since I took up this job."

'So this is the guy that dared to ask my sweet (Y/N) on a date. Now I have a face with the voice.' I thought remembering standing by the classroom door this morning hearing their conversation.

"It's nice to meet you Nakahara-kun." He said offering his hand out to me with a smile.

I took his hand in mine crushing it as we shook hands. "Same." I muttered in a dark tone.

"Ouch. That's quite the grip you have there." He grabbed his hand after I released it. "Ah!(Y/N) you're not only eating that are you?" He asked looking at the rice balls she had sitting in front of her.

(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders and scratched be back of her neck. "I'm afraid I'm not very good in the kitchen, so I have no choice." She replied with a strained smile feeling embarrassed.

"That's not good for your health. Oh I know. My little sister is a pretty good cook and she usually makes my lunch for me, if you like I can have her teach me a few dishes so I can make you lunch and bring it to you." He offered.

"That's not necessary. I'm more than capable of taking care of (Y/N) myself. I'll be preparing all of her meals from now on. You are not needed." I shouted jumping up from my seat slamming my hands down on the desk in front of me. Oshiro took a step back away from me surprised by my outburst.

"Katsuo!" (Y/N) scolded me. "You're being incredibly rude. You shouldn't act like that. You should apologize now."

"Hmph." I plopped back down in my seat crossing my arms looking away. 'How dare she defend him. He's trying to get between us. I won't allow it.'

"I'm sorry Haruki. He's not very sociable." She apologized to him in my stead.

'This is so aggravating.' I silently glared down at the floor.

"Thank you for the offer Haruki, but I must refuse. I couldn't ask you to do that for me and I think it's best if Suo does it himself. He's been the one caring for me for awhile now, and he isn't so good with change." She explained. 'It's not that I'm not good with change. I just don't want anyone else near what belongs to me.'

"I see. Well as long as your health will be taken care of then that's fine." He replied awkwardly.

"Yep. It will be. Suo is like a big brother, always there taking care of me." She replied with a bright smile.

"Hah?" I questioned astonished by what she just said. "Big brother?" I kept my voice from going dark. "But (Y/N) I'm younger than you remember?" I gave her a strained smile.

"That's true." She grabbed her chin thinking. "However you don't fit the little brother category. If that was the case I'd be taking care of you." She said softly. "Though I guess it was like that at first."

"Then don't put me in the 'brother' category. It's quite hurtful." I replied irritated.

"Why? Does being my family repulse you? I thought we were close?!" She asked shocked.

"We are very close (Y/N), but just because we are doesn't mean I should be considered your brother. There are a lot better things I could be considered." I explained.

"Like what then?"

'God. She's so clueless. After all this time she still hasn't noticed anything, but even like this she's so cute.' I smiled a soft smile. "It's nothing. I'll tell you some other time." I relaxed sitting back in my chair. 'Right. There's no need to rush this, after all she will belong to me someday. She's been destined to be mine even before we first met 8 years ago.'

8 Years in the Past

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat at my desk in my bedroom trying to concentrate on my homework. I could hear the sound of children outside playing and laughing. I glanced out the window when I heard muffled cries. "That's Nakahara-kun's little brother isn't it?" I thought out loud looking at the poor boy crying on the ground. Ichiro Nakahara was one of my classmates and a neighbor of mine. We used to play with each other as kids, and we occasionally talk in school, but I've never actually met his little brother before though I've seen him around every now and then. 'What was his name again? I think Ichiro said it was Katsuo or something like that.' I grabbed my jacket and ran down the stairs to go check on the crying boy.

I ran over to the child on the ground and knelt down next to him. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" I asked trying to look into his face.

He looked up at me with tear filled eyes. "It's Ichiro he won't play with me. He just left and I tried to catch up with him but he ignored me and I tripped and scraped my knee." The ten year old cried showing me his bloody knee.

I pulled out my handkerchief from my pocket and wrapped it around his leg tying it over the wounded knee. I leaned over, holding my (H/C) locks back from my face, and kissed the sore area and then smiled up at him. "There all better, so you can stop crying now." I gently brushed the tears from his eye.

He gave me a cheerful smile as he leaned his cheek into my hand. "Thanks Onee-chan. You're so nice and warm."

"You're freezing. Where's your jacket? It's too cold for you not to be wearing one." I said looking him over.

"I rushed out of the house hoping to catch up with Ichiro so I left it behind." He explained looking depressed again.

I took off my own jacket and wrapped it around him. "Here you can use mine for now. I'm going back inside anyway, so I won't need it. Don't go getting sick on me now."

"Thanks. I'll be more careful from now on." He said standing up. "Now I know why Onii-san likes you so much." He grinned before running down the street his brother had gone down.

"Eh?" I was left behind feeling rather confused. 'Just what did he mean by that?' I asked myself blushing lightly. 'Well it's not like I'll get any answers just standing out here in the cold.' I shivered then made my way back to the house.


Katsuo's POV

It's been over a month since I've seen her. I still have her jacket and handkerchief too. When I go to sleep I wrap myself up with her jacket. It feels so warm and comforting, but Ichiro gets really mad at me. He is always trying to take the jacket away. He says he's going to take it back to (Y/N), but I think it's just because he's jealous cause I'm the one she showed affection for and not him. Ichiro has been in love with her for awhile now and he talks about her all the time, but he's too scared to tell her how he feels.

"Katsuo! Pay attention to me already." A girl yelled.

I glared over at her. Aya is my age and she's always hanging around me, it's so annoying. "What do you want?" I asked irritated.

"I hate this. What do you even like about a girl like her?! She's like 16 and we're you're only 10, not to mention she's the girl your brother is in love with. You should give up already." She yelled out.

"Shut up. What would you know about anything?" I asked rudely. I felt the ground move from under me and I slipped off the edge of the earth into a rather large hole. The stupid ground had crumbled underneath me causing me to lose my balance and fall into the pit. 'When did I even get close enough to this? I must have been too distracted.' I thought trying to climb out, but couldn't quite reach the top. "Why is this stupid hole so deep?" I cursed the world.

Aya peeked over the edge. "Katsuo-kun are you ok?" She asked worried for my well being.

"I'm fine. Just hurry up and lend me a hand." I retorted. I hated it here in this hole it was damp and I was covered in mud already.

"No! Not until you say I'm better then (Y/N) (L/N). If you say that you like me more then I'll pull you out." She crossed her arms turning her head away from me.

"Like hell I'd ever say that!" I yelled back at her angrily. "I'd rather stay down here forever."

"Don't be stupid Katsuo, just hurry up and say it." She whined.

"NO!!! Either help me out or hurry up and leave."

"Katsuo-kun? Is that you?" (Y/N)'s soft voice called out as she peeked her head over the hole. "How did you manage to get stuck down there? Here take my hand." She said offering her arm down towards me. I grabbed her tightly and she pulled me out of the hole with ease. She then looked me over. "Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm fine. Thank you for saving me." I said happily with an incredibly bright smile as I hugged her burying my face in her (H/C) hair. I could see Aya staring angrily at us as I smirked at her. She ran away from us upset, but (Y/N) didn't notice. I'm glad Aya didn't help me out when she had the chance, because she didn't I got to be in (Y/N)'s arms again. '(Y/N) smells so sweet just like flowers.' I thought as I sniffed nuzzling my nose further into her neck.

"Eeeek. Stop please. That tickles." She squirmed away from me as she pulled me back from her. "Oh my. You're covered in mud. We should get you home." She said scrubbing some mud off my cheek before standing up and taking my hand in hers.

We walked back to my house hand in hand the whole time making me extremely happy. When we got to the front door Ichiro came out quickly a look of surprise plastered on his face. "(Y/N) wh-what are you doing here?" He asked not even noticing me.

(Y/N) looked down at me and explained to him. "Well it looks like he fell in a hole so I helped him out and brought him back home."

Ichiro looked down at me then back to her. "Oh. Um. Thank you very much. P-please c-come in. You both are covered in mud." He stuttered nervously taking a strand of his white hair in between his fingers.

"No that's fine. I'll just head home and get cleaned off there." (Y/N) refused the offer making Ichiro look down and I pouted.

"Please (Y/N)! I feel so bad I got you dirty. I don't want to make you go home like that. Please stay for awhile and play with me." I pleaded pulling on her arm. Ichiro looked at me then back to see her reply.

(Y/N) sighed then ruffled my white hair that had traces of mud in it. "I can't refuse that. I guess I'll stay for a little bit then. Pardon the intrusion." She said softly and I started to pull her into the house happily.

Ichiro showed her to the bathroom and brought her some of his clothes she could wear while hers were washed. "Sorry they will probably be too big on you but here's a belt to keep the pants up." He told her as he handed them to her.

"Thank you. Sorry for the trouble." She said then closed the door behind her.

Ichiro came back into the living room with me and nudged me. "Good job. Thanks for getting her to stay." He said scratching his cheek, his face flushed pink.

'I didn't do it for you.' I thought before speaking up. "I wanted her to stay too."

"Make sure you take a bath after her." He instructed me tousling my hair.

"I know already." I glared up at him. "Don't scare her off while I'm gone."

"Like I would. You're such a weird little kid."

"No I'm not! I'm not a kid at all." I wanted to shout, but refrained from yelling. Ichiro laughed at my agitation and walked away to the kitchen to prepare snacks and drinks for our guest.

(Y/N)'s POV

I quickly finished with the shower and dressed in Ichiro's clothes. They were really baggy on me, but there wasn't much choice. I tightened the belt as tight as it would go to keep the pants from falling off of me and rolled up the sleeves of the sweater he had lent me. After looking myself in the mirror I sighed, I looked ridiculous. 'Ichiro is going to laugh at me.' I panicked imagining it. 'Why does this have to happen to me?' I whined, but eventually opened the door to the bathroom to make my exit bringing my dirty clothes with me. I stepped into the living room to find it empty. "Um. I'm done with my shower. What should I do with my clothes?" I called out hoping someone might hear me.

Ichiro peaked out of the kitchen and walked over to me. "Sorry. Here I'll take those and put them in the wash." He said taking the clothes from my hands.

"Thank you."

"No problem. I'll be back in a few just wait here." He said then left towards the laundry room."Katsuo go take a bath now." Ichiro called out resulting in Katsuo appearing out of his room and heading for the bathroom with new clothes in his hand.

I sat down on the couch in the center and stared down at the floor.

"I'm back." Ichiro called out from the doorway then made his way to have a seat next to me.

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

"Huh? Oh!" Ichiro said flustered. "Sorry I didn't mean to stare."

"I knew it. I look weird don't I?" I asked self conscious.

"What? N-no. Th-that's not it. Actually I-I think you're rather cu-cute." He said flushing a bright shade of red and looking down instantly, trying to hide his face with his hair.

Hearing him say that I blushed excessively looking away. "R-really?"

"Umhm." He muttered afraid his voice would crack from nervousness if he tried to speak any more. We both sat in an awkward silence for awhile after that before he stood up quickly. "I'll go get us some snacks." He practically bolted out of the room leaving me alone again.

"(Y/N) I'm done with my shower. Let's play now." Katsuo called out from the doorway.

I turned around to see Katsuo smiling at me so I smiled back. "Sure. What would you like to play?" I asked.

"Hmm... I'm not sure." He said thinking for a moment.

Ichiro returned to the room carrying a tray holding a plate of cookies and glass of milk each for the three of us. Setting the tray down on the table he looked up at me. "I hope this is ok with you." He said nervously.

"It's fine. Thank you." I said taking a seat on the floor in front of the coffee table with him. Katsuo ran over and sat in my lap and smiled up at me.

"Katsuo get off her and take a seat somewhere else." Ichiro chided him.

"I don't wanna." Katsuo refused.

"You're bothering (Y/N)."

"No I'm not!"

"I don't mind." I said allowing Katsuo stay where he was.

"See?" Katsuo boasted.

I picked up a cookie from the tray and took a bite. "It's really good." Holding the other half of the small cookie in my fingers.

"Really?" Katsuo asked taking the last half of the cookie in his mouth and smiled as he chewed it. "It really is."

Ichiro blushed from across the table. "Katsuo stop. What do you think you're doing?"

Katsuo's POV

I gave him a wicked grin that (Y/N) couldn't see then picked up my glass of milk and sipped at it. I knew what I was doing was irritating Ichiro and it was rather fun. After all I'm going to be taking (Y/N), whom he loves, away from him. I love her more than he could. More than anyone ever could.

(A/N) Well there we go the next chapter is ready. I hope you liked it. This one was longer than the last one and showed Katsuo's point of view. Well see you in the next chapter. ^-^

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