One Way Bond And Relationship...

Bởi tail050701

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Everything crumbals and becomes one sided like the bond. (edited. should make sense ;) ) Xem Thêm

twelve epilogue


311 8 2
Bởi tail050701

Its roughly two weeks since the attack and a hour since my last practice with Comrade it seemed like he was saying goodbye. As I sit in this chair that felt like it was just metal covered in leather and wincing every time that tattoo stylist was/is touching my skin. Marking  battle and kill marks. As I'm getting marked,  I see mason he is with Lissa , christian, Mia, Eddie, Petrov and even Stan.  Mason is watching me in awe you save a guy once with rusty swords from strigoi and your a god.

I got one battle mark and at least ten stars but I am really happy. Head guardian croft saw no reason for me not to graduate now. So in addition I'm getting my promise mark. But that's not why I'm positively beaming I'm happy about being done with school but I'm pregnant with Dimitri's child or rather children Lissa said my aura quadrupled witch means I'm having triplets.

Only Lissa, christian and Adrian know about the kids. All I can say is damn aura reading.

2 hours later

I'm sitting alone on campus in a hidden place Alberta or guardian petrov found me sitting there thinking and staring into space.

She said handing me an envelope, "hey ro, congrats on grad but belikov wanted me to give you this. And I have some news you'll be moving into the guardian dorm"

I replied, "thanks but I can't be on guardian duty I'm pregnant with triplets Lissa said my aura looks quadrupled"

,"well congrats rose"
,"thanks Alberta I'll see you later"

Alberta waved goodbye and walked away. I opened the envelope that was addressed to
I began to read

Dear guardian Hathaway,

I'm sorry to say this but I'm leaving with Tasha Ozera. I'm taking her offer. She can give me something I've always wanted something you cant give me a family. but that isn't the only reason you saved my ass more than once in the attack on the school I couldn't make you believe I wanted you any longer we're done. There was never a we or an us only a you separate from me and a me separate from you.
Good bye I'm sorry

The wet droplets clouding my eyes few escaping and falling down my face I walked over to Lissa's room I knocked on the door. She opened it and glared at me

Lissa yelled, "you bitch. You fucking bitch he left and its your fault"

She slammed the door and i ran to Alberta. She has always been like a mother to me well....better than my mother.

Alberta said, "rose what's wrong ? "
I told her everything who fathered the baby's to why they exist to my shadow kissed abilities to what just happened.

Alberta asked and stated at once," judging by the way your so broken you don't want Lissa to be your charge anymore how would you feel about living and protecting family?"

I replied, "I'll do anything to get away from everything I'll return when they are old enough thank you Alberta "

Once I was calm enough I walked back to my room and picked up the bag from under my bed I had packed after the attack and made my bed I took two group photo and and placed them in my bag then write each of the guys a letter  placed then on my perfectly made bed and walked out. To see/meet my new charge and or family.

I walked out to see.......

I realized I had been really harsh to rose for gods sake she was crying and rose never Cry's she isn't far enough for the hormones to make her cry. I try to breach her head but her mental wall is strong so I go to her dorm I walk in and notice two of her millions of photos are gone so I walk to the bed room and find her clothes gone , dust on the cupboard, made bed a letter addressed to each of us but I do a double take when I see titles
Princess dragomir and guardian belikov
I was surprised when I saw how Dimitri's was addressed because she'd always called him comrade or Dimitri.

I immeaditly called a group meeting then ripped mine open to find she used the paper my parents had given her. I called Dimitri back to school from court.

Dear li....princess,
I get it you hate me, you think I'm not worth much and that I'm a complete waste of space and time. your probably expecting me to fight you on this but the thing is I don't care anymore. I actually agree with you i think your right  I love you more than anything but you need someone who doesn't hate them self that is doubting every decision I ever made except the one to protect the person I viewed and still do as my sister I love you good bye
None of this is your fault its mine. Please don't try to find me because you wont .

Every one was here I kept repeating my mantra along with Dimitri, "all my fault" we kept saying it over and over I never once thought that but she thinks I did god I'm a terrible person
I got the call from Lissa so I went to roses  room when I walked in I noticed two group shots were missing the one when our group was first formed then one from after the attack everyone was there even Dimitri the Russian god/ warlord. Rose is a god too she saved me from two strigoi one ancient with two rusty silver swords.

Her bed room was suprisingly neat I picked up the letter address to me

My brother,
Mace you are one of my oldest friends. As I sit here writing this the main things that come to mind are how we use to get in trouble, pulling pranks, partys , play full banter and how we always were good friends from the moment we met.

I've kept so many things from you I just hope I still have my brother after this. Mace first off this is something Lissa will help you understand .... I'm shadow kissed second I'm pregnant third  and finally I fell in love with someone think about how I've acted since I've got back.
I'm so sorry,

I can't believe rose is leaving/left. I can't believe she is pregnant. Now I find out why she was oblivious to me I wonder who had finally trained rose. that's when all the pieces fell into place..... And it hit me........who trained with rose.........
Bloody Belikov.

I see Lissa sitting in one corner of the room saying over and over, "its all my fault"
Mason is sitting on the couch I can tell he's happy, surprised , annoyed and angury. I pick up the peiece of paper that says my name.
Edison castle
.dear brother,
You, mace and christian are like the brothers I've never had(as far as I know?) And I will deny this but I love you all.  As I sit here writing yours and maces letter every thing from pranks, detension, parties, our banter every thing is flashing through my head.

I've been keeping things from you two. First I'm shadow kissed and I have abilities that go with that(ask Lissa) second im pregnant  third I fell in love think about how and what I've been doing and acting

I hope your still my brother good bye Eddie

I'm going to miss her and of course she still has her brother

I waked in and noticed things were missing I also noticed ashford is staring daggers at me I picked up my letter it said guardian Belikov
Shit this isn't good. After I halled ass to get back here tasha is standing in the room looking at me as I read this my emotions plane on my face

Guardian belikov
You and princess dragomir  broke me I'm done I'm gone
Don't try to find me I mean it too.
Guardian Hathaway

After everybody was assembled the group letter  was read by mason.
He started," my brothers, princess, guardian belikov,
I'm sorry to those I didn't right a letter my ride is early but I don't  like you any less Chrissy your like a brother to me mia your like one of my greatest friends. There are many reasons why I left. Princess our relationship had become like the bond totally one sided like I said in the letter I agree I'm not worth anything. I'm broken. by now mace  and Eddie might have probably figured out why  but Lis....the princess is oblivious .

I'm sorry for the pain and a waste of time I had become to you. You might never see me again Alberta knows everything she won't tell you  guardian belikov she'll kill you if you even go ten feet near her
Goodbye all
Rosemarie Hathaway"

Eddie asked ," what the hell happened why was she using those titles who broke her?"

Mason said,"Eddie did she tell you three things she was Keeping from us the shadow kissed thing the kid thing and the love thing?"
Eddie nodded and continued," belikov was the love thing she didn't name him but now that she brought attenson to it, it is fucking obvious belikov and Lissa broke her Lissa what did you say to her? "

Lissa replied "I blamed her for Dimitri's decision to leave but she just took it and didn't fight she was crying and rose never crys "
Every one stormed out I stayed put in her room.

I stood out side the academy's gates waiting for my daughter when she walked out she looked surprised to see me. Alberta had told me everything about rose and her situation I was surprised that the princess did that to rose.

I said "rose I am your dad"
Rose exclaimed ," zemy your my dad?"
I nodded and we kept talking as we got into the car and we drove off

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