The One Who Was Forgotten

By lizzylizard02

824 117 11


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Ending #2
new stories!!

Emily's Story

11 0 0
By lizzylizard02

// thats Emily's prom dress. The girl is not her. This will be from Emily's view throughout the whole bonus chapter. Also, I'm sorry for it taking forever to update. I just didn't know what I wanted her story to be. Any ways, enjoy! \\

Another day being popular. Another day being stared at because your beautiful. This is prom. Prom is today. I will be queen.

Classes were a breeze as usual. I aced all my tests and pretty much was the teachers pet.

Today is prom. Being the bad ass I am, I head home in my convertible and start getting ready. Of course my girls where here so we all helped each other.

"You are so going to be prom queen. You look so beautiful!"

"So your saying I don't look beautiful on a daily basis?!"

Every one was silent. The other two girls looked back in order the mirror and shakily applied eye liner.

I glared at Marcy as she covered her face. She shook her head.

"No I mean you look spectacular. You look beautiful everyday but today you are more so."

I nodded and finished doing my hair making sure there was room for the crown.

Making our way down was majestic. All the men where lined up and ready to see us. I of course went last. Gotta same the best for last.

The guys reactions where so cute! But of course, when I came down, the four boys had a sparkle in there eye. The dress I was wearing was beautiful.

We all talked for a moment but was interrupted by my mother.


We all grumbled but made out best smiles. We had the best ride in town. The blackest and sleekest of limousines. It was amazing.

The limo was packed with candy and extra sodas for us.

When we got there, I of course went last again. The crowd parted and all my friends stepped out. I walked out and every one was astonished. Some girls looked at there dresses and gagged. Some started crying because it was so beautiful.

We walk in and the auditorium was decorated just as I had planned.




Everyone hissed at the sound of the speakers.

"I apologize for that. Either way, it is time to announce the prom king and queen!"

Cheers arose from the crowd.

"Can all the candidates come up in a line please."

We walked up single file. And waited patiently for the boys to get in line.

"Lady's and gentlemen, the prom king is, drum roll please."

Drum noise here

"Griffin Quinn!"

Of course my babe won. Honestly the best man in the world.

"And as we all know, Emily wins prom queen."

I walk up and smile and wave at all the wanna be's. I blow a kiss to my babe and accept the crown.

The first dance was so romantic. Kinda awkward cause everyone was staring at us but I was basically used to it.

The rest of the night was like a normal prom night. Romantic dances. Fun dances. Dance offs between the best dancers. Fun mini games. Decent food. But the very end was the bet of all.

After dropping everyone except Griffin off, he climbed on top of me and nibbled my ear.

I giggled, pushed him off and told the driver to put in head phones and I closed the gate thing that separate us from the driver.

Griffin had already taken his belt off and unbuttoned some of his shirt. His six pack was sexy. I was ready.

(Can't write, won't write smut.)

That was the best night ever. I hurt a little but that was only because it was my first time but other wise, I felt amazing.

The pleasure of it all was so amazing. I just can't explain it.

Didn't even notice I was at school. I walked up to Griffin and he growled at me. I stepped back. Now noticing all the discusted looks people were giving.

"How could you. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!"

"T-tell you what?"

"Why didn't you tell me
that you had an

"I-i didn't know. I-i don't know how I could've gotten one. I-I've never had sex before..."

He glared at me  and turned to look at everyone else.


Every one turned and looked.

"Due to some past events, you will NO LONGER EVER! Talk to Emily. She will be forgotten and ignored. Also, you just got dumped BITCH!!"

I gasped and started to cry. Some others gasped as well but in a way I knew would become a fight for Griffin.

Some snickered and others staired. I knew it had already gotten to my girl friends so I just ran to my car and burst into even more tears than I already had.

Driving home almost killed me. Ran a couple red lights and almost kind others as well. No ticket though.

I burst through my door and went to the back. I started a fire in the pit and got everything that wasn't black and three it in. At this point it had been hours of watching all the clothes be consumed by the living fire.

I had made my mind up. For the first time, I thought of death and suicide. I got up and started walking closer to the fire. I took my own clothes off and put them in the now bonfire.

I walked inside and put on all black. When my mother came home, she didn't even talk to me. She said nothing of me, about me, to me.

I knew this was it. It was the end of my life and the beginning of the worst years of my entire life.

I failed many years and never made it past high school. Not until this year when EVERYTHING changed.

// comment any other short story's you want me to write. Other wise, this book is completed. \\

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