Our Little Secret

By irmagray-

479K 13.3K 2.1K

Meet Sarah Reed, a seventeen year-old girl without a care in the world. Her life is what people would call av... More

Hello :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Author's Note

Chapter 8

7.5K 228 30
By irmagray-


My last two classes are art and biology. Now I know that you usually only have six classes, but I'm really in need of the biology class and therefore I expanded my schedule.

My last class is finally over, and I head towards the parking lot. On the way I spot Jack, walking in the same direction as me, with his arm around a girl. Not the same one as before, this girl is almost as tall as Jack and has dark, red hair.

For the second time today, I feel a pang of jealousy mixed with irritation this time. Honestly, where does he find all the girls?

A lot grumpier than before I keep on much slower now, trying not to catch up with Jack and the redheaded one. Which is an impossible thing to do, since they are walking slower than a freaking snail. I could always pass by and pretend that I didn't see them, but that would be too obvious. Therefore, I hold my pace at a minimum to keep my distance.

Mum's car is nowhere in sight, so I really have all the time in the world. Suddenly Jack stops, puts his other arm around the girl and they start making out. I make a disgusted face and pick up my pace; there is no way in hell that he will spot me passing now. Without looking back, I go to the parking lot and sit down on a bench. Sulkily I pick up my phone and check Facebook, not that it is any fun, there is just a bunch of crap on that site nowadays.

I hear someone sitting down next to me, but I don't bother to check who it is. Continuing with my Facebooking I check my sister's profile, but she hasn't updated it for quite a while. Sulking a bit more I start writing a complain message to Lana, telling her how much my life sucks.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Jack's voice interrupts me in my writing.

"I thought you were ignoring me." I mutter, sounding much grumpier than I intend to.

"Actually, I was the one smiling at you in history class, but you just looked the other way." He points out matter of factly.

"Yeah, well that was after you pretended you didn't see me at lunch when I waved at you."

"I didn't."

"Oh, don't bother, Jack! If you don't want to be seen with me in front of your friends, just tell me."

"It just feels weird," he snaps.

"You don't think it does that for me?" I snap back, and he doesn't answer.

"Why are you so grumpy?" He mutters after a while.

"It is none of your goddamn business."

"You are making it my business," he says just as pissed and I glare at him.

We sit in silence and wait for mum to come and pick us up. Finally, she arrives.

"By the way, why the hell are you taking an extra class?" Jack asks, walking towards

"Because I can!" I growl and open the front door. Jack jumps in behind me.

"Aren't you a good girl." He breathes in my neck, so mum can't hear him. I really want to turn around and hit him in the head but keep perfectly still. Controlling my breathing and not letting my anger get to me.

"How was school?" Mum asks, but neither of us answers. "That bad huh?" She says to the silence and then turns up the radio.

We arrive at home and I walk grumpily towards the house, not bothering to wait for mum or Jack. Opening the door, I enter the house and put away my stuff. Jack follows me in and does the same.

"Jack, I need to talk to you," mum says, entering the kitchen. He looks questioning at her but walks into the kitchen.

Oh lord, even mum likes Jack.

Angrily I walk up the stairs and head to my room. Throwing myself at my bed and press my face against the pillow. I hold my breath as long as I can and then, with a sigh, turn my head to the wall. Why did I let Sam talk to me about Jack?

Of course, he would know the reason why I don't want to be with Jack. Why couldn't he just swallow my lie as Keira did?

Honestly, it wasn't actually a lie, just the minor truth. I do believe that a girl like me never could be together with a guy like Jack, we just don't... function. But the longer I live with Jack, the more I realize that I might be wrong about that statement. Obviously, Jack isn't always a jerk, only sometimes, and I believe that I can live with that.

The real reason I don't want him near me is that I've never had any guy that close. I have never had some guy's arms around me, holding me close.

Touching me.

Kissing me.

I have no idea of how to behave or what to do! I have no clue know how you do when you kiss, except that you do it with your tongue. If Jack ever finds out about this, he will mock me. I know he will and that is why I have to keep him at a distance.

I am disturbed with my thoughts by a loud noise, someone is shouting, and it is coming from downstairs. Irritated I leave my room and walk down.

"Can you two shut up? I can't even hear my own thoughts!" I snap angrily, entering the kitchen. Mum and Jack are standing with the dining table between them. I swear to god; the look Jack is giving my mother could kill someone.

"Sarah, please leave." Mum says patiently.

"No. Why should I?"

"Sarah." She gives me a stern look and Jack is still glaring at her.

"No. What the hell is going on?"

"Nothing, Sarah, we are just talking." Mum says and hesitates, glancing at Jack.

"Shouting." I correct her.

"You haven't told her?" Jack asks, raising a brow.

"Told me what?" I ask, looking between them.

"I have confidentiality, Jack." Mum informs him patiently.

"I allow you to tell her." Jack says, still not looking at me.

"Tell me what?" I'm practically shouting now.

"Why don't you tell her yourself?"

"We aren't really talking."

"Of course, you aren't." Mum sighs.

"Excuse me! I am still here! Now can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I scream and they both turn to look at me. Jack looks annoyed and mum's eyes are full of doubt.

"Jack has a trial this Friday."

Wait, what?

"A trial?" I ask stunned.

"Yes, Sarah, a trial."

"A trial for what?" I ask, and mum hesitates.

"What did you do?" I turn to Jack, but he only nods towards mum with a fake smile. "What did he do?" I demand.

"At the beginning of this summer, Jack was at a beach party with his friends, celebrating the end of school. At this party, there was a boy, named Thomas. For quite some time Jack has owed Thomas some money, which he hadn't paid back. So, at the beach party, Thomas got drunk and started to ask Jack for his money. Jack answered that he didn't have the money, but Thomas kept asking him. Jack got irritated and told Thomas to leave him alone. That is when Thomas punched Jack in the face and of course, Jack punched back." Mum sighs and I roll my eyes.

"After Jack punched Thomas in the face, he pulled out a knife and threatened him." She informs me and sighs again. I stare dumbfounded at mum and then turn to Jack.

"A knife?!" I shout. "You threatened someone with a knife?" Jack shrugs as to confirm it and my jaw drops.

"Have you completely lost it? Where the hell did you get a knife?" I scream and Jack glares at me as if I were a child.

"Trust me, it isn't that hard." He drawls, and I swear that I can see flames in his eyes. He's furious and so am I.

"You. Threatened. A. Person. With. A. Knife."

"Yes, I did, that guy was a pain in the ass and I wanted him to leave me alone." Jack explains.

"That is no reason to threaten someone with a freaking knife!" I shout.

"To me it is!" Jack shouts back.

"Enough!" Mum interrupts harshly, holding up her hands.

"Look, I have to leave soon, I have got some things to take care of. Can you promise that you won't break something this time?"

"Yes." I mutter when Jack doesn't answer.

"Good. Jack, the trial starts at 4 pm this Friday. I will come and pick you up and then we will go to court together," mum informs and then walks out of the kitchen. Gathering her stuff and putting her jacket on, she stands by the door. "I will be home tonight, there are leftovers in the fridge" she says and then leaves.

The house immediately falls silent. I am standing in the hallway and Jack is in the kitchen. Quietly I walk back and stand in front of him.

"Why Jack?" I whisper.

"Because I had to." He answers, just as quiet. His brown eyes look hollow.

"But why?" I ask, seizing his arm.

"I just had to," he shrugs and looks away.

"Jack." I whisper and turn his head back to me. His eyes look sad as if he's remembering something hurtful and even though I know he is a jerk. Even though I know he can be a complete ass. Even though I know he has actually threatened someone with a knife. I feel sorry for him.

"I don't want your pity." Jack whispers and looks at me. I know he is trying to yield himself not to look hurt, but he fails miserably.

"I know." I answer and then hug him. Only to comfort him, not anything else. The hug is quite awkward, I don't think he wants to hug me back.

"I am so mad at you." I tell his shoulder.

"I can see that." He says, and I can sense his smile. After a while, we pull apart.

"Do you still have it?" I ask, referring to the knife.

"No, the police confiscated it the night we got arrested."

"We?" I ask puzzled.

"It was he who hit me, not the other way around. You could say that I was only defending myself." Jack says, partly amused.

"Were you?"

"No." He grins, and I can't help but smile back.

"You are a naughty boy." I say, sounding like my grandma.

"Yes, I am," He says with a perverted grin.

"That is not how I meant it." I roll my eyes and punch him. Jack laughs and hits me back.

We are sitting in front of the TV, watching some reality show and eating our leftovers from yesterday. The TV show sucks, it is just a bunch of pathetic people that want to get famous. Currently, a woman is crying about her son being gay and putting shame over her family.

"How do these people live with themselves?"

"Maybe they just need the money that TV producers offer them." Jack shrugs.

"You are actually defending them?"

"I am sure they have their reasons to be in something as bad as this."

"You would have to sink pretty low."

"You will if you are desperate." Jack says nonchalantly, and I start to assume that maybe Jack relates to the people in the show. That is why he is defending them and here I sit and make fun of them.

"Right." I say and blush, searching for something else to watch.

"Seriously? Disney Channel?" Jack frowns at my choice of channel.

"There is only crap on all the other channels!" I defend myself.

"And this isn't?"

"Shut up. If you don't like it, you can eat in the kitchen."

"Maybe I will, better that than to watch Phineas and fucking Ferb." He threatens and starts to move.

"Don't you mock Phineas and Ferb."

"Whatever," he sighs and sits back into his comfortable position again. He's obviously too lazy to actually move into the kitchen. I smile sweetly at him and take a bite of my food.

"So, who's Miss cherry blonde girl and Miss redhead?" I ask, a bit too casual.


"The girls you shared your saliva with today." I remind him, taking a bite of my pasta and trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

"Oh." Realization hits his face. "Babe and sweetheart." He then says.

"Excuse me?" I blink.

"That is what I call them; sweetheart, babe, baby, sugar, you know the usual nicknames." Jack shrugs.

"You call all your girls' sweetheart or babe?" I frown.

"A, they aren't my girls and B, why bother with remembering their names when the only thing we do is hook up?"

"They accept being called that?" I ask doubtfully.

"I guess they believe that they are special," he says simply.

"Have you ever been slapped in the face by one of your sweethearts?"

"I am Jack Davis, love, they wouldn't dare that. Besides no one hits me and gets away with it," he says darkly, and I bet he's referring to the beach party incident.

"Whatever you say, tough guy." I roll my eyes. Jack answers with throwing a pillow in my face. Luckily, I'm done eating otherwise, there would have been food all over the sofa.

"What the hell was that for?" I snap irritated.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," he scolds me. For a second, I actually believe that he is serious, but then he gives me a playful grin.

"I won't if you stop acting like a douche." I say and aim a pillow at him, which he catches.

"No can do."

"Yes, can do, you just don't want to."

"That's very true." He agrees with a nod.

"Why? Why do you want to be a jerk?"

"Because I can, love." He smiles.

"That is the lamest excuse I have heard." I tell him with a laugh. "Do you ever call the girls you hook up with love?" I ask suddenly, breaking the playful moment. Jack becomes silent for a while.

"No, that's only you." He says thoughtfully and grins.

"Good." I say relieved. Jack raises a brow at me and I blush.

"I don't want to be associated with them." I say quickly.

"Right." He says sarcastically, not believing me for one bit.

"Just shut up and watch the god damn television!" Irritated I throw another pillow at him, which hits him right in the face. Jack gives me a warning look and I stare challenging at him, but he only grins and turns his focus towards the TV.

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