Soul Eater One-Shots

By Maka_Albarn_

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One-Shots for Soul Eater couples. More

Soul Eater One-Shots
Haru Haru (KidXMaka)
Wake Up (Soul X Maka)
A Perfect Accident (SoulXMaka)
My Master! (SoulXMaka) [Rated R]
Just Dance (SoulXMaka)
Story Time: Snow White (SoulXMaka)
Somewhere You Belong (SoulXMaka)
Wanted (Black*StarXTsubaki)
Our Happy Ending (KidXMaka)
The Notebook (SoulXMaka)
Kiss The Girl (SoulXMaka)
Madness (AsuraXMaka)

Moving On (KidMa)

3.8K 84 25
By Maka_Albarn_

Moving On (KidMa)

"Thanks," Soul said plainly as he walked away from Maka, stuffing his hands into his pockets, "you were a cool meister."

Maka sighed, "I'm not dead, I still am a meister...." Maka mumbled the next part so Soul couldn't hear her, "just not yours...."

She knew the day was coming when she'd have to say goodbye to Soul, but she never dreamed it'd be so simple for him to just walk away when that day finally came. She knew they were nothing more than friends but Soul still could have at least seemed a little disappointed they no longer were going to be partners. Instead he just walked away like nothing. He walked away like she was nothing more than a stranger.

Soul stopped and turned his head looking at her curiously as she sighed before turning as she walked in the opposite direction, "what are you going to go do now?"

She shrugged not turning around as she continued walking away, "something." Soul just nodded and turned walking away to return to his new boss. He felt he had nothing else to say, the both needed to move on.

Maka clenched her fist trashing her room. "Jerk," Maka screamed sending the contents of her room flying everywhere. After satisfied with her room's new destruction, she slumped to the floor beside her bed and looked up at the ceiling feeling numb and hallow.

"I guess, I was wrong...... all guys are the same.....," Maka pulled her legs to her chest and leaned her chin on her knees with tears slipping down her cheeks. She hated that she missed Soul and he didn't even bother to tell her he was moving out. He up and left without even telling her. Kid got Soul his own apartment and Soul moved out not telling Maka a word.

With Kid being the new boss, she didn't get to talk to him much anymore. Since he was named the new shinigami, he was always busy. Of course, if Maka happened to stop by for a chat, he'd drop what he was doing and pay attention to her. Maka didn't like making Kid stop his duties just listen to her complain or gripe about something, so she just stopped visiting Kid. As the days passed, Maka felt even more useless and unneeded.

She had already achieved the highest title a meister can have, she didn't know what else to do. Figuring she probably could find a purpose somewhere else, Maka booked a flight for L.A., hoping to start over. The day she was scheduled to leave, she decided to tell everyone she was leaving. Everyone, except Kid. She had a feeling, if she told Kid, he would try to stop her. Not that it would effect her decision of leaving, but she'd decided she didn't want to take any chances.

~Kid's Point of View~
"What do you think of Maka leaving," Soul questioned me as I signed my endless stack of paperwork.

At those words, I stopped instantly, "what?"

"She's leaving Death City for good," Soul replied simply stacking papers on the desk, "did she not tell you?"

I stared at my mound of paperwork, "I didn't think she was serious...." I started thinking about why she would neglect to tell me she was leaving or even that the thought of leaving crossed her mind. My heart sank at the thought of her actually following through with her plans.

I never wanted to see her go. I may be the shinigami now, but that doesn't change my feelings... I had grown a bit weak at heart after my father passed on. I didn't need anyone else I cared about leaving my life. I never would admit it. I doubt I ever will. I love the meister with all my heart, more than symmetry......

I heart ached at the thought of losing her.... I didn't let it show or tried best I could... I closed my eyes and let the thought sink in for moment. It burned. I couldn't. I can't let her go.... I stood up from my desk, "I'm going to go out for a bit, Soul. Take care of this, answer my calls and I'll be back in a few."

With that being said, I left for Maka's apartment. As I walked to her apartment complex, my heart sank at the thought of losing her and being too late. The only thing that concerned me was Maka and with the sudden realization I could already be too late, I made a mad dash for her apartment.

As I got closer, I started thinking about what I was going to say. 'Maka... you can't leave... I need someone to keep the madness at bay.. I need someone to ease my pain...' It didn't take long, before I was directly outside the door. I knocked 8 times. My OCD getting the best of me as always.

Maka sighed as she packed her belongings and stared around the empty room. This was really it, she thought staring at the wooden floors numbly, I'm going to leave...

Kid knocked again, repeating the eight interval on the door. He hung his head and sighed. "Maka-Chan... I can sense your soul... please come and answer the door," he said as he jiggled the door handle.

She had just realized someone was knocking at the door, the knock had caught her by surprise. Maka sighed opening the door and standing in the doorway. She halfheartedly smiled, "hey, Kiddo."

His mouth tugged up into a faint smile. "Hey..," he said softly, trying not the let himself blurt out all he wanted to say at once. ".. Ah.., ughn..., may I come in..," he asked a bit shyly standing outside in the hallway awkwardly. He didn't want the entire apartment complex to hear their conversation.

Maka stepped aside as she gestured for him to come in, "sure, excuse the emptiness of the place...." She shut the door after he entered, "since Soul moved out and since I'm leaving, everything just seems empty...."

"Is it really necessary, for you to go..," he asked quietly. Kid sounded a bit pained as he quietly spoke.

Maka smiled, knowing he was probably wanting her to stay, "well, I'm not needed in Death City anymore. Soul's your assistant and you're the new shinigami. I'm just going to find a new purpose somewhere else." She knew she would be missed by a few but she knew her presence wouldn't be missed very much.

Kid swallowed hard as he forced himself to make a valid excuse, "Maka... that isn't entirely true,... you know the DWMA is short staffed right now... you are needed.." He wasn't lying and Maka was always one to listen to reason. Death Scythes were leaving town and being stationed back where they belonged and with the sudden loss the DWMA needed more instructors.

Maka softly smiled, trying to find her own reason to leave, "yeah, but I'm not a Death Scythe, only a meister......" She looked to the floor with sadness in her eyes, "I just can't stay in Death City anymore, too many memories....... I want to forget..." She didn't want to be stuck in this place being forced to know she didn't really have place there and that she didn't really matter.

He sighed, "but you are still the best meister we have..." He didn't want to admit he wanted her to stay. "You could teach one of the E.A.T classes....," he said trying to give her another valid reason to change her mind. He ignored the, 'want to forget,' he didn't want to hear that.

Maka smiled, trying to keep a straight face as she continually tried to explain she didn't want to stay, "I'm sorry..... I can't..... I just..." She softly chuckled, "I'll come back.....maybe..... I just need to think and time to think somewhere else."

He opened his mouth to speak but his words got caught in his throat. He simply shut his mouth not being able to force out words. He couldn't say anything he wanted. He may be a god now, but he still couldn't manage to speak freely, he was still so shy.

Maka picked up her suit case from the table, swinging it to her side, "I've never been one to promise something, knowing I won't keep it." She looked down at her watch, "my flight leaves in about twenty minutes, I should probably go..." She turned to grab her jacket and smiled softly, "I'm not promising anyone I'm coming back."

Kid's heart fell to the pit of his stomach and shattered. "Maka-Chan.. please..," he said quietly, "don't go..." He tried to keep his voice from cracking, failing horribly. He couldn't bare it.

Maka walked towards Kid hesitantly, after setting her suitcase down and jacket, and she pulled him into a hug before quietly whispering, "I don't have a reason to stay...."

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, Kid's heart racing. He wanted so badly to blurt it out, but he couldn't.... He only murmured, "there's me..." Though it was barely audible, he felt a few tears roll down his cheeks.

Maka leaned her head on his shoulder sighing and hugging him a little tighter, "Kid, you don't need me." She smiled pulling away, "I've done my part for the DWMA. I turned Soul into a Death Scythe. I've achieved my goal, I might as well move on and find something else to do." She closed her eyes smiling, "I really need to go."

Kid tightened his grip around Maka's small body. She didn't get it. What was it going to take? "...You say it so easily,... that I don't need you..," he murmured. He couldn't bring himself to say it... He decided he would let his actions speak for him. Kid tilted Maka's head up, ever so gently. "I'm begging.... please don't go..," he said before gently pressing his lips to hers, kissing her ever so sweetly. He would never admit he loved her, never verbally, he was unsure of her feelings for him.

Maka's eyes widened in shock before she closed them and pulled away blinking rapidly and blushing furiously. She was at loss for words and didn't know how to respond. Her brain was telling her to leave, she didn't have a reason to be there, but her heart was telling her stay. She had less then fifteen minutes now to decide, stay or leave as planned. She bite her lip looking down the floor conflicted.

Kid released Maka, his hands slowly rubbing down her arms before retreating back to his pockets. His own cheeks were burning red as he looked elsewhere. "..I... I'm sorry...," he said almost silently.

Maka clenched her fists feeling tears stream down her cheeks. She couldn't separate her feelings or think straight. She bit her lip before speaking, "why Kid?...... Why would you do that?..." She looked a him with tears streaming down her face, "why couldn't you have just let me leave like everyone else?!" She wiped her face with back of her hand, "I can't....I don't...." She let the rest of her sentence fade into nothing as she tried to calm down. Soul had let her walk away like nothing, why couldn't have Kid? What made Kid different from Soul?

Kid hung his head. "I'm sorry, Maka-chan... I just...," he ran a hand through his hair. "I-I don't know..," he lied. Though anyone with soul perception could tell the true reason. He kept his eyes glued to the floor. He realized how foolish he was being.. trying to keep a girl back who he knew never held any feelings for him.

Maka bite her lip glancing down at her watch, ten minutes till her flight would depart. A small voice inside Maka's head started speaking, 'just leave....' Maka felt her chest suddenly hurt at the thought of leaving, 'stay.....maybe they're not all the same....' Maka sighed and took a deep breath before coming to her conclusion, "you really do make things difficult for me....."

Kid let out a heavy sigh. "If you are set on leaving... I'll summon Beelzebub and take you myself...," he said apologetically. He didn't want her to go, but if he couldn't stop her by explaining his feelings....he wasn't going to force her.

Maka started laughing softly as she put her hand on her opposite arm, "I'm staying." She realized that Soul never cared for her, but that Kid cared for her enough to come after her, even if she hadn't told him she was leaving.

Kid looked up at her with a stupid smile stuck on his face. "Wha- really," he questioned happily. His eyes lighting up with the sudden news.

She covered her mouth laughing, "yes, really." She walked towards Kid pulling him down to her height before speaking again, "you were very persuasive." She smiled laughing before pecking him on the cheek, "looks like you got your wish and you're stuck with me."

Kid let out a slight chuckle. "Is that supposed to be a bad thing," he questioned, a bit too happy to care how foolish he was acting. His cheeks burned red when she kissed him. Kid placed his hands on her waist, Kid's golden eyes staring into her beautiful emerald orbs. He felt his heart pounding into his ribs. Kid kissed the tip of Maka's nose sweetly, "I'm glad.. I don't know what I'd do without you here..."

Maka smiled and hugged Kid, "I'm glad I decided to stay too."

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