Haru Haru (KidXMaka)

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Haru Haru (KidXMaka)

"The test results are in, Miss Albarn," the doctor says cautiously staring down at the white paper dotted with charts and graphs as he enters the check-up room shutting the door behind him. Maka anxiously stares at the doctor. I hated having to cancel my date with Kid to come to this check-up, Maka thinks nervously, but I need know what the results are. I hope he doesn't think I'm cheating on him, since I never told him why I cancelled, Maka thinks gulping reluctantly.

"The test," the doctor says sorrowfully looking down at the paper, "came back positive...."

Maka's heart sinks instantly. "C-can anything be done," Maka chokes out in disbelief not fully comprehending what was just said.

The doctor sighs, "treatment is an option, surgery as well..."

Maka nods slowly, "alright. I'll do treatment..... Can I call someone and have you explain the situation to him?..."

"Of course," the doctor says grimly, "this is confidential to anyone else though and it's not that bad right now." Maka nods feeling the tears well up in her eyes as she dials the number and hands the phone to the doctor.

"Hello," a familiar cheery voice answers.

"Soul, tell him I want to break-up.... I-I can't.... I-I, please, I don't want him to know," Maka says looking up at him stuttering trying to force back tears as she stands in front of him in the park, "I couldn't even tell you about-"

Soul sighs cutting her off. "I'm sorry...Maka...," he says placing his hand on her cheek, "if I could change places with you, I would...."

Maka laughs gulping back the lump in her throat, "don't say that..." Soul takes Maka's hand rubbing the top of it trying to comfort her. Maka pulls her hand away and takes off her ring. A silver band that Kid had gave her for their three year anniversary a few months back, she forces back tears placing it in Soul's hand. "He'll be showing up soon, I told him to come. I have to go.... You made me a promise......don't break it," she says grimly seeing Kid walking towards them out of the corner of her eye.

Soul nods and putting the ring on his finger, "I promise...." With that being said, Maka turns and walks away not acknowledging Kid.

"Maka, wait," Kid yells after her as she walks away without turning around. What was she doing being so touchy with Soul, Kid thinks slightly annoyed walking after her, "Maka, hey!"

Soul puts his arm out stopping Kid from getting past him, "let her go, Kid. She wants to break-up."

Kid pushes Soul's arm away angrily. "What the hell do you mean, Soul," Kid yells angrily clenching his fists. She's breaking up with me, Kid thinks angrily, Soul has got to be kidding!

Soul shoves Kid back, "don't blame me for this, it's what she wants!"

"LIAR," Kid yells throwing a punch at Soul's face, "you're making her, aren't you!!!" Soul tries to move but Kid right-hooks him.

Soul throws a punch back at Kid's face angrily after realizing Kid busted his lip. Soul left-hooks Kid busting his lip on contact. "She broke up with you, so she can be with me," Soul yells tauntingly watching Kid take a step back wiping his mouth.

"LIKE HELL SHE DID," Kid yells tackling Soul to the ground and trying to punch him again. He's lying, Kid mentally screams in bitter rage, Maka would never do that!

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