Teen Wolf's Isaac Lahey x Rea...

By AmyLillian22

126K 3.1K 1.2K

These are all my Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf) imagines. Some of the storylines are my ideas and some were prompts... More

You Belong with Me (Part 1)
I Belong with You (Part 2)
Sweet Little Libby
Beside Comfort
A Study Session
Meeting the Family
Second Chance
The Bedroom Window
I. Love. You.
This Exact Moment - (Secret Santa Imagine for Marley)
I Never Stopped Loving You (Feat. Liam Dunbar)

Castaway (Feat. Theo Raeken)

4.7K 101 33
By AmyLillian22

Pairings: Isaac x Reader (Platonic), Theo x Reader (Romantically) 

Y/N ran down the stairs two at a time, rushing towards the front door after someone rang the doorbell. With her heart racing, not from running down the stairs, but from the excitement of seeing her boyfriend, she couldn't fight the smile widening on her face the closer she got to the front door.

She flung the door wide open and quickly spoke before noticing who was actually at the front door. "Babe! I thought you weren't..." Her smile completely vanished and her lips quickly formed into a thin tight line when her eyes landed on a brown curly head boy with broken ocean blue eyes.

"Hi..." His voice was so low and careful as he shoved his hands in his front pockets. He noticed the pain and anger in her chocolate brown eyes. He wasn't sure how she would react to his return, but he wasn't expecting her radiating with such much hate. "Is this a good time?"

She shook her head. She lifted her arms to fold them tightly against her chest, to show him she was upset, but she ended up hugging herself as the old familiar pain she hadn't felt in a while came crawling back slowly. "I'm actually expecting someone in a few minutes."

"Oh..." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. It had been a year since they last saw each other and he had no idea where to start. He knew he had to apologize. What he did was wrong, but for some reason he waited for her to say something or ask him what he was doing here. After a few seconds of painful silence, he cleared his throat. "When would be a good time?"

"How about never, Isaac?" She slammed the door in his face and locked it. She turned off the inside light and flipped the porch light on before running up the stairs. She closed her bedroom door behind her and leaned against it. She closed her eyes and the good memories she had with Isaac flashed through her mind. All the late night talks about nothing and everything, pigging out on junk food during their weekly movie night, to building forts during their study breaks, and going everywhere together.

The look on Isaac's sad face the night of Allison's death was the last time she saw him and as that broken-hearted boy appeared behind her eyelids, the good memories instantly washed away. She slid down until her butt touched the floor. She curled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees before leaning her forehead against her arms and sobbed.

Isaac stepped up another set of familiar steps and walked across the porch to knock on the front door. He heard laughter before a set of heavy footsteps made its way towards the front door. He'd only hoped this visit would be better than the one before as he had nowhere else to go.

The door opened, revealing a tan boy with brown hair and matching eyes. The corner of his lips turned up. "It's good to see you again, Isaac."

Isaac let out a deep breath he didn't realized he was holding back. He leaned forward and gave Scott a hug and patted his back before letting go. "You have no idea how much I appreciate you not slamming the door in my face."

Scott furrowed his eyebrows, completely confused. Isaac reeked with so many emotions. It was hard for him to pinpoint them all, which only meant one thing. "You went to go see her, didn't you?"

Isaac nodded as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "She wasn't too happy."

Scott sighed and opened the door wider. "Come on."

Isaac grabbed his duffle bag from the floor and stepped through the threshold. Before Isaac and Scott could say another word, Theo exited Scott's room. "Scott, thanks for inviting me over to play the new Madden game, but I gotta go see my girl. I don't want to be late for our date," Theo said as made his way down the stairs.

Theo stood in front of a boy he had never met before, but had seen in pictures more than once. He knew exactly who he was. He closed his eyes as he let out a deep frustrated sigh. "You went to go see her, didn't you?" Theo asked the same question as Scott did.

"Don't you know you shouldn't eavesdrop on other people's conversation?" Isaac asked annoyed.

Theo's eyes changed in an instant. They were cold and staring daggers at Isaac. "Watch it. I know for a fact she hates you and won't forgive you, but I'm the only person that can convince her to forgive you. So I'd suggest you play nice."

Isaac's eyebrows shot up, completely taken by surprised.

"Isaac, this is Theo," Scott explained. "Y/N's boyfriend."

Isaac opened his mouth to say something, but Theo spoke before he could utter another word. "If you went to go see her, I have no doubt she's a mess right now. So if you'll excuse me, I gotta go see my girl." With that Theo left Scott's house, leaving Isaac hoping Y/N wasn't a mess like Theo said.

Theo slid Y/N's bedroom window up and made his way through the open window before closing it behind him. When he turned around he saw his girlfriend curled up against the floor in front of her door. She had little black river stains across her flushed cheeks. Her nose was red and her eyes were swollen. She was reeking with so much sadness and pain. Seeing her so broken and fragile, broke his heart. He didn't know what to do other than pick her up, lay her on her bed, and pull her close as he wrapped his arms around her.

"He's back," she whispered hoarsely against his chest as she clung on to shirt like a life jacket.

She didn't need to say who. Y/N has told Theo about her best friend, the one who up and left her behind without a goodbye or a note. He never answered any of her text messages, phone calls, FaceTime calls, or emails. She got the hint that he wasn't ready to talk and he just needed some space of his own, but he didn't bother to reach out to her during their time apart. He disappeared from her life as if he never existed. As if all those shared secrets, pranks, late night confessions, and sleepovers never happened. It was almost as if they were never best friends.

When Theo first moved back to Beacon Hills he was instantly drawn to Y/N. She was always sad and never 'in the moment' when she was out with Scott's pack. And despite her being at her most vulnerable state, he had never seen anyone more beautiful. Once she warmed up to Theo and slowly opened up to him, she told him about her best friend who broke her heart.

Theo was never jealous of Isaac. He knew what Y/N and Isaac had was strictly platonic. They were more like the brother and sister they never had. Although Y/N had expressed she never wanted to see Isaac again, how much she hated him, and would never forgive him, Theo knew she only said that out of anger and hurt. He knew she needed and wanted her best friend back and he was going to fix it.

"I know," he pressed his lips against her forehead, kissing her softly, and tightened his arms around her as she sniffled.

"You know?"

Theo hummed a yes. "I was at Scott's before I came here and he showed up. Princess?" He looked down to see her fiddling with his shirt instead of looking at him. "He looks and feels just as bad as you do."

She slowly lifted her head. "Really?"

"Yeah. I could smell him from across the house. His chemosignals were strong with guilt and regret." He looked her straight in her clouded eyes.

"Good," she said coldly.

"Princess, he's back and you need to talk to him." She shook her head, refusing to go anywhere near Isaac. "You'll regret if you don't. He needs to know how angry you are, and you need answers to the questions you ask yourself every single day. I know you don't want to, and you don't have to fix things with him if you don't want to, but you need to confront the situation or you'll be bitter about it forever."

She sighed, knowing Theo was right. But could she do it herself without breaking down or throwing things at Isaac?

As if he read her mind, Theo wiped away a tear that had rolled down her cheek before holding her hand. "I'll go with you if you want. I won't be in the same room if you want some sort of privacy, but I'll be there when you're done."

She slipped her hand at the crook of Theo's neck and pulled him in for a long kiss. She pulled back with her forehead against his and her lips ghosting his. "I love you."

"I love you too," he cupped her cheeks with his hands.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'll never have to find out." He promised. "I'm not going anywhere."

She nodded. "Okay." She got out of bed, pulling Theo along with her. She wrapped her arms around his lower back. Theo tangled his fingers in her hair as he kissed her forehead. After a few minutes of embracing each other and Theo reassuring her everything would be fine, he pulled away and grabbed her hand. "Ready?"

She let out a deep sigh. "No. Can you hold me for a little bit longer?"

Theo nodded as he pulled her back to his chest. "Of course."


Scott and Isaac had been talking for the last two hours. Isaac didn't want to explain anything until he spoke to Y/N first, like he always did before. So instead Scott gave Isaac a run down on what he missed out on. When he finished, Scott looked at Isaac with a worried look.

"What's wrong?" Isaac asked.

"Y/N and Theo are here."

A small pang of hurt hit Isaac. He hated that he wasn't there for Y/N when she started dating someone. He hated that he wasn't the first person she told about crushing on Theo, going over the details of her first date with him, and asking him for guy advice. He should have been there.

He rushed passed Scott and made his way down to the front door as Theo and Y/N walked up the front porch.

"What?" Y/N asked as she noticed Theo focusing hard and listening as he tilted his ear towards the door.

"He's going to answer the door, not Scott."

Before Y/N could say anything or even knock on the door, Isaac flung the door wide open. "You came..."

"Theo made me," she looked down at her and Theo's intertwined hands.

Isaac had never met Theo and although Scott gave him the cliff notes version of who he is, he was glad he had changed into a better person and wasn't some psycho dating Y/N. More importantly he was grateful Theo brought Y/N to him.

"Thank you," Isaac said with so much gratitude.

"I'm not doing it for you," Theo's eyes glared at Isaac. Y/N squeezed his hand, causing him to look at her. His eyes softened. "I'm doing this for her because she needs it. She can't spend the rest of her life bottling up all her anger towards you."

Isaac swallowed hard before nodded. "Regardless, thank you for bringing her. I don't think she would have talked me to me if it weren't for you."

"I'm right here," Y/N spoke up. "And you're right. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have come. So, can we please get this over with?"

Isaac flinched at her cold voice. He gestured them to come in. Scott exited out of his room and nodded at Y/N and Theo.

"Wanna go for a walk and give these two some privacy?" Theo asked Scott.

"Yeah," Scott made his way to the front door and grabbed his jacket before leaving.

"I won't be far so call me if you need me," Theo kissed her cheek after she nodded.

After Theo walked out the door and Scott closed it behind him, she turned around to see Isaac fiddling with his fingers. A million thoughts and questions were running through his mind. He knew he had to apologize but he didn't know where to start. Does he ask how she's been? Should he immediately say 'I'm sorry'? Would it be better to explain why he left in the first place?

She could see him struggling where to start, but she knew exactly where she wanted to start.

"Why did you leave me?" She tried to stay strong, but her bottom lip began to quiver as soon as she asked the question.

Isaac let out a deep sigh and took a step toward her. He stopped in his tracks when she took a step further away from him. He couldn't understand why she did it. He wasn't going to hurt her. He just wanted to explain everything and hug her.

"I'm so sorry. I never meant to leave without saying goodbye, but you have to understand why I left."

She shook her head as she wrapped her arms around herself. "She was my friend too, you know. I know how much you cared about her, and how much you liked her, but you don't think her death didn't kill me either?" Her voice cracked when she finished. She swallowed hard, pushing the tightness back before speaking again. "But when you lose someone Isaac, you go to your friends, your family, your best friend for comfort. To help you get through it. We lost someone and I thought if anything we would get through Allison's death together, but no. You decided to walk out and leave me stranded. You left me with nothing but stilled memories in picture frames and constantly asking myself how we got to this point. To the point where we drifted so far away from each other and you left me like a castaway." She tried to choke back a sob, but failed.

Isaac closed the gap between them as he rushed towards her and engulfed her in his arms. He didn't care if she didn't want to hug him, if she fought him, or pushed him away. He was here now and he was going to be there for her, regardless how much she hated him.

"I'm so sorry," Isaac whispered as let out a shaky breath. "I never meant to hurt you, but I had to go through this by myself. Her death brought this unbearable pain. Every time I turned around, something, everything, would remind me of her. I know I should have told you, but I couldn't. I knew you would be mad, because deep down I knew you were hurting too."

Her shoulders shook more as he spoke. Isaac rubbed his hand up and down, trying to comfort her. She finally caved in and hugged him back. "I'm still mad at you."

"I know," he whispered.

"And I still hate you for leaving." She sniffled.

"I know..."

"Why did you come back?" She fiddled with the pocket on his shirt.

"I needed you. I missed you. I need my best friend," He looked down at her. She slowly looked up at him and noticed how different his eyes were. They weren't the usual bright ocean blue eyes. The eyes staring back at her were sad and broken. The light in his eyes had died. She knew he was just as broken and lost without her as she was without him.

"I need my best friend too," she mumbled. "But I'm not forgiving you this easily. You have to earn my trust again."

Isaac nodded, completely understanding things wouldn't go back to the way they used to overnight. "I know I have to make it up to you, and I don't mind having to regain your trust or how long it'll take, because I'm not going anywhere. I'm back. For good."

"You leave me again, and I'm giving Theo permission to hunt your ass down, Lahey."

Isaac chuckled as he pulled back to look at her. He pushed away the hair from her face. "That's perfectly fine with me. How did you two get together anyways?"

Y/N exhaled. "Isaac, it's been a long night and my head is throbbing from all the crying I've done tonight. So if it's alright with you, can we talk about this some other time?"

"Oh," Isaac pulled away from her and shoved his hands in his front pockets as he looked down at his feet. "Yeah, that's fine."

She lifted his chin. "How about we go to Two Scoops tomorrow and talk? It'll be like old times."

Isaac smiled. "I'd like that."

She gave him a soft smile before she walked towards the door. Scott and Theo had just reached the front porch when she opened it. Theo walked up to her and reached for her hand, which she gladly took it. "You ready, princess?"

She nodded but pulled back. She looked back at Isaac. "Hey Isaac?"

He stopped the door from closing. "Yeah?"

"I'm glad you're back."

He couldn't help the smile forming on his lips. "Me too. See you tomorrow."

Theo led the way back to his truck after Isaac closed the door. He noticed the changes with her chemosignals. She wasn't as angry or sad. She was somewhat at peace. "I take it things went well between you two?" He opened the door for her.

"No, but it will be." She turned around to face him before climbing into the front seat. "Thank you, Theo. I wouldn't have done this if it weren't for you."

"Despite how angry you are, I know how much he means to you. I didn't want you to live your life with any regrets."

She smiled. "This is one of the many reasons why I love you." She smiled before she leaned in and kissed him.

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