Stay With Me ♥ NaLu One-shots

By Infinite_Warrior

76.5K 2.7K 1.3K

"Hey, Natsu? Promise me one thing." Lucy whispered, looking up at Natsu with her warm, chocolate brown eyes... More

Stay With Me
Finally Complete
Under the Mistletoe Part 1 - Sudden Jobs and Broken Hearts
Will You Be Mine?
The Darkness Within
You're my Angel
iNSaNiTY - SongFic
I love you, baka
Centuries SongFic

Under the Mistletoe Part 2- Hot Chocolate and Midnight Kisses

5.5K 255 69
By Infinite_Warrior

Merry Chirstmas, minna-san! I hope you guys all have a greaaattt day!


Under the Mistletoe Part 2- Hot Chocolate and Midnight Kisses

Last time...

The night sky, the perfect background, the perfect wind, even if it was a little cold, everything was perfect. The only thing missing was Natsu.

As if on cue, a muscular set of arms wrapped around her waist. Lucy smiled, her face lighting up as she watched the clock strike midnight.

"Sorry I'm late, Lucy. Merry Chirstmas."

"Hey, Natsu. Merry Chirstmas." Lucy said softly. It seemed like a dream, a memory so fragile it would shatter any second. Lucy was afraid that if she spoke too loud she would break it; and her temporary heaven would disappear. Even if it was a dream, she was going to preserve it forever; or atleast, as long as she could.

"I missed you." Natsu whined, resting his head on her shoulder. Lucy smiled and pulled out of his embrace; studying his childish expression. Natsu gave her an irritated look; he wanted to pull her back into his arms, but he watched as Lucy leaned over the railing and looked down at the scenery below. Natsu joined her, placing his arm around Lucy's shoulders.

"It's beautiful." Natsu whispered, but he wasn't looking at the light display below. His gaze was fixed on Lucy; and he found himself unable to look away. He was mesmorized by her beauty, her blonde hair which cascaded down to her shoulders, her perfect lips, and her warm eyes. Her pink dress really went well with her skin, and Natsu knew that Lucy had chosen pink because of his hair colour.

Lucy laughed, knowing what he was talking about. Suddenly, she shivered; the night air was getting colder. Without a second thought, Natsu took of his coat and placed it over Lucy's shoulders.

She noticed he was wearing a tuxedo, something you would almost never see Natsu in. Either the job required it (which was highly unlikely), or he wore it just for her. Lucy smiled slightly, and pointed to a café below, "Let's get some Hot Chocolate, Natsu!"

"Sure!" Natsu agreed, "I'm starving!"

Lucy pulled Natsu to the elevator, which they rode down to the ground. They made their way to the café, which wasn't too far from the Chirstmas Festival. As they left the noise and lights of the festival behind, the silence and darkness consumed the atmosphere.

But, with Natsu at her side, Lucy couldn't have cared less.

They arrived at the small coffee shop, breathing in the scent of chocolate. A cute little melody played when Natsu opened the door for Lucy, making Lucy smile. Natsu could be the smartest and sweetest person in the world if he wanted, but only if he wanted to.

The café was very small, but cozy. The walls were a coffee colour, the floors lined with a fuzzy rug to give you the feeling of home. There were some tables and chairs set up near the walls and windows, a soft-yellow counter at the back of the room to finish of the café.

"Two cups of hot-chocolate please." Lucy ordered as they approached the counter. The lady smiled, punching the order into her cash register and taking out the mugs. She went behing a door that said employees only to make the hot chocolate.

Lucy took off her gloves and shoved them in Natsu's coat pocket, leaning against his chest as they waited. Instinctively, Natsu wrapped his hand around her shoulders and pulled her in closer, making her chuckle softly.

The woman placed the two steaming hot cups on the counter, smiling brightly, "Two mugs of Hot Chocolate for you lovebirds."

"How much will that be?" Natsu asked as he handed Lucy her Hot Chocolate and took his own.

"It's on the house for both of you. Seeing you both in the Christmas spirit has really brightened my slow work day." The woman smiled warmly and Natsu and Lucy smiled back.

They walked to a small table in the corner near the large windows. Fluffy white snow was falling from the grey sky, but it wasn't gloomy at all. Lucy felt perfect in the warm atmosphere, and with Natsu sitting right beside her, there was no one else where she wanted to be.

Lucy sipped her Hot Chocolate, feeling the warm liquid heat her up from the inside. The coldness from the outside completely vanished from Lucy's body, and Natsu was like a personal radiator next to her.

"You done, Luce?" Natsu asked, peering into her cup. Lucy realized she'd already finished her drink, which tasted like heaven.

"Yeah, let's go." Lucy got up and zipped up her, or Natsu's, coat, heading towards the exit. Over the door, there was a small green plant, which Lucy recognized as a mistletoe.

"What's that?" Natsu asked, pointing to the mistletoe as he joined her.

Lucy blushed, realizing they were both under the mistletoe, "It's a mistletoe, Natsu. At Christmas time, when a girl and a boy are underneath a mistletoe they have to, uh..."

Natsu interrupted her with a kiss. Lucy was surprised, but melted into it. She realized that Natsu did know what it was and he was just toying with her. Oh boy, when they reached home, was he going to get it.

Slowly, all the anger dissolved into happiness, and they both felt nothing but the beautiful feeling known as love as they kissed under the mistletoe.


I'm dead. Well I'll see you in a few minutes when I magically revive myself to fangirl over this kiss OMG

Merry Christmas once again, lovelies. May all of you have the best day everrrrrrrrr :D


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