Just One Look.

By DarkGreenGraveyard

28.3K 855 308

"Are you afraid sometimes, afraid cause' you don't know where you belong?" It's a story about youth. Youth an... More

Just One Look.
I Can't Get No.
Little Wing.
Wild Thing.
D'yer Mak'er
Who Are You.
All We Ever Wanted.
Walk Away.
Piano Man.
When A Blind Man Cries.
American Pie.
Light My Fire.
I'd Rather Go Blind.
You Really Got Me.
Have You Ever Seen The Rain.
If You Can't Give Me Love.
Bad Moon Rising.

I'm Gonna Crawl.

1.4K 41 12
By DarkGreenGraveyard

Judy. Judy Clark. Long blonde curls, a cute, soft looking, cherry colored mouth, brown eyes, shy smile, petite body, soft and quiet voice. That's her. Axls date. Axls girlfriend very soon judged by the way they're looking at each other.

She's nice. She's funny. She likes my curls and our new song.

I'm back home from band practice (alone cause'Axl went with her), locking my bike, searching for my keys and then walk into the kitchen, grabbing a can of lemonade from the fridge with a sigh, cause my hair stinks of lake water, but I'm too hungry to have a proper shower now.

"Is there something to eat?" I shout into the living room and get a "Look in the oven." back, immediately bending down to look inside and grabbing for the still warm plate of potatoes and chicken legs wrapped into silver foil.

Just as I want to take it with me to my room, my grandma enters the kitchen and as soon as I see her I'm remembering why I left my room through the window this morning. I freeze, plate in my hand, looking at her in slight shock.

"Where have you been?"

"Band practice...?"

"Don't even try. You know what I mean."

"I...", I sigh, looking to the side, than back to her, "Out with Axl."


"That's not your business, is it?"

She keeps calm, but her eyebrows are raising what's never a good sign, so I quickly try to walk past her, but she grabs me by my neck, surprisingly strong. "Sit down."


She shoves me back towards the desk, her voice still calm, but her tone tells me that talking back is useless. "Sit down, Saul!"

I huff, obeying, but looking to the desk flooded with anger. I am fuckin' old enough. Fuck that shit! Fuck- "Eat. I bet you left without breakfast."

She shoves a fork over the desk, then sits down as well.

"I'm not hungry."



"Yes you better pray to god if you keep on playing the rebel here."

I grab for it then, unenthusiastically stuffing a piece of potato into my mouth, but as soon as I gulp it down my stomach growls loudly and it's getting useless to claim I'm not hungry, so I grab for a chicken leg and begin to rip big pieces out of the flesh with my teeth. I see my grandma grinning slightly at it, what's making me even more furious but whatever. Food. I fuckin' need it today.

"So." - And here we go- "About last night."


"Explain yourself, will you?"

"There's nothing t-"

"Don't play the stupid kid, Saul."

"But you're treating me as one!"

"No. Your childish behavior speaks of it. So be an adult and explain yourself."

"I...oh damn-"

"Don't curse!"

"Yes, yes...what to explain? We were out-"


"At a friends house."

A deep sigh from her. "Where?"

"At...the goddamn Roxy..."- She gives me a hard glare- "God! Sorry! At the gorgeous Roxy-"

"It's on Sunset Boulevard, right? So I have deep doubts that it's gorgeous, but go on."

"We stayed a couple of hours and couple of friends. We forgot about the time. We came home too late-"

"And drunk!"

"- and drunk. Axl stumbled over a pair of shoes...and you know the rest."

She looks at me for a long time. "What about the girl?"

"What girl?"

She clears her throat. "Well. I caught you with your pants opened..."

She clearly is as embarrassed as I am, but I'm still the only one blushing.

"I pissed in the front yard."

"Why are you blushing then?"

"I..." But I don't know what to say.

"Ok. Here's my version: You went into a bar you aren't old enough for. They threw you out. You and Axl bought alcohol and got drunk instead of coming home. You had the great idea to take some girls back home, doing...things with them in our hallway."


"And they just disappeared or what?!"

"No. You shoved them outside as soon as you heard me."

I can't decide if I should protest or just leave her thinking that, cause' it's an easier thing to confess than what really happened.

"I interpret your stillness as an confession."

I still say nothing.

"A few things I have to say: You can drink if you want, but don't go into bars until you are allowed to. Tell me beforehand when you will be coming home late and don't get caught by the police. Don't crawl out of your window to hide from me. Don't get girls crawl inside through your window-"

"I never did!"

"I am not deaf, young man."


"But what?"


"Good. I will leave you be then."

And she's standing up, heading for the living room again, but turns around for another second. "Well...", a deep sigh, "you know there would be a second explanation for all this?"

I look back at her and for a second I just wanna blur it all out, say what we did, say what really happened that night- but I'm not gay and I don't want her to think that. She gives a soft smile when I don't answer.

"But you told me Axl is a nice boy, right?"

"Nothing to do with Axl..." I murmur, trying to shake some hair into my face, but it's not long enough to cover my eyes properly.


"Whatya' wanna say?"

"That you could tell me."

"Axl has a girlfriend!" I spurt out and her smile even widens.

"What has that to do with it now?"

Shit. A fuckin' trap. I am blushing again, harder than before. "Nothing."


And she's gone, leaving me with my still almost full plate, but I am really not hungry anymore.


It's late when there's a soft knocking at the window and I jerk from my half sleeping state, scaring my pet snake to death as she's curled around my arm. She begins moving quickly, shaking her small head nervously and I have to hold her tighter to stop her from escaping.

Another knock and I stand up, opening it. There's Axl kneeling and I can also see Judy standing behind him, hands folded, looking all shy.

"What?!", I snap, then give a smile and a wink to her, "Hey Judy!"

"Hi!" She says and Axls is waving with his hand impatiently.

"Look, Slash. Uhm...ya' know...Judys roommate is home and she's a girl and they share a bedroom...could we...maybe..."

Oh god. Fuckin' really?!

"What Axl?"

His voice gets quiet, whispered. "See, I almost have her where I want her and-"

"And that's on her hands and knees?"

"Shh! Dammit, Slash. But fuck yeah, it is. Can we-"

"Make out in my bed?"

"Well, I can't fuck her right on the streets right?"

"God, seriously?!"

"Please...c'mon...just this single time...I have no other place to take her..."

I sigh, closing my eyes in disbelief.

"Pleeeaase, Slash...I'll by you a whole bottle of vodka or whatever you want!"

"And where will you get that money from?"

"I will find a way, promised! Please...?"

"Goddammit. Ok. Whatever."

He grins like a happy child, then suddenly gives a nervous look to my right arm. "But you better put that snake away..."

"You like her!"

"But Judy hates reptiles."

I am slowly starting to get a little pissed, but nod then. "Fine."

"Thank you! I'll leave no fuckin' jizz on your sheets, promised."

"Not like that ever happened..." I grin but his face gets shocked.

"Shh! Would you shut up?! The last thing I want is her to find out about...ya' know...no fuckin' word about it!"

I don't even know why it's pissing me off so heavily, but suddenly I am flooded with anger.

"You know what?! I'm gonna leave. Fuck her three times in a row, cover my goddamn bed in jizz, I don't fuckin' care."

I put my baby back into her cage, then climb out of the window by myself, roughly shoving Axl away.

"One hour, Axl. One damn hour. And don't fuckin' fall asleep on top of her. You gotta' let me in later."

He gives me a slightly worried, but thankful gaze, whispering a quiet, "You're the best, man.", and I make my way past Judy, giving another smile- it's not her fault right?- then walk down the streets,

watching Axl help her climbing down into my room.

Great. Awesome evening.


When I return, Axl immediately lets me in and there really is no sign of Judy anymore, but as I climb down, he sits on the bed, holding his chin, looking all pissed.

"What?", I ask, throwing myself on the floor and grabbing for a half empty bottle of lemonade on the floor.

"What 'what'?", he just answers.

"You don't look very happy."

"Oh?" He throws himself on his back with a huff and I can see that he's damn hard.

"Didn't get some?"

"Nooo...", he groans, ruffling his own hair and I laugh, not able to suppress a little glee.

"You think that's funny, asshole?" "


"Fuck you! One hour of making out. It fuckin' hurts!"

"What?", I ask, just to mock him.

"You know what!"

"Yep. I can see it."

He throws his arms over his crotch. "Don't fuckin' look then!"

I laugh again, before sitting on the bed beside him.

"And the bitch left just five minutes ago, not even giving me time to fuckin' jerk off."

I chuckle, but I'm blushing slightly. "Not cool. But...I mean, do what ya' want, I don't care."


"I won't watch, man."

"But you'll be in the same room."

"Oh god, what a problem!"

"Fuck off."

"So you wanna' go to sleep with-", I point at his crotch, - "that?"


"Ok...god luck to try and fall asleep then."

"Thank you."

I ignore him then, taking my jeans off and climbing under the sheets, yawning, turnng the lights off. Damn long day and I am tired as fuck, my eyes burning with exhaustion. I press my face into the pillow, humming, feeling all comfortable- At least for about ten minutes.


Whispered. I just ignore him.

"Slash...are you awake?"

"No.", I groan, really not in the mood for a talk about fuckin' prude Judy.

"You are..." I hear rustling, then feel him laying directly behind me now.

"What is it?", I ask, all annoyed.

"I...can't sleep with a goddamn boner..."

"Yeah. See."

"I need to get rid of it..."

"Just jerk off then. I'm going to fall asleep in a second anyway."

Nothing more, then a softly spoken, "Don't."


"Don't...fall asleep..."


"I...uhm...", and suddenly I feel a hand on my waist. My eyes are opening wide in the dark, getting why he doesn't want me to fall asleep yet. His fingers begin to stroke over my hip, over my thighs, up and down, soft but obvious.



"What are you doing?"

I turn around slowly, finding him extremely near, staring at me in the dark. "I...just...", he comes even nearer, breathing warmly against my mouth. When he leans in to kiss me, my pulse explodes in a hot jump, loudly rushing through my ears. Goosebumps all over my arms. Excitement, yes- but my stomach isn't clenching, but filled with a soft warmth.

I hum, holding his neck, stroking his jaw with my thumb, deepening the kiss, tasting him on my tongue. His warm, smooth and wet lips are moving slowly, caressing my bottom lip with their velvetness. His soft, light hair gliding through my fingers. Silky. Smelling like smoke and shampoo.

He moves, his boner brushing my leg and hell yes, I'm going to help him fall asleep. My hand comes around his waist as well and I pull him near, pressing our crotches together, stroking over the skin between his shorts and his shirt. He's so warm. His breath all unsteady and loud, his lips sloppily brushing against mine, against my chin, then he buries his face into my hair. I hear him inhaling, feel him taking my head in both of his warm hands softly. Our bellies pressed together, his body moving with his breath. Air filled with the scent of my locks and my skin.

"Slash...?", he breathes, but it's not a question at all. I touch his neck with my lips, letting him hold my head, feeling his heartbeat flooding me. My fingers are pulling at his waistband, then at his shirt and I have him naked in my arms, stroking up and down his sides, touching his shoulder blades. I lay him down to his back, kissing his neck, his collarbones, feel his hands on my shoulders, his eyes locked with mine before our lips meet again.

I am hard by now, but I don't want him to touch me. I am too occupied by the will to find all the places on his body that make him sigh and shudder. He does when my fingers are brushing over his inner thighs and when I place open mouthed kisses to his rip cage. Breath caught in his throat, his adam's apple moving when he swallows down a moan.

"Don't hold back.", I whispers before cupping his balls in my hand. He jerks, burying a hand to my hair, whispering my name again.

"Yes?", I ask.

"Please...", he answers, so I let my hand wander upwards, the palm of it feeling the warm, velvet like skin of his length.


I wrap my hand around him, slowly stroking and he relaxes against me, a deep moan resonating from his throat.

"I want you on top of me...", he pants, "I...want you...inside..."

"What?", I gasp, but he takes my face into his hands again and kisses me passionately, then takes hold of my wrist, lays my hand to his face, before slowly licking two of my fingers in the dark. I feels wet and warm, it's tickling, but pleasantly. When he stops I hold my fingers up into the air, not wanting them to dry and he grabs it again, guiding me downwards.


He's spreading his legs, but I'm hesitating.


"I don't know...I just want..."

"It's...you know..."

"I know."

"But I'm not..."

"Me neither, damn."

I can sense he's getting inpatient, so I take a deep breath before carefully searching, then pushing a finger inside of him. His breath itches. Out and in again. It's warm and soft and tense. I try to add another finger, but it's not possible, cause' he's suddenly clenching around my knuckle, so I kiss him- his temple, his cheekbone, his nose, his chin- and he sighs, relaxing again. The second finger gets him whimpering, holding my neck strongly, but he takes it and he's still hard, so I don't stop.

"Ok...do it..."

"Wait- we have no...equipment...ya' know..."


"What now?"

"Look in my jacket. I have a condom...it's.. uhm...it's lubed..."

"Oh god...", I groan, embarrassed to death and Axl has both of his hands over his face, but I stand up anyway to get it, happy that it is at least not bright daylight. I'm fumbling with the plastic, my hands shaky, sloppily. "Fuck...", I curse, then end up biting it open, taking it out and just looking at it.

"What?! You're a virgin or what?", Axl asks and I glare at him.

"No! But I never use those stupid stuff."

"Oh dear...get em' pregnant instead?"

"No...god...just...lemme' try, dammit."

I think I need five fucking minutes, but it's working in the end and I let out a shaky breath when it's done. Axl reaches out for me, pulling me on top of him, his legs still spread, but I'm so nervous, I'm not really hard anymore. Axl seems to read it from my agonized face, cause he's kissing my throat, sucking, his arms holding me in a half embrace.

"Relax, ok?", he says and I'm wondering if that's what he says to girls as well, to Judy. But thinking really doesn't help. He's taking his time with me, licking my lips, stroking my chest, telling me to calm down- he gives his best, but what's really working are three simple words: "I want you."

I give a quiet moan, suddenly all hard again and sighing in relief. My dick is pressed to his belly and he's wrapping his legs around my hip, getting me in the right position. I try to thrust forward, but miss the right spot, so Axl slips a hand between us to grab for me and guides me to exactly the right spot, then lets go of me again.

"Sure?", I ask, voice all trembling. I feel him nodding, so I press against him, letting the tip of my dick sink in. It's surprisingly easy, but when I push inside a little further, Axl quietly cries out, obviously in pain, so I stop.

"Go on!"

"But it's hurting you..."

"I felt worse."

I am slowly sliding deeper and he throws his arms around my head, pulling me down to press his face to my neck, whimpering against my skin.

"Shh...", and I take the last inches in one go, a little, dull scream coming from Axl, then a sob. I want to ask if he's ok, but words aren't necessary anymore when he holds me even tighter, breathing hard, stroking through my hair.

We are in a tight embrace, not moving, just feeling, smelling, Axls warm cheek pressed to mine, his arms still around my head.

"Kiss me.", I say and he does, making my belly explode again. Pretty hot or damn cold or both- so intensive I can just gasp against his warm, wet mouth, then I slowly start to pull out. He's whimpering again, but moves his hips upwards, moving with me, driving me back in and we never stop kissing.

Soft and tender.

I do not know what is happening, but I don't want to go faster, I just want to feel him shuddering against me, his body tensing, relaxing, aching for my touch.

Slow, deep and careful movements.

His warm fingers at my face, his mouth on mine, his breath in my lungs.

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