Emily's Escape

By FunctionalSalt

377K 7.4K 2K

(Completed) Emily is suffering from anorexia; she just won't admit it to herself or anyone else. She doesn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (Important - You can choose what will happen next)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Flash-forward (Chapter 46)
Flash-forward nr. 2 (chapter 47)
Flash-forward nr. 3 (chapter 48)
Flash-forward nr. 4 (chapter 49)
Flash-forward nr. 5 (chapter 50) The Finale One
I couldn't end it there (chapter 51)
A question for my readers
Per your request - alternative ending
I know this story is completed but
That night in Mexico (chapter 52)
Man to man (Chapter 53)
Car sex (chapter 54)

Chapter 21

6.9K 142 37
By FunctionalSalt

Song: Losin Control by Russ

"You think I look weak? Really?" he said with a smug smile. He continued to walk closer and soon he stood at the end of the couch.

"Yes," I simply said. He laughed and looked at me with a smirk.

"I think, that you're lying."

"I think, that you're self-obsessed." He crooked up a brow and smirked. He came one step closer, and I pushed myself op against the wall behind the couch. Carter noticed and smirked again.

"Well, let's see what you can do then? If I'm this weak, let's see how you perform," Carter said and extended his hand for me. I thought about it, maybe I shouldn't fight against Carter, a real fighter.

He laughed and shook his head before his hand dropped.

Or maybe I should.

I stood up, and Carter gave me a look while he tilted his head to the side. He was surprised.

"Let's do it then," I said. I was slowly losing the courage I had had just before.

"Let's do it," Carter repeated and walked to the ring the he had.

"Okay, your arms like this," he said, and led my arms up in front of my face. I felt electricity by his touch. "And you feet like this," he said, and pushed my thigh back with his hand. I looked up into his eyes at his touch. He too looked into mine and gave me a small smile.

My arms were in front of my face and my legs stood with a small gap between them. Carter positioned himself the same and smirked.

"Let's go," he said and stepped closer. I felt adrenalin rush through my veins and I punched out. I hit Carter's elbow and my hand hurt.

"Ouch," I said and shook my hand trying to get the pain to go away. Carter laughed and shook his head. I squinted my eyes and hit him again. This time I didn't say ouch.

"Come on," I said. He chuckled and let his head fall back.

"I don't hit on girls," he simply said.

"You wanted to fight, but you're not hitting me?" He shook his head. My hands dropped and I looked at him.

"That's no fun."

"You want me to hit you?" He crooked his head. I looked at him. His arms, his chest.

I decided to shake my head.

"Thought so. And,it also shows, that you in fact think that I'm strong, since you're scared of me," he said and smirked. I scuffed.

"I'm not scared of you, I just don't want to fight someone twice as large as me." Carter chuckled.

"Probably a little larger than that," he said with a laugh. I looked to my feet and then to his. I guess he was larger than double the size of me. I shrugged and left the ring.

Carter took on some gloves and began hitting a bag inside the corner of the ring. I sighed and sat back down on the couch. What had just happened was weird.

I started to read the article for English I had been reading before I got distracted and pushed the thoughts out of my head.

After five minutes Carter was still punching the bag and I fell out of concentration again.

I was bored.

"Can I try?" I said out loud. Carter stopped punching and turned around so he was facing me. He gave me a weird look and shrugged.

"Yeah, sure," he said and waved me over. I nodded and set my books aside. I got up from the couch and walked to him. He gave me his pair of gloves and told me to put them on. I wrapped them on and felt the new feeling on my hands.

"How do I do?" I nervously asked. I had never ever hit a boxing bag before.

"Uhm, okay, stand like this-" he stood in the same position as when he punched. "Feet like this," I looked to his slightly set apart feet and did the same. "Hips like this." His hips were centered and his legs stood solid down on the ground. I did the same. "And lastly, upper body and arms like this," he said and showed me how to stand. I did the same as he did.

"Okay, like this?" I asked. He nodded and took a step back so he could get a better look. My cheeks heated at his stare. His eyes were going up and down my body. I felt a little giddy and coughed.

"Yes, uhm, okay, you can try now," he said and cleared his throat. I tried to hit the punching bag, but not much happened. Actually nothing at all.

"You can hit a little harder," Carter laughed. I felt embarrassed and tried hitting harder. The boxing bag swung a little at my punch and I looked to Carter. He nodded and I smirked.

"Not to brag, but I'm a pro," I teased. Carter scoffed.

"Oh yeah, pro, try hitting two times with your left hand and then hit super hard with your right. But I'm taking it that you already know this stuff, you know, since you're a professional and all," he laughed.

I took a step back and hit like he had said I should. The boxing bag didn't really move. I sighed from frustration and hit the bag again. This time it flew a little back, but not much.

"Do you mind if I help you, pro?" I gave him a look and he put his hands in a surrender position.

"No, I won't mind." He took a few steps closer and put his hands on my hips. I stiffened by the motion and sucked in a breath. Carter looked into my eyes and I gave him a small nod. He proceeded to grab my hips while he stood by my side.

"Okay, so basically, you want you hips to move along to your punches. Try punching a jab," he said.

"A jab?"

Carter chuckled and removed his hands from my hips. "Like this," he punched a light punch with his left hand. 

"Oh, okay, got it." He put his hands back on my hips. It felt strange, but in someway, I liked it.

"Try the jab," he said. I took a breath and punched. Carter's hands pushed my left hip forward. I got surprised and turned to him, making his hands slip off my hips.

"What?" Carter laughed with a grin. I slapped his arms and sighed.

"Please explain, how that would help?"

"Okay, look." He stood in the same position as I just had been in and hit a punch. Carter looked at me and we caught each other's eyes. "You need to look at my body."

"Huh?" I stuttered.

Carter laughed and got back to the position. "Look at my body, it moves with the punch, that way you get more strength behind the punch." I looked at his body and he punched three punches. His entire body moved with each punch, especially the last hard one.

"Okay, I think I got it now," I said and got in the position. I landed three punches on the bag and made sure my body moved with them. "Like that?"

Carter nodded. "Now, you just need to, you know, actually have some muscle so your punches actually hurts," he said and laughed. I gave him a looked and stepped away from the bag. He was still laughing.

"Don't laugh at me," I said and punched him. He stopped laughing and looked at me seriously.

His hand wrapped around his arm where I had just hit him. "Ouch, Emily, do you know how much that just hurt?" Shit, I hurt him?

"Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I said and hoped he could forgive me. For him to be mad at me wouldn't be good. I would again have nobody to talk too.

I caught his eyes and his lips curled up into a smile. "Do you really think that hurt?" he laughed. My jaw feel open and I scoffed. He had pranked me?

"That's not funny!" I said and hit him again.

"Ouch, Emily," he said as I hit him. I hit him again and again. He kept saying ouch, but that didn't stop me now.

After I had punched him twenty times he wrapped his hand around my wrists.

"Stop," he said. I squinted my eyes at him and tried to wiggle my hands from his grasp. His grip got tighter and I stopped.

"It's not nice to hurt another person," he said and pushed me backwards. I walked back and hit my back against the ring's sides. Carter stopped in front of me and pushed my hands down to my side. He took off the gloves and let them fall to the ground.

"What are you doing?" I said nervously. Carter let go of my hands and brought his hands to my waist. If he had been anyone else, I would immediately have moved away from their hold. I didn't like it when people touched me. But this was different. This was Carter.

"I'm not doing anything," he said and smirked. He was clearly doing something.

"Liar," I mumbled. Him being this close to me made me nervous. He stroked my hand with his finger and stepped even closer.

"Did you just call me a liar?" he chuckled. I looked down to my feet. He chuckled again I could almost feel his chest vibrate from how close we were standing.

"Don't do that," he said and lifted my chin with his finger.

"Do what?" I asked dumb. I looked into his eyes. He was already looking into mine.

"Don't be nervous." He moved closer and I took a deep breath and breathed out slowly. It would kinda ruin everything if I harshly blew air directly into his face.

"I'm not nervous," I whispered. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course not, why would you be?" he said and moved even closer. Our faces were centimeters apart now.

"Exactly, since you're not doing anything, right?" I said. Carter laughed and nodded.

"Exactly," he said and pressed his lips against mine. We kissed and I slowly parted my lips more. Carter noticed my action and deepened the kiss further. Me knees went weak and I held onto Carter's shoulders for support. He wrapped his hands around me and held me tighter. His stomach pressed against mine and I moved my hand to his hair. I grabbed it lightly, which caused a groan from Carter. I smiled into the kiss.

We pulled away with heavy breaths.

"Uhm," I started. Carter shushed me, which made me laugh.

"Don't say anything," he said and kissed me again. I kissed him back and this time it was me that deepened the kiss. Carter's hands went to the back of my thighs and he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked to one of the corner posts and pushed me against it. My hands went from his back to his hair and I pulled lightly. He moved his hands from under my things to my butt. He bounced me a little higher and I wrapped my legs around his waist again.

"Am I too heavy?" I asked. It was a joke, but a part of me meant it. Carter looked at me with a serious look, then he smiled and shook his head. 

"Please," he breathed. I couldn't help the chuckle and Carter smiled. We found each other's lips again and continued the kiss.

Carter's hand went to my back and he ran it all the way up to my neck. A small moan escaped my lips and Carter pulled back. He looked into my eyes and pressed me even closer to him. He kissed me again, and we were now completely pushed against each other.

His hold tightened and he started to walk again. He was carrying me and I couldn't help but to smile against his lips. He bend down and I got scared. I opened my eyes and pulled away to see, that he had lifted up the robes that surrounded the ring. He was leaving it.

"Here, let me get out myself," I said and moved my legs to the ground.

"No, just hold on," Carter said and lifted my legs back up. I shook my head with a laugh. I was too heavy for him to carry me like this. He pressed me tight against his stomach and I held onto his neck. He lifted the robes with his free hand and carried me with the other. He stepped out of the ring and bounced me up to a comfortable position.

"See, I said I could do it," he said and looked at me with a grin. I shook my head with a laugh.

"I thought I was too heavy," I said with a laugh. Carter scoffed and shook his head.

"Emily, you barely weigh anything," he said with a smile. I looked down at the comment. Suddenly, the mood got tense.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Em," Carter said and rubbed my back with his free hand. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, no, It's fine," I said. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. I smiled at him, but he didn't smile back. "It's fine," I said again and kissed him.

 At first, the kiss was sweet and forgiving, but we quickly caught up and deepened the kiss. My hands went to his hair and his went to my butt again. He started to walk again, but I didn't care where he went. I just wanted to keep kissing him. I felt him open the door and fresh air hit me. The little gym was getting humid, and I could sense we were now in his room. He took a few steps and then he put me down, not breaking the kiss. I hit the soft comforter on his bed and I tensed up a little bit.

What was about to happen?

I laid down and Carter laid on top of me. Even though he was supporting himself on his knees, he was too heavy, I couldn't really breathe.

"Carter, I cant... I cant breathe," I said. Carter looked at me for a little bit before realizing what I had said.

"Oh, shit, sorry," he said and got off. I laughed and pushed him down on the bed. I got on top of him and put each knee on each side of him. I leaned down and kissed him. He kissed me back and moved his hands to my thighs.

We stayed like that for a little while, before Carter pushed me to the side and my back hit the mattress. He laid between my legs and I wrapped them around his waist. I could feel he was getting hard, but I didn't want to do that. Not now. Not so soon.

He pulled away and looked at me. He gave me a peck on the lips and I cleared my throat.

"Carter, I don't... Uhm... I don't want to," I stuttered. I couldn't say it. I felt like a baby. Carter probably had done it with lots of girls, he was probably used to getting what he wanted.

"I now, I don't think we should either," he said. I was glad he could understand. I took a large breath and smiled at him.

What had just happened?

"Do you wanna see a movie?" he said and looked at me with a smile. I laughed out loud.

"Yeah, let's watch a movie." I couldn't help but to laugh again. Carter pushed himself of me and laid against the pillows. I push myself to my elbows and scooted up. Carter helped me and laid me next to his side. I put my head on his chest and Carter moved his arms so he was holding me. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV.

I closed my eyes and took a breath. Ew.

"You need to change your shirt," I told Carter. His chest vibrated with a chuckle.

"You didn't seem to mind just before," he said with a laugh. My eyes widened and I slapped his chest lightly.

"I mind now, if you don't change I'm not laying like this!" I sat and pushed myself up. Carter looked at me with a fake annoyed look.

"Fine," he said and sat up, he lifted his shirt of him and laid back down. My eyes widened at him. What?

"Come one, I changed out of my shirt," he said and extended his hands for me. I looked at him and shook my head with a laugh. He was crazy. Though he was crazy, I couldn't help but to look at his chest and stomach. This guy was insanely ripped. No wonder he was able to carry me, and hit like that.

"If you're done checking me out, we could watch a movie?" he said and snapped me out of my thoughts. I blushed and looked away from him.

"Yes, sure," I said. He sighed and pulled me down to him. I laid my head on his chest and put my arms over his chest.

"I told you to stop being nervous with me," he said and stroked me back.

"I'm not nervous," I said.

"Mmm, sure." He continued to rub small circles on my back and I slowly grew tired by the motion. I slung my legs over his and he intertwined them. His hand was rubbing circles on my back, but he moved his hand to my hair and started to play with it. I closed my eyes and hugged his body tighter.

"Carter?" I whispered.


"Thank you, for everything."

He kissed my head and hugged me with his free arm.

I watched the movie for a little while but I grew too tired. I kissed his chest and closed my eyes.


Hey guys! As usual, I hop you enjoyed the chapter! And I hope you enjoyed the extra long chapter. This was 3000 words!

Stuff happened in this chapter, huh? You deserved some action for hitting 600 reads! (That sounded creepy)

But honestly, thank you so much!

Carter and Emily finally couldn't help it, and they got even closer. I loved how sweet it was.

I really hope Emily soon gets well, it kills me to write her thoughts sometimes... And I think it kills Carter a little too. Who wouldn't get hurt by someone they care about hurting themsleves so much?

On a different note, I really hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think.

New chapter very soon, byeee

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