Sharing Nightmares

By The_Write_Place

28.4K 1.9K 1.4K

The Sharing Nightmares Anthology is an Halloween themed anthology with stories from some of Wattpad's finest... More

Sharing Nightmares
The Unveiling|| Gavin Hetherington
The Unveiling|| Shaun Allan
The Unveiling || Sandra Grayson
The Unveiling || Zoe Arsenist
Countdown To Official Launch
Tammy Oja || Darla
Ian R. Cooper || A Fair Of Psychopomps
Finn H. Arlett || The Cellist
Gavin Hetherington || Jack-In-The-Box
A.G. Vid || Skin Hunter
L.M. St. James || The First Witness
S.S. Long || Beneath the Tracks
Zoe Aarsen || The Nanny
Yun Oe || Seraphim Seance
Belit Am || This Way Walk Sinners
Ryan Willox || Shattered
Shaun Allan || To Kill A King
B. Lee || Alice Rabbits
L.L. Sanders || Make It Stop
Alex Pilalis || The Final Nightmare
Wayne Sharpe || The Crashed
Jesse Sprague || Unclean
Gabriel Pope || Old Man Murdock
Robyn Marie || Cross My Heart

Sandra Grayson || Bird House

1.7K 129 147
By The_Write_Place

Bird House by SheHopes

Wooden pigeons with carved human faces in various shades of gray lined the roof. Dreya Lewis couldn’t help but shudder at the two-story Victorian home known as the Birdhouse. She took a deep breath and sneezed, wishing she was back in the city where her allergies weren’t irritated by all the pine trees that currently surrounded her. 

“Please tell me this isn’t happening. That I’m not going to be stuck here for the next three months, Blake.”

Blake, her assistant, glanced at the red sports watch he always wore on his left wrist and grinned, “I know it may look a little Adam’s Family-ish, but this is the ideal place for you to recover. Those reporters were practically stalking your penthouse and we both know the hospital was no better.”

“This house is beyond creepy,” Dreya told him as he removed her luggage from his rental car. She looked up just in time to see a murder of crows perch themselves on the roof. They simultaneously cocked their heads in her direction. Dreya frowned. Were they staring at her?

“No one but the birds can find you out here,” Blake said before laughing at his own joke.

That’s what she was afraid of. Dreya winced as a sudden pain shot up her left leg. She pulled on the scarf that was tied around her face, hiding her left cheek.  Her assistant was right. In a desperate attempt to sneak into her hospital room, one reporter had even pretended to be a nurse. Nothing sold magazines like a story involving a top actress becoming disfigured in a car accident.

“Still, couldn’t you find something better?” Dreya asked, taking in the home’s chipping gray paint and faded white trim. 

“This was the only home I could rent on such short notice,” Blake explained for the third time that morning.

Dreya’s eyes narrowed, “It’s not haunted, is it? I want to act in horror movies not live them.”

“The real estate agent didn’t mention any ghosts.”

“Of course she wouldn’t. They never tell you when a house is haunted. You find out after you’ve forked over your money and you’re running for your life in the dead of night. Did she at least explain why this is called Birdhouse?”

“The man who built it was an ornithologist,” Blake answered. “The real estate agent said he was obsessed with his feathered friends to the point that even his own family shunned him. It was a long time ago. Besides, the house is in great condition and it’s already furnished.”

“But I hate birds.”

“Give me a good reason why,” Blake said.

“I just do,” Dreya muttered, not able to think of a specific reason.

“Not good enough.”


“Stop worrying. Everything’s going to be fine. Listen, three months will pass in no time and then we can get that second opinion on how to repair your scars.”

Dreya raised a hand to her cheek. After recovering from her other injuries, the doctor advised her that no amount of surgery could fully restore her beauty. She paused as another wave of pain ran through her. She leaned against the frame of the door, waiting for the throbbing to subside.

“I’m going to bring in the rest of your things. Your room is upstairs. First door to your right,” Blake said.

Dreya slowly made her way upstairs and entered her bedroom. On the far right of the room was a painting that almost covered the entire wall.  Over a pale yellow background were painted birds surrounding a massive beast that resembled a crow but had the legs of a human and the face of Apollo. Its wings were spread wide and a crown of thistles circled its head. She stared at the beast’s eyes. They were beautiful cerulean blue with flecks of green in the middle. She took a step closer; her hand outstretched, and touched the crow’s head, feeling its slick feathers against her fingertips. She quickly snatched her hand back. Wasn’t this a regular painting? She leaned forward, her eyes fixed on the beast. Dreya swore its chest was moving…as though the beast was breathing.

“Th-that’s impossible,” Dreya whispered.

“What’s impossible?” Blake asked, stepping into the room.

Dreya glanced at the giant beast and shook her head, thinking she was just tired from the drive, “N-nothing. I can’t believe you rented this place. The décor is hideous. If I had family to depend on, I’d probably fire you.”

She made her way to the window and looked out to see a small robin perched on the window sill. She watched it turn its head to one side before jumping closer to the window. Despite her distaste for birds, Dreya smiled.

Blake didn’t take her threat seriously. Dreya had been orphaned at the age of three and as an elusive A-list actress; she didn’t have any close friends. He was the closest thing to a family she had.

“I know you want to get back to acting. The therapist said it would take time. Think of this as a much-needed vacation that the accident is forcing you to take.”

“Vacation? People have fun on vacation. Why do I feel like some kind of monstrosity in hiding? Reporters keep trying to take my picture like I’m a circus freak. I should just let them. Then at least I wouldn’t have to hide anymore.”

Blake sighed, “We discussed this, remember? If fans saw you now, that’s all they’ll think about in the future. They’ll constantly pick apart your photos online and in the gossip rags. They’ll care more about your face than your acting. You don’t want to be the next Meg Ryan or Renee Zellweger, do you?”

“What am I supposed to do if I can’t act anymore?” Dreya whispered. “I’ll be all alone. No more fans.”

“Don’t think like that. You’ll act again after the surgery,” Blake said. “Your fans won’t forget you.”

She smiled before turning back to the window to see the robin still watching her. Suddenly a large crow swooped down attacking the smaller bird. Dreya gasped in horror as she watched the crow peck out the robin’s eyes. The crow turned its head towards her and pecked at the glass, leaving small splatters of blood behind.

Bile rose from her throat and she turned away to see Blake rushing towards the window. The crow was still staring at them. He banged on the window and the crow waited a moment before flying away. 

Dreya’s scarf had unadjusted itself around her face. She looked to her left, catching her reflection in a mirror that was hanging on the wall. Her hand slowly felt the rough uneven skin on her cheek. Gone was the beauty she was once admired for. Like the crow they had just seen, she too was a monster.


It was evening by the time Blake had put away Dreya’s clothing and prepared her dinner of chicken soup.  She walked into the kitchen to hear him on his phone.

“This is an exclusive. I told you it’ll cost you more than that if you expect me to—” He saw her approaching and disconnected the call before picking up two white tablets from the counter, “Your pain pills.”

Dreya quickly swallowed the medicine and asked, “Who was that?”

“Nobody. Your chicken soup is almost done. Go ahead and take your shower. I’ll be gone by the time you get out,” Blake said. She nodded before walking upstairs, an uneasy feeling swirling around in her stomach.

After she had showered, she padded into her bedroom wearing only a robe. The house was especially quiet. The moonlight seeping through the windows cast shadows across the room. Since the accident, Dreya hated bright lights. She noticed a leather journal on her bed with a quick note from Blake.

Found this in the closet. Read it if you can’t sleep.

Dreya opened the journal and saw the name Ivan Rorschach scrawled on the inside cover. She flipped through a few pages to see drawings of different birds along with a few jotted notes.

“Can a being that is both human and bird ever be accepted? Or must it live isolated and alone? Loneliness is a punishment worse than death. Rejection is a far more serious wound than any injury caused by manmade weapons.”

It was followed by several paragraphs that had to do with biology and DNA that Dreya didn’t understand. A sketch of a man with wings reminded her of the beast. Dreya looked to her right to sneak a peek at the painting, her breath catching in her throat. Was it her imagination or were the beast’s eyes glowing?

She slowly walked towards the painting, her hands on the belt of her robe. She tilted her head to one side, narrowing her eyes, “Are you Ivan? Did you also want to be accepted? How do you think I feel? Will my fans still love me now that I look like a monster?” She loosened the belt around the robe, letting the terrycloth hit the floor. She shivered as the cool air wrapped itself around her naked skin. Dreya knew her once smooth and beautiful body was now covered in scars and twisted flesh. A single tear fell from her eye. “What do you think? Will I also be rejected and alone, Mr. Bird Man?” Dreya sighed in disgust before bending over to pick up her robe, missing the beast’s lips turn upward.

After putting on a nightgown, Dreya pulled out her laptop and searched her own name. The soft glow of the screen lit her face as she checked Google for the newest reports on herself. Curiosity caused her to read the comments left by her fans.

“She’ll never work again now that her looks are gone.”

“I hope she gets better soon.”

“One of the nurses said her face is totally messed up. She’s gone into hiding, so it must be true. I don’t want to see her movies if she’s going to look like a plastic surgery disaster.”

She slammed the laptop shut and closed her eyes. A loud crashing sound from above made her jump and she froze as she listened intently for any other unusual sounds. A jolt of pain traveled up her left leg and she groaned. When would her pain pills kick in? Her stomach growled and she decided to head downstairs when her phone vibrated, notifying her of an incoming text message.

“What are you up to?”

It was from an unknown phone number. Dreya sighed and typed, “Sorry. Wrong number.”

She was in the kitchen pouring herself a bowl of chicken soup when her phone vibrated again.

“Who is this?” 

Dreya frowned and texted back, “No one you know.” She placed her phone down and brought a spoon of Blake’s chicken soup to her mouth. She hissed as the soup burned her lips and tongue.
Her phone lit up and vibrated against the counter. Dreya slid her finger across the screen to read the newest message.

“Be careful. It’s hot.”

Her eyes widened as she stared at the message. Her breath quickened and she could hear her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She jumped when she heard a thumping sound coming from the living room. Her legs forced her to follow the noise. It was coming from a large antique cabinet with a peacock engraved on the front. Its feet scraped against the wooden floor as it moved slightly forward with each thump.

“Is-is someone in there?”

She slowly licked her lips before reaching for the cabinet’s doorknobs. She quickly pulled the doors open to see a dozen glowing eyes staring at her. Her mouth opened but no sound came out.  Suddenly, six crows shot out of the cabinet. She threw herself to the ground, rapid shrieks of fear bursting from her. Dreya crawled to the front door and opened it, allowing the birds to fly outside. That’s when she noticed Blake’s rental car still parked out front. She let out a sigh of relief before yelling, “Blake! Are you still here?”

The phone in her hand vibrated again.

“Forget about Blake.”

Dreya’s mouth went dry.

“Blake? If you’re suddenly trying to cheer me up by playing a joke on me…it’s not working,” Dreya said loudly.

She flinched when her phone alerted her of another incoming text.

“He was going to betray you to the paparazzi. I’ll never reject you. Never betray you. We belong together. We shall stop one another from becoming outcasts.”

Another text came through. This time it was a picture of her naked, her robe around her feet.

“T-that’s  impossible,” she sputtered. “I…I don’t—”

“I won’t let anyone come between us,” the newest text read.

“Blake, where are you? I want to leave. Now!” she yelled before pressing the button that called his number. She could faintly hear his phone’s ringtone. It was Bay City Rollers’ song, Saturday Night. Dreya felt the darkness pressing against her, urging her up the stairs. She opened the small door that led to the attic. Blake’s phone was clearer. Louder.


The sound of wings flapping overwhelmed her. She gulped down her fear before turning the light of her phone towards whatever was making that noise. Like an army of ants attacking a scrap of food, a large moving shadow hovered in one spot. Dreya’s mouth gaped open as she realized they were birds. Several dozen crows. In the center of them was a large man. He was naked, his body smooth and hairless. Feathers sprouted out of him haphazardly. He had his back to her and turned his head so that she could see his cerulean blue eyes. His sharp teeth were jagged and bloody. In his mouth was an arm…with a red sports watch wrapped around the wrist.

Dreya shrieked in fear, running as quickly as her damaged legs would allow. She felt the black demons flying around her, nipping at her skin. When she reached the stairs, they flew around her feet, causing her to trip and fall. She groaned in pain and opened her eyes to see the beast straddling her, an evil smile stretched across his face. She saw blood on his chin. Blake’s blood. Dreya sobbed in fear as she tried pushing him away. He leaned in close and she gagged as the smell of blood hit her.

“I accept you,” his breath was warm against her cheek.

“M-monster! Don’t touch me! Let me go! Let me go!”

His smile quickly faded and his eyes narrowed at her rejection. He threw back his head and a piercing cry of pain erupted from him. The crows that had been watching quickly dove towards Dreya. She felt them attacking her with their beaks, pulling the flesh from her bones.

Before the darkness took her, she wondered if she had any fans waiting for her in Heaven.


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