When Two Worlds Collide: Spar...

By LoveToWrite_1995

14.4K 274 183

Tan skin, tight abs, dark eyes and a signature smirk that could send any heart flying at 1000 beats a second... More

Chapter One: Italy
Chapter Two:Reunion
Chapter Four: What Just Happened?
Chapter 5: Bliss
Chapter Six: He Did What?
Chapter Seven: End of Life as I Know It
Chapter Eight: Heart Surrounded by Steel
Chapter Nine: Waking Up

Chapter Three: Butterflies

1.2K 21 10
By LoveToWrite_1995

Here is Chapter Three everyone!!! I really hope you enjoy it. The next chapter will have a lot more action in it so stay tuned! I plan on updating in the next couple of days!! Please comment and tell me what you think of the story so far. I really like to hear from you guy so that I can see the types of things you would like to find in the story!! Comment, comment, comment... Oh an thanks to all the people who became fans... I love you all!

               China came to a stop in front of Hayden and I, smiling bigger than ever as she introduced the guy beside her.

             “ Guys I like you to meet Sebastian Moretti and his twin brother James.” She introduced proudly.

                Of course that explained the uncanny resemblance between the two. However, I noticed that James carried himself differently from Sebastian, arrogantly, as he smirked at the female fans fawning over him, obviously enjoying their company. The girls that surrounded him wore close to nothing on their bodies and clearly, that’s the way he liked it. They had no problem with him staring at them appreciatively as he whispered, God knows what, in their ears, making them all join in on a messed up chorus of fake laughter. Aside from the slutty girls immediately surrounding him, everyone held a certain respect and fear of this guy. However, I decided to with hold my judgment on James until I actually met him, if I met him. I didn’t want any enemies this early, especially not James and his brother.

             While James was occupied, I ceased the opportunity to glance over in his direction. He wore washed-out, baggy jeans with a tight white shirt, which showed off his amazing body, covered with a black leather jacket. He was slightly bigger in frame compared than his brother, far more muscular and clearly had washboard abs, but, other than that, the same height and the same dark hair, however his was neatly pulled back into tight cornrows.

            I felt Hayden’s body tense beside me as he looked at Sebastian’s arm lying on his sister’s shoulder. He stepped forward intending to say something, before I grabbed his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. He looked down at my hand and sighed, but his body didn’t relax. I knew that he couldn’t say anything if he planned on staying alive, these guys were not to be messed with.

            James watched closely as Hayden took a step backward, a smile forming at the corner of his mouth, before he returned his attention to the girls, who hands where crawling all over his body, his deep brown eyes remaining stone cold and unwelcoming.

           I turned my attention back to Sebastian who reached out his hand, and I gladly shook it.

           “It’s nice to meet you…Hailey?” He greeted hoping he got my name right,

           “Yup that’s me, and it’s nice to meet you too!” I added truthfully with a smile. I really was pleased to meet him. He gave off a very open feeling, it was no wonder China picked him out of the crowd!

             Sebastian turned to Hayden and offered his hand, but Hayden just turned around and left. China watched , shocked, as her brother walked through the crowd, stopping to talk to a group of scandalous looking girls. She turned to Sebastian, ready to explain, when he held up a hand to stop her.

            “Don’t worry about it. I understand the position that he’s in right now. Maybe some other day.” He added with a heartfelt smile. China looked at him skeptically before he reached down and gently kissed her on the lips.

                Not wanting to stay and look like an idiot staring at them, I decided to head over to the centre, where the cars had been parked.  As I elbowed my way through the crowd, I noticed James making his way to the bar-table, not really paying attention anymore to the girls following him. I couldn’t believe that in all the time that I had been talking to Sebastian and China,  he hadn’t even attempted to come over and at least say ‘Hi.’ I couldn’t help but frown at the thought of how rude some people really can be. However, in that instant, as if he read my thoughts, he glanced over at me and caught me looking at him. He gave, as to what I assume, is his signature smirk, making  me clumsily drop my gaze, blushing. I wracked my brain, trying to think of something to do that would excuse my staring at him so openly. I quickly whipped my phone out of my jacket pocket and pretended to look for a text message, as if it needed my immediate attention.

                Feeling that an appropriate amount of time had elapsed, I tried to sneak a peek in his direction again, curious. Only to my mortification, he was looking back. Again I looked away, staring at my shoelace which suddenly became very interesting. 

                “Nice shoes” a sly voice whispered in my ear, so that I could better hear it over the noise of the crowd.

                I looked up only to see James standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets and his eyes smoldering into mine.

Startled by his proximity, I dropped my phone that had been in my hand and stumbled back a few steps, letting a quiet ‘oh’ escape my lips, before tripping over my own feet.  His strong hand reached out and grabbed a hold of my arm as he carefully brought me back to balance.

                “Have you been drinking?” he asked jokingly, raising his eyebrow and plastering a smirk on his face as I, once again blushed in his presence. I couldn’t help but notice the lip ring strategically placed on the left, corner of his mouth, I smiled a bit at how much I liked it, before returning to the matter at hand, trying to remember the question.

                “No, actually I have not been drinking,” I replied, a little annoyed by his striking ability to make my stomach do summersaults just with his voice. I looked down at my arm were he had grabbed me, trying to avoid his piercing eyes, when I noticed that his hand was still lightly placed on my arm.

                He must have noticed where my attention had focused, for he quickly removed his hand, leaving me to immediately miss its presence.

                “I don’t believe that I’ve seen you around here before, are you new to the city?” he asked as he chewed on his lip, placing his finger under my chin and lightly tilting  my head. Satisfied that I was now looking him in the eye, he gently removed it and placed it back in his pocket, leaving a tingling sensation in its place.

                I struggled for words before replying in a shaky voice,

                “Um… yeah, my friend China and I just moved her from LA.” I smiled at myself, proud that my response actually came out in full sentences, and BONUS, made sense too! I nodded over to where Sebastian and China were talking and clearly enjoying each others presence.

                James looked over and let out a low chuckle before returning his attention to me.

                “What?” I smirked

                “Nothing… It’s just; it’s embarrassing that my brother is so weak!” He laughed before continuing, “Fair warning! She probably won’t be able to get rid of him, by the looks of it, he really likes her.” He added with a frown,

                “Is that a problem” I scoffed, placing my hands on my hips and looking him straight in the eye, immediately defending my best friend from what looked like him disapproving the fact that his brother likied her.

“Whoa, easy now!” He laughed again as he threw his hands in the air signaling surrender. “No. I don’t mind, it just..” He dropped his hands and looked at me for a minute, clearly deciding on whether he should elaborate or not. He bent down and picked up something off the ground at his feet and began to fiddle with it, looking down at his hands as he continued, “I just don’t want him to get hurt again that’s all!” he whispered.

                I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What, the most feared mafia boss in the world had a heart? Well that was news. I didn’t realize I was staring at him until he looked up, almost embarrassed.

                “Weird right.. “ he added trying to make light of what he said, straightening up and retreating quickly back to his arrogant, cold self, as his eyes darkened.

                “No, no… it’s just! I didn’t see it coming, that’s all,” I looked into his eyes with confindence, I didn’t want him seeing the effect he had on me, I wasn’t giving him that satisfaction.

                He smirked and added

                “Yeah, well I don’t know why I told you that” He scoffed going completely cold, sending shivers of fear down my spine.  I noticed that he was watching me very closely, leaving me to quickly avert my attention to the two beaming cars parked only feet from where I was standing. He followed my gaze and I could hear him chuckle low to himself.

                “Do you like them?” His voice was full of pride,

                “NO,” I stated sarcastically making him chuckle as i rolled my eyes, “I’ve always dreamed of what it would be like to just see the engine of one of these cars,” I groaned as he looked over at me, truly shocked.

                “Wait, did you say the engine?” his voice drenched with surprise.

                “Yep,” I continued hesitantly, “Why the surprised face”

                “I guess I just didn’t take you for the car engine-y type gal” He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders before giving me a sly look.

                “Maybe it will teach you a lesson not to assume things, Mr. Moretti!,” I  leaned in closer, whispering in his ear, “If that shocks you, then this will really tickle your boots,” I smiled at how my breath on his ear made him shiver. I continued, “I just so happens that I run the biggest illegal car dealing business in LA. Oh and get this, I also sell engine parts all over the world, you may have heard of me Mr. Moretti, I go by,” I lowered my voice even more before I continued, “Hailey Ever Michelson.” I didn’t care how much he scared me; I was going to make a point. I didn’t want him to get the impression that I was some washed up broad who would succumb to his charm, even if I was swiftly coming to that bend in the road.

                I could almost hear the cogs in his brain trying to make the connection, when suddenly there was an imaginary ding. I grinned with satisfaction as his jaw dropped and he stared at me.

                “Close you mouth, James, you might catch flies” I laughed. He quickly composed himself and a smile formed on his face as he shook his head from side to side, crossing his arms over his chest.

                Hailey Ever Michelson, THE Hailey Ever Michelson…. Wow.” I smiled as he continued to look at me, not a smirk, but actual smile.


                WHY? HOW was she doing that, she made me feel so differently, happy.  The other girls I’ve been with, and I mean, been with, they never made me feel like this. She was so stubborn, so different. I looked at her standing in front of me, her blond hair carelessly falling over her back and shoulders. And OH her blue eyes that i could eaisly get lost in every time. She had no idea what effect she had on me, as she stood there smileing, making a tingling sensation form in my heart and trail down the center of my body. Everytime I saw her I couldnt stop myself from smiling. I dont know how, but i completly forget everything when im around her, forget worries, troubles, time! She made me say things and do things that i've never done before. To my disbelief, I was completely defencesless against her. I am so used to having girls beg to be with me, but not her. I can see now that I’m going to have to work hard for her, and well I liked it that way…  I want so badly to reach out and kiss her right now, to run my fingers through her hair, to feel her body beneath me and hear her whisper my name... but i didnt want her for the same reasons I had wanted girls before, i found my elf already forming an addiction,  I needed her! And I know that every second away from her would be torture! What if….


Suddenly his hand was on mine as he pulled me towards his car.

                “What are you doing” I gasped, but he only looked back with a smirk, causing the hair on the back of my neck to rise and the butterflies in my stomach geared into hyperactive mode.

                He pulled me around in front of him, leaning me against the side of his car with his body pressed up against me. I could feel his body heat, seeping through my clothing, as he placed both his hands on either side of my head. He looked at me very seriously before he leaned his head down, his lip ring grazing my neck making me shiver, and whispered in my ear. 

                “I’ve NEVER let anyone other than myself, not even Sebastian, into my car. It is that precious to me. Do you understand?” he asked pausing, waiting for me to answer. I was so scared I couldn’t even speak, but I was'nt about to let him see that, so instead I confidently nodded. He raised his head and looked me in the eye, taking note, I’m sure, that my pulse was off the radar, before softening his voice and continuing.           

                “However, for you, and don’t ask me why, I haven’t a clue yet, but for you, I’ll make an exception!” He said almost affectionately, but I could be mistaken, for I was so out of it that I couldn’t even tell up from down. “So…” he continued waiting for and answer.

                I weighed my options the best I could in my muddled mind. Go with James on a ride that would defiantly make my list of ‘top ten best moments of my life’ in my dream car. Or stay, because I was too scared of him, of what he might do and of the consequences of getting in the car with him.  And that’s when it came to me. Did I fear him or his status? Did I fear what I thought he could do, or what he can do? Did I fear how he feels about be? Or is it a fear that he doesn’t feel for me, when clearly I felt something for him?

                I nodded my head again, knowing that if I took the thinking power and time to form a coherent sentence, that I might just change my mind.

                James grinned, stretching from one corner of his mouth to the other, displaying a perfect set of white teeth, which sent my heart flying as I returned the smile.

                He stood back and walked over to the passenger’s side and opened the door. It wasn’t until he left that I noticed how badly I was shaking, he was my source of comfort and support and now that he was gone, I could barley walk. I stumbled over to the passenger’s side and blushed slightly as I got in the car. He gently closed the door and gracefully walked over to the driver’s side.

                As he started the engine, hundreds of heads turned in our direction, including the very worried face of Hayden, who started to move towards the car. James smiled arrogantly as he turned his attention to me.

                “You ready?” he teased

                “Always!” I replied around my smile.

And with that, the car shot out of the garage and into the night.

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