The Away Story

By kjones1126

219 10 13

You know in those cliche high school stories a girl or guy leaves and comes back a few years later to be a co... More

August 25, 2011
September 8, 2011
September 15, 2011
September 22, 2011
September 29, 2011
October 1, 2011
October 6, 2011
October 15, 2011

September 1, 2011

18 1 0
By kjones1126

            The day after the first day was almost exactly the same day. The only difference was the classes that the students were in. The girl, Ravin, had science first. Then Humanities with a strange teacher. Next she had Health and lunch where she sat alone, but had a few girls try to keep her in a conversation. And she had Spanish last. This was another class she clearly loved. She got a new name and even talked to a few people. She left with mixed feeling about her classes. The weekend came and went. Monday was like the first day of school schedule-wise. She was bored and sat alone again at lunch. She had to learn 3 new notes in band, though she was embarrassed about it because every other tenor sax player knew it. She went home with her math textbook to do homework on a topic she learned last year. Tuesday had the same schedule as Friday. Only she learned more Spanish. She went home with a small project in humanities that was due in two weeks. The pattern continued all week with homework piling up and her boredom growing.


I was right. It did take me a week to get back to this. A little has changed. The teachers can’t teach, so they give us a lot of homework to compensate. And guess what?! I haven’t learned anything at all. All of my core classes are useless, My favorites are band and Spanish. I feel like my band teacher last year set me up for failure. I’ve had to teach myself at least 3 new notes and a lot of new styles. Spanish is a blast. I got a new name that sounds a lot better than Raven. Now, I am Graciela! ¡Me llamo Graciela! LOL! I would like health, but nobody will shut up long enough to learn anything. I found out that the first dance will be on the ninth. Maybe I’ll go. I have nothing to do and maybe they’ll have better music here. Kathy and Autumn have emailed me a few times telling me that I have to come back and who likes who and such. But I have to give this school at least a semester. I doubt it could get any better, but I’m not a quitter. I’ll write more next week to explain my classes. ¡Adios!

Ravin B

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