365 Days (Part 2) | ✓

By Hannah_Dovey

12.2K 541 891

Every day of the year, I'll be writing a short story, a poem, or even a reflection over my own life. It's a w... More

The List
201. Empathy
202. Opposites
203. Boredom
204. Strength
205. Hunger
206. Greed
207. Volcano
208. Video Inspiration
209. Sneeze
210. Footsteps on the Moon
211. Star-Crossed
212. Font-tastic
213. Schedule
215. Collage
216. Oh so Lonely
217. Waterfall
219. So Ironic
220. Limerick
222. Fashion
223. So Close
224. Drinks on Me
225. Online Friends
226. Admiration
227. Trash Day
229. Fresh & Clean
230. Energized
231. Rhyme & No Reason
232. Tech Support
233. Hotel
234. Underwater
235. Breathing
236. Liar, Liar
237. Obituaries
238. Pockets
239. Cinquain
240. Alphabetical
241. Comedy Club
242. Cheater
243. Sestina
245. Social Network
246. Peaceful
247. In the Clouds
248. At the Park
249. Sonnet
250. Should, Would, And Could
251. How to
252. Alliteration
253. Poker Face
254. Timer
255. Dancing
256. Write for a Cause
257. Magic
258. Out of the Box
259. Under the Influence
260. Forgotten Toy
261. Rocks and Gems
262. Remote Control
263. Symbolism
265. Smoke and Fire
266. Railroad
267. Clipboard
268. Shipwrecked
269. Quotable
270. Map it Out
271. Patterns
272. Scrapbook
273. Cure
274. Email Subject Lines
275. Wishful Thinking
276. Doodle
277. Chalkboard
278. Sticky
279. Flashlight
280. A Far Away Place
280. On the Farm
282. Promise to Yourself
283. Brick Wall
284. Making a Choice
285. Repeat
286. Outcast
287. Scary Monsters
288. Sacrifice
289. Imperfection
290. Birthday Poem
291. Title First
292. Job Interview
293. Get Well
294. Lost in the Crowd
295. Apple a Day
296. Cravings
297. Common Phobias
299. Concrete
300. Stars
301. This Old House
302. Clutter
303. Go Fly a Kite
304. On the TV
305. Fruit
307. Glasses
308. Robotic
309. Cute as a Button
310. Movie Conversation
311. Easy-Peasy
312. Idiom
314. Romance
315. Rock Star
316. Come to Life
317. Airplane
318. Health & Beauty
319. Determination
320. Instrumental Inspiration
321. Wait Your Turn
323. Decade
324. I Believe
326. Say It
327. The Unsent Letter
328. The Windows of the Soul
329. Trial and Error
331. Recipe
332. Records
333. Bank
334. Sweet Talk
336. Distractions
337. Corporation
338. Word of the Day
340. Unfinished
341. Forgiveness
342. Weakness
343. Starting
344. Mechanical
345. Random Act of Kindness
346. Underground
347. Classic Rock
348. Night Owl
349. Magnetic
350. Teamwork
351. Roller-coaster
353. Games
354. Turning Point
355. Spellbound
357. Gamble
358. Picnic
359. Garage
360. Review
361. Detective
362. Camera
363. Visiting
364. Trust
365. Congratulations

244. Fight

26 4 6
By Hannah_Dovey

244. Fight: Write about witnessing two people get in an argument with each other.

It’s out of the corner of my eye; it's a quick rush of awareness. I see the woman and the man in the darkening parking lot from the Dairy Queen window. Inside, there's formica tabletops and fluorescent light. It's also quiet -- the kind of quiet that comes from you and your family being the only customers and you all have said everything you wanted to.

But outside, there's a smattering of cars, and cracking concrete, and the streak of headlights from the passing vehicles. There's also the vague sense of danger lurking I only get from dark parking lots.

The man and the woman were finishing up their meal when we started. They weren't noticeable until I saw them outside, and they faced each other in an empty parking space. They were both around 30 and were both going slightly to seed. They were both furious.

I know fury. I was uncomfortably familiar with what rage looked like. So when I saw them, I knew that same emotion often directed at me coursed through the veins of this couple. The woman was yelling, and the man was glaring, until he too was yelling.

"Look," I said, and everyone looked.

There is a tension in a fight. It tightens your gut and makes your skin prickle with something like coldness. It makes you tremble. I saw this and I felt fear. There was so much anger emanating from their bodies. Every movement blasted it: the hands fisted on the hips, the erect posture, the crossed arms. They were now shouting at each other, advancing closer to each other. I was transfixed, watching this raw human emotion in strangers.

The employees locked behind the counter conferred with each other, glancing anxiously at the fight in their parking lot and debating whether they ought to go break it up. However, they were young teenagers, and unsure of themselves.

Then it was over. No blows were exchanged, nothing more was said. They stalked off to their separate cars and drove away. Their lives exploded in an intersection of mine and that was all. The storywriter in me wanted to know why they argued, but I didn't know them and probably never will. They are mysteries that flash briefly before vanishment.

We resumed our meal.

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