Alone in the Dark

By Laluna123

177 8 2


Alone in the Dark
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

18 1 0
By Laluna123

The first thing I saw was my best friend, Merri, being squeezed around the waist by a delicate, almost flexible, white, bone-like branch. She screamed.

"Terri! Please help! What's happe -" She was cut off by another branch that had came from behind, wrapping itself around her neck, and cutting cleanly through, the severed head landing on the ground with a dull THWACK! as it rolled down and down, coming to stop at my feet.

I couldn't move. I could hardly breathe for that matter. Forget any thoughts of a nice, happy, relaxed lunch break. My life had now turned into a true, living hell.

I didn't even have time to scream. My feet had carried me faster than I had ever moved before. My only thought was to get away form the tree. The dreaded tree.

Why did Marri have to die! Why did I have to live? Through these very happy thoughts swirling in my head, I tripped over something that seemed to move in font of my feet. After picking my self from the sticky ground, I looked pat my shoulder, the mud dripping into my eyes. My breath caught in my throat. An arm, severed from just above its elbow, was lying there, a very distinct shoemark on it . . .

And that's when the smell came.

At first it was light, tickling my nose with its outlandish aroma. Then, it came in a bigger wave, crashing over me unil I could no longer draw a breath. Curiosity driving my feet, I walked the perimeter of the tree. The last thing I ever saw that was even distinctly humane, was the tree cornering another group of people with its bone-like branches.

I guess at this point you can say my 'nice side' took over. Don't be so surprised! I was still vaguely human!

Anyways, the first thing I did was to reach out and pull one guy to safety, not having the time to take a good look at his face. I suppose it was a big mistake that I didn't . . .


Hey guys. It's me again. Sorry this chapter took so long to publish. ( these types of things take forever on the phone. I hope that you've all enjoyed my new releases! Pls comment thoughts and criticizes! Thanks!

- Nerr

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