Elora - Squeal

By AbbyTheAmazing

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Elora part two.... (Must read first book before reading the second) More


Lets talk...

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By AbbyTheAmazing

Hundreds of you were very upset about the ending of this book. I understand you want a happy ending but not all my books end with the characters riding off into the sun set. And if you have read any of my other books you know how I get down. Now when I released the last chapter many of you have some very negative things to say about me...

Calling me all kinds of bitches and shit that I don't tolerate. Some of the things that were meant to be hurtful actually made me laugh but somethings I wasn't quite feeling. I'm not about to list all the records of wrong but you can go back to the last chapter and read them yourself.

And because of the not so nice comments and the messages I got there will be no Elora 3. I wasn't really planning on doing another one but after a lot of you beautiful people were requesting for it I gave it some thought.  Elora was mentally draining and I only meant to wtite one book and I kept coming up with crazy ideas that I made the second one. So I left it at a cliffhanger for you to use your imagination as to what might have happened next.

But I'll tell you what I would've done in book three....

-Rico would've stop coming to the hospital
-Rico finds a new girl on a trip of out the country and eventually starts falling in love with her.
-Elora starts making some progress but not enough that the doctors would think she's gong to wake up.
-Rico starts thinking about marrying the girl and slowly starts to forget about Elora.
-Until the doctors says she's been on life support to long and wants him to pull the plug.
-even though he is in love with this new girl he still loves Elora.
-rico purposes on Eloras birthday
-Rico never tells new girl about Elora and she finds out from a voice mail the hospital Left about Elora starting to show signs of improvement.
-Rico explains everything to the girl and with time she forgives him.
-the day before they get married Rico goes to the hospital to tell Elora that he was getting married to some new girl and they were going to move out the country where the girl is from and he goes on about how he's tired of taking care of her and finally wants to be harpy.
-Elora hears him.
-He leaves the hospital leaving pulling the plug up to Ru'Sya.
-He gets married the next day and Elora being so heart broken she finally gives up the fight of trying to live and let's herself die.
-Before Rico's flight the hospital blows up his phone but he turns it off and looks out the window as the plane takes off.

So with all that being said maybe one day I'll write it but for now I'm not. Either way the series wouldn't have been a good on for Elora. If you feel free to further express how you feel about me then slide in my DM's about it. 😘❤


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