The Diary!

By Lizzie-v-lover

34.6K 674 318

Leon reads Violetta's diary and they have a fight because of her trust has been betrayed , but will they get... More

That night
The morning after
How could you !
Dad to the rescue
Leon tries to make it right
A memory.
Violetta comes back
Tini , Getting back together ,Italy :Tini el gran cambio de Violetta
On the Island with Leon
Caio returns.
Ouch! Twisted Ankle (exploring the island)
We haven't done this in a long time
Good morning.
Big Decisions, Back to Buenos Aires , The Mile High Club ?
Angie has BIG BIG news
The Gender of the baby is revealed !
Moving in together ?
Red Carpet Premiere (dirty)
Apartment hunting!( with pictures)
Reunited with the girs ! (Details about Vilu ,Leon , Cami and Broadway etc )
You haven't told them?
Traveling to Portugal,German spying on them,Performing together!
Moving into the Apartment (with pictures)
Portugal! ⛲️
Fun in the water!
Swimming Pool fun (last day in Portugal+pictures)
Luxembourg !(W/pictures)
In Madrid .One last Adventure ,Barcelona + a memory (Pictures)
Dinner wirth German and Leon! (+a memory)
Baby shower!(w/pictures)
Home decor disaster
The baby's coming! (Angie&German are new parents)
Does Leon get to meet the baby ?
Bringing the Baby Home ⚽️
Spending the night at the Castillo Home
German's Angry!
Do you even know what you're talking about??
Making out on the dinning table 💋+Going Dancing 💃🏽
Meeting Francesca and Diego's puppy!🐶
~Wanna get married ?Sebastian's 1st birthday🎉~
•Happy anniversary ! • 10 Years Later (W PICTURES)

Fun in the Jacuzzi +Angie And German congratulate Violetta

1K 17 3
By Lizzie-v-lover

Leon's POV

We left around 1:30 a.m from the park

What she doesn't know is that i made a reservation to this fancy hotel , where we have a room set up , champagne ... Etc

We get into a cab and i tell him the address without Her hearing it.

She soon realises that we're not heading towards her house.

"Leon , he's going the wrong way" she says to me about the cab driver

" No he's not " i say bluntly

" Well then where are we going ?"

" It's a suprise " i smile mischievously and kiss her hand


"Leon what is this..?" She looks up at the hotel ,stunned.

" Ehh.. Just a little something I arranged for us on our engagement night have a little bit of fun " i smile and wink at her

" A little bit of fun? This is a palace !!" She says still at a loss for words

" Come " i take her hand and lead her too the reception

I go to take the key to our room while she sits on one of the chairs near the table where there's candy ... Of course , i laugh to myself as
I look over to see that she's eating one of the chocolates from the bowl

" Hi , room 321 please " i smile at the

" Name , please " she says looking down at the computer

"Leon Vargas"

" Ah yes ,Mr Vargas , we have everything set up for you , your room is ready and the Champagne is down at the Jacuzzi "

" Thank you very much " i say and pull out my credit card

l pay and she hands me the key to our room

I wave at Violetta and she gets up ,takes my hand and we walk towards the elevator

" Enjoying the chocolates?" I say and laugh

" Yup, very much so" she said and got up on her tip toes to kiss me as the elevator doors closed

We enter our room.

She throws herself down on the bed decorated with rose petals and i put our picnic basket on the table

"Aaah, this is amazing .." She says and takes a bunch of the rose petals in her hand and smells them

" Uh huh don't get to comfortable, we have plans down at the pool" i say

" What? But i don't a have bathing suit "she said

" I brought you one " i smile and show her the bathing suit

" Ah huh ... I see ... You're full of surprises Mr Vargas "

she slowly walks over to me and says while millimeters away from my lips

" Don't call me that or you'll never get out of that bed again "

She takes the bathing suit out of my hands and walks over to the bathroom to change , teasing me with every seductive move that she makes

She comes back from the bathroom in the Bikini and looks in the mirror

" Wow ... This is quite a slutty bathing suit " she chuckles as she looks at herself in the mirror

" Why thank you , i picked it out myself " i say acting flattered

" Of course you did " she says and laughs

*We go downstairs to the pool*

We walk over to the jacuzzi

"Wow this looks amazing " she said when she saw the champagne and the roses near the jacuzzi

We get it into the jacuzzi , my eyes are glued to Her body ,damn she looks so good in that bikini

" Aaah... This feels so good " Violetta says as she feels the hot bubbling water against her skin

I pop the cork on the champagne and she claps her hands together in exitement , i pour her a glass , and pour me a glass and we toast.

" To our engagement " she says and we clink our champagne glasses together

She moves closer to me and picks up my arm and puts it around her neck and lays her head on my chest

" Tonight was amazing ..." She said quietly looking at the water

" Mhmm ... It was ..." I murmur while making little circles on her upper arm with my finger

"Thank you for saying yes ..."'i say after a few moments of silence

" Why thank me ? I love you !" She looks up at me and says

I don't say anything i just smile at her

" i was really nervous you weren't going to say yes ..."

I say after a minute or two

" Why ?" She asks softly

" Well, because we're really young and we go back and forth ... One day we're together , one day we're not .. I was worried that i'm moving too fast "

" No... You're not.. I love that you proposed to me .. "

" And yes ... We are young , but we're not that young , i mean , we've been together for quite a while now ...I don't think we're moving too fast" she continued saying

"I do on the other hand think that we need to take a long engagement though , to figure .. Us out " she continues

" Yeah " i agree with her

" We should stay engaged for a while , to see how everything goes " i say , agreeing with what she said

Violetta's POV

I kiss him passionately and get on top of him , straddling him .

He kisses me back and puts his hand around my back

He pulls the string from my bra and removes my it letting float in the water

I grab his face and kiss him passionately


-next morning -

I wake up in Leon's arms

The sun is shining through the window and i lift up my hand ,smile and look at my engagement ring shining in the light

Leon wakes up

" Good morning baby " he says in a sleepy voice and kisses my nose while pulling me closer to him

" At what time do we have to check out? " i ask him

" Whenever you want " he said and laid his head back on the pillow , murmuring  

"Im serious" i chuckle

" At 12 " he said in a sleepy voice again

" It's already 10 a.m , wanna get up ? " i ask

" We have two more hours , stop worrying , we went to sleep at 4 a.m last night , let's stay in bed a little bit longer " he said and squeezed me tight and kissed my forehead

We wake after up after almost two hours of sleep , we get dressed and head downstairs to check out

We leave the room key at the reception and Leon says :

" Wanna get brunch , there's a restaurant right down here on the patio terrace " he asks smiling

" Sure , i'm starving !" I said exited for food

We sit at the table and the waiter comes with our menus

"Mmm the chocolate pancakes sound amazing" he says licking his lips

" What are you getting ?" He asks curious and hungry

" The eggs Benedict and a mimosa "


"Can i take your order ?" The waiter asks

" Yeah , i'll have the chocolate pancakes and a black coffee with no sugar please " Leon says

" And i'll have the Eggs Benedict with a Mimosa and a bottle of water please "

" Sparkling or Still?" He asks

" Still" i reply with a smile

- a few hours pass by -

" Oh wow , it's already 2 p.m , we should get going " Leon said as he looked at his watch

The waiter comes with our check , we pay and get a cab to my house

" I'll talk to you tonight ok? " he said and kissed me

" Fine , i'll call you " i say and get out of the cab

" Love you ! " he said

" Love you too ! " i say and close the door

-violetta enters the house -

"Vilu ! Hi! You've been gone all night , i was worried ! " Angie smiles and hugs me

" I'm sorry , i was to busy GETTING ENGAGED!!!!!" I shout out the last part as i show her my hand with the ring on it

" AHHH!! " Angie screams and takes my hand into hers looking at the ring

" Wow... That's a beautiful ring .." She said looking at it , examining it very closely

" I know .. He did good .. " i smile and look down at the ring

" Congratulations! " Angie says sincerely and hugs me

" Hey ! What's all this screaming about ?" My father walks in smiling

" Vilu you're back ! " he said happy to see me

" Yes ! And now she's engaged!!" Angie says exited and picks up my hand and shows my dad the ring , i smile along with her

" What?! " my dad asked shocked , not very happy

" Violetta , you're to young to be getting engaged are you crazy !" He said

" Oh dad calm down i'm not gonna get married right away ! Plus i wasn't the one who asked the question why are you calling me crazy ?" I kindly tell him and laugh

" I wasn't going to refuse him ! I love him ! " i said and smiled walking over to him

" And i love you too! "I said while hugging him

" Don't freak out , it's gonna be ok !" I say to him and chuckle

" Fine ... " he finally gives in

" Congratulations..." He says quietly , hoping that i don't hear him

I laugh and hug him

" Thank you daddy "

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