Two Sentences Horror Story

By Paraeeks

34.2K 1.8K 442

I don't own these short two sentences horror story. You can send your own two sentences horror story by priva... More

-1Someone is on the bed1-
-Submit your own-
-3Unprepared Meal3-
-4The Killer4-
-6Just A Dream6-
-9Severed Head9-
-10Grinning Face10-
-11Lifeless Body11-
-15Bloody Smile15-
-17The Doll17-
-18The Girl18-
-20Shadow in the Mirror20-
-21Unborn Sister21-
-22The Statue22-
'The Axe Murder'
-23Dinner is Served23-
-24Twin in the Mirror24-
-The New Way to Submit a Post-
-27Life Size27-
-28Old Friend28-
29-The mannequins-29
30-Night Shift-30
-31 Heavily Breath31-
'The Night Watcher'
-33Sure is nice33-
-34Stop Calling Me That34-
-35The Maid35-
Submit Your Horror Story!
Up The Hill
Mysterious Strangers
Work of Art
-36The Soup36-
-38 Reflection of a Clown38-
40- Casting Shadows
Calling all No Children ALLOWED readers
41- Sleep talk
42 - Singing
43- Sister
44- I Cant Sleep
45- Mirror Watcher
46- Wrong Package
47- Internet
The Crash
The Knocking
The Mask
Bless You
The Ouija

The Snacker

427 9 10
By Paraeeks

Short crossover story by Joe Horton aka me. credit to @LivingTheInfinities for the amazing cover and credits to @listensoftly for the teaser trailer.

This what would happen if No children allowed and the axe Murderer crossover. Nothing in here change the storylines in either story
The farm stretched before Max under the dark gloomy sky. He watched as his aunt drove down the road, that was surrounded by tall grass. He planned to pick out a round for a jack-o'-lantern for Halloween. He got out of his aunt's jeep and made his way down the rows of pumpkins, he realized each pumpkins were soft and beginning to rot. Halloween and jack-o'-lantern reminds him of his brother Haven, who died of cancer two years old.

With each search he looks for the perfect pumpkin, the sun began to go down and the air grew colder. He glanced at a round small pumpkin and realized he found the perfect pumpkin, not just for Halloween but for Haven 13th birthday. He smiled and took off with the pumpkin.

"I found one!" Max declared, he glanced at the eerie wooden farm house that was in the distance between trees and a long pavement that lead to the farm house. "I will see you Friday, abandoned farm house."

The abandoned farm house has been abandoned for years after the death of six teenagers in two thousand and one. The bodies of the six teenagers were eaten to the bones. Legends were said that a pack of wolves ate the corpses but some legends said a creature by the name of Snacker ate the corpses.


"No one will ever forgive us what we did last Spring," Mason typed, as he shook his head accelerated and sent the message to Alex. At the same moment, he received a text message from an unknown number.

"Poor Mason, if only you knew what is crawling under your bed. Scared yet? Should be."

Mason walked up towards his bed and shined his flashlight on his phone under the bed. All he could see was spiders in a jar, his eyes got wide and backed away from his bed and to the wall. One of his fears is spiders. The way it crawls with it eight legs and spook up on people.

His phone vibrated and it was a text from Alex. He glanced at the message and smile. The text reads "Yeah but who else if they don't forgive us. We lied to Darien and she believed us, I'll be over later to come with you and Darien to your cousin house that live hours away."

"You both don't need to come. I'm just going over there to visit my cousin Max and for Halloween weekend. I'm going to get ready, see you later," Mason texted back as he put his phone on his dresser and began packing his luggage. He started to pack clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, his headphone, and phone charger. "I don't need this, this time," Mason said as he put his pocket knife away.

He turned his head, the last time he was packing his sister, Jenna Woods walked through the doorway with five food cans and six Pepsi soda cans. He looked down and knew she wasn't coming. She is dead...

"I guess that is all I need," Mason whispered to himself as he put his high-top shoes on and pushed his hair out of his eyes and onto the side. He looked at himself in the mirror, all he was wearing was a medium tie-dye tee shirt, blue jeans, and high-top shoes.

He turned his head and noticed Darien at the doorway. "Hey, I didn't notice that you walked in. Is that all you bringing?" Mason asked, as Darien walked through the doorway. Darien nodded her head, all she had in her bag was her toothbrush, toothpaste, and clothes.

"No phone charger?" Mason asked.

"No. Beside it only going to be the weekend, right?" Darien said as she leaned against Mason's chalkboard wall. Mason nodded his head.

"That, if nothing terrible happens to us," Mason said while he tried to hold back his laughter.

"That isn't funny. I was tied up and Alex and you almost died last spring," Darien said.

Mason sighed heavily. "I been getting creepy messages again. I thought it was over."

"Are you sure it isn't Alex playing a trick on you? Beside it is October after all," Darien asked, she took Mason's phone off the dresser and began reading the messages. "I don't think it is Alex... this person somehow knew you are afraid of spiders."

"It isn't Alex. I just talked to him not even an hour ago," Mason spoke as he reached for his phone back. "Beside I have Alex's name in my contact and that Zachary and Nolan is dead, they were the murders that killed three people at that camp last Spring or it is the person who knows..." Mason spoke again but this time he was staring out the window. He watched as a person that was dressed up as a doll stood on his driveway, watching him. The creepy doll had red rosy cheeks and was in a late 1990s red dress.

"Darien, there is someone watching me from the driveway. It isn't Halloween yet and someone is already trick or treating but why are they watching me?" Mason said. He couldn't tell who it was behind the creepy doll mask but he did know that whoever it is, might be the person who knows what happen last Spring.

"It is probably someone trying to scare you just like that creepy unknown number person."

"Yeah probably, let get ready to leave. Alex will be here any minutes," Mason said. "My cousin warned me about a legend of a creature who feeds on children's and teenagers flesh. I don't believe him about it," he continued to speak as he noticed Alex walked in his doorway.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" Mason asked as he arched an eyebrow.

Alex nodded. "Yeah. Are we going on a plane? I'm afraid of heights," he said in a worry voice.

"Yes but I'll be there, you'll be fine as long I'm there. Let's go to my cousin's house."


At Max's house

"Max, we're here," Mason texted his cousin as he sat his luggage on the concrete, right next to Max's front door. He hasn't visit his cousin since he was seven. The door swung open and standing at the doorway was Max with his skull mask on.

"Mason has told me so much about you too. Darien and Alex, right?" Max spoke as he shook Darien's and Alex's hand. Both of Mason's friends nodded and showed a small grin to Max. "Come in. Don't worry I don't bite," Max spoke again while he took the skull mask and threw it onto the kitchen counter.

"You can either sleep on the cold wooden floor or you can sleep in Haven's bedroom."

Alex and Darien tilted their head as if they were confused. "Who is Haven?"

There was a long silence until Mason spoke up. "Haven died of cancer two years old. He is Max's younger brother," he said as he frowned at the ground. "Can we sleep in the living room? I don't want to see Haven's belongings, it may sound rude but I don't want to think of that right now."

"Sure. His room will always be open whenever you want to go up there," Max said as he grabbed Mason's and his friend's luggage and placed it on the right side of the couch. "Get ready for bed. We are going somewhere tomorrow."              

"On Halloween night?" Alex asked as he sat his phone on the table and crossed his arms. Max nodded.

"Tell us about Snacker. You already told me but tell them," Mason said.

"Last year, a group of six friends went inside the farmhouse and never came out. Legends said Snacker supposedly ate them and other legends said they made it out alive. No one is safe from Snacker, he feeds on children's and teenager's flesh. Snacker makes you see what he wants you to see."

"How did Haven knew so much about the Snacker?" Mason said as he pushed his hair out of his eyes and onto the side. Max pulled a journal off of the bookcase and handed it to Mason. "Was this Haven's journal?"

Max nodded. "He wrote in this journal about some parts of the legends of Snacker and pages about his MRI and chemo," he said as he noticed Mason going thru the pages. He stopped on a page and looked at Max.

"It says that every year on Halloween night, six teenagers entered the abandoned farmhouse while others goes trick or treating or party. He been eating children's and teenagers' flesh since 1964, which is fifty years of Snacker feeding on the flesh of the unsuspecting children who enter the forbidden farmhouse."

"Let's go to the farmhouse. What can go wrong?" Darien said as she sat on the couch next to her and her friends' luggage. Her eyes wander off of the three luggage and onto the dolls, she grinned and let a laugh. "I like dolls. I miss my dolls back home," she said in an eerie voice and stared up at Mason and then at Alex.

Mason shook his head. "What can go wrong? We could end up being a midnight snack for this monster. We are all in this together," he said. He handed Haven's journal back to Max. "Max, do you think it is a good idea to go to the farmhouse where the Snacker is at? He said.

"I guess it is a good idea to go. Amy is going to drop us off at the farmhouse.


Halloween night, 9:00pm

"I can't believe your aunt is fine with us going to a creepy and eerie farmhouse. How is she all cool with it?" Darien asked.

"She told me to make sure everyone be safe," Max said as he stared at Mason's hair. "Don't you think you need a haircut?" he said, trying not to laugh.

Mason stared at Max. "NO! I love my hair," Mason said as he crossed his arms and kept staring at his cousin. "Shouldn't we get going?" he asked.

Max nodded.


"This is the house? I would expect it to be much bigger. It is a farmhouse after all," Alex spoke as he held the door open for Mason and Bree. He stared at the house and smiled nervously. The house gave him the chills down his spine, not just that it had a dark and eerie urban legend behind it. It's because of the crows, some says crows is around because of corpses but some says otherwise.

Max nodded. "Yeah. Is everyone ready?" he asked as he looked at Bree then at Mason. "If this monster is real I promise it won't hurt none of you. I'll try to protect anyone."

The five other teenagers nodded their head. They began to walk down the pathways that lead to the farmhouse. "Don't believe what you hear. It could all just be an urban legend or a hoax," Mason said as he noticed a herd of crows on top the house and the eerie willow tree.

"You're right. But we don't know if it real or not," Stephanie said. "It just like a nightmare or reality. We just can't tell if it real or not."

Mason took a deep breath. "Wait up."

Max, Alex, and Darien waited for Mason to catch up. "I don't understand who she supposes to be dressed as," Alex said, trying not to think about the house or what is supposed to be lingering inside the house.

"She is dressed up as a rebel. Well that what Bree said," Max said, his voice was tight. He stared up into the obsidian and gloomy sky with a full moon hiding behind the clouds. "Perfect. A full moon," Max said.

"Well we better get on going inside there," Mason said as he patted on his cousin's back.

As they made it to the front door of the eerie and terrifying house. "Here goes nothing. There isn't any phone service up here," Max said. He opens the door and walked in.

"Stephanie, do you got your flowery lighter with you? We need it to light three candles," Bree asked, as she turned her head straight at Stephanie.

"Sure do," Stephanie said. She reached in her back pocket and grabbed the lighter and handed it to Bree.

Bree lite the three candles and handed one to Mason, Max and Darien. "Thanks for letting me use it, Stephanie," Bree said as the door slammed behind them, they turned their head and noticed 'Why did you leave me here to die, sister?' written in blood across the wooden door.

"Okay...That was strange," Darien said.

"I think we all should split up," Alex said as he walked up to the door, staring at the words that were written in blood.

"Split up? That is the number one rule in horror movies what not to do," Mason said. "We're going to stick together, if you want to go alone. Go ahead," he continued to speak and noticed Alex walking away from them. He looked over his shoulder and noticed Bree sitting on Max's lap on the stairs.                                  

Bree groaned, "We can't do this here," Bree whispered as Max wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed down her neck. "Your cousin is watching."

He leaned over to give her a kiss, Bree declined. "Like I said, your cousin is watching. You're being a bad influence for him," she got off of Max's lap and grabbed the candle that was sitting next to them.

Mason laughed. "Not really but if you say so."

"He's right," Max said.

Bree stared at Mason blankly, "You look so innocent."

Mason took a deep breath, "No one isn't so innocent as others might see them as."

Bree nodded as she squeezed Max's cheeks, "Well I guess you aren't a bad influence after all," she pulled her head towards her boyfriend and gave him a small kiss. "That is all you get for right now."

Darien stared blankly at the two lovers, "Can you two please go get a room? That would be lovely," Darien said sarcastically. She stared at the words written in blood on the front door. She couldn't put her fingers on how a monster like Snacker could write on the door if it doesn't have opposable fingers. "I think either the last survivors wrote that."

"Why you say that?" Stephanie asked curiously.

"This so called monster who eats on children and teenagers flesh wouldn't be able to do that. It probably doesn't even have opposable fingers to even text or write."

"Ah. What time is it?" Stephanie asked.

Darien pulled her phone out, "It's 11:59. We only been here for around ten minutes," she said with a small eerie smile and putted her phone back into her pocket.

"How is it almost midnight? I thought we left the house at nine pm," Mason said.

"It was an hour drive here from Brookstone, Kentucky and we stopped to get something to eat," Max said while staring at the creepy children drawings on the crimson wallpaper that was next to him. Each drawing had someone on fire, drowning, and spiders eating them and with a drawing of a man standing next to them.

"Darien, just like these drawings?" Max asked while he ran his fingers through his jet black hair. Darien walked up to him and nodded.

"Yes. Whoever made these were left alone by their sister."

"So you are saying a children or teenager was left here to die? That is mess up," Bree said while staring at the drawings. "One of us could be eaten first."

"I'll be right back. Stephanie can you come with me?" Darien asked. Stephanie nodded and went with Darien.

"We can't split up! Do anyone watch horror movies anymore?" Mason asked while he sat on the wooden stair steps, hoping the Snacker doesn't eat Darien...or Alex. His phone vibrated, he took his phone out and shook his head. "I thought there wasn't any phone service here?"

"There isn't. Why you say that?" Max asked as he walked up next to his cousin. Mason handed his phone to his cousin, it was another text message.

'Two can keep a secret if one of them is DEAD'

"What do this text message mea-" there were a loud scream before Max could finish talking.

"ALEX?!DARIEN?!" Mason shouted. He ran where Alex took off at, he turned the corner and saw Snacker lingering over a body. Snacker turned it head around and stared at Mason. Snacker had red glowing eyes, crispy burnt skin and claws.

"Mason, get behind me," Max said as he was trying to protect his cousin from Snacker. As the three teenagers walked towards the corpses, Mason realized it was Alex.

"You shouldn't had left. You would still be alive," Mason said while he stared at Alex's body. His face was peeled off and his organs was gone. "Goodbye Alex..."


Bree gasped. "Where the fuck is his face at?" she asked with a terrifying look upon her face.

Mason shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe Snacker took his face and used it?" he said while glancing at Bree, he noticed words behind her, written on the wall. The words were 'Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead'. "Who wrote this?" he asked.

Bree and Max shook their head. "Wasn't us. Beside it probably been there ever since we came in," Max said trying to comfort his cousin to not freak out or anything. Max walked up to the words and ran his fingers on the words, the blood was still fresh. "If it is about you and someone else, why are you worrying someone knowing?"

"I did something last spring and I think somebody knows," Mason said. He froze and started to image him gutting every single teenager he killed last Spring. "Everybody is a our own wicked way."

"Let's go find Darien and Stephanie. They're probably looking for us," Max said. He turned his head to face Bree and Mason. "Anyone could be next before we can find Darien and Stephanie," he said while crossing his arms together.

They began hearing screams down the hall. "DARIEN?" Mason yelled hoping it wasn't Darien. "Max, it can be a trap, right?" Mason asked.

"Probably," Max replied. "But we aren't sure if it is or not."

As they continue to run through the hall, they started to see blood and piles of bones everywhere across the floors. As soon as they stopped, the screaming stopped and a noise emanated out of the blackness; a growling noise and shuffling in the distance.

"Is that a dog growling?" Bree asked.

Max shook his head. "No...I think he had returned."


"Snacker...he feed on our flesh. He probably lurked us over here," Max said while staring at the ground, watching spiders crawl. Beside Bree, Mason exhaled a small gasp as two spiders began crawling on him.


Max walked over and brushed off the spiders and stomped on them. He walked over to Bree and stared out the window, staring up at the full moon. "Isn't that beautiful?" Bree murmured. Max reached out and hold her hand with a nod.

"Sure is but not as beautiful, you are."

Max pulled in for a kiss and was stopped when Mason was on the ground with Snacker about to eat him, before Snacker could do anything. Something stopped him.

"Leave my cousin alone!" Max said trying to protect his cousin. Snacker walked straight up to Max and started smelling him. Max looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Goodbye Mason and Bree. Try to survive, not for me but for yourself. I love you Bree Faye, remember that," with that Snacker pushed him to the floor.

"No!" Bree shrieked. "Max, no!"

"LET HIM GO!" Mason yelled. Snacker turned his head towards Mason but refused to let go of Max, he turned his head back at Max.

With that, Snacker began eating his torso, blood began to spatter onto Max's face and onto the floor. Bree and Mason watched as Max was getting eaten alive and hearing him scream at the top of his lungs. Mason got off the floor while he tries not to watch his cousin get eaten. They both had tears streaming down their face while they could see Max's hopeless fleshless corpse.

All they could see now is Max's open corpse, revealing his bones and guts.

"He is dead..." Bree said through each tear that was running down his cheeks and into her mouth. Mason looked at Bree and hugged her tight.

"I know."

They began to walk away as Snacker placed Max's face over his face. Darien ran out of the closest with blood all over her hands. " dead. Her face and organs were gone."

"If we witness Max getting eaten by Snacker...Who or what eaten Stephanie?" Mason asked. An hour later they left the house and headed to Bree's house.

All Bree can wonder is who or what eaten Stephanie and with that it may leave a mysterious...forever.

Mason is now 21, Darien is 21, and Bree is 23.

Bree still cries herself to sleep every night after the death of her boyfriend, Max. But at least she has this one day where she can talk freely, where she doesn't have to filter her thoughts. She can speak whatever she wants to the therapist. "Bree? Are you listening?" The therapist asks.

"Yeah, sorry. Um, what were you saying?" Bree says, still looking out the window. Darien and Mason were supposed to fly in and go out tonight with her and her fiancée.

"I asked what you are you thinking about?"

"Snacker. I'm always thinking about Max and Snacker. They're in the back of my mind all the time. They not going to leave just because I'm talking to you," Bree said, trying not to think about the death of Max, six years ago.

"Snacker isn't real, Bree."

"Don't tell me what is real and what isn't. You haven't experienced it. I watched my ex-boyfriend and friend die right in front of my eyes," she said staring at her fiancée, Liam.

"Bree, are you sure you weren't on drugs at the time?" The therapist asked. Liam turned to Bree, wanted to stand up for his soon to be wife.

"Are you trying to say my fiancée was on drugs while this monster ate three other teenagers?" Liam asked.

The therapist nodded.

"Well you are mistaking sir."

Her weekly sessions this year has done nothing to calm her mind. 'You can run but you can't hide' repeats itself in her mind over and over again. She turned her head and saw Darien and Mason standing in the doorway.

"Well isn't it the New York Best Selling Author of BrookStone Creature," she said as she hugged Mason then at Darien. "Sorry Darien, I don't know what job you are doing but it is nice to see you," After the death of Max, Stephanie and Alex, Mason and Bree still talk to each other through texts and calls.

Letting out a breath of relief, she feels herself relax. They're okay. They're fine.

Yet all she can see behind her eyes is Max, Stephanie and worst of all...Snacker. Snacker won't ever leave her memory.

"The thing is everyone is crazy after knowing about Snacker. He won't ever leave our mind, he haunts us in our dreams," Darien and Mason nodded, same for them but not as bad as Bree.

Bree sat back in the leather brown chair, wishing the session could be over. Mason walked up to Bree and smile. "Try and not to think of Snacker, that what Darien and I do. You got Liam and Darien got a boyfriend. Six years ago is in the past, yes I know you are still heartbroken to witness Max's death."

Bree smiled. "Thanks Mason and thank you for getting Liam and I together. Without you, I wouldn't be the successful person who I am today. I would still be that same Bree years ago after Max's death."

Bree has thought about leaving the country they live in a lot of times, but all she can think about is her fiancée, Mason and Darien. She always wanted to go to London or Paris but no matter where she goes, Snacker will be in the back of her mind.

She took out her phone, and turns it to a picture of the green grass, and sunlight. She uses it whenever she is scared or thinking of Snacker.

Mason, Darien, and Bree always thought of moving in together. With Bree having night terrors, she needed someone to hold her tight before Liam came into her life.

"I guess your session is over, Bree," The therapist said, closing Bree's folder and putting it on the shelf.

"Come on guys, let's head out," Bree said. She put her arm on top of Mason's and Darien's shoulder as they walked way.


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