
By Weapon615

51 6 7

She is dead, what more is there to say. The dead rises to save everyone then they call her evil and her new f... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

10 2 0
By Weapon615

In a daze I look around, "Where am I?" I question to no one. Alone I stand in an unfamiliar room, but I know it, how do I know this room?? I spin around to see a woman standing in a door way. Her face seemed kind but scary, like she was planing something bad. Straight blond hair, and a pastel dress . "Come back! Where am I?" I yell and chase the woman as she begins to leave the room. Before I get to her her form disappears and the room changes and distorts into a different room. I walk forward to the door opposing the now wall I face. I turn to the door and run towards it. I trip and fall down to the ground. Falling on dirt, scrapping my knees. A white lace dress surrounds my body, now small like a child's. I get up to walk over to a window on the house I am now outside of. I tilt my head in confusion, I am held within a small little girls body, pale like it had never seen the sun. "Darling.." I hear a voice behind me. I turn and face the woman I had chased earlier. She reaches out to grab me, but I dodge and run away.

The scene distorts into a dark hall, a noise behind me screams. I look back to see a man rapidly approaching me,brown hair curled and a cruel face, his large hands ready to grab me. I scream and run in fear, I continue down the hall as fast as the small legs I posses can go. The man grabs me and begins to laugh, his eyes crazed like wild fire. He drops me into a hole in the floor. "Bad little children get punished." He spoke in a deep threatening voice. 

Behind me I feel a drop in temperature, I spin around to see a young boy. He looks up, "Sister!" He flops onto me. His black hair slightly frizzed, but straight, pale faced his eyes cold and dead. He must have only been five, I posses his older sister, by what seems five years older than him. He speaks my name, but I can not hear it, or I have already forgotten. Above us, foot steps rustle around furiously. I begin to scream for whatever reason, why do I scream, what am I thinking! I hear a gun go off and I shut up quickly.

The latch of the hole I had been thrown into opens. The women looks at me and the boy. She helps us out with her bloodied skin. I look over to see the man dead on the floor. She gabs my face and looks me in the eyes. "Run." She lets go and says the same to the boy. She points him and I in opposite directions of each other. A tear slides down my face, but I turn away and run.

The hall continues into a forest, but I keep running. Screams all around me, why am I running? I stop and look around. Was I meant to be going somewhere. My brain distorts and I begin to flinch. I walk forward and end up in a small town that forms around me. My eyes widen as I look into a mirror. I am a younger me, but I don't remember any of this. I start to scream causing vague figures to stare and whisper among each other. 

I fall to my knees, rugged cloth stripped and new clothes hold tight against my skin. I smile and look up, a kind young lady with brown hair of spirals stands before me. She smiles back, but I can tell, she is hiding something, I can see it in her eyes. I reach my hands forward and her smile extending, like she is happy. My hands encircle her neck and she realizes. But it is too late. one hand on her face and the other on her neck. I make a quick twitch and jerk her head. A pop from her neck, and her life leaves her eyes. My whole being twitches, you can't escape. I can see the darkness inside. You can't escape, I can see the true you. You. Can't. Escape... I.... See... You..

The blackness around me fades into a dark prison like cell. The air cold and damp, and yet hot and dry. I get up off the ground and look around the small room. One door and no windows; I reach for the handle and open it. I walk outside and look down a long hallway stretched or horizontal to my position. i begin to walk, and end up running. My breathing quickens as I quickly make decisions  at every turn and fork in the road. I hear loud voices behind me; they remind me of the man from before. My pace quicken till I am running at top speed. Looking back, I see the men losing sight of my rapidly disappearing figure.

I look forward only to run into a large husky man. He bends down, "I got you now, girl." I scream and struggle, but his grip too tight. He takes me back to the cell I had left, two smaller but just as buff men, stand guard as I am thrown into the room. Their faces all show fear as they turn their backs to me and leave.

The area around me grows into a back dust, I sit down and huddle my legs together. Tears fall down my face, "These are memories, are they not?" I flop over onto my back. "Then, why did my life turn into this. What is going to happen next-"

I open my eyes to a blank white ceiling. All my memories flooding into my mind, a tear decides its time to fall. I get up from the bed, looking around,  padded white walls and floor. Even the door to my right is padded, though its not much of a door from my side, as there is no handle. I look through a tiny window in the door. "Hello?" Two men come into view, "They say this one is the most dangerous." The man on the right says to the other. " I've heard she is being put down." The left reply's, and the right man looks shocked. " Really? I thought that was just a rumor; though it makes sense, her mind is going," He paused, "Its a shame, if she were sane she would never be lonely." the men began to walk away. I banged on the door, "Where am I!" I screamed and pleaded, but my arm began to tire as no one answered me.

Hours went by as I stood on the far side from the door, staring intently. the door opened to relieve two men, they came in and grabbed me up. I tugged at them, but they said no words. I screamed and pleaded for answers, "WHERE AM I!! WHO ARE YOU!!" Silence followed my questions with an eerie wave of fear. I have nothing to fear, do they fear? Maybe they fear me. The men I've seen before.. they all feared me.

The men dragged me to a door, opening it I saw one chair. Alone in the middle of the room, they pushed me forward and into the chair. I was strapped down, my head back my legs together, and my arms on the arms of the chair. Tears fell down my cheeks, but I stared them down. They watched me from behind a thick glass window. Another man entered their little room. they all watched me, the new man went over to a switch and looked me dead in the eye as he put one hand on the speaker and the other on the lever. "Darling, its my pleasure to destroy this devil body and mind of yours." With that the man switched down the lever and I could feel the electricity boil through my nerves. My eyes widened, I remembered why I killed, "I never liked you anyways!" They stared at me shocked, my body wrenched forward in pain, but I stayed strapped securely int the chair. I laughed until I died, and with a smile on my face.

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