Freedoms War

By shadowqueen5511

358 25 2

Fang, has lived the last year in an Empire she failed to conquer. She was the General of her mother's army an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Part 18

Chapter 12

12 1 0
By shadowqueen5511

I woke up to the doors to my room being opened. I sat up looking over at the door. In walked Amber wearing a red dress, and what do you know, with clothing in hand. "Seriously?" i growled as she put them on the edge of the bed. "Seriously" she said and held up a pair of black boots. "I had to guess on your shoe size" she admitted and i stretched my arms above my head. "Why don't you get a doll to dress up? Why me?" i asked. She smiled and beckoned me over there. I groaned as i got up and out of bed.

Still in the same bloody t shirt and pants. I mean i have been for the last two weeks. No one complained about me smelling. It's a magic thing, don't give off a lot of body odor. Yet she had smelled me last night? Still confused me.

"You are much better than a doll" Amber said. I rolled my eyes and looked at what she had laid out. It wasn't a dress to my surprise. Black scaled pants, a leather belt, a new white shirt that had the front of it tied together by string, the whole way down. Not bad, though i wouldn't give her the satisfaction in knowing that. "You want me to strip for you too?" i asked.

"No, i'll be back in five minutes" she said as she turned around walking to the door. "Really?" i all but groaned out. "Really" she answered as she opened the door and walked out shutting it behind her. I groaned now. I really was regretting this.

Once i was dressed i put on the boots. They were actually my size so props to Amber for guessing. Yet how had she known my clothing size? That was something i had to ask her. Once i was done tying my boots i stood up. I walked over to the  standing mirror in the corner of the room.

I had to admit i did look really good. Considering the fact the center of the shirt was only held together by string, it showed off my body really well, especially my chiseled abs. Well, and a bit of cleavage but the abs was were it was at.

The door opened and i glanced over my shoulder. "Fit good?" amber asked now having a jacket in her hands. "Ya" i said. i added no comment of what i thought of the clothing she picked out for me. She smiled as she approached. "You look like General Fang now" she said and handed me the jacket in her hand. It was a black leather, i scowled a bit though "Isn't too hot for this?" i argued. She tisked me "You said i get to dress you, no matter the weather" she scolded. I groaned as i put it on. "Happy?" i asked. She returned smiling as she fixed the collar of the jacket. "Much so, yes" she said and then i heard a knock at my door.

"Fang?" i heard Jordan call from behind the door. "Come in" i called back as Amber still continued to tug at my clothing making sure it was perfect. When jordan walked in it took a moment before she spotted us. She was a bit confused at the sight and was going to ask what this was when i just came out with the answer.

"I have recruited Amber into our ranks, and in doing so gave up my right to choice my wardrobe" i confessed. Jordan blinked. Looking at me. Looking at my clothing, then amber. "Thank the gods" she praised. "Excuse me?" i growled and Jordan shrugged. "You looked terrible, trust me, it's a improvement" she said. I couldn't believe she was siding with her on this one! "Thank you" Amber said and now took a step back admiring her work. "I can't believe you" i growled at jordan.

"Why are women so interested in you?" Jordan avoided and changed topic. I sighed "must be my charm" i said smirking. Amber laughed "What charm?" she asked. Ouch, that stung a bit. "I have lot's of charm!" i argued and looked at Jordan to back me up. She was slowly walking backwards. "Were leaving soon, just wanted to make sure you were up" she said before leaving. That Bitch!

Amber laughed at me and touched my shoulder. "I told you, you are delusional" she said and i groaned. This was what i now had to deal with. Why were the gods so cruel? 


I stood on the dock of Port Testum. On my left was the Imperial ship, and a pirate ship on my right. Jordan on my left and jax waiting for me at the helm of her ship on my right. "Why did you agree to that?" jordan asked looking over at the pirate ship. "Same reason i don't have choice in my wardrobe... and well...We need ships" was my answer. "That's an obscured request" Jordan scowled. This was more ridiculous than losing my right to wear what i wanted? I think not.

i took a step on the plank to the ship.

"The fact i'm helping your empire is obscure" i stated stepping back and now landing on the ship with a bunch of greasy men with bad teeth. Most working on lifting anchor and pulling down the sails. "Fine" Jordan scoffed and turned her back to me as she walked onto the empiral ship.

I had to admit as i rested my hands on the railing of the pirate ship, It was a nice ship. "Just make sure that boat can keep up" jordan called out. I heard a scoff behind me and noticed Jax standing beside me. "It's not a boat, it's a ship!" she sneered at Jordan and flicked her off. "This bitch" Jax hissed to me and i laughed. "You get used to it" i mumbled and Jax grumbled something and returned to her post at the helm.

The pirate ship slowly exited the cove, picking up speed as soon as we were out in the open. Empire ship was not as fast as this one as it lagged behind. After watching the Empire ship finally pick up wind i walked up the stairs to the helm of the ship to the dear captain.

"Why did you want me here exactly?" i asked even though i felt i knew the answer. Jax spared a glance at me. Then she called out to Rick, the man rick came up and took the wheel from Jax. must have been her first mate. She came over to the back end of the ship were i had been sitting on the railing.

"I thought it was obvious?" she said and laughed. I smiled, of course it was obvious, the lustful gazes, the way she continued to check me out even when i caught her eyes doing the crime. I really wouldn't call it a crime. I mean,  with how good i look now (Thanks to Amber sadly) nobody could resist glancing at me. Some more obvious than others. But captain Jax was proud of it, especially when our eyes locked onto each others. She gave me a cocky smile.

"Well if you must know, i need... motivation to keep me loyal to a contract" she said and now it was my turn to laugh. "Motivation? Is that what you're calling it?" i asked. She her hands on the railing staring out at the port we just left. It was getting smaller and smaller the more time that past. Her eyes then locked onto my eyes before wandering down my body,. "Oh i don't know what i would call that" she said smirking.

"Can't keep it in your Pants Captain?" i asked. This made her laugh as she turned her attention back to the front of the ship. "I don't wear pants for that reason" she said and i slid off the railing and walked up beside her glancing back at the slow imperial ship. That was a damn good reason.

"You know the Empire is broke" i stated changing topic. "Why help?" i asked. I mean it couldn't all just be she wanted to bed me. "The same reason you are" she said and i scoffed. "I doubt that" i said. "Follow" she said and i did.

We walked down the stairs and into the captain's quarters under the helm. There was a table that was bolted down to the floor and two chairs that were not bolted down. I could see a door that probably lead to her bedroom but it was closed so i couldn't tell. I suppose if i'm right about her intentions i'll find out soon enough.

She went into a cabinet on the wall and pulled out a bottle of rum and two glasses. I took a seat as she came over with the glasses. "I'm taking a guess in saying you're here because you don't want Kurulin overrun with infected" she said as she poured the rum into the glasses, sliding one on the table over to me. "Entirely different reason i'm here" i scoffed. Her eyebrow rose as she sat down. "Oh really? Then why are you here?" she asked. I shrugged picking up the glass. "The moral's i never had as a child suddenly just came to life" i said and took a sip. It was strong. Good.

"Morals?" she laughed and i nodded. "Unfortunately" I mumbled taking another sip. "What's your excuse?" i then asked. "Rampids, are bad for business" she said and i hummed. I could see how that was. If you were going to be a rich pirate, there needed to be a rich empire. They were lazy with their trade routes, never any good protection on the open sea.

"And the reason you want me here?" i then asked finishing off the rum and putting the glass down. She poured me another and smiled. "Like i said, motivation" she said her eyes trailing my body for about the thousandth time. I rolled my eyes "I really need to get a sign that says unavailable" i said causing her to laugh.

"In prison for a year without sex? I say your overdo" she stated with a smirk. The lust lingering in her dark eyes. "Really?" i asked. I have to admit this was a first. I was prompted for sex but not charged. There was always a whore trying to get in my pants but never did i meet someone who just wanted sex from me. No strings attached....

"This a Erisen thing?" i asked. She laughed leaning back in her chair. "I've seen plenty in the Empire that says they do it here too" she said taking a swig of her drink. I nodded looking into my glance before looking up at her eyes again. "Just sex?" i asked. She laughed "Just sex" she said leaning a little closer now. "I actually like the sound of this" i mumbled then shook my head half ashamed i was even thinking about it. Yet it was a natural thing. To want, to crave.

By the gods wasn't Jordan just going off about not having relationships? "Surprised the great General Fang never had a someone to shag with" she said with amusement in her tone. I had Sera... that was still a sore spot. "I don't see much of a point in this for me" i confessed. I mean i wasn't having sex craves or anything like that. I was to busy trying to save this empire. When would i find the time to have sex? Jordan was constantly needing my council which i really didn't mind but with us on this quest i hardly had the time for sex. By the gods, it wasn't even that much of an option either.

"The point? There is no point, just sex" she said leaning back. I frowned looking at my glass then to her eyes. "I'm rather busy trying to save an empire, when will i find the time for you?" i asked. She laughed "How long does it take for you to get off?" she chuckled and i groaned. "I just mean i'm busy" i repeated and she cocked her head to the side. "Your not busy now?" she suggested.

I blinked, thinking about it. She was right. Right now i was open. Plus this ride to Erisen... I did have time to kill, but did i really want to spend all that time having sex with this pirate? Not really, but what else was i doing? "I'll think about your offer, captain" i said and stood up putting the glass down on the table. "And i will be eagerly awaiting your answer" Jax purred.


I walked out of the cabin onto the deck. I found a spot on the railing that i could lay on and not worry about being in anyone's way. I spent my time looking at the clouds, sometimes i would sit up and glance back at the empire ships. Jax's ship had to go half sails just so the empire's ships could keep up. Eventually the look out called that the empire ship was signaling us. The anchor fell and the sails were brought back up.

The sun was just setting when the empire ship stopped beside us and boarded. Putting planks connecting the two ships and grappling hooks holding the railings to the other ship.

Jordan came across first, her eyes met mine and i got up off the railing. I walked over to her. "You need something?" i asked.

Jax came down from the helm and was approaching from behind me. Jordan's eyes glanced to her before back to me. "I wished to discuss our plan for Erisen, Captain Jax can join us if she wishes" She said with authority in her voice. I glanced at Jax who now stood at my side. "Alright" i said and followed Jordan back across the plank. Jax following behind me.

We were all seated in a small room. Much like the one i had been sitting in with Jax, except there was a empiral flag hanging from the wall. The table was round, twelve chairs all around. I sat next to Jordan, Hex to my right, then Amber, then Jax. on jordan's other side sat Drag and the Admiral for this fleet.

"First we need to find a way to spread the word in Erisen that we need ships" Jordan started off. I looked at Jax "You know other captains, you think they'd take the same deal?" i asked. She nodded "I can round up the pirates, Erisen's official government, another story" she said and i looked at Jordan. "That's what you can do, go to the palace and appeal to Ersiens council for ships and any men they can spare, me and Jax will get the pirates" i said leaning back. Hex scoffed "Pirates only speak with gold, Empire is broke" She stated. Sadly this was a lot harder then how i was making it sound. "Erisen's council is very wealthy" Amber suddenly said drawing all of our eyes. "You recruited a thief for a reason non?" she asked. For a moment the whole left side of the table was silent dumbstruck. So surprised Amber even suggested we steal from Erisen. She had a great point though.

"We could, Then i could work on persuading their military to lend us some aid" i mumbled trying to think out how exactly i was going to do that. Glory and victory probably wasn't going to be enough. Plus if they were actually loyalist they wouldn't like the idea of going against the council... "unless the entire council is dead... new people get put into it, people that will do what we say" i suggested as another alternative. Get the right puppets in the council seats...

"Fang" jordan hissed getting my attention. "We just need to fuck up the goverment, simple" i said and smiled. Jordan scowled and glared at me. "We are not killing off the council" she growled and i laughed. "We have a Siren, Amber can find us blackmail. Get them to, be more cooperative... then we won't have to worry about gold, they'll hire the pirates for us. Let them pay for our fleet of ships" i suggested.

"Are we still going to steal from them then?" Hex asked and i shook my head. "Won't be needed if we get the right blackmail, which you can help Amber with" i said. I then looked to Jordan "That is if you think this is the best route to take. We could either kill their entire government and re make it, which could take a lot of work but we won't have to worry about it coming back to bite us in the ass. Option two, black mail, we get them to pay for everything we need" i listed the two options to Jordan. Our eyes locked. I could tell what her answer was going to be. The nicer rout. The more moral rout. "We will blackmail them, but first we will try to appeal to them without it. I still want you to hire the pirates from the Empire's coffers. Tell them they will be paid when the Empire recovers" she said. Jax scoffed but said nothing. The doubt was in her mind though, 'when' the empire recovers. If it ever will. Maybe my mom will raze it to the ground, then the pirates won't be getting anything.

"We should stop at Red Keep" i hated myself for even suggesting it.  They all looked at me a bit surprised. I really didn't want to see my mother, like, ever again... but we needed help, no matter from who. "I thought she hatted the empire?" Jordan asked and i shrugged. "She does. But at the very least she would give me my personal guard. They are an army on there own" i offered.

They all went silent. Thinking. "What makes you think she won't just kill us when we get there?" Jordan pointed out. I mean this was an imperial ship after all. "I can make her see reason, i don't believe she will aid us that much though" i admitted. I mean she trusted me as far as she could throw me, and that wasn't that far. Even without armor. "We will stop there after we get the ships from Erisen" Jordan declared. I sighed heavily. What the hell did i just agree to?

"Then it's settled?" Jax asked standing up. I was about to stand up when jordan caught my arm. "I wish to speak with you" she said and i sat back down. Hex grumbled something about me stealing her girl but i was entirely sure if i heard that right. Jax, Amber, Drag and the other Admiral left.

Leaving me alone with Jordan. It was only now i was aware how much the ship was rocking. The lantern hanging from the ceiling was swaying enough to catch my attention. "Do you think this is the right thing?" she asked. the swaying wasn't as bad now, i leaned back in my chair. "Morally?" i asked and she nodded. "In our circumstances blackmail is going to be the smallest thing we do. We are at war Jordan, there are no rules" i advised. She sighed looking at the map spread out on the round table.

Her eyes locked with mine once more. "I don't want to become the monster were trying to defeat" she said and this made me laugh. "You? A monster? Your too cute to be considered intimidating at the least" i told her smiling. "So are you, but some say your Eboney incarnated" she pointed out. Ebony, the god of Oblivion. Pain and destruction. Rape and murder. That hurt just a little bit. "You called me cute" i said and laughed as she blushed. "You're not bad looking, is what i meant" she tried to cover it up. "But it's true" she started cutting me off as i was about to shame her further.

"People have it all wrong about you" she stated and i rolled my eyes. "Who care's what people think?" i asked. "I do, they wrongly incriminated you" she said getting me to laugh again. "Jordan, i was a general, at war. I did what i had to do. I didn't do it for the money or power, i simply did it because i was bored, and if that doesn't make you a monster then i don't know what does" i said and rubbed my temple.

"I'm just saying, it would be nice to know the truth. The real you. The one i see you as" she said. I was about to ask her if she was trying to woo me with her sweet words but i decided against it. With a sigh i replied. "And how do you suggest i do that?" i asked.

She leaned over grabbing something off the floor. She produced a journal on the table. She gestured for me to take it. I grabbed the rough leather bound book. I then opened it. Flipped through the pages to find them blank. "A blank book, just what i always wanted" i said sarcastically and smiled at her. She scowled and gave me her trademarked glare. "It's so you can write your story Fang. from the beginning to the end" she said and i looked at it again. Closing it and running my fingers down the leather cover. This was going to be the biggest blackmail of my life if i did this. Writing my story, my life in these pages? Maybe it would help me cope with all I've done. For someone to know what it all meant. Sometimes i didn't even know that answer.

"Thank you" i said seriously as i looked at her. "I think it will help people understand you" she said with a nod. "Maybe, you'll be the first to read it. If i can even write" i said and stood up. I haven't written in about a year. Who knows how terrible my handwriting is now. "Good night lady manhands" i said as i walked to the door. I could feel her glare on the back of my neck. "Good night fang" she grunted back as i left.

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