Kidnap By My Mate (aka Mr. Pe...

By xbeyondxbeautiful

10.8K 180 22

Amy Henderson gets 'kidnap' by her mate, Nick Andrews. Amy tries to escape but fails miserably. And then alon... More

Chp. 1 :)
chp. 2 :D
Chp. 3 <3

Chp. 4

1.3K 62 17
By xbeyondxbeautiful



"Hey Hope! What are you doing here? How did you get here? Where's mom and dad? Are they OK?" She bark back in response. "I'm so happy your safe!" She turn around and looked back from where she came from. I saw to figures disappear. Maybe it was my eyes playing tricks on me again.

Hope started to growl. "What's wrong Hope? Are you OK?" She was staring at something. Or someone behind me. I turn around and saw 'Nick.' Nick started to growl back and Hope went silent. That's awkward. Humans don't 'growl.' Do they? Oh wait. I forgot he was a 'werewolf.'

I started to pet Hope to calm her down. "It's OK Hope. He's not gonna hurt us. I think." I murmured the last part.

"Who is this?" He pointed to Hope. "This is Hope. My dog. I can't live without her."

"She can't st-" I interrupted him. "If she can't stay here then I can't stay here."


"No buts! Is it a deal?"

"Fine." He said quietly but enough for me to hear him.

"YAY! Did you hear that Hope?! Did ya?!" Hope and I began to do our 'happy dance.'  I turn to look at Nick and he had a 'what the f*ck?' face. He notice I was looking and he smirk. I rolled my eyes and went back to do my happy dance."C'mon. We have to go back in. The rest of the pack is dieing to meet you."

"C'mon Hope. Were gonna go meet the other people or what ever."


Hope and I followed Nick inside. There they were again. The guys that were screaming at the T.V. just because they got killed in Black Ops. I rolled my eyes. Hope began to growl again. "It's alright Hope. Like I said, there not gonna harm us. I think." I murmured the last part again.

"Would you guys shut up! It's only a god damn game!" Nick was yelling at them in a harsh way. They all turned around and was giving there attention to Nick. "This is Amy, my mate." There eyes went wide. I rolled my eyes again. "Hey." I said quietly. They all said 'hey' back. I notice there was a girl with almond brown hair sitting next to a guy that had black hair. She just kept on playing Black Ops. "Awwh! F*ck you! You took my kill!" She said screaming at the person who took her kill through her mic. "Don't mind her. She's always like that." said a guy with blondish blackish hair. "Shut up Bryan!" So that was his name. Bryan.

He pointed to the boys that had  light black hair and dark black hair. "That's Kevin and Kyle. They're twins." He pointed to the blondish-blackish hair boy. "That's Byran." He pointed to the chocolate brown hair. "That's Jake. He's beta." He pointed to the light brown hair dude and the dirty blonde hair dude. "That's Adam and Rick." I looked at them and guess what they were doing? Looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes again, for the third time. He pointed to the girl that had almond brown hair. "And that's Tammy." She waved at me but was still staring at the T.V. "Wanna play some Black Ops? I can teach yah?" Tammy hold out the controller at me. I grab it. "Sure and I already know how to play." I had a smirk on my face. Tammy grab the second controller and handed me a mic. "Let's kick some ass."

"HEY KID?! WOULD YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AND STOP BRAGGING ABOUT HOW GIRL'S CAN'T PLAY CALL OF DUTY?!" I yelled into the mic. I was really getting piss off because of a dumbass kid has a 'problem' with girls playing Call Of Duty. That should of shut him up. "I'll 1v1 you quick scope! If I win, you can't play Call Of Duty anymore! If you win," he pause for a sec. "You have to smash your PS3." I decided to answer for him. "Deal?" "Deal." I knew he would take it. Little brat thinks I can't kick his ass.

15 minutes later......

That kid was...screaming? Just because I won? And yeah, I did win. I didn't care if he didn't smash his PS3. All I wanted to do was get out of the lobby. All his friends saw that I owned him soo.... yeah.

I turned to my right and saw the boys, shock? "Dayum! Amy, never knew you were that good. For a girl of course." I giggled. "14 prestiege. Level 39." I had a smirk on my face. "Holy sh*t Amy!" said Nick. He was also shock. "Awwh c'mon! Never seen a girl played huh?" I was giggling, again. I looked at the clock. It's alrealdy 8:37? Really? Dayum. Time does sure fly by fast. I yawned. "Tired already?" I turned around and saw Nick with a smirk. "How about we watch a movie?" said Tammy. "Fine with me." All the boys nodded there head. "How about, Sucker Punch?" She pulled out the Cover of the movie. "I love that movie!!" (A/N: I LOVE THAT MOVIE TOO! IT'S THE BEST! LOL)  I screamed. "Alright, alright calm down. It's not like your gonna die or anything." said Kevin. I rolled my eyes again. I'm pretty sure I rolled my eyes over 20 times. "I'll go grab some snacks from the fridge." Kyle got up and went to the kitchen. Nick jump on the couch and sat next to me. He pulled me into a hug and I wrap my arms around his in return.I felt an eletric shock run through my left arm. That was weird, but, I ignored it. It felt safe in Nick's arms. Like nothing could ever harm me as long as I was in his arms.

The movie was starting and Kyle came back with popcorn and some RootBear. I grab some popcorn and pop one-by-one in my mouth. It was half way through the movie and I'm pretty sure I fell alseep in Nick's warm arms.








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