Sunset Shimmer The Journey of...

By Grantell

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After the events in the human world. Sunset has now returned to Equestria. Now she is trying to find her plac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

251 7 2
By Grantell

After Sunset finished her breakfast she went off with Twilight and had a small chat before her morning lesson with Celsetia. "So Twilight, is everypony like that around here?" She asked still a little shaken by Silver's reaction to Spike.
"Not everypony, but from what I know, that is just how Silver is." Twilight respond. "From what I have been told he is noble to a fault. He never lets anypony get picked on, and is always willing to do anything for anypony, no mater the cost."
This was a bit of a shock to Sunset. She had only seen that with friends helping friends before. The idea of somepony helping somepony else that they did not know was new to her. She had learned the idea of friendship thanks to Twilight, but this was something a bit different.

"I'm sure if you talk to him more he will tell you more about himself. After all, he loves to tell stories." Twilight reassured her. "Well I have to head back to Ponyville and meet up with Starlight and the others. Hope we get together soon."
"Bye Twilight and thank you."
Twilight left and headed home with Spike, who was trying not to say anything after being yelled at.
"Well, I should go see Celestia in the throne room to start today's studies." Sunset thought to herself. In the back of her mind remembering what Twilight said about Silver.

As Sunset arrived at the throne room she could hear yelling coming from inside. It was Silver's voice, and this was a shock. She rushed in to find Silver standing between Princess Celestia and Discord the King of Chaos.
"Silver please calm down?" Celestia trying to calm him down.
"I am sorry your Highness. That is something I can not do." Silver responded sharply. "As long as this Cad is here I will not be at ease. LEAVE YOU TRAITOR!" This was shocking to Sunset. Even when he yelled at Spike he still kept a calm attitude. But that was not coming through now.
"Ah the One Winged guard." Discord stated almost jokingly. "I have a gift just for......."
Before Discord could finish, Silver jumped in. "What pony in their right mind would ever except a gift from a traitor like you. Especially after what you did to me."

Silver could not contain his rage anymore. He lunged at Discord with all his might. Discord teleported away from the attacking Pegasus. "Well I can tell when I'm not wanted." Discord's voice echoed in the chamber.
"I will find you. You will not be able to hide from me forever." Silver said, than ran past Sunset out of the chamber as fast as he could to begin searching the halls for Discord.
"Wow?" Sunset said a little surprised at all that just happened, as he entered the rest of the way.
"I cannot blame him for acting that way." Celestia stated. "The fact you are so calm tells me he told you his tale?"
"Yes. How could somepony like Discord expect to make up for what he did?"

"Oh that hurts young pony." Discord's voice came from by Celestia. It was in fact Discord who had made himself so small he could hide in her mane. The voice did startle Sunset at first. "What was that?" As she jumped back spell ready to go.
"Stand down Sunset. Come out Discord."  Celestia calmly commented to both of them.
Discord reappeared in the room back to his full size. Against her better judgment Sunset stood down as she was told.
"You seem a bit more reasonable than that other pony." Discord commented jokingly. "He is such the hothead."
"Well can you blame him?" Sunset inquired. "You allowed Terik to not only steel his magic and hit him, but than you took away his wing. Do you not realize how important his ability to fly meant to him?"

"Oh dear sweet Sunset. Don't you know what they say about stories?" Discord responded. "There are two sides to everyone!" He said as he snapped his fingers. Sunset found herself sitting in a chair across from Discord who had a cup of what she assumed was tea. He took a sip. "Now, allow me to tell my side?" She was hesitant, but knew she was dealing with somepony who she did not want to mess with alone.

"So yes, as you know I did stop his movements, but no I did not that Terik was going to hit him like he did. When I did that it was solely so he could absorb the magic from him. At that point I believed if I did not stop him Terik would have done much worse. After all I'm sure sense you have been back you herd of the damage he caused?" Sunset just nodded. She had not only read some of the details in the news papers, but had also herd from Twilight and the others of the terror that Terik had caused. "Well as far as taking away his wing, that was to help him." This kind of confused Sunset for a moment. "I know what your thinking. 'How would taking away his wing help him?' Well he was in quite a bit of pain from the punch into the palace wall. It caused him to break his wing, and yet he was still willing to fight on. Admirable for a pony who had no magic and was in extreme pain. The only thing I could do to take away the pain at the time was to remove the source of the pain. So I did." This actually made some sense to Sunset. "I didn't think he would react the way he did. The shock got to him more than I thought, or the pain was more than I thought. So he passed out right after I did that."
"So what your saying, is you did that to help him to not feel the pain?" Sunset asked to make sure she understood.

"Why yes." Was Discord's response. "And as prof here it is." Discord snapped his fingers again, and in his claws was a jar. Inside was a sliver colored wing that was without a doubt Silver's. "I came here because Celestia told me he would be here right now, and this may be a good chance for me to make it up to him. Did not expect him to attack me like that."

"DISCORD!" Silver's voice came from down the hall. He was headed back to the throne room. He had already covered the rest of the castle grounds. Discord looked down at his wrist. "Oh will you look at the time? I think I may have overstayed my welcome. Maybe one day he will be calm enough for me to make it up to him and finish my apologies." Discord snapped his fingers and returned everything back to the way it was before disappearing. "I will be back to try again. Good bye Celestia and young Sunset." With that he was gone. The thoughts of everything he said in her head still.

In came Silver.  "I am sorry your majesty. He seems to have escaped me. 'If only my wing did not need repair.' While I am here I will be on high alert." He finished his report. "Sorry for running by you earlier Sunset. We had an intruder, and my old guard self kicked in. Please except my apologies." Silver's calm demeanor returning with the smile that he was known for.
Sunset was shocked to see two sides to Silver. The calm and grow with the flow pony she met originally, than the emotional pony who has held a grudge for so long. "It is ok Silver. We can finish our talk later. I have class now."
Silver responded. "That works for me. I have something I have to do outside of Caterlot, back in Ponyville. I will be back later tonight. If you wish feel free to sit in with me and Princess Luna if you want to hear anymore stories. It looks like I will be here for at least three more days." With that Silver headed out to Ponyville and left Sunset with Princess Celestia.

"Princess will he ever be able to understand what happened?" Sunset asked after Silver was out of earshot. 
"Honestly, I do not know. He has carried that pain and hatred for so long, I am not sure he will ever be able to let it go." Celestia said with concern in her voice. "I hope one day he will though. That kind of pain, if held on to can eat away at your very soul."
This was something Sunset knew all to well. After all she went through similar pain when she first left Equestria.

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