Lost Soul, Now Found

By WWESpongefan

884 36 1

So much going on here. First there's Bray's Sister Abigail coming back to life and finding love with Luke Har... More

Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 1)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 2)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 3)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 4)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 5)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 6)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 7)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 8)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 9)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 10)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 11)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 12)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 14)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 15)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 16)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 17)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 18)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 19)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 20)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 21)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 22)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 23)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 24)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 25)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 26)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 27)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 28)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 29)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 30)

Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 13)

24 1 0
By WWESpongefan

Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Thirteen

It had been two days since Raw, Luke had not said a word to Abigail and she couldn't understand why. She had asked Erick to find out for her, but he wouldn't tell her why Luke was upset either. Erick pretty much found out about Luke's feelings when Luke told him that he was upset that she had kissed Dean Ambrose. It was not Erick's place to tell those feelings to Abigail. Luke had come to a point where he pretty much stopped caring about if Bray found out. Since two days had passed and nothing had happened, he wasn't really worried about Erick telling anyone his feelings for Abigail. It felt less stressful now that someone else knew about his feelings toward her. Bray had noticed that things seemed different between Luke and Abigail, while Abigail was sitting with Erick and Braun, Bray walked up to Luke and spoke to him.

"Luke... Would you care to speak to me alone?"

Luke only looked at Bray and nodded. He stood up and followed Bray. Bray made sure that they were alone.

"Luke... Would you please explain what is going on? Has something happened in the last two days? I've noticed a difference in you, and a difference in Abigail."

"Things just haven't been the same since she has returned. I've tried talking to her, I've tried getting along with her, but things just aren't the same. We are not the same people anymore, she's changed... I've changed. Before she died we were best friends, I've missed our friendship, but it's not the same anymore. Everything is different now, and it will always be different."

"I disagree... The other day when her parents came and upset her, she attached herself to you, that is the same as what would happen before she died. Finally, after fifteen years, I could see the real you again. Having Abigail back has brought change for the better, for all of us. What really troubles you brother?"

Luke wanted so badly to say everything, but this was neither the time, nor the place.

"Nothing... We should start warming up now, we need to be ready and focused for our match."

Bray knew that something was bothering Luke, he just wasn't saying. One thing Abigail had helped with is get Luke to speak more, but still it seemed like there was something troubling him. Bray didn't argue, he only nodded and they were on their way back to meet up with Erick and Braun. Bray went up to Abigail before they warmed up.

"Abigail... Something troubles you?"

"Yeah... I'm freaking out about Dean Ambrose, he forced a kiss on me and I'm not ok with it."

"We'll take care of Ambrose. It is best not to be left alone. If you can... Stay in the locker room with the other women. We'll come back for you when it is time to go out."

Abigail nodded and went inside the women's locker room with the other women. Unfortunately, The Wyatt Family was the main event of the night, and the rest of the women had other things that they had to do. Abigail was actually lost in her thoughts and didn't notice that everyone had left.

"I don't know why Luke is upset with me, I don't know what it was I could have done that upset him. When I asked him why he was upset, he yelled at me and said that he had nothing to say to me. It's been two days since we've talked to each other. I never know what Luke is going to do anymore, one minute he's talking to me like we did in my past life, and then the next thing I know, he becomes quiet and cold again. I just want him to open up to me like he used to. Things have changed, our friendship may never be what it once was. It hurts... I feel like we're taking a step backwards and becoming distant from each other again."

Abigail realized that she had been lost in her thoughts and lost track of time, she would have to hurry and get ready. She grabbed her clothes from her bag and was about to change when a voice startled her. That voice of course belonging to Dean Ambrose.

"Hey... I don't think there is anything more entertaining than watching a woman take her clothes off."

Abigail stopped before she pulled her shirt off once she heard his voice.

"What the hell?! You're not supposed to be in here! This is the women's locker room! Get out!"

Dean laughed and started making his way towards her.

"I don't think you understand... No one else is here... And I can pretty much do whatever I want."

Abigail noticed that he was getting closer and she decided to try to make a run for the door, but he blocked her path. When she went to run for the door, he grabbed her and shoved her against the wall, pinning his body against hers. She was terrified, but also outraged that Dean was doing this.

"Let me go Ambrose! I swear if you don't let me go I'll..."

She was cut off when he forced a kiss on her again, then laughed at her.

"You'll what scream?"

Abigail somehow got one of her hands free and slapped Dean in the face again. At first Dean laughed, then things took a violent turn and he wrapped his hand around her neck, then he ripped her shirt off.

"So... You're a little feisty... I like that... I also like the screamers, it makes things more... Interesting. Once I had a kiss, I just knew that I had to have more. Actually... I wanted you the first moment I saw you."

Dean loosened his grip enough to let her breathe. She still managed to shout something at him.

"Dean... Please."

Dean had unzipped his pants and pressed his body against hers.

"Oh... Now you're begging... Now you've got me really excited."

Dean licked his lips, his breath going down her neck as his hands explored her body. She shouted again until his hand went around her neck again.

"Dean Stop!"

"Shut up!... I can't believe this... I think this is the first time I've ever met a woman who didn't want her brains fucked out by Dean Ambrose."

Abigail had started crying now. She didn't expect to make it out alive... The same thing was going to happen now that had happened in her past life.

"Stop crying... I say yes... You say no. You say stop, but I say go."

As usual, Luke Harper was the first one ready and had started walking the halls when he started hearing voices. The voices were coming from the women's locker room, but he was pretty sure that one of the voices wasn't coming from a woman. Luke knew better than to go into the women's locker room, but one of the voices sounded terrified, and as he listened more, he could hear a name. He could hear cries, and the name Dean, and the words stop. It was Abigail, Dean had made his way in the women's locker room once everyone else had left. Luke knew what he was feeling before. He felt hurt that Abigail had written him the note and kissed Dean Ambrose, but now he realized that Erick was right. Abigail never wrote that note, and she never kissed Dean Ambrose, it had been the other way around. This must have been what Dean wanted. Luke wasn't about to stand by and let the same thing happen. He lost her once, he wasn't about to lose her again. He rushed into the locker room, heard Abigail's screams, and Dean yelling at her and followed their voices until he found them. Dean never saw it coming, he was still wearing his shirt and Luke grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him away from Abigail. He had Dean by his shirt and had lifted him up off the ground as he shoved Dean into the wall. Luke's hand made contact with Dean's face repeatedly as he said something in between punches.


Abigail was still terrified and sat on the ground hugging her knees as she tried to cover herself as she cried. Dean had only managed to remove her shirt. As Luke was calming down and as his hand began to hurt, he looked towards Abigail. Dean still laughed and said something to Luke.

"I don't care about your feelings... I don't care how much you love her... I will have her."

Luke wasn't sure if Abigail heard Dean, but he shoved Dean against the wall, Dean's head bounced off the wall and Luke super kicked him, temporarily knocking him out. The rest of The Wyatt Family heard what was going on and rushed in. Erick and Braun were outraged as well and ran over to where Luke was. Bray being the more calm of the group actually noticed Abigail sitting on the ground, crying, and holding onto her knees. He had an extra shirt on, got down beside her, and handed it to her. Nothing needed to be said about what happened. Abigail already told him that Dean had forced a kiss on her, now he was coming back for more. As much as Bray wanted to punish Ambrose, he thought his brothers were doing a good enough job of that. Somebody needed to be the calm one in the group, someone had to help calm down Abigail. Luke and the others dragged Dean's motionless body out of the locker room and all the way out to ringside. Luke Harper was pretty much the second in command in The Wyatt Family, he shouted something for Erick and Braun to do.

"Grab a ladder!"

With Dean Ambrose being a crowd favorite, they booed The Wyatt Family. There was actually a match scheduled, but the camera man was told to just keep filming what was going on. Nobody knew what was really going on, but this still entertained the fans. Everyone wondered where Bray was, but mainly felt sorry for Dean seeing the beatdown he was getting at the hands of Luke Harper. Dean had started coming to his senses once he realized that he was being dragged out to the ring in front of thousands of people. He had started trying to fight back, he bounced off one of the ropes and flew at Luke, only for Luke to catch him, swing him around and slam him into the mat. Dean still got up and went to kick Luke. He caught Dean's foot and made Dean fall to the mat, hitting his head. Finally, Erick and Braun had a ladder set up, it was laying horizontally. The ladder was long enough to stretch from the ring to the barricade. Suddenly a bunch of referees came down telling Luke not to do it, beggin him to stop. Luke doesn't listen, he is filled with rage as he picks up Dean walked over towards the top rope, and power bombs Dean through a ladder. (Similar to how he did at Wrestlemania 31.) As Dean fell, he hit the back of his head. This was the last thing shown before Raw went off the air. Dean was holding the back of his head and he could feel blood. A thought went through his head.

"All of this... Just to fuck up his girl? It's not worth it... He can have her."

Dean was sent to the back to get stitches in his head and to stop the bleeding. He diagnosed with a concussion and would be out of action for a while. Meanwhile Bray had calmed down Abigail and walked over to Luke. She was watching the replay of everything that just happened in the ring. Luke took out his frustration on Dean, and now was more concerned for Abigail, now that he knew the truth, Dean had set up the whole thing. He still wondered if Abigail heard what Dean said. Bray came over to Luke and Luke quietly asked Bray how Abigail was doing.

"How is she?"

"She's still freaked out. She told me that Dean didn't get any farther than taking her shirt off, but she's still freaked out because of what happened in her past life. She's not talking much, she just has this blank look on her face. I already told Stephanie what happened and asked for the week off so that we can all cool down. She seemed very understanding, Dean will face severe consequences, hopefully they will fire him. We can all go home and calm down for the week."

Luke looked at Abigail as she finally noticed his presence. She was thankful that Luke showed up we he did. Luke was thankful for this time off because now maybe finally he could explain everything. Bray decided to drive, Luke sat in the back. Abigail was sitting in the back and had fallen asleep. At first her head was resting against the window, but at some point her head hit Luke's shoulder, getting his attention. He could tell that she had been crying. Without realizing it, she had snuggled up to Luke, wrapping her arms around him. Seeing the tears still rolling down her face hurt. He took his hand and gently wipes her tears away, being careful not to wake her. Then he wrapped his arms around her. Then finally he fell asleep with his head against the window and Abigail in his arms. Bray had something he was going to ask Luke. When he looked in his rear view mirror, he noticed Luke and Abigail snuggled up to each other and decided that he would ask him later. He didn't really know what to think about what he was seeing.

(To be continued. Thanks for reading. I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Review.)

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