Crazy for Love

By TaylorCole94

691 8 7


Crazy for Love
Jerk off
New Look
Hide and seek

New year

71 0 0
By TaylorCole94

   It’s new years eve and I’m sitting up in my room all dressed up and ready to go clubbing with kasha but she’s taking forever to come and get me. Grammy left a while ago with her new man to go celebrate with his family. I met him on Christmas he was real nice he even brought me a gift, he’s a good guy and he makes grammy happy. When she’s with him its like she’s a whole different person I’ve never seen her that happy. They invited me to go with them but I had already made plans with kasha. I should have gone with them. Finally I hear kasha’s car honking outside my window. Taking another look at my self in the mirror before I left, I looked nice. I had on a long sleeved black lace mini dress and my favorite pair of Christian Louboutins a gift from my mother the last time I saw her. She never really home right now she’s on a three month tour going  around Europe with her jazz band. I can’t really say I miss her cause I barely know her she’s never really been home long enough for me to really get to know her. What I know about her is what I read online, she got married two days ago, and I never even knew she was seeing anyone. Grammy told me the news she never even bothered to call me and tell me herself. Grabbing my jacket I rush out the house and into kasha’s car. “What’s up?” kasha could always tell when something’s bugging me. “Nothing” I hated talking or thinking about my mother, it makes me sad. “Are you mad cause I’m late?” shaking my head “no not really, I don’t want to talk about it lets go” “okay” When we finally get to the club there’s a long ass line outside but kasha acts as if she didn’t see it and grabs my hand and walks right in front of the line. The bouncer surprisingly lets us in no questions asked. I head straight to bar once I get in. Kasha follows behind me and orders our drinks when the bartender comes to us. “Cheers!” we laugh and start drinking I’m done with my drink in less then a second and already ordering my second then third. Kasha’s still sipping on her first. “Damn girl slow down we just got here.” I roll my eyes and ignore her and finish my third glass. “Talk to me Tiffany what’s wrong I hate seeing you like this.” “Nothing’s wrong I’m just tryna have fun and forget come on lets go dance” I grab both her hands and pull her to the middle of the dance floor. We start dancing them some guys walk up and start to dance with us. We spend most of the night dancing with those guys. Drinking and Dancing, that’s how I forget all my problems for the night. After a while we’re all tired and go sit and chill. Kasha starts giggling, I turn and see her and Drakes look alike snuggled up together whispering and laughing. They look good together. I got a nickname for each of them since I don’t know any of there name’s. Hershey boy is getting on my last nerves tryna touch my ass. So I get up and walk to the bar and get another drink and of course he follows me. “Look Hershey boy I’m not into you like that leave me alone.” I cross my arms and wait for him to walk off “Hershey boy? My names Dave.” He smiles at me and touches the back of his head. “I don’t care I never asked what your name was Dave.” Sifting from one foot to the other, still waiting for him to walk off, he still stands there looking at me with that stupid grin on his face. “What’s your name?” “None of your business” He laughs and I find myself laughing along with him. “That’s some interesting name.” “Mhmm...What do you want?” I was getting impatience he’s cute and all but I’m not interested. “You even though you do have some odd name.” he smiles and I smile back at him as much as I tired not to. “I’m taken.” Lair I hope he can’t tell that I’m lying. “I don’t care,” shrugging and placing his hands in his pockets. Looking at him I could tell he was serious. “Look I’m not taken okay I’m just not interested in you leave me alone.” I storm off grab my drink and walk back to where Kasha is with the drake look alike. Fuck what is he doing here? I stop once I see Brian sitting there and chatting with the drake look alike. Kasha looks uncomfortable. I walk in and sit ignoring Brian in the process and drinking my drink. Finally Drake look a like stops talk with Brian and puts, his focus back on Kasha. She looks at me before turning and putting her focus on the Drake look a like I shrug letting her know I’m alright. I don’t even think he noticed that it was me cause he keep talking to the guys and some of the girls we where chilling with. I’m guessing they all know each other. Fuck this would happen to me. Its whatever though I’m not gonna let this ruin my night. Hershey boy walks back in with two full bottles of vodka in his hand. I pretend to be busy texting on my phone ignoring him. Please don’t sit next to me please don’t. He walks up to Brian daps him up and they start chatting. Thank god. I’m still sitting there playing around with my phone when I feel like someone’s watching me. Looking up both Brian and Hershey boy are looking my way. Dave’s got this big grin on his face. Brian looks confused; I’m guessing he still doesn’t recognize it’s me. Wtf! I still look the same the only difference is my new hair do. They both walk up to me. “Hey man I’d like you to meet my new girl.” What the hell is wrong with this boy? He just doesn’t know when to stop. “Who are you talking about? I ain’t your girl. You don’t even know my name.” everyone starts laugh even Dave, except for Brian who just stands there looking at me. “Tiffany?” aww he remembers me. “Aww Brian you remember my name.” placing my hand on my heart then laughing. “Ya’ll know each other” Dave asked while taking a sit next to me and placing his arm around my shoulder. I answer before Brian does. “No not really” I really don’t what these people in my business considering we just met them tonight. Brian just stands there looking at me and Hershey boy. I don’t know why but I move closer to Dave and let him wrap his arms around me. “See I told ya’ll she was my girl.” Dave’s got this stupid Grin on his face oh man. I can’t but help look at Brian who has this weird look on his face. Some bodies jealous I wanna stick out my tongue at him but that would be childish. Dave passed me one of the bottles of vodka he brought in I poured some in my cup. After that my whole night got a lot better. 10 mins before 12 the bartenders started passing out free glasses of champagne. Then it was time for the count down “5….4….3…2…1 HAPPY NEWYEAR!!!” someone grabs me and kissed me so I kissed them back. Hey don’t judge me its new years everyone’s having fun why can’t I? Honestly I didn’t care at the moment who it was. We finally moved apart from each other. Dave had that stupid grin on his face again Damn it now he’s gonna get the wrong idea. He moved closer to me and whispered in my ear “see I told you you’re my girl.” “I am not your girl Dave.” That smile never came off his face. “Girl stop playing, you no damn well you with some of this chocolate.” I bust out laughing as soon as those words left his mouth. “Whoa Pause! Don’t ever say that again, and like I said before I’m not interested, that kiss was just a kiss I didn’t even realize I was kissing…” before I could finish what I was saying his lips where on my. I’m not gonna lie I liked it plus he was a really good kisser. “Stop playing hard to get.” Smiling “shut up and kiss me Hershey boy.” We spent the rest of the night like this. A few times when we pulled apart I would catch Brian looking at us. Honestly who gives a fuck about him anyways I’m having fun right now fuck him, fuck what happened  between us, I’m finally moving on. Talk that talk start playing "I love this song." I grabbed Dave and pulled him on the dance floor and started dancing with him and singing along to it. Our bodies where so close I could literally feel him breathing. I regret nothing that happened between me and Dave that night. 2012’s starting off just right for me.  

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