Enigmatic: Sapphire City Supe...

By onepieceofrainbow

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**A Wattpad Featured Story** Kenna Jones isn't a Superhero, and she wants to keep it that way. Though her bro... More

From the Pen of Kennedy Jacobs: A Prologue of Sorts
Chapter 1: Maybe I Should Start with a Bang
Chapter 2: Here's to you, Mrs Jones
Chapter 3: In Which the Damsel is Not in Distress
Chapter 4: Life Amongst the Four Stooges
Chapter 5: Folding Space
Chapter 6: A Little Unpleasantness
Chapter 7: Night at the Museum Take One
Chapter 8: Night at the Museum Take Two
Chapter 9: Night at the Museum Take Three
Chapter 10: Night at the Museum: the Escape
Chapter 11: Night at the Museum, Villains Edition
Chapter 12: The Next Phase
Chapter 13: I Knew You Were Trouble
Chapter 14: There's Always a Lair
Chapter 16: A Case of the Feels, and Other Surprises
Chapter 17: Not Another Night at the Museum
Chapter 18: Never Trust the Zipper
Chapter 19: The Calm Before the Something
Chapter 20: The Something
Chapter 21: Please Don't Let it be Grant
Chapter 22: The Rage Train
Chapter 23: Unwelcome Invitations
Chapter 24: Kenna the Wrecking Ball
Chapter 25: The Literal Nightmare
Chapter 26: All the Feels
Chapter 27: Let's Talk About It
Chapter 28: The (Un)subtle Art of Deception
Chapter 29: Training Day
Chapter 30: Vanity Fair
Chapter 31: Panic! At the Fashion Show
Chapter 32: A Dream is a Wish Your Villain Makes
Chapter 33: All Aboard for Revelation Station
Chapter 34: In Which the Curtain Falls for Now
Sequel Teaser!

Chapter 15: An Exceptionally Annoying Thing is Explained

3.5K 196 26
By onepieceofrainbow

The next day, I did another thing I thought I'd never do; I opened the door to find Gareth standing there, and didn't tell him to get lost.

"Kenna," he said, striding in looking as crisp as ever, "to what do I owe this pleasure?" I'd explained it to Seb the night before but he'd left it up to me to tell Gareth.

"Are you aware that there's a picture perfect clone of you running around town, calling himself Morgan?" I cut right to it to see how he'd react.

The normally smooth and polished Gareth froze, then gave me a peculiar look. "He approached you, did he?"

I scoffed. "That's one way to put it. Please sit," I said almost politely.

He obeyed, sinking down into the couch and rubbing his temples in a gesture of frustration and weakness that I'd have hardly believed him capable of.

"Who is he?" I asked. "He's obviously up to no good, in case you didn't know."

"What he is is a pain in my ass," Gareth said harshly. "I've tried for years to forget it, to hide it, to pretend as though he didn't exist, but clearly that's caught up with me now. Morgan is my twin brother."

"You have an evil twin?" I summarised incredulously. "Are you serious? What book are we in right now?"

He shot me a quelling look. "In many ways we're very alike, and he has the same abilities of persuasion and influence as I do, which, as you've mentioned several times before, you seem largely immune to. We chose different paths for our lives though. He's obviously been watching me and planning this for some time."

I couldn't resist getting a shot in."He had a file on me which looked awfully like the things you've collected over the years,. By the way, I was never happy with you keeping that, and this is a good example of why, Gareth." 

Gareth sighed, rubbing his temples again. "That is quite concerning, but I can't say I'm surprised. He is extremely good at getting what he wants. He's probably been going through my files and looking for someone like you."

"It seems as though he thinks I'd be particularly useful to him. I'm telling you this because, while I still have no interest in joining you, I have considerably less in helping him in any way. Even if I did, I don't take kindly to people kidnapping me and trying to force me to listen to their ridiculous schemes." Anger bubbled up again as I thought of Morgan's presumption. I was most definitely not a Villain.

"This particular 'scheme,' as you say, is a dangerous one. I'm very sorry that he kidnapped you, and I hope he didn't hurt you at all?" He looked genuinely concerned, and I softened a little.

"No, I'm fine. He was creepily polite, actually, though I may have threatened him just a little. And held him against a wall until he agreed to let me go..."

Amusement flashed across his face briefly, but his voice was stern. "Don't underestimate him, Kenna. As I said, he is very good at getting what he wants. I'm concerned to hear that it seems to be you at the moment. I think you and your brother probably need to know now what it is he's after."

"We already know it's the amulet," I offered, as Seb nodded.

"Yes, but why? And the amulet is only part of it; he also wants the tablet."

I thought back to what Ewan had told us at the opening of the exhibit. "They were found together; they think they're Mycenaean and much older than what they were found with," I repeated.

"Yes. These were important, even sacred objects that may have some information about the origins of Supers. But most importantly, they have a deep power that we don't understand, and that could be devastating in the wrong hands. The tablet is carved in Linear B, the Mycenaean Greek writing. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, that script has been decoded for half a century. The tablet says 'I hold the Gods' and a string of seeming gibberish sounds. When these sounds are decoded and read, and the amulet placed into a small, carved groove on the tablet, it has the power to amplify Super abilities and trigger latent ones in those with a seed of Super in them. Do you realise now why Morgan must be kept from obtaining these?" Gareth stared hard at both Seb and me.

"It could amplify his manipulation and persuasion abilities," I mused.

"And he could create a legion of new Villains," Seb finished.

"Precisely." Gareth nodded.

"Then why display the amulet at all?" I asked. "Why not just keep it hidden like the tablet? I assume that's what you're doing, since it's not being displayed."

Gareth's sharp blue eyes fell on me. "They are most dangerous when they're together. Splitting them up made sense, but so did keeping one out in the open where it can be watched over by many at once, and in the public sphere. People will notice if it disappears. We've been working with the museum directors on keeping it safe, though as you saw we have room for improvement."

"Well, you can rest assured that I will not be helping that creep in any way." I said firmly.

He gave me a small smile. "That is not what concerns me. As much as you'd hate to admit it, Kenna, I do know you pretty well. What concerns me is that he might come after you again. I think you could use a little backup. And yes, I know you can take care of yourself," he headed my protest off before it was even out of my mouth. "I also know that you don't want any Supers around. At least let your brother look out for you, and maybe a small team who could rotate and be around discreetly, just in case he comes for you again."

I considered it. Morgan had managed to take me by surprise, although I would be wise to Poison's tricks from now on. Maybe it didn't hurt to have someone at least know if I was kidnapped again. 

Reluctantly, I had to admit that Gareth probably had a point. Probably. At least this time he seemed to care what happened to me.

"Fiiiine," I exhaled. "But I get to choose which of your goons I get. None of your egomaniac showoffs. Seb, obviously. And Enigma, please."

Seb shot me a curious and slightly amused look. I glared at him, daring him to comment.

"Enigma?" Gareth looked mildly surprised.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "We're friends." I hoped he wouldn't ask more questions than that.

Thankfully, he didn't. "I think you still need a little more support," he prompted.

I tried to think of who else I liked at all. "Gaia."


I shook my head. "Nope, that's it."

Gareth looked thoughtful for a moment. "One more would be best. Shadow, I think."

"What? No!" I protested. "No way do I want her around!"

"Yes, I'm aware you two have had your difficulties," he said diplomatically. Of course he was; not much escaped his attention on the team. "However, her invisibility is particularly useful in this situation."

"So it'll be harder to tell when she's lurking around," I muttered.

"Kenna, please be reasonable here. I'll only send her when necessary."

"Fine," I growled, "but we will not be speaking unless also necessary."

"Whatever you like."

"She's going to hate it, you know." The thought cheered me up just a little bit.

"Well then you'll finally agree on something," he said in an annoyed tone.

"As a reminder, I didn't want any of this," I retorted snarkily. "I'm not the one with a psycho twin out to bring Evil to the masses." At the look on his face, I felt just a tad guilty. "Sorry, I know that's not your fault either. Look, can you just do me a favour and not tell anyone why Morgan's after me? I want to do that myself if I have to." Everyone else assigned to me would figure out why, but I wasn't sure what I was going to tell Enigma. It was my own fault for saying anything, but if I had to have Supers following me around, it might as well be him.

"Fair enough," Gareth answered.

"Oh, and, now that I think about it, you might want to check if any other files are missing. Who knows who else's privacy has been compromised to Morgan. Maybe you should rethink your security system on that one too," I suggested sarcastically.

"I am very sorry about that, Kenna. I wish as much as you do that he didn't know who you are. But you're right, I hope it doesn't extend too far. I'll look into it." He stood and brushed himself off, presumably to shake out any imaginary wrinkles in his suit. "Thank you for inviting me, and for telling me all of this. I don't suppose you'll reconsider, yet again?"

"Goodbye, Gareth," I said firmly, opening the door and motioning to it.

"Goodbye to you both. I'll organise your security team as soon as possible, Kenna."

I rolled my eyes hearing him call it that. "Can't wait," I muttered, and closed the door behind him.

"Ugggh," I groaned, sinking into the couch. "This is an exceptionally annoying thing."

"You won't even notice the others are around unless you want to," Seb reassured. "I'm glad that Gareth is doing that. Morgan sounds pretty bad, Kenna, and I hate to think that he might come after you again."

"I know. I'll be careful Seb, I promise. The ridiculous thing is, I just wanted to be left alone out of the Super world, and now I'm getting dragged in by Villains and I don't even get a mask! They know exactly who I am. At least you get to choose how much privacy you get on the Super team."

"Are you going to tell Enigma?" he asked, giving me that funny look again.

"I don't know," I frowned thoughtfully. "I guess I probably should. Otherwise, he'll be the only one who doesn't know. Maybe I can have some fun with it, at least," I grinned suddenly.

"Weirdo," Seb laughed.

"I don't want to think about this anymore," I decided suddenly. "I'm going to call Lexa and Grace and see if they want to go to a movie. There's got to be something funny and mindless out where I can pretend like I didn't just get dragged off to a Supervillain's lair. Do I have your permission, Head of Security?"

He held his hands up. "I wouldn't dare say no. Just text me occasionally and let me know you're not in a lair at that moment."



"You're keeping it low key," I grinned at Gaia, a few days later, as I wandered through the midweek open air market. Grace was several stalls away so I took the opportunity to talk to my shadow.

She was wearing normal clothes, but had huge sunglasses and a baseball cap on, which did a reasonable job of hiding her identity at first glance.

"I've got my kit in my backpack," she smiled back. "Plus, you know who I am already, so it's not like I'm revealing anything to you." It was true. I knew her name was Preeti, and she was an environmental scientist, which didn't surprise me given her earth-oriented abilities. She'd always seemed like one of the few who genuinely cared about the world outside of herself.

"Your secret's safe with me," I said conspiratorially. I was still getting used to having a Super tail. Seb had been around the first couple of days but he was busy getting ready for an upcoming swim meet, and Enigma was busy today as well so it'd fallen to Gaia to play babysitter when I wanted to check out the market with Grace.

At that moment, Grace appeared back at my side and Gaia melted into the background, intently peering at a different stall.

"Hey! Check out what I found," Grace said excitedly. She held up a worn, ancient looking leather-bound book with gilt edged pages and flowers decorating its borders. "1880s print of Pride and Prejudice from that guy with the antique and secondhand books stall!"

"Oh my goodness," I gushed, taking it from her when she offered it and running my hand over its grooved surface. "It's gorgeous! It just begs you to jump in and not emerge until it's all finished."

"Doesn't it?" She patted it fondly, like an indulgent parent. "He only wanted twenty bucks for it too."

I made a noise of satisfaction, hugging the book to me before releasing it back to Grace. "Fortune smiles upon you, my friend."

"You can come visit it anytime you like," she winked at me. Long ago, in our early friendship, we'd bonded over our mutual love of Jane Austen and our agreement that we were both Lizzie Bennets, which still held true today.

"You are both wise and generous," I said reverently, and we started to giggle.

"Kenna! Grace!" I looked over to see Ewan and Tristan picking their way through the crowd to us.

"Hey guys! What are you up to?" I asked when they got closer.

"We both got off of work early and thought we'd come check out the market," Tristan answered for them.

"Cool! You guys want to grab some food?" I asked.

As we headed for the food stalls, if felt nice to just enjoying some normal time with friends, even if I was conscious of the Super trailing somewhere behind me.

"So how's the exhibit coming along?" I prompted Ewan while we ate. I guess I couldn't forget about things altogether.

"Pretty good," he nodded. "We're basically ready to open again. Evidently there's been a few more 'anti-Villain' features added in," he smiled ruefully.

"Hopefully it's effective," I half-joked.

"Agreed." He said. "Bloody Villains."

I laughed and turned to Tristan. "And how's that big advertising project going? They work you on the weekend but let you go early on a Wednesday?"

He shrugged with a grin. "The work comes in waves, that's the nature of it. It's going well, though. Wrapping up the final details this week."

"How's your book, Kenna?" Ewan asked.

I thought of my frustration with Enigma's eyes appearing on Jonas's face, and how I'd been too distracted the last few days by those bloody Villains to write. "It's fine," I answered evasively. "I have the best of the best keeping on top of me."

"You know it," Grace said with an enthusiastic bite of her sandwich.

As I said, the normalcy felt good.  I hoped it lasted.

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