Call Me Casanova (M/F Romance)

Por AMS1971

255K 8.2K 495

*Originally written on commission. I have considered adapting this into a M/M romance* Gregory Stanton - Bill... Más

CH 1: "Lady of the Evening"
CH 2: "Cold Light Of Day"
CH 3: "Likable Fellow"
CH 4: "Unexpected Turn of Events"
CH 5: "Vote of Confidence"
CH 6: "Look But don't Touch"
CH 7: "One More Last Time"
CH 8: "Straight From The Heart"
Ch 9: "Parting of Ways"
CH 10: "In The Crosshairs"
CH 11: "Words of Regret"
CH 12: "Unpleasant Outlook"
CH 13: "Shadows of the Truth"
CH 15: "Diamonds & Pearls"

CH 14: "Unwelcome Bedfellow"

12.7K 486 36
Por AMS1971

When Preston failed to show within a reasonable amount of time, Cassandra had begun to hope that he had changed his mind. She didn't want this tonight. Not with Preston. She laid on her side and hugged her pillow, staring at the digital clock glowing in the dark of the bedroom. Her body was tense, listening for footsteps – both Preston's and Gregory's. Gregory had yet to return to his room.

Her eyes grew heavy and she began to fade in and out of sleep. When the bed moved, depressed as someone knelt on the edge, she shifted in her shallow sleep. Lips touched her face and she moaned softly, "Casanova..."

When the lips withdrew, almost dejectedly, her eyes opened as her pulse quickened. Preston. She turned over slowly. Enough moonlight permeated the darkness for her to determine the hardness in his face.

"Casanova?" he asked low.

"I was..." she faltered. "...just dreaming." She realized he was under the sheets, his body touching hers – he was naked. His arousal was fierce and she knew there would be no denying him.

Without a word, his hands began peeling away her sparse garment. There was no sensuality to his touch, but rather a rigidness that let her know he wanted just one thing and it was his right to take it – without formality.

Once stripped, his mouth found her breast, his teeth biting her nipple. She gasped, but not with the enjoyment Gregory had incited, but rather actual pain. There was no gentleness as there had been with Gregory. Tears burned and she squeezed her eyes shut, willing him to just get it over with.

The weight of his body was suddenly on top of her, his hips pushing almost aggressively between her thighs. Hot breath puffed against her lips as his mouth grabbed hers in a dominant kiss that demanded her to kiss him back. A faint nausea welled up in her, but she gave him what he wanted. A sharp breath suddenly caught in her throat when his cock shoved inside her. A grunt escaped him then he was moving against her, his thrusts hard, and demanding as his kiss.

Cassandra gripped his body and forced down the sob crawling up her throat as she tried to fall into rhythm with him, but they seemed out of sync, his movements quick, erratic, no fluidity to them, no smoothness as it was with Gregory. With was like an erotic dance.

He grunted and panted, sweat dripping from his face onto Cassandra's skin, his body growing slick beneath her hands. His pace quickened, his cock slamming into her pussy, stealing her breath.

"Cum." he groaned, his mouth on hers again. "I want you to cum, Eleonore."

Was he serious? Just because he said so? "I can't just...cum on demand." she breathed unsteadily.

Her response seemed to annoy him and he fucked her harder, his pelvis crushing hers. She bit her lip as she began to feel bruised. She tried to focus, to draw the orgasm up, but she wasn't feeling it. Fake it. He won't know the difference. Cassandra sank her nails into his back, arched her body, and let the sharp cries fall from her lips.


His hand raked through his hair, eyes heavy with the need for sleep, as Gregory climbed the staircase slowly, his body feeling weighted. He willed morning to hurry and arrive. He needed to get away from here, should have just left as soon as Preston and his father arrived. Why had he stayed?

You know why. No point in denying it.

A hard sighed pushed out. He felt like a prick for the way he had ruined his and Cassandra's conversation. What if there was something there? Did he really want to spend the rest of his life circulating one woman after another through his bed, never allowing himself to feel anything of substance? Cassandra had forced him to feel it, whether he had wanted to or not. And it was becoming more and more difficult to deny that he was losing himself in her.

Just talk to her. At least apologize for being a jerk.

When he approached her room, he stepped over to the door, raised his hand to knock lightly – then froze. His jaw tightened and a hard frown clenched his brow as he was suddenly assaulted by the sounds of Cassandra's cries of ecstasy – and Preston's loud grunts and groans as he fucked her to orgasm.

Gregory backed away, shaking, his legs feeling as if they would give out. His eyes burned hot and he wiped at them with an unsteady hand, smearing tears across his cheek. Jealousy and rage exploded through him and he had to fight to keep himself from kicking down the fucking door and ripping Preston off her. But she wasn't fucking him against her will. And clearly was getting as much out of it as Preston was.

Apparently it didn't matter who was giving her cock – as long as she was getting some.

He knew his anger was unjustified. They were to be married – she had every right to be with the man. It was Gregory she'd had no right to be with.

Does this work for you, moron? Can you forget about her now and be done with all this bullshit?

His throat knotted closed and he moved on to his room, slamming his door hard enough to rattle the windows and send fissures webbing through his heart.


Preston's orgasm was fierce, and seemingly endless. Cassandra resisted the urge to shove him off her and run to the shower, flush his seed from her body, terrified it might take root. Though she was on the verge of marrying the man, the thought of being forever linked to him through a child hollowed out her heart – not only for herself, but the child as well. She could only imagine what kind of life a child would have with Preston as its father.

Gregory would make a better father than Preston. The sudden thought rattled her as Preston released a static breath and lifted off her, dropping onto his back on the bed. She heard the smugness in his voice when he murmured breathlessly, "Guess Gregory wasn't none too happy about this."

A deeper nausea wound up her insides; she had heard Gregory's bedroom door slam – hard. How could he have not heard her and Preston?

She rolled onto her side, turning her back to Preston. Her body throbbed, feeling as if she'd just been mildly assaulted. Go away. You got what you came for. Get out of my bed. He felt like a stranger who didn't belong there...who she didn't want there.

How am I going to live my life with this man? Gregory had been right, about all of it. He knew exactly how her marriage with Preston would be. She had insisted that marriage wasn't just about romance and sex, but without the passion...where was the relationship?

"We will have the wedding of the century." Preston spoke up, his breath still quick, uneven. "Even the royals will be envious."

Cassandra closed her eyes but the tears pushed out beneath her lashes, trickling down the bridge of her nose. She realized painfully too late that she would rather have a small, country church wedding with Gregory as her groom – than the extravaganza Preston would surely create.

I'm sorry, Gregory. She didn't know why she was apologizing to the man, but on some level it felt as if she'd done him wrong, pulled open a part of his heart he hadn't wanted exposed...and then just left him to bleed out.

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