CH 15: "Diamonds & Pearls"

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Exhaustion had set in, cutting short talk of the marriage and the wedding, and soon after, Preston had left her bed and returned to his room. Though relieved for him to be gone, Cassandra had then been left alone with her thoughts – which was almost as bad as having Preston there. Almost.

She fell in and out of sleep, longing to go to Gregory, let the warmth of his body vanquish the chill left behind by Preston. But she refused herself her one desire. She had to get used to refusing it.

Her first time with Gregory, she had wondered if there were a living, breathing human being under the layer of arrogance. Well, she had finally gotten her answer. Despite all her preconceived ideas of what the man was – or wasn't – she had discovered a diamond in the rough.

When the light of dawn began to press through, Cassandra left her bed and went to the shower. Her body ached from her session with Preston. What he had done to her couldn't be described as love making. There had been no love in it, as there should have been with the man she intended to marry. Yet it was the one who was supposed to have been the one-night stand, strictly sex and nothing more...that filled her with warmth and belonging when she was in his arms.

Stop thinking about him. He will be gone soon. Let him take his memory with him when he goes.

She dressed numbly and simply finger combed her wet hair before leaving the bathroom. Gregory's door was slightly ajar and she hesitated outside, listening for movement, sounds. But all was silent. Tentatively, she pressed her hand to the door and opened it a few inches. "Gregory? Are you awake?"

The heavy drapes were pulled across the window and a heavy gloom hung over the room. She stood for a moment, allowing her eyes to adjust, then realized his bed was empty, and made up.

A quiet fear pierced her heart; had he already gone? After overhearing her and Preston last night...would he have just left as soon as possible this morning? Surely he would have at least stopped by her father's room and told him goodbye.

Cassandra backed out of the room and walked down to her father's door, knocking softly. "Daddy?" she opened the door quietly. "Daddy, are you awake?"

"Come in, darling."

Cassandra slipped inside and closed the door behind her. Her father was sitting up on the edge of the bed. He shook a couple pills from a prescription bottle then swallowed them with a small glass of water. Fatigue strained his eyes as he looked at her.

"Do you...feel okay, Daddy?" Anxiety tightened her voice.

He sighed and nodded. "Don't worry, sweetheart." he smiled. "Your old man isn't checking out just yet."

"Not for a long, long time." Cassandra insisted, smiling softly. "Promise me?"

Abbott chuckled. "Well, I will certainly stick around for as long as possible, darling."

She walked to the window. His bedroom was on the same side of the house as hers and looked down on the pool. Images from two nights ago played through her mind. And yesterday, in the pool with Gregory...his touch, and kiss...even now it still burned her skin, her lips.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Abbott asked softly.

Cassandra rubbed her eyes quick when she felt wetness. "Yes, daddy." But her voice was thick, strained. She closed her eyes tight and sucked her lips between her teeth, forcing back the sobs fighting to get free. She felt like a little girl again, wanting to crawl into her father's lap and have him make everything okay.

He stood slowly and came to her side. "Don't try to kid a kidder, Cassandra." he said gently, resting his hand on her back.

Her eyes opened, releasing the tears, and looked at him in mild shock. He had called her Cassandra.

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