Sunset Shimmer The Journey of...

By Grantell

3.9K 101 62

After the events in the human world. Sunset has now returned to Equestria. Now she is trying to find her plac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

256 12 1
By Grantell

Silver Streak arrived at the forge to see Iron Sight, a pony with a prosthetic right leg, and a mechanical right wing, hard at work on some new armor for the Royal Guards. To his side was his loyal Phoenix, Blaze watching over him like always. Of course this was nothing new as he was the leading blacksmith around. He was tasked with not just maintaining the Royal armor but also to create new armor for new members.

"Hard at work like always I see, Iron." Silver said as he walked into the forge.
It took Iron a minute to take of the shield mask he had on, but he knew who it was just from the voice. "I thought I heard a the sound of trouble coming in. How ya been Silver?"
"I've been good, and you."
"Working like a dog. What else is new?"
The two had a good laugh at this. "So what brings you down here?" Iron asked of Silver.
"Oh can't I just come down and say hi to the best blacksmith in all of Equestria?" He responded quickly.
"What did you do?" Iron knew all too well that Silver wanted something.
"Well would you mind looking at my wing? Hehe" He laughed nervously as he took off his wing and passed it to him.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CREATION?" Iron was in shock at the wear on it. The bolts were coming lose, the fan in taters and some stiffness in the joints.
"Well I do fly at high speeds, and you know I am always trying to help ponies. Oh and than there was the run in with a Manticore." Silver tried to explain everything but this did not help.
"I made this with YOU in mind. Come on? You should not have been able to do all this."
"Hehehehe" Silver was at a loss for words. "Sorry."

"Ahhh.  I will fix it for you. Looks like I may have to redesign it from the ground up. It will take about three days to finish." Iron knew he had to fix it, even if he wanted to hit Silver over the head with it instead.
"Yay. You rock." Silver told him. "I have things to do while I'm here anyway. Oh and here. A little gift from a little town I came across." Silver tossed him a peace of ore. It was something even Iron had never seen. The it was a strong metal, that even if he hit it as hard as he could, even he could not make it bend.
"From what I was told. It becomes stronger the more pressure and heat you add to it. Only Dragon and Phoenix Flames can be used to forge it, and it has to be worked with quickly or it will become so hard even that won't work. A master blacksmith like you should be able to use it well." Silver said as he left the forge.

"That pony drives me crazy. How many wings has it been now?" Iron said to himself as he looked up at the wall to the three wings he had given Silver before. "Well I guess I can't say I'm shocked. He was the fastest pony around before he lost his wing, and it is in him to jump in without thinking if it means helping somepony in need. Oh well guess I should get to work."
As he started to pound out the bent parts of the wing, the metal that Silver gave him kept catching his eye. "Not enough to make a suit of armor, but I wonder?" A thought jumped in to his head as he looked at Silver's old wing and the metal. "Phoenix Flames huh?" A new idea popped in his head and off he went to work on it.

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