Waking up Hitched in Vegas |...

By PaintedWings77

148K 2.6K 1.1K

Anastasia is a good, sweet girl. Her idea of excitement is Tuesday night book club meeting. She was engaged... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Hangover
Chapter 2 - The runaway Wife
Chapter 3 - Goodbye Vegas
Chapter 4 - Wedding Reunion
Chapter 5 - A dinner date
Chapter 6 - A dinner to remember
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Secrets
Chapter 15 - Lockdown
Chapter 16 - Heartbreaking Dance
Chapter 17 - Book of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Anastasia Sorrow
Chapter 19 - Masquerade
Chapter 20 - The Past becomes the Future
Chapter 21 - True Lies
Chapter 22 - The Turning Point
Chapter 23 - Drowning
Private Instructions
Chapter 25 - Love and Monsters
Chapter 26 - The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 27 - Day of Reckoning
Chapter 28 - A New Beginning
Chapter 29 - Anastasia's Choice
Chapter 30 - The warrior's secret
Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secrets
Chapter 32 - Love in the time of dragons
Acknowledgement and Thanks

Chapter 24 - She comes Undone

3K 51 38
By PaintedWings77

She Comes Undone

Zak was pissed off. No not pissed off, he was livid! He was ready to kill something, anything, or anyone who dared cross his path. He was marching up to Ana's room. His boots stomped with unnecessary loudness against each step.

He had been getting ready for a day of filming and research when Aaron had come to his door to ask if he had heard anything from Ana since last night. Zak of course had told him no, that he had been busy with research all day and had not seen or heard from her. This was just a nice way of saying that he was ignoring her.

Aaron then proceeded to tell him about how Ana had fallen in the lake last night when she was out with Keane. She had come back with borderline hypothermia, and no one had bothered to call him or let him know any of this. So after he threw Aaron out of his room, he made his way up to Ana's room.

Although it would seem that he was not going to make it that far because when he got to the top of the stairs, Nick was there waiting for him.

-"Move." Zak growled.

-"And where are you going sunshine?" Nick said. Although his words were light and humorous his tone was not.

-"I am going to see Ana and once I am sure she is alright, I am going to kill Keane for letting her fall in that fucking lake!"

Zak was quite upset at his friends as well, no one had bothered to tell him anything.

-"I think you just need to calm down before you do anything. How about we go to my room first." Nick crossed his arms over his chest; this was obviously not a suggestion but an order.

Zak glared at Nick and thought about just shoving him out of the way, but both men were pretty well matched and pushing Nick would probably just make things worse. He grudgingly nodded and headed in the direction of Nick's room, which was on the opposite side of Ana's.

Once in Nick's room and the door shut, his friend wasted no time on pleasantries.

-"What the fuck is your problem now, Zak?"

-"What do you think? Everyone knows that Ana almost drowned and none of you bothered to even tell me?" Zak stood by the door.

-"We didn't tell you because we don't know what we can and can't tell you anymore. You been a real ass the last three days, you been ignoring Ana, and the rest of us as well, and when we do talk to you, you practically bite our fucking heads off! So yeah we didn't tell you. Ana is fine. I stayed with her most of the night, made sure she was good. I was about to and check on her now, but I got a text from Aaron saying you were on the war path again."

Zak tried to calm down. His friend was right. He had been an ass to not only Ana, but to everyone in general. Nick sighed at Zak.

-"Look dude, you can't keep this shit up. Either you two make up or send her home man; I can't deal with this shit anymore. I love you like a brother, but I've had it. Keane saved her life last night. You should have seen him with her ... if you don't get your shit together you will lose her to him, and right now I wouldn't blame her for choosing him."

Nick had said what he needed to say, he walked past Zak and opened the door to his room, telling Zak very clearly to get out.

Zak did not make another attempt to go to Ana's room. He had some serious thinking to do.


I dozed in the warm bed, covered with the fluffy down comforter. The curtains were closed but from the little light that did come through I could tell that it was a dreary, dark day. A small fire crackled in the fireplace and for a few moments this truly felt like bliss. Nick had spent the night on the tiny love seat. I told him it really wasn't necessary, I felt fine. Once I got out of the tub, the chill was out of my bones and all I felt was exhausted. But Nick insistent on staying, and the poor guy had paid for it. I had heard him mumble and grumble all night. He was simply too big for the loveseat.

Around six in the morning he had left to go use the fitness room. I had fallen back asleep until Aaron had woke me with breakfast which I hungrily ate and had dozed in bed since. But I should get up, today was going to be a long day of interviews and tonight was the lockdown at the castle.

I got up and got dressed. I tied my hair in a ponytail and frowned at my reflection in the mirror. My complexion was still ghostly white but then again I was always pale. No amount of sun helped with my tan, no one would ever suspect I lived in Florida. My thoughts drifted to last night's events. I couldn't believe I fell in the lake and almost drowned ... If Keane had not shown up ... I shivered not willing to think of the consequences of my actions.

I had almost died twice now. But the airplane had felt different. I am not sure why. Maybe because even though I had almost died in the plane, I had not actually been in pain or had much time to think about what would have happened ... Falling in the lake had felt different, I couldn't breathe, I had been seconds away from inhaling the water that would have ended me. But like my guardian angel, Keane had pulled me from the water. He had been upset by my actions but that only said how much he did care about me.

And that left me feeling very confused ... because Zak had not even made an attempt to come and see me.

I sighed and put on my earrings and gave myself a last glance. I hurried to leave the room before everyone left without me, but that is when I realize I had no jacket or boots ... they were ruined. I didn't even know where they were; I think Nick had disposed of them. Frowning I sagged onto the bed. Great. Now where am I supposed to get a jacket?

I didn't want to admit it to anyone but this trip really had depleted my bank account. Thanks to the plane almost crashing the airline was going to refund me my ticket price plus my plane trip home, which was the only good thing that had come out of that incident. But I still had to eat and pay for this room, and with being here for a month, my budget was very limited. It certainly didn't include buying a new jacket when I had just bought one.

A knock at the door brought me back from my pity party. It was probably Nick coming to get me but when I answered it was a young man. He smiled and spoke to me in Romanian, he held a two large boxes. I gave him an awkward smile.

-"Sorry, I have no idea what you are saying."

-"I have ... things for you." His broken English was awful but he gave me a brilliant smile and thrust the boxes in my arms.

-"I don't think these are mine ..." I took the boxes but tried to give them back to him.

-"You, Anastasia Campbell?"

-"Yes that's me."

-"Then those for you!" He smiled and left quickly.

I frowned but shut the door with my foot and set the boxes down on the bed. They were just plain regular boxes with nothing on them. Curiosity got the best of me so I opened the biggest first. Inside, on the top was a small white card. I grabbed and opened it.

My Dearest Anastasia,

I hope you are well after your incident yesterday. I would have come in person but you seemed in good hands and I got the impression that your friends do not appreciate my presence. I shall see you soon, but until then, I realize your jumper and boots were ruined from falling in the lake. An incident that would not have happened if I would not have been late. Please accept these replacements as my apology.

Yours always,


I gaped at the note and then glanced down at the boxes. He didn't ... I removed the tissue paper that covered the mystery item and sure enough there was a neatly folded jacket. I quickly pulled it out and the long parka unfolded. The jacket was surprisingly lightweight, unlike my old wool jacket. But I knew what this was, it was an arctic jacket, specially made for very cold temperature, yet remained light weight and easy to move in. The inside of the jacket was as soft as fleece.

This was also an outrageously priced jacket ... I had seen some at the store but after seeing a price of over three hundred dollars I had walked away. There was no way I could accept this...

My eyes drifted to the other box and a mixture of dread and curiosity filled me. I couldn't remember when I had received any gifts ... I mean sure Cathy and I always exchange gifts on holidays but I never received anything so extravagant.

I delicately put the jacket down on the bed and opened the next box unable to resist. Inside was the most beautiful boots I had ever laid eyes on. A pair of seventeen inch, chocolate colored mukluks. Boots made long ago for Inuit people, but now were worn by just about everyone. Of course most people just bought the cheap reproductions of them, with faux leather. But I knew these were not a reproduction item. These were genuine moose hide, lined with wool.

I ran my hand along the edge and almost moaned at the wonderful softness of them. Without another thought I quickly sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the boots on. Exactly my size...

I quickly went to the full-length mirror and admired my reflection with the most beautiful boots I had ever put on, I sighed. I knew I had to take them off and return them. There was easily over eight hundred dollars in just those two items and there was no way I could accept a gift like that.

At that same moment, there was another sharp knock at my door. I hurried over to answer it, hoping it was maybe the delivery boy again. I didn't have any idea how to get a hold of Keane, and I hoped that the delivery boy or whoever he worked for would have his number. But when I opened the door it was the person I wanted to get a hold of.

-"Keane." I said surprise to see him.

-"Good morn, Anastasia. I hope I am not disturbing you?"

I stared at the man who was in my door frame. I had to crane my neck up to look at him and I wasn't exactly short. I mean sure, at 5'5 I wasn't towering over people, but Keane was unusually tall. He was dressed impeccably once again in his typical suit that reminded me of something out of the Victorian era.

-"No, come in." I finally said moving to the side to let him in.

-"Ah, I see my gifts have arrived." He said happily, after he walked in and spotted the boxes and tissue paper all over the bed.

I shut the door as he turned to face me.

-"Yeah ... about that ..."

His eyes roamed over me in a familiar fashion that made me blush.

-"The boots suit you beautifully. I hope you are recovered after last night's adventure?"

-"I'm fine, thanks ..." I looked down at the boots on my feet and scolded. I brought a leg up and started to pull at the boot. "I can't keep ..." I gave a hard pull at the boot. "These boots and jacket."

-"Why not?" Keane didn't sound offended.

The boot was not budging from my foot. I hopped in place on one leg as I gave another hard pull at the stubborn boot.

-"Because ... it's not appropriate." I grunted.

-"It's the less I can do, if I would not have been late, I don't think you would have fallen in the lake and ruined your jumper and boots."

I growled and pulled at the boot hard again, which finally came off, but caused me to lose my balance and topple over. With lightning speed Keane moved and caught me in his arms before I could hit the ground. I mumbled a quick thanks and glared at the boot, which now laid on the ground a few feet away. I shrugged out Keane's arms.

-"I really appreciate it, I just ... I can't accept a gift that extravagant."

-"Well I will not take them back, so please, I want you to keep them."

I sighed. Part of me really wanted them. But I knew I shouldn't ... I knew it was wrong...

-"I thought you weren't going to be around?" I said annoyed, recalling his note.

-"I was asked to come for the investigation."

I nodded and sat on the edge of the bed to take off the other boot. Keane watched me with some amusement.

-"Anastasia, do you know why I'm here?"

I frowned at his strange question. I was going to say that he was here for the investigation, but I was sure that is not what he meant, so I answered the only answer that made sense to me.

-"Because I can put the Guardian back to sleep and you need me?" I stood and the boots back in the box.

A flicker of annoyance was seen in his eyes.

-"Is that how little you think of yourself?" He took a step closer to me and I felt myself stiffen at his large, dark form coming closer. "But you do, don't you ..." He cocked his head to the side as if he was reading my thoughts. "You don't see what is right in front of you." He got even closer. "You don't even see that two men are competing for your affections, that two men would kill to protect you, and not merely because of what you are." He grabbed my arm tightly. "When I look at you, I don't see my wife. I see you, Anastasia, a strong, vibrant, passionate woman."

His response scared me and was unexpected.

I felt fear starting to grow inside me, but before that feeling could spread, he released my arms. There was no time for me to react or draw away. Keane had woven his fingers through my hair, his thumbs pressing against the base of my skull. I was caught again, and a feeling of stillness came over me, spreading out from his cold touch.

-"Everything about you draws me to you. Your spirit, your beauty ... "Keane's lips were against my ear, and his breath was sweet. "I have watched you for some time ... I tried to stay away, but you are like a siren who sings to the sailor, asking him to steer his ship into the rocks. You could be my undoing—and yours."

His words were so quiet and intimate he seemed to be talking directly into my mind. His lips began to move incrementally along my jawline. Each place his mouth touched burned the surface of my skin.

-"Keane," I let out a breath which caught in my throat. I closed my eyes, I wanted to move out of his embrace, but I couldn't move, or I was just unwilling to move, I couldn't discern the difference right now.

Seconds later Keane's hungry lips met mine. His arms locked around me, and his fingertips cradled my head. My lips parted under his, my hands trapped between his chest and mine. Underneath my palms his heart beat wildly, like mine. The kiss suddenly changed. Keane was no less demanding, but the hunger in his touch turned to something bittersweet. His hands moved forward smoothly until he was cupping my face, and he pulled away reluctantly. For the first time, I heard a soft, ragged sound. It was not like human breathing. It was like between a violent growl and a whimper.

-"I took advantage of your fear. I shouldn't have," he whispered. My eyes were closed, and I felt intoxicated, his pine, earthy scent with a hint of clove made my head spin. Restless, I stirred in his grip. "Be still," he said in a harsh voice. "I might not be able to control myself if you step away."

I couldn't quite understand what he meant but I did as I was told. But I started to sort of feel like the small hare trapped in the wolves paws.

My eyes flew open. There was no mistaking the sharp look on his face. It was avid, hungry. Keane reminded me of a creature of instinct at that very moment. But I had instincts, too.

-"I'm safe with you." I formed the words carefully with my swollen lips.

-"A human safe with a creature like I? Never be sure of that. It would only take a moment. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck, and I wouldn't be able to stop myself." Our eyes met and locked, neither of us blinking. I knew he was trying to scare me, but I wasn't sure why.

I was so confused by Keane's reaction, and my own ... I felt excited and yet I couldn't help but wish I could escape and run away.

-"What do you mean a creature like you?"

-"I been alive for five hundred years ... as soon as I killed that the last warrior I felt the change take over me. I became stronger, my mind changed ... and now ... after five hundred years, I am anything but human and you should fear that. You should fear me." His eyes were cold and made me want to shiver, but I wasn't going to let him scare me.

-"You saved my life twice ... if you mean to hurt me then why do you keep saving me?"

Keane made a low sound of surprise.

-"How brave you are."

-"I've never been brave."

-"I have watched you for years. The way you have tolerant that woman who dared called herself your mother, how you care for everyone around you before yourself. Those nights you kept going back to that house, even after I tried to scare you away. On the plane ... when you fell in the lake, you were arguing with me about being on the log when anyone else would have been hysterical from falling into a frozen lake. You never show your fear, even now, when every instinct in your body are screaming at you to be afraid of me — it's all bravery."

-"That's stubbornness." My mother had explained the difference a long time ago.

-"I've seen courage like yours before—from women, mostly." Keane continued as if I hadn't spoken. "Men don't have it. Our resolve is born out of fear. It's merely bravado." His cool glance flickered over me and I felt my heart lurch at his words.

Was this really how he saw me? As a strong, brave woman? I was anything but ... I never was, hell I was barely holding together right now. I was here with a gorgeous man but all I could think about was another. I felt tears threatening to fall.

One of his fingers reached out and captured a tear from the tips of my eyelashes. His face was sad.

-"I'm sorry." I whispered, forcing myself not to look away.

He shook his head.

We were inches from each other and when his stare grew intense; I could see the anguish in his eyes. He reached toward me, the backs of his fingers trailing along my cheek, the movement so soft and lovely that I closed her eyes against the feeling.

-"You have made everything more complicated."

My eyes flew open at the accusation.

-"What does that mean?"

-"Only that when you are near, I forget everything that I am meant to remember—everything I am meant to be. And all I want is this."

He settled his lips to mine, the softness of the kiss enhancing the ache that had settled deep in my heart during our conversation. I let him guide the way, his lips moving against mine, desperate and gentle all at once. His tongue brushed against mine and I opened for him, allowing him entrance.

This was not a kiss of celebration, but of devastation. It was a kiss that laid both of us bare, and it tasted of regret. And even as I hated the emotion in it, I could not resist it. Did not want to. My arms came up, fingers slid into his soft hair at the nape of his neck, and I kissed him back with everything in me, passion and emotion and longing.

This was a kiss for memories because I knew at that moment if I let myself I could come to care for Keane very much ... but I also knew where my heart belonged and it wasn't with this man. He broke away with a curse, and I grew cold even before he stepped back from me, putting several feet between us. We stood there for a long moment in the dimly lit space, breath coming in twin, harsh bursts.

-"I apologize." Keane said stiffly and he left the room.


After I had regained my composure I had went down to the lobby and hoped I wasn't too late. Fortunately I was not. Zak and Billy were still not here. My mind was a mess and it was a miracle I had found my way downstairs. Keane and I had shared a kiss that didn't just shake me, but it seemed to have confused him as much as it did to me.

-"How you feeling?" Nick approached me with a large smile.

-"Okay ..." I answered distractedly.

-"Nice jacket." Aaron commented casually.

-"Thanks." I mumbled.

I had decided to keep the jacket and boots since I had no other options at this point, so I kept them with the promise to myself that I would pay Keane back for the items, and that this was not a gift.

As if my brain wasn't in enough of a conundrum at that moment, Zak came bouncing down the stairs and he looked amazing. I had not seen him for four days, and when my eyes set on his figure my heart lurched and fluttered. When he reached the bottom of the steps his eyes immediately locked on mine. We both stared at each other for a long moment, seeming to relish in each other's vision.

But the moment was soon gone and annoyance flickered in Zak's eyes as he approached me with determination.

-"Are you alright? I heard you fell in the lake?" His voice was full concern, but his expression said otherwise.

-"Yeah, I'm fine. You know ... klutzy moment on my part." I tried to brush the incident off like it was nothing.

-"I wish someone would have told me."

-"Oh ... no one told you?" I was a little surprise that he didn't know; I had assumed that Aaron or Nick would have told him.

-"Nope ... would have been nice to know." Now he definitely sounded annoyed.

With his annoyance I soon recalled why I had been mad with him in the first and my anger soon came flooding back.

-"Well, I'm fine, so can we drop it?"

-"Sure." Zak dismissed me and the action cut deeper than it should have. Zak looked at Aaron and Nick. "We have the castle investigation tonight, you guys and Keane will be there. Billy, Ana and I will be in Hoia-Baciu forest and investigate there."

Aaron nodded but Nick seemed hesitant.

-"So we are investigating separately?"

-"Yeah. The weather should be nice tonight and it turns to shit after that, it's our only chance to get this Hoia-Baciu forest investigation in, and the castle owner said the investigation has to be done tonight, so we got to split up, but we got enough people. Plus I want just Ana and I in Hoia-Baciu, she might get something with less people there."

I felt my heart lurch at Zak's words. He wanted me to look for ghosts ... I didn't like that idea at all, but looking at Zak's stern face I wasn't about to protest. Everyone agreed and soon the equipment was loaded and we made our way to separate cars. Zak, Billy and I had a car with a Romanian driver who was also our translator and guide.

We all piled into the car. The location we were heading for was two hours away from our hotel. Billy sat up front and Zak in the back with me, but neither one of us spoke to each other. I sighed and watched the pretty scenery go by. Romania certainly was a beautiful country, but I found little enjoyment in the rolling hills and tiny little houses. I was all too aware of Zak's presence next to me.

I stole a glance at him. He wore dark clothes as usual. His hair was styled and he wore his glasses today. He also wore a thick black coat. He was chatting with Billy about a spot to stop at to do some narration. As I stared at him I realized how similar he and Keane were in many things. Both men were incredibly intense. There was no middle ground with either one; it was either all or nothing.

My thoughts drifted to the kiss Keane and I had shared. It had been ... amazing. He certainly was a great kisser, but then again he had five hundred years to improve his technique. But there had been something lacking, there hadn't been that spark that I felt with Zak. But there was a problem, it seemed that Zak and I were ignoring each other and ignoring the topic at hand.

And there was still the issue of the other woman in his life ... or was I technically the other woman?

-"Are you alright Ana?"

Zak's low, baritone voice brought me out of my thoughts. I gave him a quick, tight smile.

-"Yeah, great!"

Zak nodded and we fell back into a silence for a few moments.

-"How did you even end up in that lake? I don't understand what you were doing over there." Zak sounded annoyed.

I laughed awkwardly.

-"I was trying to get my hat ..."

-"Your hat ...?" He repeated dumbly.

-"The wind blew my hat." I answered casually.

-"You fell in the lake because of your mother fucking hat?!" His tone raised.

-"It was ... an accident ..." My courage started to falter.

-"Oh my fucking god!" Zak ran his hand through his hair, destroying his perfect coiffure. "You almost drowned in freezing water for a hat ... A HAT!" I flinched as he started to yell. "You could have died!"

-"But I didn't!" I was starting to get a Déjà vu moment from my argument with Keane last night.

-"No, no you didn't, because Keane was there to save the day." He said bitterly.

-"So it would have been better if I had drowned?"

-"No of course not! God damnit Ana!" Zak angrily slammed his fist into the door.

I crossed my arms over my chest. I knew what I had said was childish but this man was driving me insane!

-"I am fine, okay. It was a stupid mistake, I screwed up, and I get it. I lost my hat, I ruined my jacket and boots and I'm lucky to be here. Now can we please move on?"

Zak's gaze softened for a moment.

-"It was just a hat Ana, if you want a damn hat I can buy you one, hell I'll buy you a hundred of them, just never do that again."

-"It's not that ... the hat just meant a lot to me, that's all ..." I really didn't want to go down memory lane right now so I left it at that.

Once again the car fell into silence, other than the lull of road under the tires and the soft thumping sound coming from Billy's headphones he was now wearing, probably to drown out our arguing. I felt slightly sad that Zak and I couldn't seem to have a decent, adult conversation about anything without either one of us getting mad. Maybe this was what our future held ... and maybe it was for the best that we stayed apart.

Suddenly Zak shifted and turned his eyes on me. His gaze narrowed with speed.

-"You said you ruined your jacket and boots."

-"Yeah ..." I answered carefully.

-"So what are you wearing?"

I shifted awkwardly.

-"I got new ones ..."


-"At a store ..."

-"What store?" By his tone I could tell he was going to give up.

-"I don't know ... why does it matter?" I asked exasperated and feeling slightly guilty.

-"I was just wondering ... because I know that you didn't have time to go shopping, and seeing that the jacket you have on probably cost more than what some of these people in Romania make in six months, I doubt it's something they keep in stock here. I'm thinking it's something that was given to you, by a fucking sneaky British asshole."

I didn't answer and my silence was enough of an answer for him.

-"So what, are you two a thing now?"

-"Of course not! He bought me this jacket and boots, which I will pay back when I can! It's not like I'm sleeping with him or anything!"

-"You think men like him give things for free Ana? He wants to get in your pants and you're falling right for it!"

-"Like I fell for you right?" I flinched at callous words.

Zak glared daggers at me but didn't say another word. Neither one of us talked the rest of the trip, and I hated it. There were so many things I wanted to say, yet every time I thought I could form the words into a sentence I backed out and remained silent. Story of my life ... I had hundreds of things to say but I didn't have the courage to say them, nor did I see the point.

We stopped at a few homes near the forest to talk to the people who lived nearby with the help of our translator. It had all gone smoothly, except every single person we had talked to had said the same thing. People who spent the night in the forest of Hoia-Baciu never came out the same. The words were incredibly unnerving and did not help make me feel any better.

The only good thing about this day so far was that being on camera was not as bad as I had expected. But then again it was just Zak and Billy, two people I felt somewhat comfortable with, so I was quite at ease with being on camera.

By late afternoon we stopped for some early dinner. Billy was almost continuously filming at this point so Zak kept a professional face on, but I could tell he was very tense just by his body language. When our food arrived, Billy had finally put the camera down and I was unable to keep some of my concerns quiet any longer.

-"About this investigation ..." I picked at the steak I had ordered that I really didn't want. "Maybe you guys would do better without me in the way."

Zak's fork paused in mid-air.

-"What? Why?"

-"I just ... I am not sure I am ready to go looking for ghosts."

-"What do you mean, not ready?"

But I wasn't sure how to answer. I didn't want to make Zak more upset with me, but I didn't want to lie either.

-"I practice once ... you know to see ghosts, and it freaked the hell out of me." I avoided mentioning Keane's name.

Zak was sitting to my right, his face which had held a hint of anger all day suddenly softened.

-"Ana, I won't make you do anything you don't want too. I wouldn't ask you to open yourself up to a place we don't know anything about. I just wanted you there because you are sensitive to spirits like me, it would help validate our experience with you there."

-"Oh ..." I was a little surprised.

-"Did you think that was the only reason you were here, because Keane said you are some sort of special empath, and I could use you?"

-"Maybe ..." I replied sheepishly.

For the first time since we had seen each other today Zak made a move to show affection towards me. He slid his hand over mine on the table and gave my hand a quick squeeze. I felt my heart skip.

-"The last thing I want is you to get hurt. You are here tonight because I want you here, no other reasons."

I nodded and even though I wanted to feel better, I still had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that tonight would be a major game changer.


Once dinner was done we all piled back into the jeep and we were off. It was already dark outside and the temperature was dropping quickly. Hoia-Baciu forest was several miles off the road. We followed a gravel road until our guide told us to stop.

-"I will go no further." He said.

Zak nodded.

-"I understand."

Our guide got out and another car that had followed us picked him up and they quickly turned around and left us in total darkness. Billy was of course filming everything.

-"So our guide won't go to Hoia-Baciu forest because like many of the locals they believe this location is cursed and refuse to even step foot near it. So we are going to keep going alone. You ready for this guys?" Zak asked.

Billy gave an enthusiastic yes while I just nodded. Zak got behind the wheel to drive and soon the dirt path turned into a small grass trail. The ride was bumpy and slightly scary. The trail was quite small, branches hit and scraped the car loudly as Zak drove blindly in the darkness until we came to large clearing.

It was so strange. We had travelled through the dense forest for thirty minutes and then out of nowhere a perfect circle clearing appeared. It was almost as if it had been man-made. The grass was cut perfectly; there were no trees and no bushes. Because the area was so secluded it was extremely unlikely that someone came out here to trim the grass and cut any bush or tree that might try to grow.

Zak had jumped out of the car and was gone within moments, it was obvious he was excited. He had grabbed a camera and was gone.

From now on the camera would be recording pretty nonstop so I took note to try and not do anything that would embarrass me and that couldn't be edited out. Billy handed me a small camera.

-"This is a digital cam, it has decent sound on it so you won't need a separate voice recorder and it has fresh batteries ..." He showed me how to work it and I hurried to catch up to Zak, who was already in the circle.

-"Can you hear that?" Zak asked without turning around.

There was a faint noise in the air that sounded like drums and chanting, but it was hard to discern, mostly because the wind had picking up and clouds were rolling in fast. So much for Zak's future career as a meteorologist.

-"This is where there are claims that a UFO might have landed." Zak narrated as he filmed around the large clearing we were in. "It's also said that tons of peasants died here and they protect this circle. The lights that people claim to see are thought to be a place where one's spirit can enter in and out of this reality."

I held my camera up but it was hard to concentrate. The feeling was very strange. I felt overwhelmed, any task was taking a lot of concentration on my part, even just walking, I had to tell myself to put one foot in front of other. It was as it my own spirit self-wanted to break free and leave.

Zak let out a groan and he pinched the bridge of his nose. It was obvious whatever was here was also having an effect on him.

-"Ugh ... I feel really ... It's hard to do anything." Zak turned to Billy. "Go grab the EMF detector ..." He ordered. Billy was gone within second. "Ana, how you doing sweetie?" Zak called to me.

-"Uhmm ... okay, I feel weird."

-"Do you want to go back to the car?" He came up behind me.

-"No ... no I'm good."

I felt Zak's hand slip onto my shoulder and he gave me a reassuring squeeze before he walked away towards the other end of the circle. It was very strange, I felt fine for a few minutes, but then the feeling of confusion and oppressiveness would always come back, a bit like a pulse. The whole area had a whole different vibe to it. It felt like you were being watched but not in a negative or positive way, you just knew you were not alone.

-"Ana ... Ana!" Zak suddenly screamed.

-"What?" I ran to him without hesitating. "Zak, what's wrong?"

-"Ana!" He screamed again, as if he couldn't tell I was standing right by him.


-"I ... Ana ... I wanna go ..." He mumbled and wavered.

I had no idea what to do. His gaze was vacant and he had stopped responding. I quickly dug a small flashlight out of my pocket and turned it on to illuminate Zak. He stood as still as a statue, his eyes were glazed over.

I grabbed Zak's arm and gave him a little shake.

-"Zak? Please talk to me." But he still didn't respond. "Billy?!" I yelled, starting to panic. "Billy? Hurry, come here!" But there was no response from Billy.

I quickly swept my flashlight to where we had parked the car but the beam of my light was not strong enough to reach beyond a couple of feet from where I stood. I turned back to Zak who showed no change. Maybe I should drag him back to the car? As I considered my options the wind started to violently blow and a slight mist started to fall.

-"Zak? You have to snap out of it!" I looked up at the sky with worry, then back at Zak.

Then as if he had been shocked by a strong volt of electricity he let out a frightful gasp as he gulped in air violently. He looked around wildly and confused.

-"Ana? What ... What happened?" His voice shook.

-"I don't know, you called me over and then you zoned out." I had to almost yell as the wind grew fiercer. Zak started to hyperventilate as his breath came in quick bursts. His chest heave. "Hey, it's okay ..." I reached out for him and without hesitating he came into my arms and held onto me as if afraid I might disappear.

-"I saw ... things ... " He said between quick breaths. His voice quivered as he held back obvious tears.

I had never seen him this way. He was always so control and cool with his emotions, and seeing him unravel was rather worrisome. We held onto each other as he buried his face in the croak of my neck. I felt him breathing heavy as if he had just run a marathon and felt a slight wetness from his tears.

-"What did you see Zak?" I whispered, almost to frighten to know what had scared him so much.

It took some time for him to calm down. During this time we held onto each other as if our lives depended on it. The powerful wind whipped around us, it howled like a packed of vicious wolves and I wondered if it was the wind making that awful sound or spirits expressing their displeasure with us being here. The mist that was falling turned to a mix between rain and ice falling hard from the sky. It stung my face and hands but I did my best to shield Zak from the horrid weather.

But as time passed the weather grew even worse and I was starting to worry that whatever was happening would soon be an issue for our safety, and there was the matter that Billy had still not returned. I slowly ran my hand threw Zak's now soaked hair.

-"Zak, we have to go ..." I said softly, trying to keep my tone calm so I didn't freak him out any more than he already was.

After a moment he nodded and moved away from me. He straightened up and rubbed his face vigorously wiping away all traces of his experience. When he looked at me again, it was the same Zak that I had always known.

-"It was weird ... very overwhelming." He finally spoke. "It was like ... I don't know ... almost like my spirit was being pulled from my body ... and it wanted to go ..." He shivered, but quickly gave me a stern look. "Why are you soaked?!"


It was not unusual for Zak to have a strange experience at a haunted location but what he had felt here ... It was something he had never thought possible and it had been extremely frightening. He didn't remember much of it except for the overwhelming feelings that he had felt, and as much as he wanted to stay here and document this further he just couldn't.

He didn't recall much. He remembered asking Ana if she was okay, and he then walked away, after that he remembered very little. He did remember calling for Ana and her holding him. Her warm, loving presence had grounded him and helped him get a hold of himself. But now as he looked at Ana, she was wet from head to toe. Her hair was plastered to her head and face as cold water dripped down her face.

A sudden gust of wind was so strong that it nearly knocked him down.

-"Where is Billy?" Zak looked around the circle but it was impossible to see beyond the wall of rain and ice.

-"I don't know, he never came back." Ana shouted over the wind and rain.

Zak wasted no time; he had to get them out of here. He grabbed Ana's hand and pulled her towards the direction he thought was where the jeep was parked, but the heavy wind made it hard to run and the rain simply weight down their clothing. But as they ran around this large circle he could not remember where the trail was to get out of here.

-"We have to get out of this wind and rain!" He yelled to Ana who nodded in agreement.

They ran several more minutes until they did come to the only trail that lead out of the area, but there was no car in sight. Zak was breathing hard and he looked around wildly. Something was very wrong, he knew Billy wouldn't leave them stranded here. He turned to Ana who's lips were violently quacking. Zak silently swore and grabbed her hand again.

-"Come on." He pulled her blindly into the woods.

-"Where are we going?" She panted from behind him. But Zak didn't answer; he just kept running until he felt Ana dig her heels into the soft dirt. "Zak! Where are we going?"

He finally stopped and turned to her.

-"Do you trust me?"

She hesitated for a second but then nodded.

-"Yes, I trust you."


Not giving her a chance to say another word he pulled her again into the dark woods. Most of the trees were bare of any leafs and did little to shield them from the ice and the rain that was slowly switching to snow. The wind was relentless and kept pushing at their backs, urging them to get out. They ran until Zak finally saw what he had hoped for.

A small log cabin came into view and they both ran to the front porch and gave a hard knock but no one answered. His hand still clutching Ana's which was ice cold, he felt her shivering and without another thought he kicked in the door and hushed her inside the dark cabin.

Like a typical ghost hunter he always kept a small flashlight in his pocket and thankfully it was water proof. Clicking it on, the cabin was small but would do nicely to keep them dry until this freak storm past and they could go back to the circle and find Billy and the jeep. It was obvious this place was used as a hunting cabin of some sort but had been locked up for the winter months. There was a one of those old fashion small wood stoves in the kitchen which was for heat and cooking. The rest of the cabin was bare of any furniture, except for a few boxes.

-"How did you know this place was here?" Ana asked from behind him.

-"I saw it on the satellite map when we were looking over the area. " Without wasting a moment, Zak went over to the stove and found a few pieces of kindling next to it to start a fire.

-"I'll look for some candles or something ..." Ana walked to the boxes.

Within moments Zak had a small fire going and he turned to watch Ana rummaging through the boxes in the corner. As he watched her he couldn't help but think that she was the one that had grounded him, she had kept him here and she had stayed with him despite everything that had gone on around them, she had not moved and kept him safe ...

He slowly approached her and switched off the flashlight, he set it down on top of one of the boxes. Zak took off his gloves and reached for Ana's bare hand, warming her cold fingers between his warm palms. He held her hand in a light grasp, giving her the power to pull away if she didn't want his touch. But she didn't resist. She entwined her fingers through his, looking up into his eyes with raw, searching intensity.

-"What do you want from me, Zak? Please, I need to know. I need you to tell me."

-"I thought I knew," he said, then gave a slow shake of his head. "I thought I had it all figured out. God, Ana … meeting you has changed everything."

He knew they had both been mad at each other the last few days, but he couldn't hide his feelings for her anymore ...

He freed one hand to cup it along the curve of her cheek, slipping his fingers between the hood of her parka and the velvety warmth of her face.

-"I never know what to expect with you," she said, frowning as she gazed up at him. "It makes me uncomfortable that I can't figure you out."

He touched the tip of her nose, gave her a wry smile.

-"Too much gray in your black-and-white world?"

Her expression stayed serious.

-"It scares me."

-"Don't be."

-"You scare me, Zak. All my life, I've run from the things that frighten me, yet with you …" She released a slow, uncertain sigh. "With you, I can't seem to stay away."

He stroked her cheek, smoothed the pads of his fingers over the light creases in her brow as she looked up at him.

-"There's no reason to be afraid when you're with me," he told her, meaning it completely.

But then he bent his head and pressed his lips to hers, and the kiss meant to be tender reassurance ignited into something wilder as Ana kissed him back so openly, teasing his mouth with the tip of her tongue. All of the heat that had been between them the last few weeks sprang to life again now, only swifter, more intense for the hours of longing Zak had known in between. He was on fire for this woman.

But this his dismay Ana moved out of their embrace, she turned her head away from him.

-"What is it?" He asked his voice husky from the kiss. "Is anything wrong?"

Ana didn't answer right away though. Zak first noticed her shoulders slowly shook, which he thought was from being cold and wet.

-"Here, let's get you near the fire and out of the wet clothes." He started to usher her near the stove but Ana turned towards him and he saw that she was crying. "What's wrong sweetie?"

-"I - I can't do this with you!"

Zak reached out for her but she shrugged away from him.

-"Ana ...?"

-"No, Zak!" She put her hand up to stop him from reaching for her again. "I can't do this." She repeated. She took a deep breath as if trying to gather courage. "I can't be the other woman in your life ... but I can't ask you to choose between me and her ... because I'm no better! I kissed Keane!" And without another word Ana ran out of the cabin and out into the storm leave Zak openly gaping at her.



Thank you all for the comments, reviews and PMs. It really keeps me going. Please don't hesitate to leave me a quick comment, I love hearing from you, even if it's just a couple of words :) They really do keep me going.

One of my book trailer videos has been nominated for best trailer!


I am so blown away by this ... I really never expected. Seriously, I just make videos because they help keep my focus and inspired for a story. I never thought people would think they were good enough ...

The trailer nominated is for my story Beneath a Midnight Sky

So anyway, I would love your help in voting for me :) The winner will be interviewed and featured in the online magazine Luna. The link to vote is in my profile. I appreciate all help and votes!

LAST NOTE! I made a new video with ZAK!  Its not related to the story (But might be someday ...) anyway its was just for fun, its a bit of a thriller-type movie thing, its pretty awesome please check it out! (Can be viewed on the right hand side)

Thank you!

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