bionic besties 1 | lab rats

By Ann_and_Nikki

20.9K 335 72

S•E•A•S•O•N• 1 Leo and his best friend, Delta James meet Leo's new super sibs, Adam, Bree, and Chase Davenpor... More

Zadie Wesley//Delta James
total re-cast!
The One With The New People
The One With The Commando App
The One With Leo's Jam
The One With the Runaway Train
The One With the Smart and Smarter
The One With the Exoskeleton
August 5
The One With the Bionic Birthday Fail
The One With the Dates
The One With the Death Spiral Smackdown
The One With the Helicopter
The One With the Donuts
The One With People From the Future
The One With the Chip Switch
Not an Update:)
The One With the Drone
The One With the Great Prank War
an open letter//a.n
The One With the Fears
The One With the Chore War
The One With July 4
The One With the RV Lab
The One With Air Leo
The One With the Living Virus
The One With the Mission Invisible
The One With the Concert in a Can
The One With the Space Mission
a minor change

The One With the Recycling

891 19 10
By Ann_and_Nikki


I got up and put on a striped halter crop-top with jean shorts and white converse. When Delta and I got to the Davenport's, we went straight to the lab to see Leo sitting in a chair watching Chase gather up office supplies in a box.

"What are you doing?" Delta asked.

"If Davenport's gonna ship us off to some remote facility, the office supplies is coming with us." He said, tossing a stapler into the box.

"We just got out first taste of normal life; I was this close to getting a curfew which I was totally gonna break." Bree said.

"Ooh, maybe when we get to wherever we're going, we will meet a sassy lab chimp name Bobo who will take us on adventures and teach us how to love." Adam fantasized while eating a snack.

"Or maybe you'll make him angry and he will maul you and snack on your fingers." Chase said, sitting on a desk that I was now sitting on.

"Hey, I'm the one that comes up with the monkey fantasies around here!" Adam defended.

"Well kids, I hope you have enjoyed your stray here at casa-Davenport; I know I haven't." Eddy said.

"Eddy, I know we haven't been the best of friends, but we're gonna miss you." Bree said, sincerely.

"Awe, really?" Eddy asked.

"No!" Bree yelled.

"We hate you!" Adam said, agreeing with Bree.

"You're evil!" Chase said, along with the two.

"Where is this training facility anyway?" I asked.

"Facility X? Oh, it's all the rage." Eddy stated, before showing a picture of a nice tropical island.

"That doesn't look too bad." Delta said, as we nodded, agreeing with her.

"Oops, sorry that's my screensaver; you're going here." Eddy said, showing a picture of a tundra setting.

"Forget about office supplies; we should be gathering firewood." Chase said.

"Man, I wish I wouldn't have thrown that party." Leo regretted. "I feel like this is all my fault."

"Aw, that's because it is all your fault." Adam said, putting his hands on Leo's shoulders.

"Adam, he was only trying to help us." Bree defended Leo.

"Well yeah, but he did the exact opposite, which was not help us; the not makes it the opposite." Adam said. "I'm just so bummed; this is the only place we've ever known."

They looked off into the corner for about three minutes before I interrupter the quiet by asking, "What are we looking at?"

They just looked at me, as I shrugged. "We can't let Davenport send you guys away. Let Zadie, Delta, and I talk to him; no one can say no to this million dollar smile or...Zadie's tears." Leo mumbled the last part.

"I'm sorry what? Did you just say I'm gonna cry? I'm not a crier." I said, before looking at their sad little faces. "Alright, fine."

We got in the elevator as Leo told me to start fake crying. I made myself cry and walked out of the elevator.

"Aw, what's wrong Zadie?" Tasha asked me.

"He's sending my friends away. I just got here and I didn't have anyone until I saw Leo and Delta and these guys."

She looked to Davenport as she hugged me.

"Are you crying? Is she crying?" Davenport asked. "You just me them though."

"Donald." Tasha hissed at her new husband. "Zadie, please don't cry; you never cry."

"So can we..." Leo started.

"No." Davenport immediately said. Just then Delta started to fake cry.

"Delta, don't you cry too." Tasha comforted.

"But what if they..." Leo started once again.

"No." Davenport said sternly.

"Well can they..." Delta started.


"Well don't you think they should..." Leo started.

"Forget it."

"How about they..." Delta began.

"Not gonna happen."

"Do you have a heart?" I sobbed. still in the act. He just slammed the door.

"Well, what if you?" Then davenport covered his ears and started singing 'lala' over and over again.

When we got down to the lab, Leo got the three's hopes up by saying, "Well, I'm pretty sure he's gonna think about it."


Leo, Delta, and I were hanging out in Leo's room. He was on the chair, while Delta and I were on the floor.

"Leo, Delta, Zadie, there you guys are! I know you're sad about your friends leaving, but think of all the times you'll get to spend with me." Tasha said. "Ooh, we can play your little video games; you know the one where you hold the thingy and you move the other thingy."

"Tasha...I've taught you how to play video games before." I sighed.

"Mom, with all due respect, I think it's too late in life for you to relearn how to play video games." Leo said. We just looked at her sadly. We decided to go into the living room, but we just saw a figure covered by a brown blanket.

"Good morning happy family!" Davenport said perkily.

"I don't like you." I told him plainly.

"What is that?" Tasha asked her husband.

"Whatever it is, don't get too attached." Delta said bluntly, with Leo and me nodding in agreement.

"Leo, Delta, Zadie, I know you're gonna miss Adam, Bree, and Chase; so I laser scanned their features onto these bio-synthetic robots and I programmed them with their core personality traits." He explained as he unveiled three robots that looked exactly like Adam, Bree, and Chase. "Is this great or what? It will be like they never left!"

Leo then walked up to Adam's robot and knocked on his shoulder. Apparently the robot did not like that, so it flicked Leo in the forehead. I couldn't help but smile.

"So what do you think?" Davenport asked.

"Well, I think the perks of having a billionaire dad just wore off." Leo said.

Then Davenport looked to Delta and I for an answer.

"I think I would like to hit you with a chair right now." I answered freely as I saw Delta Tasha laughing silently.

"Donald, I don't know about this, I kind of prefer Leo and Delta to have friends that can't tear them limb from limb. Well, except Zadie." Tasha said.

"I have threatened to do it before."

"What are those?" Bree asked. With this opportunity, I couldn't resist,

"What are those?!!!" I asked, holding my hands out to her boots. "I'm sorry; I couldn't resist."

"Oh, Dr. Frankenbrain here is trying to replace you with creepy robots." Leo started.

"Welcome to Crazy Town!" Delta emphasized.

"Good morning ; the time is 11:22 and the temperature is currently 68 degrees." Robo Adam said.

The real Adam didn't look impressed. "You made a robot of me that just stands around and tells people the time and temperature?" He looked disappointed. "That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!" I stand corrected.

"Does my nose really look like that?" Bree asked, examining her robot.

"No, yours has a faint moustache underneath." Robo Bree said. I really tried not to laugh.

"Hey everyone, I'm Chase; let's do ma-ma-math." Robo Chase said, but stuttering before Davenport hit its exterior.

"That's not funny." Chase said.

"You're right; It's fu-fu-funny." Adam mocked. Then all of a sudden, the doorbell rang and things became serious.

Davenport opened the door and greeted the man. "Hey Fitz. How's it going? How's life? How's tricks?" The man was silent. "Alrighty then. You guys should have seen him at the Christmas party. He's a karaoke master."

"Well I guess this is it. Thanks for everything you guys." Bree said sadly.

"Yeah, you're the best friends we've ever had." Chase chimed in.

"No, they're the only friends we've ever had." Adam corrected.

"Well don't forget to bundle up on your deadly missions." Tasha said hugging them.

"Hey remember this is a good thing. Without any distractions, you might finish your training early."

The three left looking back and waving. The door shut and Eddy said, "Woo-HOO they're gone!"

"Eddy." Davenport snapped.

"I mean have a safe trip; I love you."

---a little while later---

The three of us were sitting in the lab and the robots were standing still.

Robo Adam then peeked up saying, "Hello, insert your name here. Would you like to engage in silly happy fun time?"

"That sounds very perverted." I said.

"Yeah, just get lost! You can't replace our real friends. We really loved those guys."

"Don't be sad, Mr. Leo, Ms. Delta, and Ms. Zadie. Friends come and go, but robots are forever. Dibbly dibbly. That is my version of a laugh. Dibbly dibbly." Robo Chase said.

"Will you tin heads get out of here?!" Delta said.

"Sensing human hostility." Uh-oh. Good going Delta.

"Must exterminate." Robo Bree said.

"Robots attack." Robo Adam said.

"Take Delta and Leo first!" I joked.

"Yeah go robots! Get them! Crush them! Go for their brains!" Eddy yelled.

Leo had a higher pitched scream than Delta and I. The robots were crowding us and started closing in. Leo was grabbed by Robo Bree when she said, "Leo, Leo, we're not robots. It's really us."

"Huh?" Leo asked.

"We told the driver we forgot something and then swapped the robots in our place."

"You said you loved us, you said you loved us." Adam mocked. Then he started making kissy noises intriguing Leo to slap him.

"Ow!" Adam yelled in pain.

"It really is you guys!" I hugged Chase.

"Wait, what about Davenport?" Delta asked.

"We'll just have to like dumb robots every time he's around." Adam explained.

"It'll be for some of us than others." Bree added.

"Hey Leo, Delta, Zadie." Davenport said walking in.

"Big D, Donny, man of the house." Leo greeted.

"What are you guys doing?"

"What are we doing? We are hanging out with our robo-fake people friends. There ain't no party like a robot party cause a robot party don't stop." Leo sang.

"See, I told you guys you would like them."

"Like em?! We love em!" Delta said. Adam then started making kissy noises again when Davenport turned his back.

"Oh, you know the greatest thing about having robots is?"

"What?" I asked.

"They are virtually indestructible." Davenport said.

"Huh?" We all replied.

"Watch this." Davenport laughed, while pulling out some sort of shocking thing.

Davenport then shocked Adam and we all winced.

"Quit it!" Delta said.

"No it's okay; he can't feel a thing. He's a robot!" Davenport said moving to Chase next. "Haha they are so incredibly life like." He said, shocking Chase again.

Davenport then moved to Bree. "Don't even try it." She said.

"Ooh, you're a feisty robot you. Wanna give it a try, Leo?"

"No." Leo rejected.

"Come on, do it." He urged.

Leo rejected it again, "I'm fine."

"Just do it once it's a lot of fun."

"I'll do it!" I said, taking the shocker and shocking Davenport. "You're right it is a lot of fun!"

We went upstairs and started going through the cabinets looking for something to feed them. "Alright, let's make this quick so we can get out of here." Leo said.

"Adam, for breakfast, you get wheat bread with a side of sugar packets."

"My favorite!" Adam said. Delta and I looked at each other.

"Bree, you get two old wings and a drumstick from the Chicken Shack." He said handing her the box.

"Oooh." She squealed.

"And Chase, you can have the peel to my banana." Delta, Chase, and I all looked grossed out.

"I'm not eating a banana peel." I wouldn't either, Chase.

"You don't eat it. You just chew it till all the flavor's gone." Leo explained. Chase shrugged.

"Okay, before I throw up, you three just take a granola bar." I said, digging around in Delta's bag.

"Z, that's my bag."

"I know, I don't share food well." I said, handing her granola bars out.

"What's going on?" Tasha asked, walking into the kitchen.

"T-Dawg! Look at you, in the kitchen!" Delta said.

"We are just having a healthy breakfast." Leo finished.

"Guys, they're robots; they don't eat."

"Alright, anyway, I was thinking today might be a good day to take them to school with me."

"Yes! I mean, bee-dee-beep dee-dee-beep-beep. Beep." Bree said, smiling and waving awkwardly.

"Leo, you guys are not taking robots to school. First off, they already think Zadie is a bad influence and a little special and secondly, they already think you guys are a little weird." Tasha said.

"What makes you say that?" Leo asked.

"Because on all three of your report cards they said we think they're a little weird and Zadie is a bad influence and may need special help."

"Me?" I gasped. "Makes since."

"Mom-" Leo argued.

"Go to school!"

"Fine. You guys stay out of trouble till we get back." Leo whispered to the three. "Hug it out."

We then left for school leaving the robots.

--Third person POV--
Davenport walked into the living room where Tasha was. "Hey honey."

"Donald, you have got to get rid of those robots. Leo, Zadie, and Delta think they're real. They need to be around normal kids."

"Honey, when I was growing up I never hung around normal kids."

"And your best friend is a computer in the wall."

"Guess you lost that battle. Huh, Tasha." Eddy said.

"Donald, I don't want them around. They're...creepy."

"Well, what am I supposed to do with them? Throw them away?" Donald asked.

The three gasped.

"No, I would never expect you to just throw them away." The three sighed in relief. "Recycle them."

The three gasped again. "Wait, you want me to take my genius technology and have it crushed and melted down into hubcaps? No way." The three sighed once again.

"Either they go, or I turn your lab into my walk-in closet." Tasha threatened.

Donald quickly changed his mind saying, "Three crushed robots coming up."

Two of the three gasped while Adam said, "What? He said he was getting rid of the robots-oh."


"Guys, come on we gotta get to the lab!" Leo said.

"Yeah, let's just let our little siblings run loose. I'll text Dani and they can hang out somewhere for a little while." Delta said.

The three began running to the Davenport's. "Guys, can we slow down? I hate running!" Zadie yelled.

They ran into the living room, panting. "Where are the robots? We ran all the way here and we weren't even being chased."

Zadie got some water along with Delta and Leo.

"Guys, the robots are gone. We just dropped them off at the recycling facility." Tasha told us.

Delta choked on her water and Zadie spit out all of hers on Davenport. "I'm not really sorry." She said as Davenport got a towel.

"You what?!" Leo screeched.

"Yep, they're being melted down as we speak. Don't tell anyone, they're probably toxic." Davenport joked.

"No, we have to go get them!" Delta fought.

"Yeah, they're not robots; they're real!" Leo continued.

"Okay see, this is why I didn't want those things around. They're delusional."

"No, it's really Adam, Bree, and Chase! You guys have to believe us!" Zadie said.

"There isn't much time!" Delta said.

"Leo, Delta, Zadie stop." Tasha said.

"When I was your guys' age, I had to say goodbye to a lot of my friends. There was Lava Man and Stretch Legstrong and Jojo Biggs and all his friends in the space cantina." Davenport comforted.

"Those are all action figures." Leo deadpanned.

"More like fully poseable pieces of my heart."

Then Davenport and Tasha left the room leaving us alone.

"Okay you guys, what are we thinking? I think we should knock out T-Dawg and Davenport and steal the car and drive to the recycling center." Zadie proposed.

"Or...we could come up with a different plan that we won't get arrested with." Delta figured.

"I think I know what we can do."

--The Recyclig Facility--
Adam, Bree, and Chase fell from the opening into the container.

"That was awesome!" Adam yelled.

"Great plan, Adam. Let's just hide in the recycling truck and see where it goes." Bree said sarcastically.

"Well, who could have predicted that the recycling truck would dump us in the recycling center?" Adam asked dumbly.

"I had my suspicions." Chase said, rolling his eyes. "Look, We have to find a way out of this place."

"Yeah, I wanna go home." Adam complained.

"We can't go home. If Davenport sees us, he's just gonna try to send us away again."

"Oh, right. Well, then let's just go find a new scientist-father with a high-tech basement lab and live there. You know? Done and done." Adam said.

"Look! There's a door right there!" Bree rejoiced. As they started towards the door, a crushing machine started up as well as a shredder and fire.

"Oh come on." Adam sighed. "Well Bree, you're the fastest, so you should so first."

"You know what? There's plenty of distance between us and that; we're fine." Then the wall started pushing them towards the death traps. "And by fine I mean we're all gonna die!"

--the Davenport's--
Alarms blared as Tasha walked in. "Intruder intruder!" Eddy sounded.

"Eddy, it's just Tasha." Davenport told him.

"Oh" Eddy paused. "Intruder intruder."

Davenport's phone then started to go off. "Hello? Yes, I'll accept a collect call from Facility X. Fitz, I know it's you; I can hear you breathing. You what? What are you talking about? What kind of idiot doesn't know the difference between a robot and a superhuman--you know what, don't answer that." Davenport hung up. "The kids never showed up, they sent the robots in their place."

"You meant the kids were-" Tasha started.

"Telling the truth the whole time." Davenport answered.

"Eddy, where's the kids?" Tasha asked.

"Oh, they left. Something about a recycling center, neglectful parents, life and death, blah, blah, blah."

"Why didn't you tell us any of this?" Davenport asked.

"You didn't ask."

--Recycling Center--
Adan was holding up a pair of pants while the other two were devising a plan. "Ooh, five pockets. You guys think I should try these on?"

Ignoring Adam, Chase continued, "Okay, it takes three seconds to clear the crusher. Adam, if you time it right, you can use your super strength to resist the force and we can all slide under it."

"Yeah, but what if I don't time it right?"

"Try to time it right."

Adam stopped the crusher and they were now trying to get past the shredder. "Now what?"

"Okay, once these jaws close, we have exactly 1.7 seconds to get through."

"I got this. Grab on." Bree sped them through. "Okay, now all we have to do is get past this fire and we're home free."

The fire started small and quickly grew. "Oh, it's nothing, it's just a little-- Whoa."

"What are we gonna do?" Bree panicked.

Adam started to turn back saying, "Look, okay, if we're not gonna try to escape, I'm gonna go back for my jeans."

"Chase, what's wrong?" Bree asked her brother.

"All this burning trash is making my super senses-" Chase sneezed, putting out the fire. "Glitch."

"Sweet. You put it out with your snot cannons."

"Come on, let's get out of here." Bree rushed.

Then three screams were coming from the other side. Leo, Delta, and Zadie fell through the same opening as the three before.

"Leo?" Bree asked.

"Delta?" Chase asked.

"Zadie?" Adam asked.

"No, it's Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson. Get us out of here!" Leo yelled.

Davenport then bust through the door behind the rats. "Mr. Davenport!" Bree yelled.

"Hello, we are robots." Adam said.

"Dude, I think he knows." Chase told him.

"Well now he does."

"Leo, Zadie, Delta!" Tasha panicked.

"I'll find somebody to shut it off."

"There isn't enough time!" Bree said.

"Guys, I have an idea." Chase said.

A few minutes later, Adam, Bree, and Chase fell through the top.

"Ah, never gets old."

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Chase asked them.

"We came to save you."

"Oh, thanks. We're good. Sweet kids." Adam said, patting the top of Zadie's head.

"Come on, let's do this."

"Okay, Leo hold onto Bree and you two hold onto Adam and I at the end." Chase said. Zadie wrapped her arm around Adam and Delta grabbed onto Chase's arm. "We're gonna surround you and then we'll all go through it together, okay? Three, two--"

"Hey, what's that?" Zadie asked, letting go of Adam and hitting the red button.

Everything stopped and Chase realized, "that would be the off button."

"Oh you guys didn't see that?" Adam asked.

--the Davenport's--

"Oh, thank heavens, you all made it home safe and--" Eddy blew a raspberry and everyone sat on the couch.

"I don't know what you kids were thinking pulling a stunt like that. You could've seriously hurt yourselves." Davenport lectured.

"Yeah, but you gotta admit, my robot accent was dead on."

"Can we please take him back to the recycling center?" Chase joked.

"And, guys, why didn't you tell us that Adam, Bree and Chase were still here?"

"Because we were trying to protect our friends. And we're still gonna protect our friends. That's right. You wanna send them away, you have to go through us first. It's go time, little man. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. There's a lot of fight in this little doggie. Come on! Uh-huh!"

"Leo, calm down; they're not going anywhere."

"Oh don't you-wait what?"

"Watching you guys risk your lives for each other made me realize something. Maybe I've been focusing too much on training the super human side of you, and I forgot all about the human part."

"Aww, I don't get it." Adam said.

"You're teenagers. And bionic or not, you deserve to experience teenager things. Like school and classes and cell phones."

"Yes! A cell phone! I'm living the dream!" Bree rejoiced.

"Yeah, you're not getting a cell phone. But what I can give you is another chance. Maybe there's a way that you can live here, go to school, and go on missions."

"Are you serious?"

"So they can stay?" Leo asked excitedly.

"On one condition, no one can ever find out about your abilities. And you have to control your emotions so you don't glitch." davenport told them.

"Done." Chase said.

"Okay." Adam said.

"Absolutely." Bree said.

"All right then, welcome home." Davenport confirmed.

"Whoo-hoo! Yeah!" Adam then shot plasma grenades from his hands. "Whoops."

"He has plasma grenades? My life just got a whole lot better." Leo said.


"You know, I'm just not sure about the throw pillows; they're a little plain. So, I got these." Tasha said as the teens watched through the screen. "Are they too busy?"

"No." Robot Donald said.

"So you like them?"

"I do if you do."

"You are so sweet." Tasha  said, kissing robot Donald.

"That robot may be my greatest invention ever." Real Donald said.

"What the?! Donald!" Tasha yelled.

"Ooh, busted!" The teens said.

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