MaNan SS - Paris Wala Love

Por manan_uniquefc

20.1K 1.5K 273

MaNan love story in the city of Paris... Hey I guess some of you already know me...Yes I am your True Love Wi... Más

CHAPTER 1 - Searching Romeo For Juliet

CHAPTER 2 - The Unique First Meet

1.5K 125 8
Por manan_uniquefc


Lara: I never know that Indian guy will look so hot...

Nandini: Can you stop talking about him...

Lara: Even you too agree right that he is a hot guy...

Nandini: Yes but that is not the qualification that I want to find in my partner Lara...For me the guy's character is more important...

Lara: Nandini please try to talk with him once... only then you will know his character right...

Nandini: Didn't you saw he must be already in a relationship with that girl and that's why that girl hug him in a public...

Lara: You know right hugging between friends in publics are too common here so how can you assume that he is in a relationship without asking him directly...

Nandini: Lara this is the last time you are talking about him!!! Why can't you understand that I am not interested in him and will never be...

Lara: Alright if you are not interested in him then I won't talk about him...

Nandini: Good for you...



A guy comes to her father's office to meet him...

Guy: Good Evening Mr. Rajesh Murthy.

Rajesh: Good Evening Mr.Robert!

Robert: So did you find out anything?

Rajesh: Yes...Look at this pictures...

Robert look at the photos it was Manik and the french girl in beach, shopping malls, restaurants, park and in casino...

Robert: In one angle she look like my girlfriend Anna but in another angle she is not...It is not clear Mr.Rajesh!

Rajesh: But there is no confusion Mr. Robert...I am sorry to say this, as you suspected your girlfriend Anna is cheating on you and she is spending time with this guy for the last one week.

Robert become very angry...

Robert: Really who is this guy?

Rajesh: His name is Manik Malohtra...

At the same time Nandini enter the house and was about to enter her room but she heard his father saying Manik Malohtra...

Nandini self talk: Nice name...I must listen the case...

Rajesh: Height:6 feets...Weight: 68kg...Color: Indian White...He is from India and In Mumbai, he is a well-known Businessman...For 11 months he will be very serious in work and then comes to Paris for one month to be seriously enjoy his holiday...

Nandini self talk: Interesting guy!

Rajesh: Work value work, play value play type of guy...In fact he won't even use handphone during his stay in Paris...

Robert stand up and ask...

Robert: Do you know when and where are they meeting next?

Rajesh: Yes...They are meeting at Le Meurice Hotel, suite room number 11 around 8.30pm today.

Robert takes out his gun...

Rajesh: Mr. Robert what are you doing? First keep the gun inside!!!

Nandini get scared with the name of gun...

Robert: I am going to kill that Manik...How dare he spend time with my girlfriend!!!

Rajesh: Mr.Robert that is not the solution...Please calm down...

Robert: No want can stop me from killing that Manik today...Here is the cheque for your work...

When Nandini saw the guy comes out holding the gun she quickly goes inside the room and close the door...The guy left and her father also goes out to continue his other work...Nandini comes out and enter his father's office to check who is Manik!!!

Nandini open the file and get shock seeing the picture of Manik...

Nandini self talk: He is the same Indian guy we saw today in the Paris Little India area.

Then, she check the French girl picture and realised it was the same girl they saw today hugging Manik...

Nandini self talk: OMG this girl was cheating on her boyfriend and speeding time with Manik!!! Poor Manik now his life is in danger...I need to safe him but how?

Nandini decided to go and meet her friend Lara for help...



Nandini reach Lara's house...

Nandini: Lara, Manik's life is in danger...

Lara: Nandini first calm down and take deep breaths...

Lara makes Nandini sit down on the sofa and ask...

Lara: First tell me who is Manik?

Nandini: Manik is the same guy we saw today in Paris Little India area...

Lara: Wow in college you tell me not even talk about him and now you even find out his name also... Romeo and Juliet = Manik and the name look so wonderful right...

Nandini: Lara please be serious...I am talking about his life is in danger...

Lara: Okay serious mode on...Tell me what happen

Nandini tell Lara everything happen in her house and how she was shock to find out that Manik is the same guy they saw today and Robert is planning to shoot him...

Lara: See my jeeju was innocent and that girl was not only cheating on her boyfriend but also my jeeju...I will not leave that bloody girl...Come let teach that girl some lesson...

Nandini: Lara who cares about that girl...We need to inform Manik that Robert is planning to shoot him today...

Lara: Simple we call him and inform him so he won't go back to his hotel...

Nandini: The problem is he won't bring his phone during his stay in Paris...

Lara: Wow you know so much about him...

Nandini: Lara that's what my dad was saying about him...

Lara: Okay then we can call his hotel room and warn him right!!!

Nandini: Great idea...

They find out the hotel number and Nandini call...

Hotel Guy: Hello I am Richard from Hotel Le Meurice here...How may I help you...

Nandini: Hello, could you connect the call to Suite Room number 11...My friend Manik Malohtra is staying there...

Hotel Guy: Hold on...give me a minute I will call him and then connect the call to you...

Nandini: Yeah be fast...

Manik's room phone is ringing but no want take the call...

Hotel guy: I am sorry mam I guess he is not in his room...

Nandini: Alright thanks...

Lara: What happen?

Nandini: He is not in the hotel Lara...Now what will we do?

Lara: I know what to do...Let's go to the hotel directly...




Manik pour wine in two class and give one glass to Anna...

Manik: It's a wonderful evening Anna...

Anna: Yes Manik!

All of sudden two guys comes in lock the door from inside and throw knife towards Manik but lucky it didn't attack Manik...

Manik: Hey who are you?

Anna: I am leaving Manik...

Anna run from there through balcony leaving Manik alone...

Manik start to fight with the two guys...Meanwhile, Nandini and Lara reach the room number 11...Nandini and Lara knock the door but no response...

At the same time, Lara saw someone(Anna) leaves the room next to Manik room without locking the door back...Of course she didn't notice it's Anna...

Lara: Nandini let's get in through this room...

She drag Nandini with her...They reach the balcony...The two room's balcony are just side to each other...

Lara: Nandini you climb to that balcony and warn Manik about the attack!

Nandini: Okay but you too come with me Lara...

Lara: No I will wait outside Manik room to stop the attacker from coming in...

Nandini: No you don't need to stop the attacker...It is not safe...You will go down and wait for me in the lobby!!!

Lara: No Nandini I will wait outside...

Nandini: You promise me you will wait in the lobby area otherwise you will have to come with me!!

Lara want Nandini to meet Manik alone and talk with him so she agree with her...

Lara: Okay I will wait for you in the lobby but if you need my help please call me Nandini!

Nandini: Okay!

Lara goes down...Mean time, in Manik room the two guy goes out and Robert enter in.

Nandini jump to Manik's balcony and was about to enter in and then she heard gunshot sound!!! After hearing the sound she faint while leaning against the window grill.

Robert walk near to Manik and point the gun to his chest...

Robert: I am sorry Manik today will be your last day and will be your last meet with my girlfriend!!!

Manik look at him in shock and ask...

Manik: Who are you?

Robert: I am Anna's boyfriend...By the way where is she? Did she hide somewhere knowing I will be coming here...

Robert saw some shadow near balcony window he drop the gun down in hurry and walk toward there...

Robert: Anna was my love for you not enough that you find new guy that too an Indian Guy...

By saying this, Robert open the curtains slightly and saw Nandini there...

Robert: This is not my girlfriend...In fact she is a Indian girl...

He close the curtain back and comes to Manik...

Robert: Are you Manik?

Manik: Yes!

Robert: Is this suite room number 11?

Manik: Yes!

Robert: But that girl is not my girlfriend!...I guess some misunderstanding had happen...By the way you both look like made for each other...

By saying this Robert goes out...Manik get confused thinking who is there if not Anna...He comes to the window and open the window...Nandini falls and Manik catch her in his arms...Nandini's eyes are still close...

Manik: Excuse me!!!

Nandini slowly opens her eyes hearing Manik's voice and their eyes met...Nandini lost seeing into Manik's eyes and even Manik too look into her eyes for a while...After some time, Manik makes Nandini stand and Nandini comes to senses...

Manik: Who are you?

Nandini look around her and then see Manik standing in front of her safely...

Nandini: You are fine right! He didn't shoot you right...

Manik become surprised...

Manik: Yeah I am fine but who are you?

Nandini: Actually I come here to warn you that someone is planning to shoot you...Now that I have inform you...I am leaving...

Nandini start to moves...

Manik: Wait how did you know he is planning to shoot me!!!

Nandini: Leave that na...the point is now you are safe...So Good Night...

Nandini walk further...

Manik: Good night and nice to meet you yaar!!!

Nandini: Very nice to meet you Mr.Manik Malohtra...bye...

Nandini walk more toward the door...Manik too walk behind her...Manik was so surprised that Nandini even know his name...

Manik: Hey wait a second how did you know my name and first of all how did you enter my room all of sudden...

Nandini turn towards him and say...

Nandini: You are from Mumbai right...

Manik: Who tell you all this info about me?

Nandini: My friend's cousin sister's friend! Happy now...

Manik: Which friend's cousin sister's friend tell you and what makes you to decide to help me?

Nandini: All this is not important Manik...What's important is you are safe so bye...

By saying this Nandini goes to door...

Manik: I really want to know more about you...Can we meet up tomorrow?

Nandini: Let's see!

Manik: When?

Nandini: Whenever destiny want us to meet...

Manik: WHAT?

Nandini slightly open the door and saw Robert at the door...

Nandini: No he is here again...

Nandini run towards Manik and hug him in fear...Manik was shock and then he saw Robert enter in so Manik too hug Nandini back...

Nandini closes her eyes and was lost in the hug and Manik too closes his eyes to pretend to be in a romantic moment in front of Robert...

Robert: Sorry...

Manik: You again disturb our moment!!!

Robert: I am continue...actually I forgot my gun that's why I come back...

Manik closes his eyes back...

Robert: So sweet couple!

Robert leave from there...Manik breaks the hug...

Manik: Crazy guy...

By saying this he goes out to check if that Robert really goes from there or not...Nandini comes to senses and goes from there...Manik enter in and realised Nandini is not there...

Manik: Where is she?

He saw Nandini was about to take lift...

Manik: Hey at least tell me what's your name?

Manik say loudly but Nandini didn't answer him...she just goes from there...


Lara: Hey problem solve right? You already inform him right?...Now that Anna is out of his life right?

Nandini didn't answer any of the question as she was totally lost after hugging Manik...

Lara: Nandini I am talking to you...Where are you lost?

Lara asked while shaking her...

Nandini: He is safe but I don't know what happen to me!!!

Lara: What you mean? Are you okay?

Nandini didn't answer anything...

Lara: Nandini speak up something...

Lara can't handle Nandini's silent anymore so she goes into the caf and ask for a glass of cold water...She bring the water to Nandini and pour the entire glass of water on Nandini's face...Nandini comes back to senses completely...

Nandini: What is this Lara?

Lara: CWGC

Nandini: WHAT?

Lara: Cold Water Glass Challenge

Nandini: Seriously...

Lara: Yes see you are back finally...Now tell me what happen there and what happen to you...

Nandini: Nothing happen there...First I faint due to gunshot sound and then I wakes up in his arm...


Nandini: I guess I might be falling so he catch me...

Lara: And then?

Nandini: and then I inform him about the attacker...

Lara: After that...

Nandini: After that here I am...

Lara: No I won't believe because you were looking so lost when you comes here so definitely something must have happen there...Now tell me what's that...

Nandini: Fine...I...I end up...

Lara: End up kiss him is it?

Nandini: NO!!! I end up hug him in fear...

Lara: WOW...First meeting itself you end up hug him...

Nandini: In fear okay!

Lara: Now what will happen in upcoming meetings? I am so excited to know it Nandini...

Nandini mind talk: I don't know what happen to me when I hug him...Why is it feel so right to hug him?...Why did I find solace in his hug?...God I think I will become crazy thinking about all these...

Lara: Nandini are you already planning what to do with him in upcoming meetings?

Nandini: Nothing like that...Come let's go back...



Manik in phone conversation with Cabir...

Manik: You won't believe me all of sudden a guy comes to shoot me...

Cabir: You are fine right?

Manik: Cabir chill yaar...I am fine because of that mystery girl otherwise god knows what would had happen...

Cabir: Mystery girl?

Manik: Yeah...

Manik tell everything happen in the room but not the hug part...

Manik: She help me but I don't even know her name...

Cabir: So she will be your new time pass is it?

Manik: No way Cabir...She is an angel and I just want to know more about her...That's all...

Cabir: Interesting for the first time you want to know about a girl...

Manik: But I don't know where to find her yaar...

Cabir: All the best bro!


* So how is the manan  first meet...Please do share ur opinion...

* Do u find it as different first meet?

* how about the new character Lara do you like her or not?

* If u want further updates then please do comment as well...

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