Romance And Reason

By Narutos-Buddie

13.5K 302 23

After Trunks returns, Pan's life is turned upside down. Now she's having to deal with hormonal Saiyans, a pos... More

Romance And Reason (TrunksxPan Fanfic)
The Return
So That's a Bond!
Two Weeks Later, No Progress
Kami's Lookout
One day more
Into The Room Of Space And Time
Two of Twelve, What the Hell?
Turn Around, Turn Around
Shut Up In There
Who And What?!
Step Up or Step Off
A Moment of Peace
When the Truth Comes Out to Light
Everyone Has Their Reasons

P and T

757 17 0
By Narutos-Buddie

Disclaimer: I do not own the Dragon Ball characters or legacy. All rights are reserved to the companies that own them.

 Chapter 11: P and T

Pan was beginning to feel uncomfortable as she waited for Trunks to answer. He remained quiet and stayed in the same spot he was inches away from her lips. Pan's breath came out in harsh sounds and was about to speak when she felt his hand move from her hip up her side brushing against the side of her breast. He started to close the space and Pan saw the grin start to spread across his face.

"I think I'm going to savor my prize," Trunks replied and then leaned up to kiss the tip of her nose.

The next few minutes were a blur to Pan. Trunks took his time placing kisses on her face and cheeks. He placed a kiss at the corner of her mouth before pulling back and looking down at her once more. Finally he moved forward and placed light kisses on her exposed skin once more. Pan tried to squirm and make him place his lips on hers, but he refused. Trunks found a spot between her jaw and neck placing small kisses there while Pan tried to bring his lips once more to hers. She brought her hand up grabbing the knot of hair on his head and yanked him closer to him causing him to growl.

"Trunks," Pan groaned out and Trunks smiled down at her.

She felt a sigh of relief as he finally leaned forward and placed his lips firmly over hers. Her hands remained tangled in her hair that she had pulled free from his hairband. Trunks pulled her firmly against him and slid his lips against hers deepening the kiss. Pan found that she couldn't make a coherent thought except her desire to bring him even closer to her and her desire to taste even more of him. He pulled back to breathe and noticed a vacant look in her eyes. He released her before standing up to his feet.

"What?" Pan asked after a few seconds of blinking bring herself up to her elbows as she tried to regain her composure.

"I think we need to have a serious talk about what just happened before we let this get any farther," Trunks said his voice sounding scratchy and deeper from the activities they had just been engaging in.

"What do we have to talk about?" Pan asked slowly standing up. She had no desire to talk, but instead wanted to get as close to him as possible.

"Bonding," Trunks replied and Pan felt like a bucket of ice cold water had just been dropped on her head. She realized that it wouldn't just be messing around if this thing between them went any farther.

"Let's go have a seat and talk," Trunks said gesturing towards the building before starting to walk that direction. Once inside he sat down at the table and motioned for her to sit down in the open seat beside him.

"Can we have this conversation later?" Pan asked afraid that the conversation they were about to have would ruin her memory of the moment they had just had.

"Now Pan, not later," Trunks replied firmly and watched as she slowly sunk into the seat he had motioned to her.

"Vegeta explained to me what bonding was," Pan started, but was stopped when Trunks held up a hand.

"Let me start this differently. I want to share with you a story," Trunks said and Pan furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"A story?" Pan asked.

"Just listen and let me finish before you say anything. The day my mother dragged me to the hospital to see Videl and Gohan's new child I was unhappy. At that point Goten was my best friend and girls were stupid and useless. My mom told me that she wouldn't let me do any training unless I went. She even forced me dress up in stuffy clothes to go see a baby that wouldn't remember. The minute I laid on that baby, you, I felt the start of something stirring that I just didn't understand at that point. That little baby grew up to be my best friend and became something more precious to me that I could describe. It wasn't until that little girl grew to be on the cusp of womanhood that I began to understand what emotions I was truly feeling. My father noticed a change in my demeanor and approached me asking what I was feeling. I can't remember what exactly happened that day but I do remember regaining consciousness on the floor of the gravity room while my father stared down at me. He sat me down and talked with me about Saiyan's and bonding. He told me that I was starting to bond with you and once I passed a certain point I wouldn't be able to control it anymore. So he helped to create an opportunity for me to leave even though the idea of leaving that young woman behind was killing me," Trunks explained pausing when he noticed that Pan was trying to keep her hands from shaking.

"Trunks," Pan began her voice coming out barely a whisper.

"Shush Pan let me continue. Three years later I finally felt that I would be able to return and knew that at this point the young girl would be considered a woman. The moment I stepped into my childhood home I was drawn to the woman who had kept my ridiculous promise and I wanted nothing more to have her in my arms them. It wasn't until I had scared her that I realized the possibility that she might not want the same things I did. So I tried to back off and make myself scare especially when I realized the more insecure I felt the more I was scaring her. Then all of this happened and now I'm going to give you a choice," Trunks explained and Pan felt her heart begin to pound.

"What choice?" Pan whispered.

"We have several months left in this room and I'm going to ask you once every month if you are ready to be with me. I want you to decide if you want to be with me or not," Trunks said with a sad smile.

"But won't that put you in pain? Didn't Vegeta say that staying in a half-bond is unbearable?" Pan asked watching as Trunks clenched his fists several times before speaking.

"It doesn't matter what level of pain it causes me. Even my Saiyan side understands that you need this choice. A Saiyan bond is forever. We would share our thoughts, and it is considered a marriage that you can never get a divorce from. My father told me that once your mate dies you feel like a part of you dies as well. Some weaker Saiyans will try to follow their mates into death," Trunks explained while Pan watched his carefully, "So I decided to give you a choice. When or if you feel ready to share your life with me then you can answer yes, and we will continue our relationship from there. Otherwise we will spend the next few months training and then go back to defeat whatever force is coming to Earth."

"Trunks," Pan whispered his name unable to come up with any other response.

"I'll admit that I'm selfish in wanting you to be with me, and if I thought I could persuade you and not have you regret it I would, but I don't want you to regret being together with me. I want you to come to me willing and know that I care for you so deeply that you can't stand being away from me for another minute," Trunks finished and stood walking back outside leaving Pan to her thoughts.

The rest of the month passed by in a blur and each night Pan would lie awake trying to sort through her thoughts until she felt so exhausted that she fell asleep. Then she would wake up and start the process over again. Trunks never mentioned what they had discussed and never attempted to touch her sexually. She did notice however that he was getting paler by the day. It was the last day of the month when he approached her.

"Pan, are you ready to spend your life with me?" Trunks asked and Pan felt her breath quicken.

She didn't actually answer him, and her lack of answer was the only response he needed. The next two months passed much the same way. Each month on the last day he would approach her and when she found she could not answer his question he would leave. He was looking worse and worse every day.

It was one night on their tenth month in the time chamber that Pan found Trunks retching in the bathroom. She stayed hidden out of sight as he made his way back towards his room. He was almost ashen in color and seemed to look thinner than he did before. She watched as he paused too dizzy to continue forward and placed his hand on the wall to keep himself upright. Finally he straightened and made his way into his room. Pan knew that during the day he was trying to keep this hidden from her, but at night he was suffering while she slept.

Pan made her way back to her room and crawled on top of the bed bringing her knees up to her chin. It was time she made a decision and stop putting this off. She sat up most of the night going through her feelings for Trunks and by the time her clock said it was morning she had decided to confront him.

The next morning she made her way out of her room and into the shower. She changed into a workout outfit before heading towards the kitchen. When she walked in she found Trunks sitting at the table reading. She noticed that other than his pale complexion he looked like the same Trunks she had seen from month to month.

"When were you going to tell me that my indecisiveness was killing you?" Pan demanded slamming her palms on the table in front of him.

"I'm fine," Trunks replied back automatically rising to his feet.

"You are not fine and last night proved that to me. Just because I'm a stubborn idiot does not give you the right to let me basically kill you," Pan shouted stepping forward and poking him in the chest.

"Pan, I'm fine, don't worry about it," Trunks responded trying to remove her finger where it was digging into his tender muscle.

"Of course I'm going to freaking worry about it! Just because I'm afraid of commitment doesn't mean you should let me continue to drag my heels. Trunks I've been in love with you since I was seven years old and you should know that in fact I think it's just as much your fault as mine since you are letting me piddle around without giving you an answer," Pan continued poking at him.

"It's not my fault you are hardheaded! At least I know you come by it honestly judging by your grandfather and uncle," Trunks snapped and then he stopped as the rest of what Pan said began to make sense in his brain.

"Yep that's right I said I love you, but instead of realizing that you decided to insult my family," Pan responded and started to try to walk away.

"Pan," Trunks whispered softly reaching out to pull her to a stop gently wrapping his hand around her arm.

"I honestly don't know if I can imagine being with someone for the rest of my life who insults my family, but then again I guess I'll just have to throw insults at him and his family as well. I mean his family does have that unusual habit of naming their children after undergarments," Pan continued a grin on her face.

Trunks remained quiet for a moment and she was worried that he had lost the ability to speak but when she looked up and met his eyes she saw that he was just soaking everything in. He tightened his grip on her arm and pulled her against him. His lips descended on hers covering her and passionately searching her mouth. His wandering hands slipped underneath her rear and lifted her upwards leaving her no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist. He began to walk the bouncing motion of his feet causing a lovely feeling of friction. He pulled away from her momentarily as he laid her back on his bed removing his shirt in the minute he was away from her.

Pan felt his chest as her hands wandered up his body until she reached around his neck pulling him back down towards her. One of her hands slipped up into his hair while her other hand slipped down his bare back lightly raking her nails against his skin. Before she realized what was happened Trunks had removed her top and she found she was naked from the waist up while Trunks planted kissed on every inch of exposed skin. Her breath came in short gasps as he planted kisses on her breasts and then down onto her stomach. She knew that she wanted him more than anything else and that was all that was important. Trunks continued to take control removing the rest of their clothing until their bodies were skin to skin with nothing in between. Pan felt embarrassed and tried to reach for the sheet to pull over the top of her but Trunks would not allow it and pinned her hand to the bed.

"I'm going to ask this question only one more time and this is your last chance to tell me to stop. Pan, are you ready to be with me and be my mate?" Trunks asked his voice coming out roughly as he leaned forward and placed kisses in the place he hoped would shortly bear his mark.

"Yes," Pan whispered breathlessly in between his kisses and Trunks felt a rush of relief.

Trunks took her mouth once more kissing her deeply as he lined his body up with hers. It was during this moment as he overpowered Pan's senses that he drove himself into her. The rest was a blur of passion as each tried to satisfy their burning need for each other. Trunks felt his canines elongate and plunged the fangs into her neck. He became surprised when he felt the same thing happening to him. It would be hours later when either person was coherent enough to talk about everything that had happened, but by that point nothing else mattered because they belonged together.       

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