" Who are you ""

By ichaz-117

1.2K 75 57

She thought she had found her love of her life until she met him but problem was she had a boyfriend what wo... More

Wildest dreams
Authors question
Not an update but read
The uncle
The meet
Not again
The plan
The fight
The secret
The emergency
I didnt know
Suprise vistor
The serenade
Heart break , ice cream and secrets
Love is weird
Lucky number 3
A tribute❤️❤️❤️
Hearts are ment to be broken

Are littel secret

20 3 4
By ichaz-117

Josh's POV
" before you get mad and leave and want to punch me I need to tell you one more thing ." I say while looking at her eyes , I could the tears forming as I told her ." I hope you understand I never wanted to hurt you ." I say . " it's ok I u-understand ." She says stuttering a bit ." But . This just makes me want to try harder to,get you to look at me differently ." She says while a half smirk grew on her face . That's what I liked about her , she never gave up . She then walked away , she left me speechless,................
I understood Josh but if he belongs with me he will realize maybe not today tomorrow or in a month or maybe even never . I just have to hope he can look at me differently . He is worth fighting for , and I hope one day he will realize I am not so little or immature ...........
Zoe's POV
While I was in to front yard sitting in the porch swing I feel someone sit next to me ." Shawn ." I say while looking up to meet his chocolate eyes ." Hey I just wanted to say something ." He seas while look at my eyes " I hope we're still friends even after all that had happened ." He says while playing with his hands . " sure ." I say . At this point were sat in silence but as I turned around Shawn was starting to lean And so did I . Then it happened I had kissed Shawn . Then it hit me " I HAVE A BOYFRIEND'!!" I yelled to my self " sorry " he said while getting up " u,mm Steven is gonna kill me !!!" I scream ." It's my fault !" He as trying to clam me done a notch . " I have to go ." He aid while going to his car . I just stood there in shock ..................
Josh's POV
I decided to head home early since I still haven't pack for Disney and we leave in 2 days . As I was heading out I get the front porch and see Ivanna and Brandy " Thomas for coming Josh !" I vanna says while getting up to thank me " no problem " I say back " hey um , never mind ." Ivanna says while going back to sit down with Brandy . While I was heading to my car I was stopped by a girl ." Ur cute . What's your name ." She asked me " Josh . You ?" I ask " Lauren ." She says " wait your the guy my cousin likes ." She says ." Wait your Ivannas cousin !" I say " ya . That's me ." She says ."so I am guessing ur single so how about you take me to the movies ." She says while playing with my hair ." Sorry I am not interested ." I say to her making her frown and get a bit angry " don't worry I know you like my cousin ." She say. " what ?" I say back to her ." I know I see the way u are I can see it I your eyes ." She says ." U found that out in 1 day of being here ." I say a bit surprised and confused at the same Time. " u don't remember me do you !" She said which a smirk ." Do u remember going to buy flowers and you told me you needed the perfect flowers you Said they were a girl u liked but u couldn't tell her . That was me . I knew you but you don't know me ." She said with a smirk in her face ." Wait then how did u know me before ?" I asked a bit confused." Well my cousin talks about u so she showed me a picture after u bought the flowers . And don't worry I didn't tell her about the flowers ." She says " wow ur a stalker ." I say " no I am more like a spy ." She says while heading back inside .....................,,,
Zoe's POV
I decided to not tell Josh not Ivanna I know she would lecture me .but when I tried to find him he wasn't there I guessed he had gone home . I look my phone to check the time 12:10 . " I better get home " I say to myself ........... Once I get home I look for Josh in his room I see him packing ." Hey " I say to him while I enter his room." Hey " he replies while coming to sit next to me ." Ok I need your help ." I tell him" ok what is it ?" He ask getting a bit suspicious . " I kissed Shawn ." I say ." Wait you did what !!" He practically yells." Well technically he kissed me !" I yell back ." Wait I thought he liked Ivanna ?" I asked . Once I asked the question she never looked up and when she did she rolled her eyes at me . " uh! Is Zoe DI Alvarez jealous !!" I yelled ." No !!" She say while softly punching me in the arm ." Dude you have a boyfriend ." I said " I know !!!!!" She says ." What did Ivanna say about this ." I ask her ." About that ." She says while looking done at her hands ." I didn't tel her ." She quietly says ." OHhhhhhhhhhh." I say " well bye ." I say while going back to packing ." Wait ." She says while grabbing my arm ." What ?." I say ." What do I do ?" Is he says " first decided who u like Steven or Shawn . Then u follow ur heart ." I say ." Wow . U give good advice , maybe you should listen to yourself more and follow ur heart ." She say while waking out ........

Thanks for 600 reads u guys rock
Love y'all

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