We're Different🗸

By WittyKa

1.2K 41 48

This story is about a Kingdom with 12 villages around Kingdom. But in each village a child with a mark on the... More

Meeting the Children Part One
Meeting the Children Part Two
Meeting the Children Part Three
Meeting the Children Part Four
Meeting the Children Part Five
Meeting the Children Part Six
Meeting the Children Part Seven
Meeting the Children Part Eight
Meeting the Children Part Nine
Meeting the Children Part Ten
Meeting the Children Part Eleven
Meeting The Children The Final Part
Rage and Anger
The Beautiful Night Sky
Aaron is Not Human
Demon vs Zodiac
Demon Army
The Vampire King
She's Gone
An Old Friend
Fresh Air
Not Our Last Good Byes (Last Chapter)

The Phoenix

17 2 0
By WittyKa

{Edited} [Don't play music yet.]

Everyone freaked out when I said that. I told them to calm down. Once I said that, they did.

"Alright, let's get moving, first let's take out..." I turned around and see that nothing is burnt. "the fire"

We were confused. We walked around town and asked everyone what happen to the fire. They told us, that there wasn't a fire. What? Capricorn decided to say we should continue our journey. We agreed. But I kept thinking about how they didn't see the fire. We told them.


We reached a cave but it's really huge. Everyone put their stuff by the cave.

"I'm going in" I said

"By yourself?" Aries asked

I turned around faced everyone.


I turned back around.

"All of us should go together"

"I know but I don't want you guys getting hurt"

"What about you?" Scorpio asked

I turned around and faced them again. I smiled.

"Better me than you guys"

Before they could say anything, I turned around and ran in. As I got deeper, it got darker and darker. Soon I wasn't able to see. I kept walking straight. Well at least I think I am. A couple minutes later I was a light. I ran to it. I got closer and closer. Soon enough I was surrounded by light. Then I noticed that I'm back outside and I see everyone. What?

"So?" Taurus asked

"What? How did this happen? I was walking straight and I ended up here"

I put my hands on my head. I'm so confused. I turned around.

"Everyone grab your stuff we're all going in" I said as I put my hands down.

They cheered. They grabbed they're stuff and got behind me. After they did that I started to walked back in. I heard them follow.


We walked in the darkness fr, what it seem like hours. Then I saw a light. Then everyone else noticed it. We looked at each other and nodded our heads. Then we ran. Once we ran, I started to notice it's a different land. We continued running. Soon enough all of us are surrounded by the light. I looked down and I see that we are on top of a floating island and I see a floating island. We saw waterfalls lakes, rivers, hills trees. It's just so beautiful.

I turned around and see that the cave isn't behind us anymore.

"Guys, the cave is gone"

"What!?" They yelled

They turned around and see that there is no cave. We turn back around.

"How is that possible?" Leo asked

Some of them shrugged and some said 'I don't know.' But I thought about it and I might of thought why it disappeared.

"Magic" I whispered

"What was that?" Aquarius asked

"It must of been magic" I said a little bit louder

"How is that possible?" Virgo asked

"We have magic" I said a little annoyed

"That's because, we're the Zodiac Children"

"Yeah I know, but there is other people who have magic even though they aren't us"

"There is?" Leo asked in confusion

I swear he's the idiot of this group.

"Yes there is and so does the ph-"

I stopped right before I said the next word completely.

"So does what?" Gemini asked

"The Phoenix"

Nobody didn't say a word for a couple minutes. I turned around and looked at the big island.

"Let's go down there" I said

I looked at them and see their 'why!?' look.

"Why!?" Cancer asked/yelled

"To explore it"

Then I saw that they are deciding.

"Okay, but how are we going to go down?" Capricorn asked

"Aquarius and Pisces can help us down with their power"

"Thanks for asking" Pisces and Aquarius said sarcastically.

I turned around and faced them. I put my hands together and said, "Can you help us get down there with your power?"

They looked at each other. Then nodded. Then I went to the edge. Pisces put his hands out towards the lake and Aquarius summoned his water jug and point it towards the lake. Then I see water.

"Everyone get on our water" They said

I let everyone go first. Cancer went first, then, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, and then Capricorn.

"Alright,your turn Libra"

"You guys look tired, you should go down before me"

"But the water will disappear behind us"

"I'll find a way"

"You sure"


They looked at each other and nodded, they go on their water and slid down. Like they said the water disappeared behind them. I walked up to the edge. I see tiny specks. I'm guessing that's them. I backed up. I can do this. Then I ran, once I got to the edge, I jumped. Now I'm falling, I'm aiming towards the water. As I was getting closer I realized that I'm not going to make it.

"Libra!" I heard Scorpio and Capricorn yelled.

I faced them. Before I fell past the ground they are on, I smiled and waved. I turned to my back and I see them at the edge. I closed my eyes. Then after a couple seconds I felt like I was on something. I opened my eyes and looked. I see that I'm a humongous bird. I see it's on fire a little. The Phoenix. I held onto it. I looked and I see that we are above the island. Then the Phoenix threw me up and grabbed me by its claws. I see that we are getting closer to the ground. I starred to run in the air. Once my feet made coach with the ground, the Phoenix let go of me and I ran. Then it flew away.

"Wait!" I yelled

But it continued to fly away. Then it flew back. (Picture ^) It looked at me. Then it flew down towards us.

"Get back everyone!" I yelled.

Everyone got back, but I stood in the spot I'm in. It landed right in front of me. (Play Music)

"Why did you save me?" I asked

"Because you're..."

It spoke. It has a beautiful voice. Her voice sounds like a angel if I could imagine what a angel's voice to sound like. I got all wide eyed. She looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I want expecting you to answer me"


Then I remember something.

"Why did you kill my family?" I asked

"What are you talking about?"

"When I was the little girl, I witnessed you ripping my family's limbs apart"

"Oh, that family, well they stole my child from me so I decided to kill them"

"Who's your child?"

She didn't speak. Damn it, my curiosity got to me. She moved her face closer to me.


I got all wide eyed. Me? How am I her child? I looked up to her.

"Your probably wondering how?"

I nodded my head. Did she read my thoughts?

"I can transform into a human. Once I did I went exploring in the human world. Then I met your father"

My father?

"He was the most handsomeness man I've ever seen. We met and we started to talk. After a couple weeks of being friends he asked me out. And of course I said yes. We went out for half a year, then I got pregnant with you"

"Wait, you can give live birth?"

"Yes, and I can also lay eggs, but mostly live birth, I thought it was more natural, instead of waiting for a egg to catch to see your baby. I could shoose also. I chose live birth, I wanted to now how it felt. .....Anyway after I had you we were happy until he went out one night and met a girl. We weren't married so he can break up with me. After 1 month of two from having you, he cheated on me."

She stopped for a little bit. Then she continued.

"I found out a few days later and we broke up. I packed up your stuff, then I took you and your stuff away from your father. Then we made it to The Balance Village. I did notice the mark on your hand when you were 2 days old. Unfortunately I didn't know who the girl looked like. I ended up staying with the girl who did it with your dad. Day one we became friends, actually best friends After a couple days of staying there, she said that her boyfriend is coming over. After a couple hours he came over. Once I saw who it was I immediately screamed and yell at him. He didn't do anything but one thing. He took you away from me"

She stopped talking. I see tears in her eyes. That made me tear up. I ran over to her and hugged her. Then I felt her body getting smaller and smaller until she was a little taller than me. She hugged me back. Then I broke the hug. I back up a little. She has black hair and it's up in a ponytail. She has a red dress with some parts wrapped almost around her he waist to her hips. The right side of her dress, from her thigh down, it's ripped. She has boots that goes up to her knees almost. She also has arm a braces around her wrist. She has yellow eyes.



"Why did dad leave you!?"

"I don't know"

We stood there starring at each other. I can't believe I'm the Phoenix's daughter. But our mission is to get the egg and kill the phoenix. How the hell am I going to kill her now!? I can't, she's my real mother!?

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