By XxCoWriting_ClubxX

43 12 1

Hey, I'm just a depressed 15 years old TUMBLR girl. And here is how to cope with anger issues/ anxiety/ depre... More



9 4 0
By XxCoWriting_ClubxX

*Simplify your life. Cut back on obligations when possible, and set reasonable goals for yourself. Give yourself permission to do less when you feel down.
*Write in a journal. Journaling, as part of your treatment, may improve mood by allowing you to express pain, anger, fear or other emotions.
*Read reputable self-help books and websites. Your doctor or therapist may be able to recommend books or websites to read.
*Locate helpful groups. Many organizations, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, offer education, support groups, counseling and other resources to help with depression. Employee assistance programs and religious groups also may offer help for mental health concerns.
*Don't become isolated. Try to participate in social activities, and get together with family or friends regularly. Support groups for people with depression can help you connect to others facing similar challenges and share experiences.
*Learn ways to relax and manage your stress. Examples include meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga and tai chi.
*Structure your time. Plan your day. You may find it helps to make a list of daily tasks, use sticky notes as reminders or use a planner to stay organized.
*Don't make important decisions when you're down. Avoid decision-making when you're feeling depressed, since you may not be thinking clearly.


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