A Journey in Anime World

By iamalittlekid

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Everything turned out AWESOME!
amlorrz's note (Author's Note)

An Unknown Anime World?!

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By iamalittlekid

Chapter 17




                Unfortunately, when we woke up, we didn’t recognize the anime. The graphics looks so real and we thought we were back in the real world---human world---already. But the aura feels like we’re still in anime world. There was a river and some people who are like controlling the water. And I had a hunch that we’re in the avatar world.

Kohana: hey Yuffie! Are we in Avatar world?

Yuffie: I think so.

Kohana: but who? What season? Aeng or Korra?

Yuffie: I don’t know. Let’s ask someone over there by the river.

                We went and approach the people. If this is Avatar world then maybe… our powers! I wonder what it is.

Kohana: um.. hello, excuse me, can you tell us where we are? And who the avatar is? Is it Aeng or Korra?

Lady: well, you’re in the city of Avatar of course.

Yuffie: and the avatar? Aeng or Korra?

Other lady: what are you saying? Those two were million years old and gone! Ryozuku is the new avatar now.

Both: what?!

                We looked at each other and we were really confused. Who on earth is Ryozuku? I thought there are only 2 avatars-aeng and Korra! Or are in the new-world-avatar processing?

                We went to a restaurant to each breakfast since we both are hungry. There we talked about this world.

Yuffie: is this really avatar?

Kohana: and who’s Ryozuku? The new avatar, as they say?

Yuffie: how did we end up here?

Kohana: we didn’t even watch “The Legend of Korra” yet.

Yuffie: weird.

                After eating breakfast, we headed to the park since we don’t know who’s the main character here and the anime flow. While figuring some details, a fight suddenly appeared in the park. A fight between a big bird with a boy on its head who is much older than us,  who looks like an avatar since he has powers like the avatars---earth, wind, fire, water. Another boy who looks the same age as the other one, was also helping him but the other boy looks like a normal person, which not an avatar, but has unfamiliar things used for fighting. They were battling some bad guy with a huge tank that looks like an army tank.

Yuffie: could that boy over there be the so-called avatar?

Kohana: you mean, Ryozuku? Maybe but who’s that other boy fighting with him?

Yuffie: I don’t know.

                We watched their fight. And they get closer. Then I felt something behind me, like someone was behind me. I was too busy watching the fight. But then someone grab me and point a knife under my chin.

Kohana: AHHH! Help!

Yuffie: kohana!

Unknown girl: Ryozuku! Fight one more and this girl will be dead!

Ryozoku: don’t let harmless people get involve in this!

Unknown girl: oh yeah? We’ll see about that!

                Then they bad guy disappear first and next me and the girl. I thought, I’ve been kidnapped! Where are they taking me? This is bad. Very bad. What if I can’t return to the real world alive?! I just hope that Ryozoku guy would help me.

Yuffie’s POV

                I was shocked and stunned I didn’t know what to do. A girl just magically appeared behind Kohana and kidnapped her! Just like in my dreams a few days ago. I thought it wasn’t real! Now how will I get her back?!

                Just then, the two boys approached me.

Ryozoku: are you okay kid?

Yuffie: you! Who are you?! Who are those guys?! Why did they took Kohana?!

Other boy: whoa! Hold your horses girl!

Yuffie: how will I calm down when my, er, sister had been kidnapped?!

Ryozoku: look, I’m sorry you and your sister got involve here.

Yuffie: you better get her back!

Other boy: we will,

Yuffie: so, who are you guys?!

Ryozoku: I’m Ryozoku Taiki, the avatar.

Other boy: I’m Iyazaki Taru, his best friend and the smart guy. How about you?

Yuffie: I’m Yuffie Nightray, and the girl who was kidnapped was Kohana Tanaka.

Ryozoku: let’s get back to the house, we’ll discuss everything there.

                We went to Ryozoku’s house and had some food and discussed.

Yuffie: how are you related to Korra, or Aeng anyway?

Ryozoku: Korra is my Aunt’s best friend.

Yuffie: oh.. what’s your background?

                Ryozoku told me everything from his birth to his meeting with Iyazaki. Fortunately, according to Ryozoku, Iyazaki is good at math which why he has a high analysis and helped Ryozoku in his fights.

Iyazaki: the girl who kidnapped Kohana was Yumi. A very skilful girl. Also quick. And the bad guy was Unmei.

Yuffie: why were you guys fighting?

Ryozoku: yesterday, they.. they took Nakashina, one of my girl best friend

Iyazaki: which is soon to be girlfriend

Ryozoku: yeah, and Iyazaki’s girlfriend, Asuka.

Yuffie: what do they want?

Iyazaki: they’re evil. I don’t know.

Yuffie: so much for a smart guy, huh?

Iyazaki: fine. They want to take over the city.

Yuffie: can’t they just take over other cities?

Ryozoku: apparently, this city is different from the others. We have avatar powers, alices, skilful people and many more.

                I thought of something. A world of different powers? So this isn’t avatar at all, well, half of it. and If we’re in the avatar world, then I may have powers so as Kohana. My powers from gakuen alice and other anime may be used here and maybe we also have avatar bending skills. I tried controlling the water in the glass but nothing happened.

Yuffie: is it possible that I have powers too?

Iyazaki: maybe. Why don’t you try?

                I tried summoning fire, holding a piece of wood. Suddenly, there was fire on my hand but it didn’t hurt. It felt warm. Wait.. mostly kohana would get fire and I would get ice/water. Except now. So, does this mean, she has water bending?! Her powers are useless! Unless she knows, how to control it.

Ryozoku: so you have avatar powers.

Yuffie: is it possible that one person has 2 or more powers?

Ryozoku: I don’t know. It didn’t happen yet.

Yuffie: ohh…

                If my hunch is right, then Kohana and I have all the powers we had in the past animes. Then, she could escape. Oh wait! She doesn’t know that our powers are back. -_-“ great! Just great! Maybe if she finds out herself she’ll give me a signal or at least contact me through the HDP.

Ryozoku: so.. how about let’s plan on how to save the three of them?

Yuffie: y-yeah, good idea,

Ryozoku: Iyazaki, have any plans?

                Iyazaki unfolded a huge paper which is a map in the city. Apparently, the city was an island-a huge island. No wonder those two wants to invade this city.

Iyazaki: okay so we’re here *points at a house which is being encircled* and they are here *points a huge factory*

Yuffie: wait, we’re here, in this end here and they are far in the other end?!

Ryozoku: yeah.

Yuffie: how are we supposed to get there?!

Ryozoku: no worries, we have birdie

Yuffie: birdie? Who’s that?

Iyazaki: the bird of course

Yuffie: oh, that huge bird during the battle. Okay carry on.

Iyazaki: mostly, no one would guard the factory-old factory- during lunch, so we’ll go there during lunch time

Yuffie: so.. we’re not gonna have lunch?!

                They both looked at me as if that was a really stupid question. xD

Yuffie: ohh.. carry on.

Iyazaki: we’ll land on the roof. Yuffie and I will go inside to get the three of them.

Yuffie: I think I can go alone

Iyazaki: you sure?

Yuffie: 100% sure!

Iyazaki: okay. Then when Yuffie and the others are safely out that is the time Ryozoku would squash them. And note that they are 20 people there. 3 – Kohana, Asuka, Nakashina, and 17 bad guys- 8 girls and 9 boys.

Yuffie: I can--- never mind

                I was about to say that Kohana and I would handle them. If my hunch is right them we’re both powerful.

Ryozoku: for the meantime, you should take a nap Yuffie. While Iyazaki and I will buy some foods. It’s almost 11am.

Yuffie: hai.

Iyazaki: and could you watch my lil’ sis?

Yuffie: you have a lil’ sis?

Iyazaki: yeah, Yumi!

                A girl from a room. Did I mention the girl is so cute?

Yumi: hai, onii-chan?

Iyazaki: this is Yuffie, she’ll watch you until we get back, okay?

Yumi: hai.

Iyazaki: we’ll we better get going,

Yuffie: hai.

                And they went off, leaving me with this cute little girl here.

Yuffie: what do you want to do?

Yumi: I wanna watch this.

                She took a cd and showed it to me. I recognized the cd. It was the legend of Aeng. I wonder where she got it, or maybe a market was selling it. So we watched it.

Ryozoku’s POV

                On the way to the downtown, Iyazaki and I discussed something important.

Iyazaki: do you think she’ll suspect us?

Ryozoku: don’t worry about it, I’m sure she won’t

Iyazaki: I wonder if she knows that they have all the powers they have from the past anime.

Ryozoku: maybe, both of them are really smart, remember? Despite that they look stupid and careless.

Iyazaki: hahah. Yeah, we should not underestimate them.

Ryozoku: yeah.

Yuffie’s POV

                Just when the movie was about to end, Iyazaki and Ryozoku went back. Iyazaki went to his room while Ryozoku went to the kitchen to cook food. Minutes later, I could smell the sweet taste of food! And Ryozoku called us. We went to the dining table.

All: ittadakimasu!

                The food was just too delicious! Very delicious!

Yuffie: the food is very delicious!

Ryozoku: beat that, Iyazaki! :p thanks Yuffie! (^_^)

                By 11:30 am, we were ready to go to the factory. I wonder who’ll be left with Yumi.

Iyazaki: everybody ready?

Yuffie: who’s going to watch Yumi?

Iyazaki: Shiina we’ll be here. I already called her

Yuffie: shiina? Who’s that?

Iyazaki: my cousin

Yuffie: oh.. well.. bye Yumi!

Yumi: bye, bye!

                And we flew off with birdie. The air feels good! And birdie was a really big bird. With its feather, we were kept warm. Minutes later, we arrive at the factory. Just as the plan, we landed on the roof. And birdie went invisible- I mean literally.

Yuffie: where did Birdie go?

Ryozoku: he’s right here but invisible. He has that kind of power.

Yuffie: oh..

                Iyazaki and I went down while Ryozoku was at the roof to watch if someone will saw us. I told Iyazaki to wait outside. As I creep in, I hid behind the huge boxes and looked for Kohana and the others. When I saw them, I moved as quickly as I could and try to blend in the shadows so that the bad guys won’t notice me.  As I was close to them, I felt that someone was behind me, when I looked at my back, a man was standing there. He grabbed my hand and I don’t know how to fight him. Suddenly, I remembered I’m a fire bender. I concentrated to my powers and there was fire, burning his shirt. I ran quickly to Kohana and burned their ropes and ran for the exit. But we got cornered.

Yuffie: hey kohana, know how to use your bending skills?

Kohana: you mean, water bending?

Yuffie: yeah,

Kohana: I can do that?

Yuffie: I don’t know but I have a feeling you have that skill

Kohana: awesome.

                While we were talking, I let my guard down and not knowing a fire was going in my direction. Suddenly, the land raised and shielded me.

Yuffie: who did that?

Asuka: we have I can use earth bending too you know.

Nakashina: yeah, I have air bending.

Yuffie: we’ll, let’s do this!

                We kicked the bad guys off and in just no time they were all out. Ryozoku and Iyazaki came running in.

Ryozoku: what happened here?

Kohana: apparently, we handled the stupid ones

Iyazaki: *murmurs* really?! How come you guys still here?

Kohana: what is that Iyazaki?

Iyazaki: nothing *whistles*

Kohana: good.

                Ryozoku hugged Nakashina while Iyazaki hugged Asuka.

Yuffie: could we save the reunion later? I’m hungry.

Kohana: yeah

Them: ahaha

                When we went outside and it was getting dark. But there was something surprised me, SNOW. I wondered what day we are now. And I realized I got lost track of time.

Yuffie: what day are we now, by the way?

Iyazaki: December 20, 2013

Kohana’s POV

                SNOOOOOOWWW!! Noting feels cold than snow. Wait.. December 20, 2013?! So it’s been 16 days since we left the real world! Goosh! Our families must be worried by now. (>_<) so we went back to Ryozoku’s house and Shiina, Iyazaki’s cousin, made dinner already. We talked about how Yuffie saved us and how we handled the 17 bad guys.

                After eating, Ryozoku lend us the visitors’ room. Yuffie took a bath and I went outside to get some fresh air. And Iyazaki saw me.

Iyazaki: getting some fresh air?

Kohana: yeah.. I wish we will never leave this world

Iyazaki: don’t worry, you guys will be back here soon.

Kohana: huh?

Iyazaki: nothing. By the way, Ryozoku and Nakashina are now official.

Kohana: really?! That’s great!

Iyazaki: yeah, did you know Ryozoku liked her for almost 2 months and is shy to confess until now, and it turned out Nakashina also liked him.

Kohana: ahahhaha.

                There was silence for a moment.

Kohana: well, I better sleep now it’s almost 12mn

Iyazaki: yeah, and you guys will be back to the real world

Kohana: huh?

Iyazaki: nothing.

Kohana: what did you just say?

Iyazaki: um.. nothing.. really.. oh look, hi Asuka.

Asuka: hi Iyazaki and Kohana.

Kohana: better leave you two. xD

Asuka: you really don’t have too.

Kohana: I respect privacy. XD Ja-ane!

                Man, those two are really a cute couple and also Ryozoku and Nakashina! I went to the room and found Yuffie sleeping already. I went to sleep. I had the weirdest dream. It was about an earthquake and when we woke up we were back in the real world. But I could feel the shaking like it was real. Like one of those Demigod dreams in Greek myths. When we woke up, we were back in the real world.

Kohana: yuffie! Were back!

Yuffie: huh? What? What day is it? Time?

Kohana: December 15, 2024. 9:30 am. The same day the earthquake occurred!

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