My brothers best friend

By Standalone__

5K 131 19


My brothers best friend
the car ride (part1)
The car ride (part2)


1K 31 4
By Standalone__

As I walk outside I find my brother waiting for me in his car.

 'Finally we been waiting forever give me your luggage and get inside the car 'My brother tells me and  I do as he says when I get inside his car I see a person I havent seen in years and I hoped I didn't see.

  'Hey Val no time no see.. wow I've seen you changed' He says to me and I just roll my eyes.

'Hey Alexander I'll say is a pleasure to see you but I'll be lying'I told him. I might sound like a brat or something but what would you do if the guy that made fun of you for your whole childhood and you had a mayor crush on was in front of you after not seeing him in forever.

' Hey Alex go sit in the back with my sister Ima go pick up Erika so we can go eat something' My brother tells Alex just great I have to have him nest to me the whole ride back homr woho note the sarcasum. But atleast I get to see Erika she was my friend before I left and she always had a thing for m brother and last time I heard they were dating and if we gonna pick her up I think they are still dating.

In our ride to Erika's house we talk about my life in bording school was and how we gonna have fun this summer and I also discovered that Alex is in the same collage Im going and we all going to share an apartment there yeih mmore time with them (sarcasum). 

'Omg Val you look hot I see you aint going to have no problem with the boys in that category'says Erika as soon as she gets in the car yep that is def the Erika I know and love.

'Thanks Erika you dont look so bad ypur self and I see you haveno problem in the boys category either.' I tell her as she blushes and looks at my brother ew I think I pucked a little of thinking the things they be doing.

'Guys hurry and get yours asses out of the car Im hungry'I tell the cuple inside the car sucking each other face like seriosly I might need to go puck after here seeing them all mushy makes me want to throw up also it makes me kind of jelous that they have that sort of relationship.

'OK sis what do you want' My brtoher asks as we enter mcd's 

' #1 a big mac' I tell him 'AW a girl that is not afraid to eat w.e you are so cute'he says cooing at me well is not true to get were I am now I didnt eat no junk food or anything with fat and stuff but eating out once in a while is nothing bad and I planned on using the gym in our house daily to keep my shape fit.

'Shut uo and just order'I tell him. After we got our food we went to si down it was Ryder and Erika in one side and me and Alex in the other side whoever sees us might think we are in a double date but that will never happend.

' So Val how was your love life in Bording school?'asked Erika ' Well nothing serious just a cople dates guys nothing that really matter' I tell her 'Is ok if you dont  want to tell me every detail you can tell me when we dont have all the guys here'she tell me and I just laughted ' Ok how about we talk about something else I really dont want to know the things my baby sister was doing with guys' My brother says. Well is true I really didnt get into anything to serious things did happend that I would want to forget about but you cant go back and change does thing so Ill just keep going with my life like nothing happended.

 'Val did you hear what I said?' Ryder ask 'No sorry I dozed off what was it' I asked 'I was just wondering if you wanted to head to our beach house next week me erika you and Alex' he said 'Yeah sure sounds like fun I havent been there in forever and I could really use a nice tan right now' I said ' Well is set next week we head to the beach house and have the best summer ever@'My brother says well lets see.

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