Sunset Shimmer The Journey of...

By Grantell

3.9K 101 62

After the events in the human world. Sunset has now returned to Equestria. Now she is trying to find her plac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

338 11 0
By Grantell

The morning sun came and with it a new day. Sunset awoke from her sleep, finding that she wished to hear the rest of the story. As she left her room she went across the hall and nocked on Silver's door. No answer. "Maybe he is still asleep. He is a night pony." She thought to herself. "Well maybe I will go and get something to eat. I'm sure he will finish his story later." She headed down to the dining hall once more for breakfast and to see her teacher.

When she got their, to her surprise, not only was Celestia and Luna their, but so was Twilight, Spike, and Silver.
"Hey sleepy!" Silver said with a joking tone.
"I would have thought you were still asleep?" She said confused.
"I get that a lot. I don't sleep much. Never have. Come and join us." He thought it kind of fun to pick on somepony for the first time in a while.
She shook her head in shock. "Hello Twilight." She greeted her friend who was having a small laugh with Spike at the back and forth from the two.

"Hello Sunset. How have you been doing?" She asked her dear friend. "I heard you are readjusting to pony life well."
"For the most part. Still a little lost because so much changes sense I left." No sooner did she finish she got a look from Silver.
"Sounds like somepony has a story to tell me now?" He said with a questioning tone.
"Oh it's not that big a deal." Sunset tried to brush it off due to the fact she didn't really want to talk about it.
"Oh it's not?" Came Spike. But before Twilight could stop him he continued. "So it's not big deal that you had traveled to a world where you walked on 2 "legs". You became a demon planing to take over Equestria. Learned what friends were. Battled three sirens."

"SPIKE!" Came across from the table, and startled the little dragon. It was Silver. "She said it was not a big deal. That meant she did not want to talk about it, so stop. If she wants to talk about it at some point that is her choice. Besides, I am sure there is more to the story than you are telling. After all, it is "her" story."
This took Sunset back a little. Here, a pony she had never met before was standing up for her. He didn't have any reason to, but he did.
"If you ever wish to tell me your story I'm always open." Silver told her trying to reassure her. "To me it does sound like an interesting story after all."
"Well that was an eventful morning." Twilight spoke up. "Silver I would love to hear more about the town you were telling us about. Would you be willing to stop by my castle while your in the area?"
"Sure Princess Twi." He responded. "I'm sure I will be here for a bit. Need to go see Iron Sight and have him recalibrate my wing before I head out. I'm headed their after breakfast. I'm sure I will get an earful. Hahaha". He laughed knowing how he would react to the damage to the wing he had. "Now if you will excuse me I shall be on my way." He excused himself and left.

"So Sunset, did you two talk anymore last night?" Celestia inquired after he left the hall.
"Yes we did. He told me how he lost his wing." She said while thinking about all that happened in just this short time. "He seems so upbeat for a pony who had once lost his way. How can that be?"
"Truthfully young Sunset, that is how he has always been." Princess Luna answered her question. "Even after losing everything, he did not chose to think about what he cannot do, but instead on what he can."
This resonated some with her. Ever sense she got back, all she thought about was the bad things she had done or caused. Not about the good.
"And in the short time I have known him. He always has been willing to aid anypony in need." Twilight added in.
"If you will excuse me. I need to do something." Sunset left the dining hall to go and think on a few things.

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