Mute {KH/FF FanFiction} (Fini...

By yunru28

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In your past home you were abused, depressed, anorexic, you self harmed... Everything was going to hell after... More

Chapter I: Hush
Chapter II: No Reply
Chapter III: Gentle
Chapter IV: Party
Chapter V: School
Chapter VI: Speak
Chapter VII: Date
Chapter VIII: Drug
Chapter IX: Recovery
Chapter X: Argument
Chapter XI: Dismissal
Chapter XII: Night
Chapter XIII: Mystery
Chapter XIV: Park
Chapter XV: Science
Chapter XVII: Story
Chapter XVIII: Idea
Chapter XIX: Invite
Chapter XX: Carnival
Chapter XXI: Kidnap
Chapter XXII: Condemn
Chapter XXIII: Snow
Chapter XXIV: Snowball
Chapter XXV: Change
Chapter XXVI: Adopted
Chapter XXVII: Decoration
Chapter XXVIII: Disconcernment
Chapter XXIX: Christmas
Chapter XXX: End

Chapter XVI: Movie

1.1K 52 16
By yunru28

The rest of the school day went by rather quickly as if time knew you just wanted to be done with it. As soon as the last bell rang you immediately jumped the seat from your last period class and dashed out the door. You were hoping to wait in your usual spot for the brothers before Seifer found you. You didn't feel like dealing with him right now. You didn't need another Larxene in your life.

You were speed walking down the hallway, ignoring the strange looks people were giving you for being in such a hurry. However when you caught a glimpse of a scene you halted in your tracks and turned to get a better view.

There Seifer was, pinning Roxas up against a wall. Roxas seemed helpless as Seifer was snickering and using all his strength to keep the small boy in place. Roxas looked like a terrified child. He didn't even move as fear stopped him from struggling too much.

"I know you like her, loser." Seifer growled. "So do your best to stay out of my way. I've called dibs and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Tell that to the other guys who like her!" Roxas snapped.

Seifer' eyes narrowed and he lifted a fist to teach Roxas a lesson, but that's when you ran to your friends aid and shoved Seifer away from him. Seifer gasped with surprise and stumbled to the ground, obviously not expecting anyone to stand up to him. Roxas looked at you with wide eyes as he panted heavily.

"{Y/N} what the hell?!" Roxas asked in surprise. "You helped me?"

Seifer stood up from the ground and brushed the dirt from his white clothing. "I didn't think you'd have it in you to defend your friends." Seifer commented. "You're just so small, who knew you had that secret strength in you?"

You shot Seifer a glare and grabbed a hold of Roxas' hand. Without a word you dragged Roxas away from the scene of the crime. You could feel the embarrassment coming from Roxas as the two of you made your way to the front of the school. When Sora saw you approaching him, you released Roxas' hand and skipped towards the hyper boy and smiling.

"Wanna have a movie night?" Sora asked. "Mom and dad are gonna be home and they texted me saying they were gonna buy food and we can have a mini party!"

"I'm down." Roxas nodded as he looked over at you. "Let's just not overwhelm {Y/N} okay?"

You shook your head and pouted. "I'll be fine. If not I'll go to my room." You told him as you stuck out your tongue.

"I heard party? What party?" Ven showed up behind his brother with Kairi and Namine walking along with him.

Sora explained the situation again and the girls both squealed with excitement. "Lets watch a horror movie!" Kairi suggested.

Vanitas shot her a look. "We have a girl with anxiety." He pointed out as his eyes rested in your direction.

You gave him a cold stare. "I said I'll go to my room if I'm not comfortable." You rolled your eyes before crossing your arms. "I'm stupid and sensitive yes but I'm not a baby."

Just as Riku and Axel were finally joining the discussing, you saw Axel cup his hands around his mouth and shouted, "DAMNNN tell him girl!"

"Then its settled! A horror movie party it is!" Sora jumped up and down before taking your hand and urging you to hurry home so you could prepare. With a smile you followed him out the school doors and left Vanitas to follow.

As soon as you got home you changed out of your uniform in more casual clothing, in which you decided to wear black sweatpants and a T-Shirt. You were staying home so what's the point in being fancy? After all you were just going to be eating and watching movies. Even though you knew Kairi was going to dress nicely like usual. While you were pulling your shirt on you heard Vanitas yell at Sora to get out of the room so he could change himself.

You tossed your uniform to the side of your room and made your way back downstairs. Aerith and Zack were not home yet, so you assumed they were out getting supplies. You laid down on  the couch and waited for the boys to come downstairs so you all could discuss what exactly was going on. Only for a few moments you stared at the ceiling before you heard Sora come running down the stairs. He peeked over the couch and you playfully threw a pillow at his face. He laughed as you sat up so he could sit down.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Sora said while he bounced on the couch. "Mom and dad are the best!"

'I wish my parents were the best.' You thought to yourself as you looked away. It was only for a split second before you looked at Sora again and put on a fake smile.

"They're cool." You agreed.

Right on cue, front door opened and Aerith came in with a bunch of groceries in hand while Zack had opened the door for her. She placed the bags on the kitchen table while Zack walked over to his son and ruffled his hair.

"Think of this party as an apology for working a lot lately." He said. "Bad guys get injured so I have to deal with them, then your mom has to fix them up."

Aerith kissed the top of Sora's head before she approached you and did the same. You looked at her with surprise as she giggled.

"Now where's my other child? I miss him too." She looked at you and winked before walking up the stairs to greet her oldest son.

Was she hinting that she considered you as her own daughter? It made you relieved that you weren't considered just a foster kid with a broken past, but you didn't expect anyone to accept you as part of their family. You couldn't help but smile while Vanitas and his mother were coming back down the stairs. He helped with the groceries and stayed in the kitchen with his mother while Zack had decided to go to his room and take a quick nap before the kids arrived. You were a little anxious for this so-called 'party.' You've never seen a horror movie before, even though you've already experienced a horror movie in real life. How did they create a horror movie? What was involved?

Just then someone had knocked on the door and Sora immediately jump up to answer it. You could just barely see Riku while Sora was jumping up and down.

"Riku you're early! But come in!"

Riku rolled his eyes."You were never specific about the time it starts." He pointed out. "Also it's nice to see you again {Y/N}."

You nodded your response as Aerith called for her youngest child to help prepare the food. Sora obeyed and went to the kitchen while Riku approached you.

"Can I see your room?" He asked. "I want to see what they did with it since they forced Sora and Vanitas to share a room."

You giggled and agreed while leading him up the stairs to give him just a small tour of your simple room. He walked inside and took a quick look around, nodding while he did so.

"It's very plain." He said as he turned to you. "But once you show your colors I'm sure they'll let you decorate it."

"I don't mind it being boring." You admitted as you walked over to your bed and sat down. "It's calming in a way. There's not too much going on."

Riku sat down beside you before grabbing your hand and squeezing it tightly. "How are you holding up? Have you been feeling alright lately?"

You assumed he was talking about the day your dad pulled you out of school. Of course that was an awful day for you, but with the help of your friends you were holding up just fine. You were just so glad to have Riku and everyone in your life to help you and support you. You couldn't ask for much more.

"Everyone helps out." You told him while you looked down at your feet. "You guys are the reason I'm happy."

Riku slipped a finger underneath your chin and lifted your head so you would look at him. You felt your face get hot with embarrassment when you made eye contact with him.

"We all just want you to be happy..." Riku whispered. You could tell he was nervous for he seemed to hesitate to continue his plan of flirting with you. For a split second he gave you a kiss on the lips before he quickly jumped off the bed and made his way down the stairs. You pressed your fingers to your lips in shock, but you were quite amused as well. For a guy who wanted to kiss you he certainly couldn't have ran away quick enough. You followed him down the stairs just in time to see Vanitas setting plates on the table and pouring chips into bowls. He looked at you and told you to come over there, in which you complied.

As you were walking over to help Vanitas, you noticed that Riku was talking to Sora and you also noticed how red his face was. Sora didn't seem to care since he just blabbed on and on without even thinking twice about Riku's red face. You watched with amusement before helping set up.

It only took about fifteen minutes to get everything ready. Chips were poured into bowls, ham, roast beef, and turkey sandwiches were placed and ready to be eaten, popcorn had also been made along with a good selection of sodas on the counter. Once all your friends finally showed up it was time to start. Axel, Ventus, Roxas, Kairi, and Namine were all finally here.

"Zack and I will be around if you need us." Aerith told everyone. "Otherwise have fun!"

Everyone dug into the food while Vanitas was getting their T.V. set up and choosing a movie to watch. You grabbed a {sandwich choice here} and {chip and drink choice here} and put them all onto your plate before sitting down on the couch and watching Vanitas finish setting things up. You saw Riku walk in front of you before sitting himself down beside you and he gave you a sheepish smile. Playfully you took a chip from his plate and ate it before turning your attention to the others who were filing into the living room and finding a place to sit down.

"So what movie?" Vanitas asked as he pulled out some DVD's. "Woman in black? The Visit? Or if you wanna go to the classics and watch Friday The Thirteenth?"

"Woman in black has Daniel Radcliffe though." Kairi pointed out as she sat down in front of you on the floor.

"What about Frozen?" Ven suggested with a chuckle. "That's a horror movie itself."

"Is not!" Namine huffed as she threw a chip at the twin, in which he responded by catching it and eating it.

"Woman In Black it is since no one seems to have another opinion." Vanitas prepared the movie and went to find a place to sit.

You, Riku, Sora and Vanitas sat on the couch, while Kairi, Namine, Axel, Roxas and Ven all sat on the floor with pillows and blankets to keep them comfortable. You didn't know what to expect from this movie, and as you watched the beginning you didn't quite understand what was suppose to make it "scary". There was the creaking of floors and doors, and once in a while and woman stood in the corner of some cut scenes, but it wasn't anything too creepy in your opinion. Your heart did race a bit when something would pop out with the loud music to create more tension, but other than that the movie wasn't so bad. You noticed that Vanitas would glance in your direction often to see if you were okay, but you ignored him because you felt like you were just fine.

In the middle of the movie you felt Riku's arm drape over your shoulders, in which you didn't do anything about it. It was sort of comforting and you were just a sucker for comfort. He even shifted to be a little closer to you, despite the fact he was probably still embarrassed from that kiss earlier. You smiled a bit and kept your eyes fixed on the movie.

This is the kind of thing you needed. Just spending time with friends.

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