The Dark Lord Rises

Por soramaster

41 1 2

Not along after he had formed the Seekers did Andy Fritz start to have nightmares about the night being swall... Más

Red River
what lies beneath
Sorrow falls
Lost in the waters
Scarecrows march to the sea
Put me back together!


7 0 0
Por soramaster

It's only been a few months since this little group was formed. Since then there was a lot of debate about what our headquarters should be, as of right now it's still up for debate but we've settled on the White Emerald Seekers, that is the name we have chosen, there are three leaders Tyson Trent, Me, and Link.

Link, unbelievably won the election for the three leaders. All of the votes were for either me or Tyson, there was only one vote for Link. I still can't trust him, not after all he has done.

"Hey Andy I see you've finally removed that silly bandage over your left eye." Tyson said striding over to me.

I glanced up at the blonde sixteen year old coming towards me. Tyson always had the look of a trickster on him, but out of everyone he's the one that I truly trust.

"Yeah, I'm finally starting to learn some control." I replied "You seen that trouble maker around here somewhere?"
"Link? No, I expect that he's still with Crow and knowing Crow he's giving Link Hell." Tyson replied.
I sighed, "My only hope is that nothing of that magnitude will ever happen again."

my communicater began to beep. I picked it out of my pocket. On the other side was Pikagirl, she's only been with the Seekers for a few weeks but she has proven herself far more trustworthy than Link.

"Andy, I got a message from Crow saying that Link is still on probation. What's that about?" she scoffed.
"He did something he shouldn't have, so we've decided to stick him in a room with Crow for a few months. we've asked crow to ' take good care of him" I said.

"Don't you think that's a bit rough on him?" she asked.

Tyson snatched my communicater and replied "Well what would you do if someone was the reason some villain almost ENDED THE WORLD!"

"What!?" Pikagirl gasped.

I explained everything to her and when I had finished she stayed quite. I couldn't tell what she was thinking about saying, was there even a response to what I just said? she spoke up without pity, without remorse, only coldness in her voice.

"Tell Crow to punch him for me." Pikagirl growled and hung up.

I sighed and felt something hit my heart. I knew what it was, Shadows Edge. I've been at war with myself since the Seekers were formed, I wanted to lash out at Link and I wasn't the only one who wanted to do so. It was all of us except Grace who hadnt wanted to hit Link. For some reason she didn't want to see him get hurt, she said she would accept any consequence for going against the leaders as long as Link was shown some mercy . Unfortunately we decided to agree and it was only Crow who hit Link instead of all of us.

With my heart confused it was Shadows Edge that kept reminding me of the real world. Still I always felt nervous about Shadows edge and now that it started doing this, I'm even more nervous about it.  I'm torn apart between the two.

sun was falling behind the horizon  "Tyson, Im turning in for the day."
"I'll work with the White Emerald for a few hours and then I'll turn in too". I nodded and headed off to the lower deck of the ship and drifted to sleep down there.

I was gazing at the world from a tall mountain, the wind roaring in my ear. I was only able to watch as the night was being torn apart by the chaos beneath the ground, Empty. I was unable to move as I saw the Empty coming closer to me, their tainted claws reaching out to me.  I felt fear rising in my chest.
suddenly I hear the flapping of wings. I looked in awe as a God like figure descended from the sky and shot a ray of pure black at the Empty. The Empty were chased away by the darkness that the God had summoned.

The God had the body of a seventeen year old boy, he wore black pants, black jacket, and black shoes. His skin was so pale that it looked as if it had never seen the sun before, His hair was long and unruly, brown was it's color. he wore sunglasses that covered his eyes.

The God turned to me "Ruler of Darkness, with your heart shattered past is coming to the present. Head to Nightingale village at the island of the full moon to reclaim the night."

" who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Johnnymaster."


heyooo its ya gurl LE EDITOR Im gonna be editing this story too so yeeeeee

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