Sorrow falls

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When the sun began to rise over the horizon was when Red decided to wake up.  He acted as if he never did fall asleep, he still looked tired and depressed and he still spoke the same way. When Tyson asked Red what was wrong Red replied saying nothing was wrong.

"I am fine." he said.

Tyson knew further protests were to no avail so he gave up.

We all walked out into the daylight and saw that it was a cloudy day. There was no one outside, except for me, Red, Tyson, Recon, and Pikagirl. There was silence all around us as we simply stood there, not knowing what to do.

" Hey Red, is there anything we can do to stop the Empty that are here?" I asked.

Red thought about it and then he whispered softly "Dawn comes to banish the night
Dusk comes to banish the day
Midday arrives and all is hidden
Midnight arrives and all is revealed
Like madness and pride they clash
With silence and death they fall."

I felt all of time slowing around me as the words flowed from Reds mouth. At the last word time was completely still but I was able to move around in the time void. I felt cold in the time void, everything even heat seemed to be frozen.

".......Welcome back Dark Lord." Dox said.

I looked behind me to see Para and Dox standing there. Para seemed sad and sleepy while Dox seemed angry and wide awake. Everything around the two seemed to wilt away from them, as if they were afraid of the two siblings.

" What happened? " I asked.

" .....Worry not,..... we were summoned by Red River." Dox said.

"Red?" I asked.

Para nodded.

"What about Red?" I asked.

"....That lad is.... more important than you can ever imagine."

I decided not to press on that any further for the time being "About the Empty that are here, is there anyway we can stop them from spreading?" I asked.

Para looked at her brother and whispered something to him. Dox seemed to trust what Para had said and he turned to me. He said that to stop the Empty that are here I must put up a veil of darkness over the land. The Empty can live only in the light, they are terrified of the dark and the secrets it keeps hidden.

I told them that I do not have full control of my powers and I lose control if I over stimulate myself. They showed some signs of worry but after a while said that Red will help me. They told me to head to the top Mount Blood, the highest point of the island, and to use the spell then.

"....Beware of the God,Johnnymaster, ....he is enshrined in the mountain and.... will attack all who disturb his rest."Dox warned.

Time began to flow again and the ParaDox siblings disappeared into the sky. I turned to the group and told them of where we needed to go.

" Mount Blood eh? Sounds like a great adventure!" Pikagirl exclaimed.

" it'll be a nice break from everything else I've been doing." Recon said.

"An ancient God huh, sounds like something a fool would attempt." Tyson said "Let's go."

The Dark Lord RisesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon